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Blueprints Need To Drop At Least 75%.


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I'm a hundred and twenty hours into the game and there's nothing to actually do.


I know that you were joking, but you'd have to be amazingly efficient to only play 120 hours and have crafted everything.  I should know: it's been my mission to craft everything almost from the moment I started playing.  I've played almost 300 hours, and I still need to complete Banshee, Braton Prime, Orthos Prime, Hind, Lanka, Despair, Seer, Bronco Prime, Supra, Vasto, Paris Prime, and Fang Prime. 


It's actually somewhat depressing to me that the devs keep adding new weapons.  Every time I get close to finishing, a new batch of weapons rolls out. 

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sorry, skipping most the posts just to put in my 2 cents.

IF the droprates were to be increased to 75% then you HAVE to increase the difficulty in getting them, by this i mean the bosses themselves can't be 1 shotted out of existence.  I think the only you will achieve a balance is to make the bosses drop atleast one bp but have your bp randomized and then also have them be just that, a freaking boss, not just a knockoff heavy with some special abilities.  Only then will there be a balance in obtaining warframes, and slowing down the monotony of running the same boss 317 times to get your new warframe.  maybe it'll take 10 times or something but it's effectively a once or twice a day thing. 


and in the words of Jonny fantastic, FLAME ON!!!

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Life isnt fair. Hard work should be rewarded.


It's a videogame, tryhard.  It should not be a second job, just to maybe have some fun in it. That's asinine.


And for your information, i've got all the frames, bought 2 of them. Never once did i have any fun trying to acquire anything in this game.  It has always been a disappointing grind, to eek out a LITTLE bit of fun in a defense mission here and there.

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So, another update... 2 more Titanias....


1). No BP.

2). Helmet.


So nice, ever since 9.5.2, that makes what now, 3 chassis, and 2 more helms?


They really need to make these scale or something.... so that you get less chance of duplicates the more duplicates you have/get... or Something.

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Another update:


6 MORE runs:









Just.... WTF does DE expect me to do to get a Systems to drop? Seriously, now. This is just plain $&*&*#(%&. Could we get this fixed sometime this year?


Kinda looks like they bumped the BP drop up... but it is still 90%+ chassis.


EDIT: Come to think of it, I made 2-3 runs maybe a week ago? I forgot to update the thread. It was something like 2x Nothing and 1x Chassis or Helm.

Edited by Xylia
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If things are too easy to farm then no one would buy anything for plat and DE will go out of business.


Then why even have them farmable in-game to begin with?


And "Too easy"?


Novels have been written about how "Repetition != Challenge".


I've killed Tyl Regor, solo, a good 50 times now.


It isn't hard, it isn't interesting, and I can't say that I'm excited, thrilled, or even glad to see his ugly mug yet again. I'm more going "please drop the damn thing already so I can stop doing the same damn mission over and over again".


And when he doesn't drop it, I just groan and roll my eyes. Yet again.


This is just not fun. I'm trying to be patient, but My God, I would still like to know what DE's opinion is of how many kills are Ideal for acquiring a Warframe. Because, surely it isn't 50+. That's just ridiculous.

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The waframe BP can be ridiculously easy to get or outright annoying. I have farmed every frame and some of them drop their parts nearly sequentially and other refused to drop one item till "x" number of runs was done. I would rather the bosses be by far a LOT harder and always drop something as opposed to easy and have to run the mission 1-50 times.

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WF isn't WoW or kind of WoW or even sort of WoW.


DE doesn't have Blizzard money, overhead, workforce, server cluster-farms, logistics or the luxury of having been in tangible and finished existence for TWENTY YEARS.


Comparing WF to WoW is about as contextually appropriate as comparing Street Fighter to Leisure Suit Larry, because that's about how much they have in common.


The drop rates are set they way they are because WF has very little content. WF has very little content because it's a beta open ended shooter.




6 MORE runs:


Is a perfect example of why you should probably stop playing this game at the rate you are. The moment the Box dictates your actions instead of the other way around, nothing but misery and disappointment in the fundamental concepts the game revolves around implicitly is going to follow you.


If you aren't able to play in balance and moderation, you're probably playing for the wrong reasons.




Skinner Box


Is a thirty year proven game life extender, ME3MP still has a viable population because of lore-based diehard players and the skinner box mechanics of character and weapon drops. It's not going away any time soon, because the science behind it is a cornerstone of innate human behavior.

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Considering you have to get THREE different blueprints to make a Warframe... what's with their apparent 20% or so droprate?


Is that really necessary?

I feel your pain, but, you can buy it for platinum on the market in 1 second.

Thats why the drop rate is so low, to make you consider giving up and spending real money.


How much more fun and rewarding, buying something without the need to actually play the game! (sarcasm)

Edited by Fourdee
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I feel your pain, but, you can buy it for platinum on the market in 1 second.

Thats why the drop rate is so low, to make you consider giving up and spending real money.


How much more fun and rewarding, buying something without the need to actually play the game! (sarcasm)


Kinda makes you wonder why we even play the game at all when you can just plunk down $$$$ and get everything without even playing.


Meanwhile, those who DO try to actually earn it the "right" way, are punished by terribad drop rates on this crap.


I honestly can't understand what DE wants from us. They punish us if we try to actually play the game to get the drops, and if we spend real $$$, that's less we have to play the game.


... lol.


Now, if they'd do something like have the drop rates be reasonable, you'd give players an incentive to actually go out and get the drops instead of saying "F--- it" after 50 times of not getting it, and then end up quitting the game because everything is RNG with horrible drop chances.


And Mod Drops 2.0?





Basically in a nutshell. After doing 30+ missions on my newbie test account and only getting 1 and only 1 rifle mod to drop (Ammo Drum), I'd have to say that they don't want newbies using their rifles at all.


EDIT: Oh wait, an Eagle Eye dropped too. Woo.

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Another update:


6 MORE runs:









Just.... WTF does DE expect me to do to get a Systems to drop? Seriously, now. This is just plain $&*&*#(%&. Could we get this fixed sometime this year?


Kinda looks like they bumped the BP drop up... but it is still 90%+ chassis.


EDIT: Come to think of it, I made 2-3 runs maybe a week ago? I forgot to update the thread. It was something like 2x Nothing and 1x Chassis or Helm.


Lucky you. I'm on 30+ runs on Tyl Regor and all I dropped were 1x systems and 1x chassis (that I already have). This boss is wickedly twisted greedy sonofab****. 

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I remember framing Kril with a rank 24, unpotato'd Loki while using Boltor (unpotato'd), Akbolto (unpotato'd), and overcharged Amphis.


Oh yes. I think my serration was at +75% and my Hornet Strike was at +60% back then. Melee was a maxed as possible, but this was before Forma existed. My entire Loki setup was redirection and fast deflection.


PUGs were the only thing carrying me through missions. The wiki told me that Frost was a defensive caster type with high defense, and I was looking forward to some decent defense after spending so much time on Loki.


So I made it to Kril, pugged my &#! off, and spent almost and entire week of nonstop Kril runs looking for Frost BPs. The BP that almost killed this game for me: Frost Chassis. I nearly quit. Farming that stuff at such a low level was ridiculous. I still ask myself why I went through with it.

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ME3MP still has a viable population because of lore-based diehard players and the skinner box mechanics of character and weapon drops. It's not going away any time soon, because the science behind it is a cornerstone of innate human behavior.


Sorry to nit-pick (and this is also definitely off-topic), but Mass Effect 3 lost 99% of its lore-based diehard players after that infamous ending (I know this because I was one of them).  Those kinds of players need internal consistency and foreshadowing, which Bioware threw out the window.  Truth be told, a lot (possibly even the majority) of those lore-based players became disillusioned after the ending of Mass Effect 2 (the human reaper was terrible).  At that point, it had already become clear that the main story was becoming a joke, and that all the proclaimed "choices" were a sham.  I don't hate ME2 and ME3, but I also don't respect them. 


Anyway, from my experience, the reliance on random progression hurt Mass Effect 3's multiplayer.  It felt too much like a money grab. 


Meanwhile, those who DO try to actually earn it the "right" way, are punished by terribad drop rates on this crap.


The drop rate of helmet, chassis, and systems blueprints aren't that bad.  It's somewhere around 50% drop rate (very roughly, it might be as little as 33%).  That's completely fair and reasonable; you're just bitter because you've been unlucky so far.  I've gone through the same thing (and still am, actually), but you don't see me complaining.  It took me 3 weeks to get Excalibur (over 100 runs), but I just kept doing a handful of runs every day, and eventually I got what I wanted. 

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Considering you have to get THREE different blueprints to make a Warframe... what's with their apparent 20% or so droprate?


Is that really necessary?


How many times do you think killing the same boss to get a Warframe is actually "Fun"? Especially when said boss has no good Rare materials?


Since 9.5.2, I'm on 7 Regor kills.


What did I get?










Before 9.5.2, I've killed him probably a good 30+ times. What do I have?


Well, I sold a few when I was running low on credits, but I now am back up to 8 Chassis and 4 Helmet Blueprints.


I am just simply tired of running the same stupid boss over and over and over and over and over again. You "Fixed" the drop rates in 9.5.2? Yeah right, that's why now instead of 100% drop, with 90% Chassis, now we have 20% (or some such, that's just a wild guess on my part; I've heard of similar results from other players) to get anything, and we still get way more Chassis than anything else. Why can't you guys just change it to something reasonable, like 75% to get any BP and 33/33/33 to get the 3 parts? We have enough stinking grind in the game already, killing the same stupid boss over and over and over again makes us feel like we're spinning our wheels and not getting anywhere.


At least with material farming... if we need 1200 Rubedo for a gun and I run a mission and get 100, well.....I'm making actual progress. That, I don't mind so much.


But the "Need 1 of atrociously, ridiculously rare drop" needs to go.


This whole thing with Ash Systems being impossible to get is really grating on my nerves lately. It is currently climbing quickly up the list of the things I have against the game, and the things that is making me slowly lean towards not playing it at all. It sounds like a small issue on paper, but I've been trying to get this Warframe for nearly two months now and I still don't have it.

Stop the rage seriously, i was farming volt systems for 6 days straight! does that mean that it's impossible to get ? no it's just random. Sometimes you'll get you want in a single run sometimes in a 100 runs.

It was never a 100% drop rate for warframe BP's so get your facts straight.

This game has been out for long enough to know how it works and not rage about it and if you're new and don't understand how it works then instead of raging on forums just ask someone it's not that hard. 

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Sorry to nit-pick (and this is also definitely off-topic), but Mass Effect 3 lost 99% of its lore-based diehard players after that infamous ending (I know this because I was one of them).  Those kinds of players need internal consistency and foreshadowing, which Bioware threw out the window.  Truth be told, a lot (possibly even the majority) of those lore-based players became disillusioned after the ending of Mass Effect 2 (the human reaper was terrible).  At that point, it had already become clear that the main story was becoming a joke, and that all the proclaimed "choices" were a sham.  I don't hate ME2 and ME3, but I also don't respect them. 


Anyway, from my experience, the reliance on random progression hurt Mass Effect 3's multiplayer.  It felt too much like a money grab. 



The drop rate of helmet, chassis, and systems blueprints aren't that bad.  It's somewhere around 50% drop rate (very roughly, it might be as little as 33%).  That's completely fair and reasonable; you're just bitter because you've been unlucky so far.  I've gone through the same thing (and still am, actually), but you don't see me complaining.  It took me 3 weeks to get Excalibur (over 100 runs), but I just kept doing a handful of runs every day, and eventually I got what I wanted. 


False, and BW published the metrics to prove it. (info is readily available still on the social site) Point of fact is, more players have maxed their manifests than have finished the SP campaign. ( I am actually one of those people, having stopped at Rannoch and having no plans to ever finish the game)


cash grab


Completing two platinum maps gives you enough credits to buy three guaranteed char packs or three guaranteed weapon packs or a mix thereof, WF's equivalent gives you a nightmare mod. (though in fairness the mods you get in WF are permanent as opposed to the ones in ME3 that only last one match)  But that still echoes the point that none of this is actually free, It's a business model, pure and simple. There is no such thing as absolute gratis.

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Stop the rage seriously, i was farming volt systems for 6 days straight! does that mean that it's impossible to get ? no it's just random. Sometimes you'll get you want in a single run sometimes in a 100 runs.

It was never a 100% drop rate for warframe BP's so get your facts straight.

This game has been out for long enough to know how it works and not rage about it and if you're new and don't understand how it works then instead of raging on forums just ask someone it's not that hard.


For awhile, yes, they were 100% drop but 99% Chassis.


Then they "Fixed" it and ever since, they broke it even more so now that Systems almost never drops, no matter what 'frame you're farming.


And I love the logic... "Stop the rage"


*rolls eyes*


Yes, God forbid I point out the flaws of the game in hopes that they might be fixed. How dare I post my feedback about the game and one of its most flawed systems in the *gasp* feedback forum.


How dare I, indeed.


I forgot, the "Feedback Forum" is only supposed to be used to sing praises about everything, including broken things that just aren't working very well.

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False, and BW published the metrics to prove it. (info is readily available still on the social site) Point of fact is, more players have maxed their manifests than have finished the SP campaign. ( I am actually one of those people, having stopped at Rannoch and having no plans to ever finish the game)


Wait, what is false?  Can you please clarify that statement?  Anyway, studies have shown that most people do not finish most of the games they buy (for varying reasons).  Combine that with the immense negative portrayal of ME3's ending, where people were literally telling others to stop playing the game at a certain point so that the story wasn't ruined, and I'm not surprised the majority of people never finished the game.  Honestly, I wouldn't even have bought the game (I looked up reviews before-hand), but someone gave it to me as a gift.  In contrast, I beat ME1 20+ times, and have the entire game pretty much memorized (it is one of my favorite games of all time, if not the number one). 



Completing two platinum maps gives you enough credits to buy three guaranteed char packs or three guaranteed weapon packs or a mix thereof, WF's equivalent gives you a nightmare mod. (though in fairness the mods you get in WF are permanent as opposed to the ones in ME3 that only last one match)  But that still echoes the point that none of this is actually free, It's a business model, pure and simple. There is no such thing as absolute gratis.


There's one problem with your reasoning: people already had to spend money to buy Mass Effect 3.  It was a full priced release, and that supposedly came with the multiplayer.  So turning around and deliberately engineering said multiplayer element to heavily promote micro-transactions is double-dipping, pure and simple (there was also the matter of the day-1 DLC with arguably the most important character in the game, which makes it triple-dipping).  The apparent success of ME3's micro-transactions directly lead to the implementation of those same types of practices in Dead Space 3 (which probably hurt that game's sales figures).  EA actually planned to put micro-transactions in all of their future games, but backtracked on that after public outcry (http://www.eurogamer.net/articles/2013-02-27-ea-putting-micro-transactions-into-all-of-our-games). 


I have no problem with Warframe's business model because it is a F2P game, and because they do not force players to buy content or power.  Companies need to make money, but that does not justify screwing over the consumer.  Many companies (EA included) say that they need extra money to cover their development costs, but in reality it is their marketing costs and executive bonuses which have sky-rocketed, not the actual cost of development (that has risen too, don't get me wrong.  But AAA games usually spend 2-3 times their entire development budget on their marketing budget).  Grand Theft Auto IV had a budget of $100 million.  The Witcher 2, in contrast, had a budget of $8 million.  Ultra-massive budgets aren't necessary, and they are actually hurting the game industry.  If companies which can't control their budgets need to fail, then so be it. 

Edited by Ganpot
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The waframe BP can be ridiculously easy to get or outright annoying. I have farmed every frame and some of them drop their parts nearly sequentially and other refused to drop one item till "x" number of runs was done. I would rather the bosses be by far a LOT harder and always drop something as opposed to easy and have to run the mission 1-50 times.


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Six MORE runs:









I'm just hoping that a DE (Steve? Scott?) might read this and see just how ridiculous this system can get. I am now holding 15 Chassis and 8 Helmet BPs in my inventory and through all of those kills, zero systems have dropped. This is not counting the several I've sold before U9.

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I may just be incredibly lucky but I've noticed that the drop timer for 100% drop chance of BP's resets with the account slot machine. So basically..hit each boss once a day unless you're highly against casual gaming and only have to get that one frame to complete your collection.

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