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Phobos: Don't Walk In The Sand


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As it is the map has plenty of excitement but this level should definitely be more in favor of the Grineer. See they have jetpacks. Why not have it so when you get to that outside part with platforms the sand down below is quick sand. Like in many games you can walk through the sand and sink until you reach a platform in which you will finally start going up as you climb the platform, or rock in the middle of the quicksand. Of course you move slower, and if you fight in the sand you sink faster. This would give the jetpack grineer an advantage to shoot down on you while you struggle in quick sand. If you sink you die no teleport back like you do when you fall off a cliff. This would force players to think about their movement as they make their way across seas of quicksand to their objective. Slower movement, plus jetpacks=Advantage in Grineer Court.

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Why do you want to make the game annoying?

its not annoying its just interesting... have you been to the void with the laser pit death traps? Those rock! Sure I have died in the them before, but I feel that Phobos has the perfect chance to slow players down and force them to think for once instead rush through and murder everything.

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I agree, challenge over anything else. You dont need to spam @$#$#@ grineers and get my fps down, make the maps challenging and enemies according and then my fps can be all good, and the game gives me a challenge.

LOL... Be funny if the idea was the purposely have your FPS go up to make it challenging(which IS annoying not challenging like their bullet sponge bosses)


I think all the maps should have something like that to make them more challenging not swarming enemies like the grineer, or Corpus lack the intelligence to you know.... do something productive towards killing you, or leading you into a trap like quick sand?

Edited by Arlayn
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LOL... Be funny if the idea was the purposely have your FPS go up to make it challenging(which IS annoying not challenging like their bullet sponge bosses)


I think all the maps should have something like that to make them more challenging not swarming enemies like the grineer, or Corpus lack the intelligence to you know.... do something productive towards killing you, or leading you into a trap like quick sand?




I think DE is working towards that, these new jetpack grineers if not taken down quickly start spamming missiles.


Lets just see what they have to say tomorrow, along with U10 and future updates. Vor, imo, was a step forward in the right direction, lets see how it goes on in the future.

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I want the floor to randomly fall and break

You are walking through canyons and stuff I wouldn't see why the ground isn't brittle enough to fall through like a sink hole and your in an underground water way or something...

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Quicksand has been REALLY annoying in every game i've played that has it, and Hellion's are spongy and numerous enough to be dangerous without having quicksand to screw with the player. At most, if you want something "terrain" based, there should be random sandstorms that obscure vision in outdoor areas, or certain areas where the sand will summon feral creatures if tread upon, like Skates or Sandworms (such as the Antlion Beach section of Half Life 2).

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Quicksand has been REALLY annoying in every game i've played that has it, and Hellion's are spongy and numerous enough to be dangerous without having quicksand to screw with the player. At most, if you want something "terrain" based, there should be random sandstorms that obscure vision in outdoor areas, or certain areas where the sand will summon feral creatures if tread upon, like Skates or Sandworms (such as the Antlion Beach section of Half Life 2).

How about instead of Sand worms, or ant lions we get giant, much more bigger Skates... Also wouldn't a fire obscure our vision like it does on the ships, like venera defense map. (when ever they add fires in the desert LOL, imagine if they had an ice issue everyone would like damn... that's some nice A/C)


Still some quick sand would be interesting it could be the Skates natural habitat as they swim through and pop up on those wary from struggling through the quicksand the perfect hunting grounds. Even grineer will get stuck in it.

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