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Do Clan Emblems Seriously Need To Be Monetized?


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Re-read my OP.

I never stated that the upload should be absolutely free.

 I said "It's a lot of work for staff to wade through the thousands of clan emblem submissions. But, $10 to upload an emblem? Come on!

At the very least you should get one free submission, then any after that cost money."


I completely understand why it costs money to upload.

I said that the first time you upload should be free, then afterwards it can cost some money ($10 is still way too steep)

One main reason for getting one free upload is this:

Plenty of clans have uploaded emblems that look like absolute S#&$ in-game.

How are they meant to preview their emblem? They can't.


How gipped would you feel if you had an awesome looking emblem in Photoshop or whatever, then once you spend the $10, it looks awful. No refund.

That alone is a good enough reason to give a free emblem upload in my opinion.



Sorry, I wasn't directing it at you. Someone else in this thread said the upload should be free.



-Upload should be free

-Emblem should cost you 30-xxx plat.(Clan Master will buy it then  everyone can use)



It works like this  in the majority of games

Edited by EetNotErn
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How many of those games lets you upload a personalized clan emblem?

Serious question.

Cause i've asked this before and the only one i know is APB but from the small search i did i could not find any info about price or anything.

So can you give us some examples? Most Guild representation in the MMOs i played comes from stock images people put together which is, of course, there reason stuff is for free.

aion does let you have free emblems, but they're not holographic xP



It's been a while since I played some F2P MMORPG games, but off the top of my head:

Rappelz - Let you upload any image in I think...20x20. It was then instantly displayed on every clan member

I think Silkroad Online also let you.

I also believe Tera let you upload images. (Don't quote me on this one)


That's what I can think of now.

But,plenty of MMO games I tried out let you upload an emblem.

I just can't think of which ones let you, it's been a while.




but to be fair tera and aion were pay 2 play they made it pay 2 play so yeah it wasn't a f2p now it's f2p but that doesn't rly count

Edited by Seira-EGT-
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3 points I have in mind...


1. Anything that is totally free will be abused(trolled).

2. Adding a cost will cut down a lot of crap from the real requests.

3. We can't cut down all crap no matter how high the cost is, some people will PAY to do crap(troll).

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If DE just removed the 150 platinum burden from the shoulders of a single Warlord and allowed anyone who wanted to contribute to the upload fee to chip in (possibly via Vault/Treasury room), DE would get their asking price much more readily.  With the increased revenue, they would be swayed to make the emblem projectors complementary to every account. 


Everyone would be happy.

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If DE just removed the 150 platinum burden from the shoulders of a single Warlord and allowed anyone who wanted to contribute to the upload fee to chip in (possibly via Vault/Treasury room), DE would get their asking price much more readily.  With the increased revenue, they would be swayed to make the emblem projectors complementary to every account. 


Everyone would be happy.

just make that you can't use the start platinum to do that

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IMO, if any change would be done to the emblems it would be something like this:


75/100 - Emblem (first time you make one) -  150 (every emblem after the first)


Preview on website to see how it looks. The problem is not only that DE need to approve it, but it could also look bad (i've read that they already did something to preview, but you need to have 150 plat in your account to access that part, which i don't have)


Instead of 30 per member, make it 10/15 1st time, and 30 after.


And more importantly, since it's a cosmetic, make it possible to be used without clan. paying the 150

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Sorry, I wasn't directing it at you. Someone else in this thread said the upload should be free.

and that why i did say can emblem should cost 30-xxx (upload free but emblem price increases)


Clan bundle (upload + emblem for all clan ppl ) = 300 plat?

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I do understand that it's a pure cosmetic item, and I agree that we need more of those types of thing.


Can you honestly say that $10 is fair to pay for an emblem? Clan representation or not.

I'm happy to pay some fee (150 is still a joke) to upload an image. I've already said that I understand why there's a charge.


But, 150 plat ($10), then a further 30 for every clan member? That's what pisses me off.

There's hardly a point in clan representation if half the clan won't even sport the logo.

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but if it fails because it is anything other than offensive or copyrighted then issues arise.

I'm given to understand that they'll send an email explaining why it was rejected - server hiccups and the like would probably get resolved by tech support.

I never stated that the upload should be absolutely free.

But you did say that everyone should get a free upload. Ask yourself, how many people are going to really need more than one?

Fact is, it takes an intern time to sift through the submissions to make sure it's not a wang or copyrighted. That intern needs to be paid. So any freebie at all, even one per clan, means DE has to eat the cost of that themselves. When they're basically an indie publisher without the tremendous cash reserves of, say, EA.

Edited by Cpl_Facehugger
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I do understand that it's a pure cosmetic item, and I agree that we need more of those types of thing.


Can you honestly say that $10 is fair to pay for an emblem? Clan representation or not.

I'm happy to pay some fee (150 is still a joke) to upload an image. I've already said that I understand why there's a charge.


But, 150 plat ($10), then a further 30 for every clan member? That's what &!$$es me off.

There's hardly a point in clan representation if half the clan won't even sport the logo.




It needs to stay the same price because it's a cosmetic item.

Edited by Heroicleopard
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uploading cost for clanleaders and equipping costs for clan members




killing a community feature just like that KNOWING that the COMMUNITY carries this game and keeps it alive.... what a stupid decision.

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uploading cost for clanleaders and equipping costs for clan members




killing a community feature just like that KNOWING that the COMMUNITY carries this game and keeps it alive.... what a stupid decision.


Oh good grief. Go read some of the posts explaining why there is an uploading cost before you call it a "stupid decision".

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It needs to stay the same price because it's a cosmetic item.

Was this in agreement or disagreement?



I'm given to understand that they'll send an email explaining why it was rejected - server hiccups and the like would probably get resolved by tech support.

But you did say that everyone should get a free upload. Ask yourself, how many people are going to really need more than one?

Fact is, it takes an intern time to sift through the submissions to make sure it's not a wang or copyrighted. That intern needs to be paid. So any freebie at all, even one per clan, means DE has to eat the cost of that themselves. When they're basically an indie publisher without the tremendous cash reserves of, say, EA.

While I don't have any actual statistics. I can assure you that there's a number of players our there that have uploaded more than once.

2 of my mates have. The emblem they uploaded ended up looking like absolute S#&$ ingame, and were forced to pay an extra 150. Does that sound fair?


I do see where you're coming from, however.

I still believe that $10 to upload is still a ridiculously steep price. Bump it down to 75 plat (maximum). which would be a flat $5. 

I'd think that's fairly reasonable.


I still think that every single member paying 30 plat is a @(*()$ joke though.

Excuse my language.

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From a consumer's point of view, having to pay that much for for a cosmetic item might seem like an excessive cost, especially because the quality can sometimes be suspect.


As a small business that really needs the money, but understands the role a strong community plays in building a game, it is probably as low as they can reasonably afford.


At the end of the day, we have absolutely no idea about what costs are involved in the process of checking and converting your emblem into the hologram you will see in game, but something tells me the 150 plat does not cover the cost that DE incurs from this. 


As for clan members? The fundamental argument seems to be that they deserve the emblem for being part of the clan. In most other games you'd probably be right. However in a game like Warframe that is free and can only make money from cosmetic and convenience equipment purchases I'm afraid that starts to fall down.


I completely understand your point, and in an ideal world I agree with you. But the reality is that if they could reasonably afford to give things like the emblem (which they might well want to give out for free) is impractical. 

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Small business?


When you break a million+ customers you're no longer small business.


Every person defending DE is like some abused partner defending their significant other and why they beat them in the first place.


Enough defending DE guys and think and look at it like this...


DE has over a million subs for their game... They are getting money just fine.


So stop knee jerk responses about how DE needs this and DE needs that. 


There is a lot of logic behind why we shouldn't even need to spend any money on clan logos in the first place.



Yeah you do its sure as hell not coming from the 150 play you dropped... Once you buy that plat DE already has your money. And my bet is its some people n the Dev team who are already getting payed to do something else because you know... submitting clan logo is not instant and you gotta wait till the next UPDATE. I'm sure as hell would be very SHUNT ERROR ABORT with Notch if he had the gall to charge for changing skins because THOSE DO GET UPLOADED TO A MASTER SERVER.


Next time you think someone needs to look over logos and need to be payed... Its prolly some unlucky intern working for them doing it or some dev that has free time to do it, or even some FNG that just started a week ago. They an't gonna go hungry if DE stops charging to have logos

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The price of the Emblems pic, and no refunding if denied is a bit unfair, but for it being free for all clan members is not really important, the Clan Emblems are mean't for cosmetic purposes, it doesn't matter if you have it or not, you will always be part of that clan.

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