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2 questions



1. best warframe for solo? Exca he can run thro enemies easy ? rhino tanking everything on the way ?

2. where to rank up fast ? ahahahaha yea exp is easy and everything but you guys are all at 30 with all at 30 ...? solo gives more exp or something ?...

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1. Excalibur. Easy to use abilities, very efficient first-ability, and overall jack-of-all-tradin' hardworkin' Real Man's Man

2. Tolstoj. (IMO)

Solo gives arguably more XP, since XP (or actually, Affinity) is granted upon kills. So your kill count will be greater if you go solo. But then again, co-op makes your runs faster if your squad is competent. But there's no fixed rule that gives more or less to whatever gameplay choice you favor.

Also, if possible, use affinity boosters while ranking. They are worth their price.

Edited by ruivoml
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1. Loki - no damage skills, but a lot of panic buttons which make all situations pretty trivial. If you wanna solo farm bosses in a failproof way, hes the way to go.

2. For new frames i go to Ceres - Ludi. Its an exterminate mission which makes it pretty controlled with 30~ lvl enemies so solid loot and xp. Also alloy plate.

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1. Loki - no damage skills, but a lot of panic buttons which make all situations pretty trivial. If you wanna solo farm bosses in a failproof way, hes the way to go.

2. For new frames i go to Ceres - Ludi. Its an exterminate mission which makes it pretty controlled with 30~ lvl enemies so solid loot and xp. Also alloy plate.

I'll argue you (respectfully).

Loki has greater survivability because of the panic buttons, but since he has no damange abilities it means your average solo run will take longer to finish. He is also very much more fragile at the unranked level since you don't have access to his abilities at an effective level yet.

I agree with your number 2. But i disagree if you're starting in the game, since it means you are far from even having access to Ceres, much less being able to confidently running Ludi with any level of effectiveness. Tolstoj gives, with affinity booster, an average of 45.000 Affinity total and takes around 20 to 25 minutes to complete. It's also right there in Mercury.

For a level 10~13 Excal with good guns (so no MK1-brats and no sicaruses) that match your rank, Tolstoj is already farmable at the rates mentioned above.

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It would help if you said which warframes you had available.

Loki is a great frame for quick runs, but for slow, methodical games a tougher frame is preferable. Excal or Rhino would do fine, though the former is more balanced with offensive attacks. Use a Rhino if you up the difficulty by choosing higher leveled zones, you will enjoy his survivability (if built correctly)

For new players, go to the one infestation level on mercury to get the most amount enemies to deal with at once. Infestation is really easy to deal with since they don't have ranged capabilities like Grineer. Just find a good camping spot and away you go.

If you are strong enough, a boss level might also be good. Extermination missions are also a go-to.

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It would help if you said which warframes you had available.

Loki is a great frame for quick runs, but for slow, methodical games a tougher frame is preferable. Excal or Rhino would do fine, though the former is more balanced with offensive attacks. Use a Rhino if you up the difficulty by choosing higher leveled zones, you will enjoy his survivability (if built correctly)

For new players, go to the one infestation level on mercury to get the most amount enemies to deal with at once. Infestation is really easy to deal with since they don't have ranged capabilities like Grineer. Just find a good camping spot and away you go.

If you are strong enough, a boss level might also be good. Extermination missions are also a go-to.

Agreed with everything you said, but do you really think its wise for new players to tackle infested that are the same rank as they are? They are quite counter-intuitive regarding everything the player learned up to that point, and learning to properly deal with the new infected might take a few of the starter abilities with some extra oomph. Or at least a lot of patience, which would ruin the efficiency of affinity grinding.

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Well sure, i agree in a sense that both Excali and Loki are good solo picks. Its a matter of preference. What i like about Loki is once you get invis 2-3 you just run up to a boss, press 2, unload till it dies. From what i have seen and tried its the safest possible way to farm bosses. Less effective than dps frames for getting to them, but you are certain you wont need revives to kill bosses :)

As the second point. Well if he doesnt have all planets unlocked then its pretty clear what to do to level up frames, since you want access to alerts.

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Agreed with everything you said, but do you really think its wise for new players to tackle infested that are the same rank as they are? They are quite counter-intuitive regarding everything the player learned up to that point, and learning to properly deal with the new infected might take a few of the starter abilities with some extra oomph. Or at least a lot of patience, which would ruin the efficiency of affinity grinding.

Not really, infected are quite easy. Its better for them to learn it sooner rather than later and not shy from a level just because of a different enemy. Get up on a crate, watch for jumpers, and they will pose no serious threat. It's going to be slow going anyway if you want to find all loot and kill all enemies, might as well maximize your enemy count.

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Thanks guys... i will try out the ceres ( btw i dont have it i will rank up getting to it lol... hahaha..) i dont like much the Loki, i have the prime its fine for solo bu like my Rhino is low lvl (just got it ) i want ot rank it up, thanks again for advices ^^"

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I'll argue you (respectfully).

Loki has greater survivability because of the panic buttons, but since he has no damange abilities it means your average solo run will take longer to finish. He is also very much more fragile at the unranked level since you don't have access to his abilities at an effective level yet.

Any solo run that doesnt require to kill everything is easy since all you can do is drop decoys or invis which are his first two abilities.

And this is basically what i did with him, instead of trying to kill everything all i did was open up a whole map then later played with other people.

Essentially you could do this with most frames too.

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1: If you have the Energy Siphon artifact, Rhino with some power efficiency mods is pretty ridiculous for soloing. Long story short, you can pretty much have iron skin up indefinitely. Truth is you can get them all to work. I like Ember for infested levels, Excal for pretty much everything else (with power range mods to abuse the mobility of slash dash).

2: Generally speaking, Jacakl boss isn't too hard, gives lots of XP. Some defense missions are fantastic for this as well, but I tend to use those for mod farming.

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Seems to me that Nyx would be a great solo warframe, it can reduce it's aggro a bit with the 1st ability or completelly with the 3rd. It can deal some damage with the 2nd ability and the 4th ability turns incoming damage on the enemies wich sounds pretty effective when you are the only player they can hit.

I'm guessing it has low health and shield though, so you'd need to be careful.

I wonder if you get the exp when you control an enemy or when the enemis fight each other.

Does anyone here know the answer?

Edited by CubedOobleck
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For a level 10~13 Excal with good guns (so no MK1-brats and no sicaruses) that match your rank, Tolstoj is already farmable at the rates mentioned above.

Oh dang. Are you saying that Sicarus is a bad gun? I just bought it, but haven't used it yet. Did I just waste my money? The only pistol I have is Lato, so Sicarus seemed to be a good buy.

Edited by MoccaSensei
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Oh dang. Are you saying that Sicarus is a bad gun? I just bought it, but haven't used it yet. Did I just waste my money? The only pistol I have is Lato, so Sicarus seemed to be a good buy.

transform the lato in a Bolto best deal you will get i have a Sicarus its a good gun every one hates it dont know why lol...

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1: If you have the Energy Siphon artifact, Rhino with some power efficiency mods is pretty ridiculous for soloing. Long story short, you can pretty much have iron skin up indefinitely. Truth is you can get them all to work. I like Ember for infested levels, Excal for pretty much everything else (with power range mods to abuse the mobility of slash dash).

2: Generally speaking, Jacakl boss isn't too hard, gives lots of XP. Some defense missions are fantastic for this as well, but I tend to use those for mod farming.

i dont have the energy siphon artifact actually i have only 3 i started a few days ago :/

yea im doing that Slash dash thro map just LOLING its like "they see me passing,their hating (and dying ) " hahahah

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Seems to me that Nyx would be a great solo warframe, it can reduce it's aggro a bit with the 1st ability or completelly with the 3rd. It can deal some damage with the 2nd ability and the 4th ability turns incoming damage on the enemies wich sounds pretty effective when you are the only player they can hit.

I'm guessing it has low health and shield though, so you'd need to be careful.

I wonder if you get the exp when you control an enemy or when the enemis fight each other.

Does anyone here know the answer?

Nyx in theory would be, but he has countless bugs and needs fixing, including, the fact that no, you do not get XP when an enemy you control kills another enemy. Please see these threads for some insight into the current state of Nyx. The developers are aware, and will fix the warframe, but as it stands right now, it is sub-par.



Oh dang. Are you saying that Sicarus is a bad gun? I just bought it, but haven't used it yet. Did I just waste my money? The only pistol I have is Lato, so Sicarus seemed to be a good buy.

The Sicarus was the first pistol I purchased when I was able to upgrade from my Lato. Let me assure you - it is a good gun, much better than the Lato! However, its novelty pales in comparison to other pistols (Aklato, Bolto, even Lex) for a variety of reasons. I enjoy my Sicarus, but my Aklato is a vastly superior weapon. However, you don't need to click as much with Sicarus, so it won't break your mouse as fast, haha. I find it fun regardless. With armor pen mods, you can do a triple-shot burst a Corpus crewman's head, get through their armor, and usually kill them in one burst! And mine isn't even very high level! :)

i dont have the energy siphon artifact actually i have only 3 i started a few days ago :/

yea im doing that Slash dash thro map just LOLING its like "they see me passing,their hating (and dying ) " hahahah

Ah, it's okay. Slash Dash is still a very strong ability. But it's even stronger with regenerating/theoretically infinite energy, lol. With Power Range mods, Slash Dash's distance increases, maybe carry you twice or three times as far with one Slash! Very strong ability. :D

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Oh dang. Are you saying that Sicarus is a bad gun?

Well.. it's not a bad gun, but it's simply a step up from the Lato, as most people already said here. Probably by the time you get to Tolstoj, clear it and get confident enough to re-run it time and again you should be able to afford either the aklato or the Lex. Personally, having both, i prefer the Lex. The aklato is a complement to a slow-firing precision long-gun such as latron or snipertron, neither of which you'll have anytime soon (considering the need to rank them some and add mods and stuff), or even to a shotgun such as the Boar.

But like i said, i prefer the Lex because right at unranked that gun is already a beast. You'll be one-headshotting grineers like they're made out of paper mache, and with some AP mods you'll be doing the same to the corpus crewmen (Without AP you can't headshot crewmen).

FULL power with power range mods hes great, can deal with Waves and waves of monster easy, but he cant do sht against infestation now

Wait. Do you mean the Frame Volt or the Chevy Volt?

The Sicarus was the first pistol I purchased when I was able to upgrade from my Lato. Let me assure you - it is a good gun, much better than the Lato! However, its novelty pales in comparison to other pistols (Aklato, Bolto, even Lex) for a variety of reasons. I enjoy my Sicarus, but my Aklato is a vastly superior weapon. However, you don't need to click as much with Sicarus, so it won't break your mouse as fast, haha. I find it fun regardless. With armor pen mods, you can do a triple-shot burst a Corpus crewman's head, get through their armor, and usually kill them in one burst! And mine isn't even very high level! :)

What this guy says is pretty much true. Still, save up some creds and go with the Lex. Aklato is a fun weapon, but it eats through ammo like crazy and like i said it serves as a complement to a limited range of long-guns. Lex, however, serves as a complement to a much higher number of long-guns and melee weapons. It's the full package, in my opinion.

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What guns would you guys suggest for a solo run on Saturn's Boss? There's been too few people trying to run it but I can't deal with that damned General solo since he's so tanky and I still don't have any reactors to buff my Excalibur even though it's 30 already.

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What guns would you guys suggest for a solo run on Saturn's Boss? There's been too few people trying to run it but I can't deal with that damned General solo since he's so tanky and I still don't have any reactors to buff my Excalibur even though it's 30 already.

Gorgon + rifle ammo boxes in your consumable slots.

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If your not feeling confident and do not feel like dieing alot, the safest, easiest, quickest way to level would be any and all defense missions mainly the first one on Mecury. If your a good shot and can take out small objects like the little robots that create shields you could do a corpus Defense mission as well, at least the enemies die quicker. Just a small suggestion, and if your really good at doing the boss missions it is great and all, but Vol can become a nightmare and kill you alot if he gets close, and Jackal has some kind of one hit kill attack(I was never able to look at it directly to see exactly what it does).

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