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A Way To Scale Excalibur's Damage Abilities.


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NOTE: When I say replace damage, I also mean add damage, I'm just not sure if the DEV's would be willing to buff the abilities that much, so I wrote replace.

SLASH DASH: Replace some of the damage dealt to each enemy from slash dash with melee swing damage, from the melee weapon equipped, multiplied by the amount of hits the melee weapon equipped has per second, then multiplied by two, allowing potent melee weapon to majorly boost the damage slash dash does. Example: Damage + (Melee Swing Damage * Hits Per second * 2)

RADIAL JAVELIN: Add melee charge damage multiplied by the hits per second of the melee weapon equipped to each radial javelin.

Excalibur is themed around blade, hence the name Excalibur. These changes allow for more melee oriented abilities, not just because of the kind of ability, but also from a stat standpoint. Adding this kind of damage also allows for the abilities to scale with more advanced players.

Edited by Jamescell
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I would like to point out that any ability which revolves around melee, like slash dash, contagion, etc... should also provide some kind of damage reduction, cuz against high level opponents you cannot melee without dying within a fraction of a second.

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This suggestion does not completely replace the current damage system for he abilities, it just allows for bonus damage when wielding strong melee weapons, also allowing for better scaling.


That's how it worked before. Again, it existed. It doesn't anymore. Can't find any justification as to why. Presumably because spamming Slash Dash is already 10 times more effective than Javelin. With the continued frame reworks that are in coming, MAYBE we will see this return. Maybe.


In fact, with the recent buffs to melee mods, this is even less likely to come back because Slash Dash would again be the best ability in the game, what with having elemental boosts and all...

Edited by Khaos_Zand3r
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The abilities used to use your melee weapon's stats, then they removed it. No idea why.


Cuz they had to release Nova, and they didnt want anyone else to have any ability to scale off weapon, otherwise ppl wont build buy her. Still wondering why they left Banshee's Sonar untouched tho...

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Cuz they had to release Nova, and they didnt want anyone else to have any ability to scale off weapon, otherwise ppl wont build buy her. Still wondering why they left Banshee's Sonar untouched tho...


I know that is sarcasm, but the change happened months before the poling for Council frame started.

Edited by Khaos_Zand3r
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Slash dash WOULDN'T be the most powerful in game, can you seriously say that when there are abilities like molecular prime, sonar, and Bastille? Just because it scales doesn't mean it will suddenly become the most op ability. Also, read my comment about radial javelin, making radial javelin more effective. @Naero who doesn't read, the damage would be multiplied by the number of hits per second, thus giving a more or less balance cushion.

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This is just one loose thread in a tapestry horribly frayed.  Pulling at this one issue only reveals others in the system that need further attention.


Ultimately, the damage system for weapons, power scaling for frames, and other related items need to be re-evaluated & corrected from the top down.  This is going to remain an on-going issue that will not satisfy everyone currently playing, no matter how they resolve it.

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