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Dojo: The Ability to Organize the Rooms in our Dojos is Needed


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Introduction: The Issue

Greetings fellow Tenno and hopefully the eyes of a developer! (:heart:Hi Space Mom:heart:)

I'm fairly certain that many veteran and new players of Warframe can agree that they have either come across or currently are a part of a Clan with huge sprawling Dojos with endless rooms, connectors, and labs, many of which are in areas that are more-or-less convenient. With Update 22.16.0 Shrine of the Eidolon, we got a massive decoration expansion for our Dojos. However, with this, we do need a way to re-organize our rooms.

So far, the only real way to move rooms around is to deconstruct them and then build them at the new desired area. This method takes huge amounts of time and resources. From browsing many forums including here and Reddit, many players don't even deal with their disarrayed Dojo Rooms anymore, as rooms are everywhere and its not worth it to destroy and rebuild. On top of that, given that there are room dependencies, its much harder to do. As an example, say if I wanted to move the Oracle room to a new location to open up for room in a certain area, I wouldn't be able to do it, as all the Research Labs depend on that room, which means that in order to move that room, we have to deconstruct the labs as well. Or if I want to replace a Cross Connector with a garden to give the Dojo some variety, I wouldn't be able to do so as the rooms connected to the Cross Connector are dependents. Some might say that Dojo builders should've thought of this in the first place, making sure that what we are putting there is exactly what we want; however, many Dojos, including mine, were built for research labs during a time where we were just starting out. We thought of getting the labs open first, then gather resources to decorate. This led to labyrinths of rooms everywhere, almost impossible to clean up with the current system.

What I request is a new feature/method to re-organize or Dojos. There is one game that I would like us to take a look at that has a similar feature that could very well help us. And as a warning, I am so sorry I chose this game, as I can't really think of any other game that has such a feature and is so well known by everybody, a good majority has touched it at least once:

Clash of Clans (I am ashamed, thank you.)

In Clash, there is an option to re-organize your entire village by pick up all build-able structures and putting them into a temporary inventory for you to place down again. Players are unable to exit out of the mode until all their buildings have been placed down again. Once players are finished, the new layout would be applied and players can continue on as normal. This allows players to easily change the layout of their village for whatever reason: from creating better layouts for defense to making a middle-finger formation out of walls as a message to those raiding them (I do not endorse the act of making middle fingers formations out of decorations in Warframe). 

Execution: How we can fix this

A feature like this is greatly needed in Warframe. The end of sprawling Dojo Mazes will be replaced by perfectly organized Dojos worthy of Space Mom herself. Of course, I'm not just gonna throw the idea out there without some information on how it should be accomplished. Personally, this is how I think it should be done (I apologize in advance for my horrible Microsoft Paint skills).

1) First, only the Leader/Owner of the Clan has the ability to do this. I feel like its the Leader's responsibility to do this and giving this ability to others who are of the same rank (as players can be promoted to the highest rank as well) is a little risky, just in case Jacob, the 12 year old brother of the loving Clan leader, accidentally moves the Tenno Research Lab to that ugly garden the Clan made just for him that just so happens to be on the other side of the Dojo because Jacob likes the shiny Zephyr inside. Of course, open to debate.

2) Second, a warning is needed. Obviously, or someone will complain about it.

3) No other players are in the Dojo. The Dojo must be completely void of players except for the Leader. If players try to join the Dojo, they will be told that the layout is being edited and to come back later. I don't think players should be kicked from the Dojo just in case a trade is going on and/or someone is putting resources into research. The Leader will have to manually request players to leave and wait until they all do so.

It should look like this:




Next, players will be greeted by a menu somewhat like this. It will be an overview map from above showing the current layout of the Dojo and all the rooms. If there are multiple levels, it will show the current level that the player is on. Rooms with entrances that have not been used will display a dotted out box showing that a room is possible there, according to size available. Options to pick up all the rooms in the Dojo, see the current inventory of all Dojo rooms not placed down, moving to level to level, will be there. 

Now I dont know how DE will handle decorations, as decorations are place-able in Dojos by players. What I reckon is that by picking up a room(s), all decorations will be placed into the Dojo Vault, and to get them back, you simply press on the Decorate option, and items that you have already built will be available to place without construction cost.

Here's how the menus might look:

When editing layout, spaces where rooms can be moved to will be highlighted with S for small, M for medium, or L for Large, given on the size of the room.
Example: A reactor is a small room. A Normal Garden is a medium room. The Observatory is a large room.



When all rooms are placed and the player presses Confirm Layout, the highlighted areas are removed, a message comes up saying the layout change was successful, and after pressing okay, the player will be booted to the loading screen and put back into the Dojo. Players will be able to join and use the Dojo again.



Conclusion: I spent too much time making this and now I'm hungry

And that's about it! I really hope people actually see this thread and bump it up for others to see. I feel like it would be a great addition to the Dojo part of the Game, and would really give players the ability to fully flush out their Dojos! Thank you all for spending minutes of your life reading this, I really hope this gets attention and be well worth it!



Space Mom's Biggest Fan



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honestly the current child-parent room system is a mess, there is no way to preview the layout (in-game) of a dojo before construction.


perhaps a design mode could be implemented using the same cephelographic system as used on the relays, this way we could add, adjust and decorate the dojo without changing the real one and the total costs shown on the side of the screen, once your happy with the desired layout it could be saved as a 2d template image so that you can refer to it later during the building/adjusting of the real dojo.


or even just a design table in the dojo that uses a system similar to this, only it would be in-game.


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I'm all for this.  Sign me up right away.  I'm currently in the process of breaking down our dojo back to square one YET AGAIN because of the whole "parent/child" connection mess.  It makes little conceivable reason to me why I have to delete so many damn rooms to get rid of one elevator when there are 2 elevators to that floor present and no loop issues.

And seriously TWO HOURS MAN, TWO @$@#% HOURS to break down ONE COMPONENT/ROOM?! HUH?!

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Just gonna leave this here. Much requested change. I have a super old thread on it, as well.

I would also like the Vault to not be an ethereal concept. Make it a storage system. Dojo construction UI will be a menu listing rooms and objects that can be crafted. Construction can be queued, but next item in queue will not begin building unless vault contains enough resources to complete it. Treasurers can reorder queue and cancel items for full refund. Any player with the appropriate privilege can contribute resources directly to the vault to fund construction. Items in vault can be viewed by anyone, and dismantled by Treasurers. These changes, combined with the room placement overhaul in that thread, will make dojos exactly what they were born to be.

Edit: Clarification: under my suggestion, items will be crafted to the vault directly, whereupon they can be placed. The current placement>construction system would still exist, but be rebranded as a "preview". Construction of items in this manner would move the items to the end of the construction queue. Further clarification: all items in the queue can be crafting simultaneously, similarly to the foundry. The advantage of a queue is constructing multiples of the same item simultaneously.

Edited by (PS4)BlitzKeir
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Yes, being able to reorganize the dojo would be extremely helpful. And while we're at it, can DE please remove the arbitrary 100 room limit? It vaguely made sense when Dojos were client based but now they arent. And if they want a cap on building, there already IS a hard cap coded into the game in the sense of the capacity, which has a maximum amount you can get. It's frustrating to be building stuff, have over 250 capacity remaining, and then hit that 100 room limit and be unable to build anything anywhere.

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