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10%, huh?



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2 minutes ago, Iamabearlulz said:

So, I went running a bunch of radiant relics, depleting my stock of both Meso and Neo S2 relics...

Why is there no Saryn Prime Chassis?

It's like the advertised percentage is not the real percentage drop chance...

How many relics did you open?, not that it matters, ultimately 10% is 10%, it's not cumulative, opening more doesn't change that..

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17 minutes ago, Orgoon said:

You can't put real and chance in the same sentence. There's no such thing.


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Statistics is man-made math, and bad math at that. Drop chances are only an indicator of how often your part will come up; the actual distribution will only "approach" the chances given. There's no algorithm that makes sure you get one part in 10 runs. It's just statistics being its garbage self.

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