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About "omg Nova Won't Let Me Kill Things Nerf Pls" Threads


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First of all - my mainframe is Frost with Lanka.


There is no problem with Nova. Never was. If you want to kill things then use damage-dealing warframes like Nova, Ember or Rhino (the last ones facerolls 60< lvl enemies with his ult as good as Nova, btw), not warframes that possess superB defensive skills like Frost/Vauban or stealth-based like Loki.


Yes, some warframes (namely Trinity, Volt, Mag and Excalibur) need a boost. But boosting them has nothing to do with Nova.


Instead of nerfing fun warframes (and I do have fun when Nova in my party) and making it equally unfun for everyone isn't it better to make game equally fun for everyone instead?


PROHINT: when Nova kills a ton of enemies with Molecular Prime, Nova gets 100% of exp for warframe and none for weapons, while you get 25%/25%/25%/25% exp for warframe/main weapon/sidearm/melee, disregard how enemy was killed, so actually the only one at exp disadvantage is Nova herself.




Alternative nerf idea https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/98226-about-omg-nova-wont-let-me-kill-things-nerf-pls-threads/?p=1203512

I fully agree, people shouldn't be complaining at all, for one the only thing that makes her up to par compared to other frames IS her ult, the ball, and wormhole are almost not worth putting on. if you're complaining then put on a instant damage frame like nova simple as that.

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Do you even know what CC is?


I'm pretty sure 50% movement speed reduction (Which also stacks with other slows) is considered CC. Since it prevents enemies from being very mobile and flanking you easily.


Snow Globe + MPrime and Vor and Kril at Phobos move at 25% speed and are 0% challenge at all. All animations and actions are affected by the slow so they become completely useless.

Edited by R3leaZ
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I'm pretty sure 50% movement speed reduction (Which also stacks with other slows) is considered CC. Since it prevents enemies from being very mobile and flanking you easily.


Snow Globe + MPrime and Vor and Kril at Phobos move at 25% speed and are 0% challenge at all. All animations and actions are affected by the slow so they become completely useless.

Oh, you meant this, sorry I missed it. Yeah, they should remove speed reduction effect from MPrime, I totally agree with you here.

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The point is: leave Nova as a glass cannon. Lots of damage @ no defense. Don't turn her into faceless "medium damage, medium defense" frame.


I agree with this. Though like I said, the CC has no place in her abilities. Sure I don't mind stagger since I'm pretty sure explosions don't keep you on your feet though the slow needs to be gone.

Edited by R3leaZ
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I agree with this. Though like I said, the CC has no place in her abilities. Sure I don't mind stagger since I'm pretty sure explosions don't keep you on your feet though the slow needs to be gone.

It looks like we want the same thing. But sadly this thread will probably be ignored like the rest. After reading this...It feels like it all goes to hell now. RIP warframe.

Edited by SonicSonedit
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It looks like we want the same thing. But sadly this thread will probably be ignored like the rest. After reading this...It feels like it all goes to hell now. RIP warframe.


Yea, I've been following the heated discussions that happened in this thread and I guess that mainly caused Cedric to resign. https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/109912-i-meant-to-write-about-death-only-life-came-breaking-in-as-usual/

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Those who say that Nova is OP apparently haven't played Rhino or other AOE frames. My Rhino with Stomp of Doom kills more than most of Nova players. It takes Reactor, correct mods and good weapons to accomplish that - it's that simple.


Nova really shines on Endless Defense when all whiners would be happy to have Nova in their team. Vocal minority is raging for "kill stealing"? You just wait the rage storm here, if the Nova is nerfed, when majority of players will be jarateed off.

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The stamina nerf would have been fine as a nightmare mode.  Bastile Nerf would have been fine as a nightmare mode.  Anti-matter soak tech would be fine as a nightmare mode.  All the nerfs would be fine as nightmare modes.


What's not acceptable is taking fun, telling it to go find another game entirely, and blowing it out the air-lock which is what nerfs are to me.

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Nova is getting looked at again. Confirmed in the livestreams. They might rework her ultimate since currently it is an all in one. Bonus damage, very useful CC, largest range of all the ultimates, lots of damage with each explosion.


She is meant to be a high damage frame yes? Why does she cause CC? It's either the CC that will get nerfed or the massive range.


Nova gonna get a nerf?

Then who's gonna be the hero/heroine against level 200+ enemies?

Just because the majority of community stuck fighting level 20~30 enemies doesn't mean Nova is OP.


Every Frame got their place in the game. Nova is at high tier, but there will be nothing to stop power hunger players to use it at noob levels.

And Nova itself should not receive the punishment just because some players decide to abuse the ability that's meant for top tier enemies.

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Every Frame got their place in the game. Nova is at high tier, but there will be nothing to stop power hunger players to use it at noob levels.

And Nova itself should not receive the punishment just because some players decide to abuse the ability that's meant for top tier enemies.

This is the source of the problem in most cases. New players see Nova blast off lowlvl enemies and think she is OP. And then us veteran playes suffer because of unneeded nerfs.

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This is the source of the problem in most cases. New players see Nova blast off lowlvl enemies and think she is OP. And then us veteran playes suffer because of unneeded nerfs.


I've played this game... since February. If all of you guys want all Warframes buffed to her level instead. We would end up with a universal nerf AKA enemies will get buffed. It's better to nerf one thing instead of buffing everything and completely rebalance the enemies due to them becoming too weak. This game already is newby-unfriendly, if enemies get buffed even more they will end up with a giant wall blocking them and they will need to farm farm farm farm to get the necessary mods to FINALLY be able to perform decent at higher levels...

Edited by R3leaZ
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