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Riven MR level


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So you manage to get a Riven Mod and unlock it to find something like "Gorgon Yeti-Saticron" MR 16, problem is I stopped using a Gorgon at MR 5.

This mod even if it was a "God Riven" as they are called, isnt going to make me want to use a Gorgon now at my current level or MR 16.


(1) Rivens MR requirement should be maybe one or two levels higher than the weapon it goes to.

Reasoning for this, you probably will not be using (as an example) a Gorgon past MR 8 even with a "God Riven", which could end up being MR 16 requirement.

Disclaimer, theres nothing wrong with a Gorgon at all, but as soon as I was high enough to use a Soma, I never used the Gorgon again.

(2) Kuva cost to mod Rivens, scaling is a bit off I feel.

Reasoning for this, While I do like the social part of teaming in Warframe, I am really not interested in farming Kuva all day to tell the truth.

(3) While Riven mods are an interesting way to renew some weapons, theres no way we can compare weapon A to weapon B no matter how good weapon A Riven is.

Disclaimer, weapon A and B are unnamed so that no one decides to nerf either weapon but I think we all know that Rivens didnt make lesser weapons good enough or even close to being     renewed or wanted, not when the weapons we all use or want to use are much better even with no Riven mod.


Some possible fixes:

Maybe rework Rivens so that lesser weapons get a larger buff, maybe that would help.

I know there is something in place now, but tell me you use weapon A when weapon B is still better with no Riven.

Make Rivens no more than one or two MR levels at the most above the weapons MR its for.


Make Rivens more universal so that they fit a general class of weapon instead of a "named" weapon.

Example and I know these exist now. "Rifle Riven" mod, I had one from the Kuva Queens until I broke it rerolling and not knowning what a deth machine rifle was or that I could revert back if I didnt like what I rolled, doh ! Also its a shame that it rerolled as a "named" mod unless its a bug to start with, I want my rifle riven mod back !?

This would also make Kuva farming less of a job since a no name Riven mod could fit many weapons.

I have limited space for Riven mods and it looks like it will be a long time before I get one I really want to use.

Yea Im a junk collector, so I really could use unlimited Riven space with the way things are now.


Anyone else feeling this way about Rivens ?


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So rivens are not needed to use a weapon and are there just for extra fun if you will. 


"Make Rivens more universal so that they fit a general class of weapon instead of a "named" weapon." -

this breaks the point of less used weapons getting nicer rolls to bring them up to match more utilized "meta" weapons. No need to make it univesal.

"I have limited space for Riven mods and it looks like it will be a long time before I get one I really want to use".

welcome to RNG and the grind of a game

"Yea Im a junk collector, so I really could use unlimited Riven space with the way things are now"

First there will never be unlimited capacity made available due to the strain the mods put on the database, which is why it is limited and will remain as such. Secondly rivens are purposely designed to make you choose what stays, what trades, and what gets trashed, DE does not want people trying to collect every single one.


"Example and I know these exist now. "Rifle Riven" mod, I had one from the Kuva Queens until I broke it rerolling and not knowning what a deth machine rifle was or that I could revert back if I didnt like what I rolled, doh ! Also its a shame that it rerolled as a "named" mod unless its a bug to start with, I want my rifle riven mod back !?" -

How to answer this well first we can understand why you wrote this in the first place by reading you trashed your riven mod and are blaming the game for that! Second when you roll you clearly have the option presented to you to keep the current roll and/or choose the new roll in front of you before proceeding. You made the choice and again not the games fault you chose something you did not like. 

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So rivens are not needed to use a weapon and are there just for extra fun if you will.


welcome to RNG and the grind of a game

Ive played many games, games that turn into jobs get deleted.

First there will never be unlimited capacity made available due to the strain the mods put on the database, which is why it is limited and will remain as such. Secondly rivens are purposely designed to make you choose what stays, what trades, and what gets trashed, DE does not want people trying to collect every single one.

You dont understand how data bases work obviously.

How to answer this well first we can understand why you wrote this in the first place by reading you trashed your riven mod and are blaming the game for that! Second when you roll you clearly have the option presented to you to keep the current roll and/or choose the new roll in front of you before proceeding. You made the choice and again not the games fault you chose something you did not like. 

I guess not, but seeing how many posts you made tells me you probably have spent more time on this forum than in the game.


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MR has never really mattered or affected me or the weapons involved to be honest, sure I'm MR 24 so kind of a moot point but bar the fact that there are indeed people that Riven MR effects it serves almost no purpose whatsoever. A Gorgon riven can have any number (within the preset level bracket) of MR levels, its a complete joke they even put that into the thing to begin with...in my opinion.

Also the idea of a weapon with x mastery rank being bad for you at y mastery, sure it may not be up to par but with something like the Gorgon in my example (obviously not all weapons have something like this) you also get the choice of Gorgon Wraith and Prisma; both of which can use that same Gorgon mod. The MR doesn't hold the riven back and quite frankly we could do with a riven rebalance (which has been talked about but as to when *shrugs*) basically what I'm trying to say here is the MR outside of being able to use the thing is pretty much arbitrary and the fact that it even gets taken into account is...pointless to say the least; only thing that should be looked into with them is if you've completed the quest (you should maybe technically be able to hold onto a riven for a weapon with a MR you don't have, but as for using it its a no go until your the proper mastery.)

As for the blank Rifle riven, if I recall it was a bug at the time (may have come back around for all I know) where the Hema riven during the release of Nidus and Glast Gambit was bugged to show up in game prior to its release but because of some black magic it just displayed as a universal riven. This was obviously eventually fixed though we've seen bugs crop up time and time again so, it happens.

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True, the other versions of the Gorgon are more in line with the Riven mod @ MR 16. Now I see why DE put MR on Rivens, so that say a MR 3 player can not go easy mode if thats even possible.  After careful review and feedback, level locked Rivens isnt so bad I guess but why not just pick one MR instead of 8-16.


If I go to popular trading sites and compare prices that people are asking for Rivens, it looks like there is something wrong with Riven balance.

I dont know if this is due to other influences like, top ten or top fifty Warframe weapons video's ? 

If some of these not on the popular list weapons can be made special, I guess Ill have to wait for someone else to prove it since I really am not in the position to do it myself.


Although I did try it with a Drakgoon MR 5, another decent weapon, the Riven I had didnt improve this weapon enough to make me not turn it into a Zarr or want to roll the Riven xx times. I wouldn't let my results stop anyone else from trying though, but based on Riven pricing I would guess thats not happening.


The "blank" Riven I had was probably a bug although Ive seen more than one of these, but this was few months back so its more than likely "fixed" now.

It needed rolled anyway, but back then when I did that, I had no idea it would change to a named mod and I dont think it gave me the option to reset back either.

Not worried about it and never tried to ticket it.

I do like the blank riven even if it was labelled a bug, that could address several things like kuva cost and riven pricing.





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Yeah, the MR on rivens is kinda stupid when it varies as much as it does, dunno why they thought randomizing that was a good idea as well? Or even really having it vs just "did you do the quest?" yes "do you meet the requirements for the gun you want to use/put it on?" no. Been in and out over the past year to year and a half and seen riven prices go freaking nuts in trade chat, personally I have no clue why they go into the thousands but you just have to remember that that's what they're asking for, not what they're selling for. Who knows how long they've held onto x riven trying to get thousands for it...thing is though at the same time people can and will buy that stuff for what they ask. At this point it would be interesting to say the least should they try to touch the riven system given trade chat's want for plat.

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