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Bewildering factoids about our world


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i'm in the mood to learn mostly irrelevant and possibly funny stuff, so i want you guys to share anything and everything. No proof required, everything here will be a fact because i'll trust you guys not to feed me misinformation. 

i'll kick us off;

- The horseshoe crab is more closely related to the Arachnids and not the Crustaceans, meaning they're giant armored sea spiders.

observe the similarities




- The 1914 Battle of Tanga/Battle of the Bees ended in a German victory because the German and British/Indian forces fighting there accidentally summoned a massive swarm of Africanized bees that attacked both sides and forced the Brits to retreat

- A sinus infection smells remarkably like chicken

- Philosopher Diogenes the Cynic allegedly told Greek Ruler Alexander the Great to get the hell out of his sunlight

- Frost is an obscenely boring Warframe to play

- Edward Teller, inventor of the atomic bomb, wanted to bury and detonate several dozen nukes under the ground to carve a second Panama Canal

- Milk goes before cereal, the other way around would sog the cereal faster you miscreants

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