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TennoLive 2018 - Ash Prime Twitch Drop!


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I would also like to say I have not received my Ash Prime for watching Tennocon. I watched for the whole hour and have my accounts linked. Im sure Ash Prime will turn up eventually but for now I felt like I had to post to :P

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I agree with some folks on here, I too watched, I too haven't received ash prime, BUT I also saw the numbers of watchers on twitch and figuring the people who were there as well, AND on top of all that, the amount of stuff the crew probably had to go through to pull all that off without any major glitches...So yeah exercise some chill folks, enjoy the game, and when and if it comes just let it be a happy little surprise that pops up in your InBox. Ya know just take it easy man.

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2 minutes ago, (PS4)DaisukeSanada said:

I agree with some folks on here, I too watched, I too haven't received ash prime, BUT I also saw the numbers of watchers on twitch and figuring the people who were there as well, AND on top of all that, the amount of stuff the crew probably had to go through to pull all that off without any major glitches...So yeah exercise some chill folks, enjoy the game, and when and if it comes just let it be a happy little surprise that pops up in your InBox. Ya know just take it easy man.

There was a lot of viewers on twitch.

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1 hour ago, b_YingZi_d said:

我也還沒拿到。。之前官網好像有說每多一個人就會降低1%的速度,現在是以2.945%的速度在發放ash p,但是官網說十天內會送到的,一起安心等吧~


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1 minute ago, (PS4)DaisukeSanada said:

exactly so we just gotta chill, just enjoy the game and take it easy

implying that the vast majority(aka the whiners with the over-inflated egos thinking themselves more important that the rest, that continue to spam "muh ash prime") who dont bother to read any other posts, will ever develop a brain, or patience

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Like many I thought the presentation of stuff to come was amazing and seems to be taking Warframe to the next level (or two!) in a big way. I can't wait for all this stuff to be released. Unfortunately, like many, I'm also still waiting for my Ash prime. Followed all the pre-show instructions, accounts linked (previously got Trinity Prime for linking) but nothing so far.

Tbh I would have watched the stream regardless but probably not live, seeing as it finished gone midnight (UK time), if it wasn't for the promo.

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