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STRENGTH TO THE ENEMY Enemy additions/concepts, 100+'s of units, weapons; lore and pictures [NEW: Fall Of Kronos update! 2 NEW Factions: Daemons and the Riven! Daemon units (14 new powerful enemies)! Riven units (17 incredibly strong enemies)!]


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1 hour ago, HugintheCrow said:

Now I understand why you mentioned Trecha reminded you of someone.


Operation Payback

I plan on returning to it when Railjack is released (to make space battles a thing).

   OH, that wasn't Tengus, that was Alink Innoy. Both are marvels of science that have lived for many years. Biggest difference here is that, while Trecha is constantly fighting for eternal life, Innoy is sick of it and does horrible things to alleviate his boredom.

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Good stuff so far! Has there been any indication from DE that they have read/seen/(or possibly) plan to use this content in some way? Also,if Nightwave has different stories every season, do you plan on integrating them into your lore?:

Edited by Corvette590
I had to address the author of the content
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15 minutes ago, Corvette590 said:

Has there been any indication from DE that they have read/seen/(or possibly) plan to use this content in some way?

Thanks to a tweet made by a person reading this thread some time ago, supposedly Steve looked at it. I don't think/expect anything from here to be made official though, whatnot with most of my stuff going straight up against established canon.

18 minutes ago, Corvette590 said:

Also,if Nightwave has different stories every season, do you plan on integrating them into your lore?

If they are relevant to my storyline, definitely. I found the Wolf of Saturn Six as a perfect way to introduce my plans for the planet Saturn as a whole.

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3 minutes ago, HugintheCrow said:

Thanks to a tweet made by a person reading this thread some time ago, supposedly Steve looked at it. I don't think/expect anything from here to be made official though, whatnot with most of my stuff going straight up against established canon.

If they are relevant to my storyline, definitely. I found the Wolf of Saturn Six as a perfect way to introduce my plans for the planet Saturn as a whole.

  Congratulations! You've we exceeded anything my Pit could have ever been or be!

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2 hours ago, HugintheCrow said:

Thanks to a tweet made by a person reading this thread some time ago, supposedly Steve looked at it. I don't think/expect anything from here to be made official though, whatnot with most of my stuff going straight up against established canon.

2 hours ago, Corvette590 said:

Who knows, maybe some stuff from yours will end up being canon. A spooky amount of things I've made have turned out to be true - I apparently predicted sentient/corpus hybrids, the ability for Sentients to assimilate people, guns that can change elemental damage types, and something like the Adaptation mod.

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1 hour ago, (XB1)Fluffywolf36 said:

Who knows, maybe some stuff from yours will end up being canon. A spooky amount of things I've made have turned out to be true - I apparently predicted sentient/corpus hybrids, the ability for Sentients to assimilate people, guns that can change elemental damage types, and something like the Adaptation mod.

   My two biggest ones have been my Zor artillery gun (. . . Zarr. . .and half the stats match. . . hmmm.). Don't know if I'm hallucinating, it's just, the coincidence of names and concepts, happening in sequence. . . I want to ask, but, I'm not sure.


  I've made a few elemental swappers myself, but nothing that's ever been uncannily similar to what Digital's brewed up.

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4 hours ago, Corvette590 said:


I do not currently have any plans on creating Corpus-related content.

This thread focuses on expanding the Grineer faction.

Besides, if I was to work on a Corpus thread, I'd have to rework tha faction from ground up Why? Because I don't particularly like* how it is presented in-game currently. If I was to make Corpus the way I'd enjoy it, I would have to literally remake them wholesale. That is not something I can do at this time, due to time constraints (I am not even hitting my schedule for this thread, so 2 threads wouldn't be possible).

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8 hours ago, Corvette590 said:


Thanks for the information, it is good to know. New enemies/ new game modes and better enemy/pet AI(in my opinion are long overdue). Also, do you have anything for new corpus units in normal mission maps?

   If you want, I can show you some of my random smattering of Corpus materials. No pictures sadly, but, things of quality do exist there if the Corpus kind.

3 hours ago, HugintheCrow said:

I do not currently have any plans on creating Corpus-related content.

This thread focuses on expanding the Grineer faction.

Besides, if I was to work on a Corpus thread, I'd have to rework tha faction from ground up Why? Because I don't particularly like* how it is presented in-game currently. If I was to make Corpus the way I'd enjoy it, I would have to literally remake them wholesale. That is not something I can do at this time, due to time constraints (I am not even hitting my schedule for this thread, so 2 threads wouldn't be possible).

  What would you have as a remake? Not questioning your tastes or anything like that, I'm genuinely curious since you said you'd go for a COMPLETE overhaul.

Edited by Unus
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  • 2 weeks later...

Super small update number whothehekknows.9999999

I decided to change ammo types of several weapons to HEAVY (the one used by Archwing guns in ground combat).

This does not mean these weapons are Archwing-usable, though. Now you might say "Wait, how are you gonna replenish ammo for them?".

Let's just say, in the universe of this thread, heavy ammo CAN drop in any mission and from any unit (at low chance). And that ammo mutation works on Heavy ammo as well (at low efficiency).

Weapons affected:

Vulkin and Demolok (which also got a buff to it's crit chance!);


Revakar and Grindarak;

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Small update:

I decided to re-do the descriptions of all the weapons.

From now, expect 4 sections for each gun/melee: Description (lore/fluff), Mechanics (all unique gameplay things) , Design notes (random commentary about inspirations etc.) and Stats, obviously. Bolded things are kinda the new stuff.

Progress: All done!

Edited by HugintheCrow
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Ello, Tenno... You probly wonderin' how I got your nummer?...

Don' sweat it, I won' tell nobody. Wouldn't wanna upset ya' guises.

But wher me manne's at? You kan kall me Hitm'n. I deal wit' Hits. Ya'v dealt wit' Hits too, avn't ya?

Well, how 'bout we talk 'bout somm gud ol' kooperatiun, huh?

See me at da Kronia. Me'll be sittin' 'round, sippin' a drink o' too.

Your's truly. Hitm'n.



Introducing Raff Krossk, Grineer Assassin turned Steel Meridian Turncoat turned Grineer Double Agent turned Free Agent on the Rails...

True to his alias, The Hitman dabbles with killing wanted personas all over the system. And now, he has extended an invitation for the Tenno to join him.

For now, he can be found in the Relays, migrating every week, but future events might make him reconsider his location...

Raff Krossk:




This grizzled veteran knows more than he's willing to say, but he's paying well. He is a victim to a very specific genetic-programming defect. Instead of hating anything non-Grineer, he just hates EVERYTHING. How did he survive for so long is anybodies' guess.


How to play:

The Hitman has work for you, Tenno. Do you want to get your hands dirty, but also possibly full of riches? Talk to Raff to see a list of this week's Hit Bounties.

Each week Krossk has a new set of Bounties to complete and each of the Bounties has a very similar structure, although they might vary in difficulty. Let's have the Hitman himself explain:


1. Find da target.

2. Kill'em.

3. ???

4. Profit.

1. Finding the Target:

Each bounty details what character you are to hunt down. Currently, Raff offers bounties on both Grineer and Corpus VIPs.

The chosen target will have "Leads" attached to them. Complete tasks based on those "Leads" and you will be able to find out where to look for your target. Head to Leads section to see examples of what you might need to do. Each Target gets dynamically assigned several Leads. Not all of them need to be done to find the Target's location, but failing too many will cause the Target to escape, failing the Bounty!

2. Killin':

When the location of the Target becomes apparent, one needs simply to head into any mission that fits the requirements, the Target will spawn very soon upon the Tenno's arrival. Now, each of the specific Targets has slightly different mechanics on how they fight. Head to the Targets section to see what you might encounter.

3. ???:

Sometimes the HIt doesn't go exactly as planned, either the Target discovers that they are being tailed, or maybe they have already bunkered down in a secure location. Complications within the Hit appear randomly, but are more likely to occur on higher Priority bounties. Head to the Complication section to see what might go wrong. Keep in mind that a lot of Complications can cause you to lose the Target, which fails the Bounty!


While Krossk isn't Corpus, he enjoys getting that profit anyway. And if you scratch his back, he'll scratch yours. Successful Hit means rewards. The specifics depend on the given Hit's Priority. Head to the Rewards section to see what you might obtain by working with the Hitman.

Bounty Information:

Each Bounty is characterized by the following:

1. Priority: This is the "difficulty setting". Higher Priority means more Leads to follow and a harder fight at the end. But obviously, more rewards as well.

The Hitman provides five 1-Star Bounties, three 2-Star Bounties and one 3-Star Bounty every week as well as a single Platinum-Star Bounty every 2 weeks.





The easiest of the Bounties. Targets are limited to spawn only on lower level planets, need only 2 Leads to be completed and rarely if ever feature any Complications. They can often appear with no protection.



Mid-tier Bounties. Targets spawn mostly on the higher level planets and locations, need 4 Leads completed and usually come with no Complications. Their protection is generally limited.



Hardest of the generic Bounties. Targets can spawn anywhere, but will convert the mission into a much higher level one most of the time. They require 6 Leads to be completed as well as appearing with at least 1 Complication most of the time. Their protection is usually pretty strong.



Platinum Star Bounties are unique in that their Targets are not generic units from the Target pool. They are special NPCs with looks, backstory and mechanics unique to them. While they require 6 Leads' completions just like the 3-Star ones, they also come with guaranteed Complications. They are often powerful enough not to require any protection, but they usually have it anyway.


2. The Target. Duh.

While there is a limited pool of actual in-game units the Targets are chosen from, the guy is always described with a short unique blurb and a name. So you can really feel personally attached to a dude you're about to kill :devil:



Grineer Targets:





This Grin'er Soldia is a grizzle' ol' vet of many a' fight. Somm kould say "Jus' let 'em da' on'is own", cus' 'is life is endin' 'nyway. But dat would be neida fun fo' us, no' demoralizin' fo' da enemi, would it?




Nobl's kontrol da Grin'er sokityy. To break that sokityy, ya need to brakk dose hoo kontrol it. Eezee ekwation, ain't me rite?




Dis gui kno's well how to lead trups. Too well fo' me taste. Drop'em and drop'em skwad too.




Me neva likin' dem skienfy types. Me'finks dem ya kan neva trast a skienfy type. Jus' kill'em, will'ya?


Corpus Targets:





Tu bravey fo' Korpes, tu pansy fo' Grin'er. Useles, reely. Stupi' lukin' glases, tu.




Profit, Profet, Shmofit, Shmofet. Samm shott. Git'em shot, make'im tot.




Korpes finkin' dey are militery... Ha, haha. Shou dem reel militery and krush'em luzers, will'ya?




Fo'mi, getin' rich is wen sommon' getin' pur. Deese guise du da samm, but lik' luzers, wit' deir nummers and shott.


Platinum-Star Targets:






Leads are mini-objectives you need to complete to find your Target. Remember that if you don't complete the Hit before the weekly Bounty reset, you'll lose the Target.

You will always start out with 2 Leads, and if you need to complete more to find the Target, you'll get them, but you still can have only 2 uncompleted ones waiting at the same time. (e.g. You need 4 Leads, you start with 2, you complete 1, you get a new one, etc.)

Leads can vary, from completing a specific mission, several missions of a specific type, or simply killing specific units. Harder Bounties will give you harder Leads.



During the Lead gathering:



During the final Stand-off:






The Hitman is an obsessive collector of unusual and unique weapons. While many of them are utterly worthless, broken prototypes, some might be hidden diamonds. If you get on the Hitman's good side, he might share access to his armory.

Keep in mind, Raff is quite unstable, an even if he says he likes you, he still utterly hates your guts (cause he literally hates every-hecking-one). Prepare to get trolled sometimes. Just don't throw away any of the junk he gives you, it may or may not be a vital part to complete a future side quest or something.

Armory Gifts:

Every Bounty completed gives you Trust Points, on set intervals of said points, you will obtain a unique, special weapon, some of which are pretty cool, and others aren't, at all.

Each interval is higher than the previous, and you can Prestige it after achieving max Trust Rank, to get all the rewards again (for Trading purposes, for example). Additionally, after Prestiging, every Rank will give you Weapon Parts as a bonus (which you will learn more in the Fall of Kronos update).

If Raff finds any new weapons he'd like to gift you, he'll always prioritize them over stuff you've already gotten.

Weapons obtainable from the Armory Gifts:


Other than the Armory Gifts, the Hitman will shower you in credits and resources for each successful Hit (A big portion of this content is meant to be early/mid game after all, you know). Platinum-Star Bounties reward Kuva as well.



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Edited by HugintheCrow
Gonna be editing a lot, stay tuned! Last update: 13.12.2019
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On 2019-03-24 at 8:34 PM, HugintheCrow said:


Introducing Raff Krossk, Grineer Assassin turned Steel Meridian Turncoat turned Grineer Double Agent turned Free Agent on the Rails...

True to his alias, The Hitman dabbles with killing wanted personas all over the system. And now, he has extended an invitation for the Tenno to join him.

For now, he can be found in the Relays, migrating every week, but future events might make him reconsider his location...

Raff Krossk:

  Reveal hidden contents



This grizzled veteran knows more than he's willing to say, but he's paying well. He is a victim to a very specific genetic-programming defect. Instead of hating anything non-Grineer, he just hates EVERYTHING.


How to play:

The Hitman has work for you, Tenno. Do you want to get your hands dirty, but also possibly full of riches? Talk to Raff to see a list of this week's Hit Bounties.

Each week Krossk has a new set of Bounties to complete and each of the Bounties has a very similar structure, although they might vary in difficulty. Let's have the Hitman himself explain:

1. Finding the Target:

Each bounty details what character you are to hunt down. Currently, Raff offers bounties on both Grineer and Corpus VIPs.

The chosen target will have "Leads" attached to them. Complete tasks based on those "Leads" and you will be able to find out where to look for your target. Head to Leads section to see examples of what you might need to do.

2. Killin':

When the location of the Target becomes apparent, one needs simply to head into any mission that fits the requirements, the Target will spawn very soon upon the Tenno's arrival. Now, each of the specific Targets has slightly different mechanics on how they fight. Head to the Targets section to see what you might encounter.

3. ???:

Sometimes the HIt doesn't go exactly as planned, either the Target discovers that they are being tailed, or maybe they have already bunkered down in a secure location. Complications within the Hit appear randomly, but are more likely to occur on higher Priority bounties. Head to the Complication section to see what might go wrong.


While Krossk isn't Corpus, he enjoys getting that profit anyway. And if you scratch his back, he'll scratch yours. Successful Hit means rewards. The specifics depend on the given Hit's Priority. Head to the Rewards section to see what you might obtain by working with the Hitman.

Bounty Information:

Each Bounty is characterized by the following:

1. Priority: This is the "difficulty setting". Higher Priority means more Leads to follow and a harder fight at the end. But obviously, more rewards as well.

The Hitman provides five 1-Star Bounties, three 2-Star Bounties and one 3-Star Bounty every week as well as a single Platinum-Star Bounty every 2 weeks.


  Reveal hidden contents


  Reveal hidden contents



  Reveal hidden contents



  Reveal hidden contents



  Reveal hidden contents



2. The Target. Duh.

While there is a limited pool of actual in-game units the Targets are chosen from, the guy is always described with a short unique blurb and a name. So you can really feel personally attached to a dude you're about to kill :devil:



  Reveal hidden contents


Grineer Targets:

  Reveal hidden contents


  Reveal hidden contents




  Reveal hidden contents




  Reveal hidden contents




  Reveal hidden contents




Corpus Targets:

  Reveal hidden contents


  Reveal hidden contents




  Reveal hidden contents




  Reveal hidden contents




  Reveal hidden contents




Platinum-Star Targets:

  Reveal hidden contents




  Reveal hidden contents



  Reveal hidden contents



  Reveal hidden contents



Back to the Main Post


Yowza. This sonofabetch must be absolutely hated.

Oh, huh, and it's vice-versa to boot. The ultimate lottery winner in genetics for being a giga-nihilist.


Ah, sounds like a vision of the currently-in-cryo clan-bounty hunting. Perhaps it could be the answer of "CLAN? ME? Nonesense!", a phone-call from a much. . . darker place.


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On 2019-03-22 at 10:56 PM, HugintheCrow said:

Small update:

I decided to re-do the descriptions of all the weapons.

From now, expect 4 sections for each gun/melee: Description (lore/fluff), Mechanics (all unique gameplay things) , Design notes (random commentary about inspirations etc.) and Stats, obviously. Bolded things are kinda the new stuff.

Progress: All done!

Similarly to this^, I've rearranged the descriptions for my gallery of enemy units. Mostly to better describe their unique abilities and whatnot.

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Hitman's Bounty update arbitrarynumber.randomnumber:

Started filling up the info about the Hitman's Bounty system, above on this page.

As a bonus, have some weapons:

Grineer Reinforcements 5:

This time we got a pretty large amount of guns, with most of them focused on being somewhat down-to-earth(-ish), ok, we have a gun that is literally an arm with a trigger mechanism, but that's besides the point.

Presenting: Bolk Heavy Machine Gun, Gor Shrapnel Launcher, Dasatt DMR, Slaga Slug Launcher, Sprin Bolt Auto-Launcher, Pompak Energy Weapon System, Grasp Exotic Energy Weapon (yes, it's a hand), Blamak Demolition Gun, Truda Burst Pistol, Stigrak Precision Carbine and last but not least the Satna Machine Pistol.

As always, the final descriptions and stats are to be added at later time. Done!






The original Bolk has been created and produced for the massive Ogrs and Hog Trooper mutations. A scaled down version has been made to fill the role of the GPMG in Lancer shock groups. This heavy machinegun becomes deadlier the longer it is fired.


Innate: Fire Capacitor: This weapon rapidly gains Fire Rate and Accuracy as it is fired.

Innate: Explosive Rounds: This weapon fires low-explosive rounds, dealing damage in a smal aoe around the point of impact. This damage does not follow the regular radial damage rules and does NOT affect any directly hit targets.

Design notes:

I like LMGs, what can I say... Another one.


Mastery: 12

Slot: Primary

Type: Rifle

Trigger: Auto

Ammo: Heavy

Noise: Alarming

Fire rate: 10/30 rounds per sec

Accuracy: 15/75

Magazine size: 250 rounds per mag

Max ammo: 750 rounds

Reload time: 2.6 s

Total Damage: 80.0

18?cb=20150811174304 Impact: 30.0

18?cb=20150810075255 Puncture: 18.0

18?cb=20150811174234 Slash: 32.0

Total Radial Damage: 80.0

18?cb=20150811174304 Impact: 30.0

18?cb=20150810075255 Puncture: 18.0

18?cb=20150811174234 Slash: 32.0

Radial range: 1.5 m

Radial falloff: N/A

Crit chance: 22%

Crit multiplier: 2.1x

Precision multiplier: 1.25x/0.0x

Status chance: 30%

Damage falloff: Full damage up to 150 m, Min damage at 250 m, Min damage: 55%

Polarities: 20?cb=20150301001230

Manufacturing Requirements:

Blueprint researchable in Dojo Chem lab.

Requires Stakan Research.




Rapidly firing scorching-hot shards of shrapnel, the Gor is a powerful close-range weapon, if slightly hard to control. To allow the operator to engage farther targets, an additional barrel for precision shooting, with complementary iron sights, is installed above the primary one.


Innate: Fiery Shrapnel: When this weapon procs 18?cb=20140124221428 Heat status, it also procs 18?cb=20150811174234 Slash status, when this weapon procs 18?cb=20150811174234 Slash status, it also procs 18?cb=20140124221428 Heat status.

Alt-fire: Needleshot: Toggle to fire singular shrapnel spikes, with much greater effective range. Enables zoom functionality.

Design notes:

The weapon can only be aimed precisely and zoomed in when using the alt-fire, due to the fact that only the higher barrel has sights calibrated for it. Not that you really need to aim with the primary fire.


Mastery: 11

Slot: Primary

Type: Shotgun

Trigger: Auto/Semi-Auto

Ammo: Shotgun

Noise: Alarming

Fire rate: 2.5 rounds per sec

Accuracy: 11/54

Magazine size: 20 rounds per mag

Max ammo: 440 rounds

Reload time: 1.99 s

Total Damage: 450.0

18?cb=20150810075255 Puncture: 122.0

18?cb=20150811174234 Slash: 94.0

18?cb=20140124221428 Heat: 234.0

Pellets: 8/1

Crit chance: 20%/25%

Crit multiplier: 3.0x

Precision multiplier: 0.0x/2.25x

Status chance: 30% (per pellet)

Damage falloff: Full damage up to 15/100 m, Min damage at 30/200 m,  Min damage: 50%

Polarities: 20?cb=20150301001230

Manufacturing Requirements:

Blueprint researchable in Dojo Chem lab.

Requires Itaka Research.




This powerful marksman weapon fires modified munitions capable of limited trajectory adjustments. Used only by elites, the Dasatt is a mark of prestige amongst the Grineer snipers.


Innate: Smart Munitions: This weapon's shots can be partially guided onto targets by dragging the reticule around while firing.

Design notes:

Inspired by how you can easily catch PoE fish by rapidly moving the reticule in a dragging motion over the aforementioned fish. Except here you shoot stuff with a gun.


Mastery: 11

Slot: Primary

Type: Rifle

Trigger: Semi-Auto

Ammo: Rifle

Noise: Alarming

Fire rate: 8.66 rounds per sec

Accuracy: 99

Magazine size: 34+1 rounds per mag

Max ammo: 340 rounds

Reload time: 1.5 s

Total Damage: 360.0

18?cb=20150811174304 Impact: 140.0

18?cb=20150810075255 Puncture: 90.0

18?cb=20150811174234 Slash: 130.0

Crit chance: 26%

Crit multiplier: 2.3x

Precision multiplier: 2.25x

Status chance: 10%

Damage falloff: Full damage up to 300 m, Min damage at 600 m, Min damage: 55%

Polarities: 20?cb=20150301001230

Manufacturing Requirements:

Blueprint researchable in Dojo Chem lab.

Requires Desakar Research.




Slaga fires explosive slugs with limited tracking capabilities. While most normal people would need to use this as a full-on squad-based grenade launcher (with strong recoil), the heavily-augmented Grineer can be seen treating the gun as if it was a sidearm.


Innate: Red Slugs: When this weapon procs 18?cb=20140124221428 Heat status, it also procs 18?cb=20150811174234 Slash status, when this weapon procs 18?cb=20150811174234 Slash status, it also procs 18?cb=20140124221428 Heat status. When this weapon procs 18?cb=20150811174304 Impact, it also procs 18?cb=20140124221426 Corrosive.

Primary Fire Mode: Supression Mode: Short range, tracking slugs with arcing flight trajectory.

Secondary Fire Mode: Precision Mode: Longer range, super-fast tracking slugs with straight trajectory.

Design notes:

Totally honestly, this is just the Skyburner's Oath* from Destiny 2, and considering that the Cabal are pretty much Grineer (like, come on) it fits, I guess?

*Which I enjoy a great deal, especially in pvp. Nobody expects bombs flying at them from around the corner.

While one might assume this weapon has an aoe component, it does not actually explode in any way, dealing only direct hit damage.


Mastery: 10

Slot: Secondary

Type: Rifle

Trigger: Auto

Ammo: Sniper

Noise: Alarming

Fire rate: 3.33/2.0 rounds per sec

Accuracy: 90/100

Magazine size: 18 rounds per mag

Max ammo: 60 rounds

Reload time: 1.6 s

Total Damage: 420.0/533.5

18?cb=20150811174304 Impact: 85.5/100.5

18?cb=20150810075255 Puncture: 34.0/60.0

18?cb=20150811174234 Slash: 100.5/173.0

18?cb=20140124221428 Heat: 200.0/200.0

Crit chance: 20%

Crit multiplier: 2.3x

Precision multiplier: 1.25x/0.0x

Status chance: 26%

Damage falloff: Full damage up to 90 m, Min damage at 190 m,  Min damage: 50%

Polarities: 20?cb=20150301001230

Manufacturing Requirements:

Blueprint researchable in Dojo Chem lab.

Requires Grandak Research.




Sprin is an experimental weapon, firing Nyth-infused bolts, which crumble in flight, delivering a cloud of microscopic blades at the target. Somewhat based on a one-off handcannon made by Gaud Krupp for Ela Drakkar, it is a controversial weapon, even if only due to Ela's strict-secrecy policy on new tech.


Innate: Nyth Corruption Bolt: This weapon fires Sentient-Nyth-infused munitions, gaining infinite unit penetration, increased Bleed* damage and causing enemies killed while Bleeding to leave clouds of dust, which deal 18?cb=20150811174234 Slash damage.

Innate: Judas' Respite: This weapon deals increased damage against Tenno and Warframe targets.

Innate: Judas' Bane: This weapon deals nearly no damage against Sentient targets.

*any 18?cb=20150811174234 Slash proc caused by this weapon deals more damage. 18?cb=20150811174234 Slash damage itself is not increased.

Design notes:

Kinda wanted to incorporate the PoE and OV resources into more of the lore. Here is what I came up with for Nyth, it's a very sharp mineral.


Mastery: 14

Slot: Primary

Type: Rifle

Trigger: Auto

Ammo: Sniper

Noise: Alarming

Fire rate: 1.9 rounds per sec

Accuracy: 75

Magazine size: 30 rounds per mag

Max ammo: 90 rounds

Reload time: 2.0 s

Total Damage: 466.0

18?cb=20150810075255 Puncture: 30.0

18?cb=20150811174234 Slash: 436.0

Crit chance: 40%

Crit multiplier: 2.5x

Precision multiplier: 1.33x

Status chance: 18%

Damage falloff: N/A

Polarities: N/A

Manufacturing Requirements:

Blueprint obtainable from UBER Lancers.




The Pompak is yet another esoteric weapon project by the Horma Vamrak, an eccentric Noble and the head of the Vamrak Industries, (in)famous for  developing wacky equipment. This one... didn't work out. As an attempt to harness the Void energy, the Pompak features a miniature siphon technology, which sadly couldn't be utilised by mere mortals. Perhaps the Tenno could find a use for this weapon?


Innate: Void Gun: This weapon does not have an ammo pool, instead reloading drains Warframe energy. This weapon deals greatly increased damage against Sentient units and has a chance to remove elemental adaptations from damaged enemies.

Design notes:

No, this cannot break Eidolon shields, sorry.


Mastery: 10

Slot: Primary

Type: Rifle

Trigger: Semi-Auto

Ammo: N/A

Noise: Alarming

Fire rate: 5.2 rounds per sec

Accuracy: 46

Magazine size: 23 rounds per mag

Max ammo: N/A

Reload time: 0.5 s

Total Damage: 60.0

18?cb=20150811174304 Impact: 30.0

18?cb=20150811174234 Slash: 30.0

Crit chance: 19%

Crit multiplier: 2.5x

Precision multiplier: 2.25x

Status chance: 15%

Damage falloff: N/A

Polarities: 20?cb=20150301001230

Manufacturing Requirements:

Blueprint obtainable from the Hitman's Bounties.





Grasp is, in short, an Orokin brain connected to their arm, put inside a gun-like casing and equipped with a stimulation device paired with the gun's trigger mechanism. When activated, the weapon fires a wave of exotic particles, powered by the Orokin's supernatural abilities.


Innate: Exotic Energy: This weapon is guaranteed to proc 18?cb=20140124221430 Radiation status on nearby enemies hit.

Innate: Judas' Respite: This weapon deals more damage to Tenno and Warframe targets.

Design notes:

Puts the "hand" in handcannon. That canister with the Grineer logo houses the brain... Does it mean it's a braincannon?


Mastery: 11

Slot: Primary

Type: Shotgun

Trigger: Semi-Auto

Ammo: Sniper

Range limit: 25 m

Noise: Alarming

Fire rate: 1.9 rounds per sec

Accuracy: 100

Magazine size: 3 rounds per mag

Max ammo: 42 rounds

Reload time: 1.0 s

Total Damage: 340.0

18?cb=20140124221430 Radiation: 340.0

Crit chance: 17%

Crit multiplier: 3.0x

Precision multiplier: 0.0x

Status chance: 5%

Damage falloff: N/A

Polarities: 20?cb=20150301001230

Manufacturing Requirements:

Blueprint obtainable from the Hitman's Bounties.




A straightforward approach is the best approach. Blamak's every part realizes this exact ideology. From the simplistic firing mechanism to it's deadly function, it is intended to be usable by anyone with (or even without) half a brain. Powerful explosive munitions carried by this weapon can be fired in a lethal splash or used as an impromptu grenade launcher, albeit at higher cartridge expenditure.


Innate: Auto-Ignition Drive: This weapon fires at full-auto straight from the ammo pool. Using the Alt-fire triggers a reload.

Alt-fire: Hard Launch: Press to fire off a powerful ranged fireball.

Design notes:

Funnily enough, when I originally drew it, it was supposed to be a grenade launcher with shotgun secondary fire. I generally draw first, then come up with how it works, btw.


Mastery: 8

Slot: Secondary

Type: Pistol

Trigger: Auto/Semi-Auto

Ammo: Pistol

Noise: Alarming

Fire rate: 4.5/1 rounds per sec

Accuracy: 12/70

Magazine size: N/A/1

Max ammo: 40 rounds

Reload time:  0.0 s/1.0 s

Total Damage: 260.0

18?cb=20150811174304 Impact: 90.0

18?cb=20150810075255 Puncture: 80.0

18?cb=20150811174234 Slash: 90.0

Total Damage: N/A

Total Radial Damage: 300.0

18?cb=20150811174304 Impact: 100.0

18?cb=20150810075255 Puncture: 100.0

18?cb=20150811174234 Slash: 100.0

Radial range: 8 m

Radial falloff: N/A

Crit chance: 18%

Crit multiplier: 2.1x

Precision multiplier: 0.0x/0.0x

Status chance: 21%

Damage falloff: Full damage up to 15 m, Min damage at 25 m,  Min damage: 50%/N/A

Polarities: 20?cb=20150301001230

Manufacturing Requirements:

Blueprint obtainable from the Hitman's Bounties.




The Truda is named as such for it's trustworthyness on the battlefield, of all the produced pistols, legend has that only one ever malfunctioned. Ironically it was the one used by it's original designer, who supposedly aimed and tried to fire it at the Elder Queen herself. The entire story is obviously a propaganda flick meant to show what happens when you try to rebel, but the "never-breaking" part seems to be true. The gun is curiously built in a way which somehow prevents any attempts to open it up and see what really makes it so special. Since the production ceased long time ago, there doesn't seem to be a way to understand it's uniqueness...


Innate: "I will not betray": This weapon is immune to any weapon disruptor mechanics, enabling it to be equipped even if it's type is supposed to be unallowed in the given mission. This weapon is unaffected by 18?cb=20140124221430 Radiation proc friendly fire.

Innate: "I will not falter": This weapon gains massively increased stats when it's user is downed. Killing enemies while downed grants revival progress. This weapon's user cannot die without first being downed.

Design notes:

IDK, I think the spirit of the loremaster himself, @Unus, made me create a slightly longer story for this one. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


Mastery: 15

Slot: Secondary

Type: Pistol

Trigger: Burst

Ammo: Pistol

Noise: Alarming

Fire rate: 4.0 rounds per sec

Accuracy: 32

Magazine size: 8 rounds per mag

Max ammo: 240 rounds

Reload time: 0.7 s/0.21667 s

Total Damage: 100.0/240.0

Burst count: 2 (200.0/480.0 total damage)

18?cb=20150811174304 Impact: 40.5/97.2

18?cb=20150810075255 Puncture: 19.0/45.6

18?cb=20150811174234 Slash: 40.5/97.2

Crit chance: 15%/36%

Crit multiplier: 2.6x

Precision multiplier: 2.0x

Status chance: 20%/48%

Damage falloff: Full damage up to 50 m, Min damage at 100 m,  Min damage: 50%/N/A

Polarities: 20?cb=20150301001230

Manufacturing Requirements:

Obtainable fully built from the Brothers' Feud Quest.




The diminutive Stigrak was an attempt to create a smaller, yet still very effective Designated Marksman Weapon for the elite paratrooper squads, who often can't equip large guns simply due to space constraints. It was a very successful attempt, to the point where it's creator has been nearly instantly promoted to High Tusk Command by Vay Hek. Powerful, yet low-caliber munitions carried by this gun have a greater chance of hitting their target due to in-built trajectory-correction system.


Innate: Smart Munitions: This weapon's shots can be partially guided onto targets by dragging the reticle around while firing.

Design notes:

Visual design highly inspired by the 3rd Reich's StG 44, the first successful assault rifle in the world.


Mastery: 11


Type: Rifle

Trigger: Auto

Ammo: Pistol

Noise: Silenced

Fire rate: 9 rounds per sec

Accuracy: 99

Magazine size: 46+1 rounds per mag

Max ammo: 230 rounds

Reload time: 1.2 s

Total Damage: 120.0

18?cb=20150811174304 Impact: 60.0

18?cb=20150810075255 Puncture: 10.0

18?cb=20150811174234 Slash: 50.0

Crit chance: 24%

Crit multiplier: 2.0x

Precision multiplier: 1.5x

Status chance: 25%

Damage falloff: Full damage up to 250 m, Min damage at 400 m,  Min damage: 55%

Polarities: 20?cb=20150301001230

Manufacturing Requirements:

Blueprint researchable in Dojo Chem lab.

Requires Desakar Research.




Satna is an extremely cheap and easy to use machine pistol, designed to be used by the Grineer Voluntary Troops. As you may imagine the Voluntary Troops aren't exactly what the word "Voluntary" would imply. They are war prisoner meatshields, simply put. Each Satna is equipped with a specialised Governor unit, making it impossible to fire it at a Grineer. The "after-market" versions of this gun come with that limitation removed though, as one might imagine. Ironically, a weapon first made for Grineer slaves, has become frequently used against the Grineer, as many rebels have picked up these guns from the bodies of the Voluntary Troops.


Innate: Slap-Dash Machining: This weapon gains increased fire rate and recoil as it is fired.

Design notes:

This one quite literally the British Sten machine pistol.


Mastery: 8

Slot: Secondary

Type: Pistol

Trigger: Auto

Ammo: Pistol

Noise: Alarming

Fire rate: 9.1667 rounds per sec

Accuracy: 21

Magazine size: 32+1 rounds per mag

Max ammo: 320 rounds

Reload time: 0.6 s

Total Damage: 23.0

18?cb=20150811174304 Impact: 10.9

18?cb=20150810075255 Puncture: 1.1

18?cb=20150811174234 Slash: 11.0

Crit chance: 5%

Crit multiplier: 1.5x

Precision multiplier: 1.25x

Status chance: 20%

Damage falloff: Full damage up to 60 m, Min damage at 80 m,  Min damage: 40%

Polarities: N/A

Manufacturing Requirements:

Blueprint obtainable from the Hitman's Armory Gifts.


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Edited by HugintheCrow
errything done
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Hey, remember this?

On 2019-03-03 at 11:24 PM, HugintheCrow said:

I have a full plan to integrate the Wolf as a recurrent character in my divergent headcanon lore (Reminder that whatever happens in this thread IS meant to contradict official canon).

However, I do want to see what DE has planned for the further weeks. If we don't see anymore substantial lore, I'm going to continue with my concept, if we do, I might modify it.

Yeah... I'm modifying it.

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On 2019-04-03 at 4:15 PM, HugintheCrow said:

Art update:

Redesigned and redrawn the original 4 High Nobles from the Inner Sanctum, namely Ela Drakkar, Graka Spruk, Trecha Krall and Sahra Regor.


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A revamped collection of characters eh?

On 2019-04-09 at 7:18 AM, HugintheCrow said:

Hitman's Bounty update arbitrarynumber.randomnumber:

Started filling up the info about the Hitman's Bounty system, above on this page.

As a bonus, have some weapons:

Grineer Reinforcements 5:

This time we got a pretty large amount of guns, with most of them focused on being somewhat down-to-earth(-ish), ok, we have a gun that is literally an arm with a trigger mechanism, but that's besides the point.

Presenting: Bolk Heavy Machine Gun, Gor Shrapnel Launcher, Dasatt DMR, Slaga Slug Launcher, Sprin Bolt Auto-Launcher, Pompak Energy Weapon System, Grasp Exotic Energy Weapon (yes, it's a hand), Blamak Demolition Gun, Truda Burst Pistol, Stigrak Precision Carbine and last but not least the Satna Machine Pistol.

As always, the final descriptions and stats are to be added at later time. Done!




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The original Bolk has been created and produced for the massive Ogrs and Hog Trooper mutations. A scaled down version has been made to fill the role of the Squad Automatic Weapon in Lancer shock groups. This heavy machinegun becomes deadlier the longer it is fired.


Innate: Fire Capacitor: This weapon rapidly gains Fire Rate and Accuracy as it is fired.

Design notes:

I like LMGs, what can I say... Another one.


Mastery: 12

Slot: Primary

Type: Rifle

Trigger: Auto

Ammo: Heavy

Noise: Alarming

Fire rate: 10/30 rounds per sec

Accuracy: 15/75

Magazine size: 250 rounds per mag

Max ammo: 750 rounds

Reload time: 2.6 s

Piercing: 37%

Total Damage: 80.0

18?cb=20150811174304 Impact: 30.0

18?cb=20150810075255 Puncture: 18.0

18?cb=20150811174234 Slash: 32.0

Crit chance: 22%

Crit multiplier: 2.1

Status chance: 30%

Damage falloff: Full damage up to 150 m, Min damage at 250 m, 45% max reduction

Polarities: 20?cb=20150301001230

Manufacturing Requirements:

26?cb=20140515160015 30000 | 32?cb=20140515152123 2500 | 43?cb=20140903201131 3300 | 32?cb=20140515152214 4000 | 32?cb=20140515152127 4 | 24 hours

Blueprint researchable in Dojo Chem lab:

26?cb=20140515160015 20000 | 32?cb=20140515152124 500 | 32?cb=20140515152123 10000 | 32?cb=20140515152214 8000 | 32?cb=20140515152127 5 | 72 hours

LeaderBadgeGhostHolo x1   LeaderBadgeShadowHolo x3  LeaderBadgeStormHolo x10  LeaderBadgeMountainHolo x30  LeaderBadgeMoonHolo x100

Requires Stakan Research


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Rapidly firing scorching-hot shards of shrapnel, the Gor is a powerful close-range weapon, if slightly hard to control. To allow the operator to engage farther targets, an additional barrel for precision shooting, with complementary iron sights, is installed above the primary one.


Innate: Fiery Shrapnel: When this weapon procs 18?cb=20140124221428 Heat status, it also procs 18?cb=20150811174234 Slash status, when this weapon procs 18?cb=20150811174234 Slash status, it also procs 18?cb=20140124221428 Heat status.

Alt-fire: Needleshot: Toggle to fire singular shrapnel spikes, with much greater effective range. Enables zoom functionality.

Design notes:

The weapon can only be aimed precisely and zoomed in when using the alt-fire, due to the fact that only the higher barrel has sights calibrated for it. Not that you really need to aim with the primary fire.


Mastery: 11

Slot: Primary

Type: Shotgun

Trigger: Auto/Semi-Auto

Ammo: Shotgun

Noise: Alarming

Fire rate: 2.5 rounds per sec

Accuracy: 11/54

Magazine size: 20 rounds per mag

Max ammo: 440 rounds

Reload time: 1.99 s

Piercing: 5%/25%

Total Damage: 450.0

18?cb=20150810075255 Puncture: 122.0

18?cb=20150811174234 Slash: 94.0

18?cb=20140124221428 Heat: 234.0

Pellets: 8/1

Crit chance: 20%/25%

Crit multiplier: 3.0

Status chance: 30%

Damage falloff: Full damage up to 15/100 m, Min damage at 30/200 m,  max reduction 50%

Polarities: 20?cb=20150301001230

Manufacturing Requirements:

26?cb=20140515160015 40000 | 32?cb=20140515152123 4500 | 32?cb=20140515152214 3000 | 32?cb=20140515152213 3400 | 32?cb=20140515152124 45 | 24 hours

Blueprint researchable in Dojo Chem lab:

26?cb=20140515160015 20000 | 32?cb=20140515152124 400 | 32?cb=20140515152123 8000 | 32?cb=20140515152213 6000 | 32?cb=20140515152127 2 | 72 hours

LeaderBadgeGhostHolo x1   LeaderBadgeShadowHolo x3  LeaderBadgeStormHolo x10  LeaderBadgeMountainHolo x30  LeaderBadgeMoonHolo x100

Requires Itaka Research


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This powerful marksman weapon fires modified munitions capable of limited trajectory adjustments. Used only by elites, the Dasatt is a mark of prestige amongst the Grineer snipers.


Innate: Smart Munitions: This weapon's shots can be partially guided onto targets by dragging the reticule around while firing.

Design notes:

Inspired by how you can easily catch PoE fish by rapidly moving the reticule in a dragging motion over the aforementioned fish. Except here you shoot stuff with a gun.


Mastery: 11

Slot: Primary

Type: Rifle

Trigger: Semi-Auto

Ammo: Rifle

Noise: Alarming

Fire rate: 8.66 rounds per sec

Accuracy: 99

Magazine size: 34 rounds per mag

Max ammo: 340 rounds

Reload time: 1.5 s

Piercing: 66%

Total Damage: 360.0

18?cb=20150811174304 Impact: 140.0

18?cb=20150810075255 Puncture: 90.0

18?cb=20150811174234 Slash: 130.0

Crit chance: 26%

Crit multiplier: 2.3

Status chance: 10%

Damage falloff: Full damage up to 300 m, Min damage at 600 m,  max reduction 45%

Polarities: 20?cb=20150301001230

Manufacturing Requirements:

26?cb=20140515160015 50000 | 32?cb=20140515152126 25 | 32?cb=20140515152127 5 | 32?cb=20141220111127 5 | 32?cb=20140515152124 30 | 24 hours

Blueprint researchable in Dojo Chem lab:

26?cb=20140515160015 30000 | 32?cb=20140515152124 400 | 32?cb=20140515152213 3000 | 32?cb=20140515152214 5000 | 32?cb=20140515152127 6 | 72 hours

LeaderBadgeGhostHolo x1   LeaderBadgeShadowHolo x3  LeaderBadgeStormHolo x10  LeaderBadgeMountainHolo x30  LeaderBadgeMoonHolo x100

Requires Dragulok Research


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Slaga fires explosive slugs with limited tracking capabilities. While most normal people would need to use this as a full-on squad-based grenade launcher (with strong recoil), the heavily-augmented Grineer can be seen treating the gun as if it was a sidearm.


Innate: Red Slugs: When this weapon procs 18?cb=20140124221428 Heat status, it also procs 18?cb=20150811174234 Slash status, when this weapon procs 18?cb=20150811174234 Slash status, it also procs 18?cb=20140124221428 Heat status. When this weapon procs 18?cb=20150811174304 Impact, it also procs 18?cb=20140124221426 Corrosive.

Primary Fire Mode: Supression Mode: Short range, tracking slugs with arcing flight trajectory.

Secondary Fire Mode: Precision Mode: Longer range, super-fast tracking slugs with straight trajectory.

Design notes:

Totally honestly, this is just the Skyburner's Oath* from Destiny 2, and considering that the Cabal are pretty much Grineer (like, come on) it fits, I guess?

*Which I enjoy a great deal, especially in pvp. Nobody expects bombs flying at them from around the corner.


Mastery: 10

Slot: Secondary

Type: Rifle

Trigger: Auto

Ammo: Sniper

Noise: Alarming

Fire rate: 3.33/2.0 rounds per sec

Accuracy: 90/100

Magazine size: 18 rounds per mag

Max ammo: 60 rounds

Reload time: 1.6 s

Piercing: 15%/40%

Total Damage: 420.0/533.5

18?cb=20150811174304 Impact: 85.5/100.5

18?cb=20150810075255 Puncture: 34.0/60.0

18?cb=20150811174234 Slash: 100.5/173.0

18?cb=20140124221428 Heat: 200.0/200.0

Crit chance: 20%

Crit multiplier: 2.3

Status chance: 26%

Damage falloff: Full damage up to 90 m, Min damage at 190 m,  max reduction 50%

Polarities: 20?cb=20150301001230

Manufacturing Requirements:

26?cb=20140515160015 45000 | 32?cb=20140515152123 4500 | 32?cb=20140515152213 4500 | 32?cb=20140515152214 2000 | 32?cb=20140515152127 8 | 24 hours

Blueprint researchable in Dojo Chem lab:

26?cb=20140515160015 20000 | 32?cb=20140515152124 300 | 32?cb=20140515152213 6000 | 32?cb=20140515152214 4000 | 32?cb=20140515152127 8 | 72 hours

LeaderBadgeGhostHolo x1   LeaderBadgeShadowHolo x3  LeaderBadgeStormHolo x10  LeaderBadgeMountainHolo x30  LeaderBadgeMoonHolo x100

Requires Dragulok Research


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Sprin is an experimental weapon, firing Nyth-infused bolts, which crumble in flight, delivering a cloud of microscopic blades at the target. Somewhat based on a one-off handcannon made by Gaud Krupp for Ela Drakkar, it is a controversial weapon, even if only due to Ela's strict-secrecy policy on new tech.


Innate: Nyth Corruption Bolt: This weapon fires Sentient-Nyth-infused munitions, gaining infinite unit penetration, increased Bleed* damage and causing enemies killed while Bleeding to leave clouds of dust, which deal 18?cb=20150811174234 Slash damage.

Innate: Judas' Respite: This weapon deals increased damage against Tenno and Warframe targets.

Innate: Judas' Bane: This weapon deals nearly no damage against Sentient targets.

*any 18?cb=20150811174234 Slash proc caused by this weapon deals more damage. 18?cb=20150811174234 Slash damage itself is not increased.

Design notes:

Kinda wanted to incorporate the PoE and OV resources into more of the lore. Here is what I came up with for Nyth, it's a very sharp mineral.


Mastery: 14

Slot: Primary

Type: Rifle

Trigger: Auto

Ammo: Sniper

Noise: Alarming

Fire rate: 1.9 rounds per sec

Accuracy: 75

Magazine size: 30 rounds per mag

Max ammo: 90 rounds

Reload time: 2.0 s

Piercing: 60%

Total Damage: 466.0

18?cb=20150810075255 Puncture: 30.0

18?cb=20150811174234 Slash: 436.0

Crit chance: 40%

Crit multiplier: 2.5

Status chance: 18%

Damage falloff: N/A

Polarities: N/A

Manufacturing Requirements:

26?cb=20140515160015 60000 | 24?cb=20171016124407 55 | 32?cb=20140515152124 4 | 40?cb=201710161703363 | 12?cb=20171017170840 30 | 24 hours

Blueprint obtainable from UBER Lancers


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The Pompak is yet another esoteric weapon project by the Horma Vamrak, an eccentric Noble and the head of the Vamrak Industries, (in)famous for  developing wacky equipment. This one... didn't work out. As an attempt to harness the Void energy, the Pompak features a miniature siphon technology, which sadly couldn't be utilised by mere mortals. Perhaps the Tenno could find a use for this weapon?


Innate: Void Gun: This weapon does not have an ammo pool, instead reloading drains Warframe energy. This weapon deals greatly increased damage against Sentient units and has a chance to remove elemental adaptations from damaged enemies.

Design notes:

No, this cannot break Eidolon shields, sorry.


Mastery: 10

Slot: Primary

Type: Rifle

Trigger: Semi-Auto

Ammo: N/A

Noise: Alarming

Fire rate: 5.2 rounds per sec

Accuracy: 46

Magazine size: 23 rounds per mag

Max ammo: N/A

Reload time: 0.5 s

Piercing: 45%

Total Damage: 60.0

18?cb=20150811174304 Impact: 30.0

18?cb=20150811174234 Slash: 30.0

Crit chance: 19%

Crit multiplier: 2.5

Status chance: 15%

Damage falloff: N/A

Polarities: 20?cb=20150301001230

Manufacturing Requirements:

26?cb=20140515160015 20000 | 32?cb=20140515152125 1200 | 32?cb=20140515152214 1000 | 32?cb=20140515152124 5 | 40?cb=201710161703361 | 24 hours

Blueprint obtainable from the Hitman's Bounties



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Grasp is, in short, an Orokin brain connected to their arm, put inside a gun-like casing and equipped with a stimulation device paired with the gun's trigger mechanism. When activated, the weapon fires a wave of exotic particles, powered by the Orokin's supernatural abilities.


Innate: Exotic Energy: This weapon is guaranteed to proc 18?cb=20140124221430 Radiation status on nearby enemies hit.

Innate: Judas' Respite: This weapon deals more damage to Tenno and Warframe targets.

Design notes:

Puts the "hand" in handcannon. That canister with the Grineer logo houses the brain... Does it mean it's a braincannon?


Mastery: 11

Slot: Primary

Type: Shotgun

Trigger: Semi-Auto

Ammo: Sniper

Noise: Alarming

Fire rate: 1.9 rounds per sec

Accuracy: 100

Magazine size: 3 rounds per mag

Max ammo: 42 rounds

Reload time: 1.0 s

Piercing: 75%

Total Damage: 340.0

18?cb=20140124221430 Radiation: 340.0

Crit chance: 17%

Crit multiplier: 3.0

Status chance: 5%

Damage falloff: Full damage up to 25 m, Min damage at 25 m,  max reduction 100%

Polarities: 20?cb=20150301001230

Manufacturing Requirements:

26?cb=20140515160015 30000 | 43?cb=20140903201131 2000 | 32?cb=20140515152214 3000 | 32?cb=20140515152126 10 | 45?cb=20171017014336 1 | 24 hours

Blueprint obtainable from the Hitman's Bounties


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A straightforward approach is the best approach. Blamak's every part realizes this exact ideology. From the simplistic firing mechanism to it's deadly function. it is intended to be usable by anyone with (or even without) half a brain. Powerful explosive munitions carried by this weapon can be fired in a lethal splash or used as an impromptu grenade launcher, albeit at higher cartridge expenditure.


Innate: Auto-Ignition Drive: This weapon fires at full-auto straight from the ammo pool. Using the Alt-fire triggers a reload.

Alt-fire: Hard Launch: Press to fire off a powerful ranged fireball.

Design notes:

Funnily enough, when I originally drew it, it was supposed to be a grenade launcher with shotgun secondary fire. I generally draw first, then come up with how it works, btw.


Mastery: 8

Slot: Secondary

Type: Pistol

Trigger: Auto/Semi-Auto

Ammo: Pistol

Noise: Alarming

Fire rate: 4.5/1 rounds per sec

Accuracy: 12/70

Magazine size: N/A/1

Max ammo: 40 rounds

Reload time:  0.0/1.0 s

Piercing: N/A/N/A

Total Damage: 260.0/300.0

18?cb=20150811174304 Impact: 90.0/100.0

18?cb=20150810075255 Puncture: 80.0/100.0

18?cb=20150811174234 Slash: 90.0/100.0

Crit chance: 18%

Crit multiplier: 2.1

Status chance: 21%

Damage falloff: Full damage up to 15 m, Min damage at 25 m,  max reduction 50%/N/A

Polarities: 20?cb=20150301001230

Manufacturing Requirements:

26?cb=20140515160015 34000 | 32?cb=20140515152125 4 | 32?cb=20140515152123 1000 | 32?cb=20140515152214 2300 | 32?cb=20140515152128 4 | 24 hours

Blueprint obtainable from the Hitman's Bounties


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The Truda is named as such for it's trustworthyness on the battlefield, of all the produced pistols, legend has that only one ever malfunctioned. Ironically it was the one used by it's original designer, who supposedly aimed and tried to fire it at the Elder Queen herself. The entire story is obviously a propaganda flick meant to show what happens when you try to rebel, but the "never-breaking" part seems to be true. The gun is curiously built in a way which somehow prevents any attempts to open it up and see what really makes it so special. Since the production ceased long time ago, there doesn't seem to be a way to understand it's uniqueness...


Innate: "I will not betray": This weapon is immune to any disruptor mechanics, enabling it to be equipped even if it's type is supposed to be unallowed in the given mission. This weapon is unaffected by 18?cb=20140124221430 Radiation proc friendly fire.

Innate: "I will not falter": This weapon gains massively increased stats when it's user is downed. Killing enemies while downed grants revival progress. This weapon's user cannot die without first being downed.

Design notes:

IDK, I think the spirit of the loremaster himself, @Unus, made me create a slightly longer story for this one. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


Mastery: 15

Slot: Secondary

Type: Pistol

Trigger: Burst

Ammo: Pistol

Noise: Alarming

Fire rate: 4.0 rounds per sec

Accuracy: 32

Magazine size: 8 rounds per mag

Max ammo: 240 rounds

Reload time: 0.7 s/0.21667 s

Piercing: 40%

Total Damage: 100.0/240.0

Burst count: 2 (200.0/480.0 total damage)

18?cb=20150811174304 Impact: 40.5/97.2

18?cb=20150810075255 Puncture: 19.0/45.6

18?cb=20150811174234 Slash: 40.5/97.2

Crit chance: 15%/36%

Crit multiplier: 2.6

Status chance: 20%/48%

Damage falloff: Full damage up to 50 m, Min damage at 100 m,  max reduction 50%/N/A

Polarities: 20?cb=20150301001230

Obtainable fully built from the Hitman's Bounties.


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The diminutive Stigrak was an attempt to create a smaller, yet still very effective Designated Marksman Weapon for the elite paratrooper squads, who often can't equip large guns simply due to space constraints. It was a very successful attempt, to the point where it's creator has been nearly instantly promoted to High Tusk Command by Vay Hek. Powerful, yet low-caliber munitions carried by this gun have a greater chance of hitting their target due to in-built trajectory-correction system.


Innate: Smart Munitions: This weapon's shots can be partially guided onto targets by dragging the reticule around while firing.

Design notes:

Visual design highly inspired by the 3rd Reich's StG 44, the first successful assault rifle in the world.


Mastery: 11


Type: Rifle

Trigger: Auto

Ammo: Pistol

Noise: Silenced

Fire rate: 9 rounds per sec

Accuracy: 99

Magazine size: 46 rounds per mag

Max ammo: 230 rounds

Reload time: 1.2 s

Piercing: 50%

Total Damage: 120.0

18?cb=20150811174304 Impact: 60.0

18?cb=20150810075255 Puncture: 10.0

18?cb=20150811174234 Slash: 50.0

Crit chance: 24%

Crit multiplier: 2.0

Status chance: 25%

Damage falloff: Full damage up to 250 m, Min damage at 400 m,  max reduction 45%

Polarities: 20?cb=20150301001230

Manufacturing Requirements:

26?cb=20140515160015 35000 | 32?cb=20140515152123 4500 | 32?cb=20140515152213 4500 | 32?cb=20140515152214 2000 | 32?cb=20140515152127 8 | 24 hours

Blueprint researchable in Dojo Chem lab:

26?cb=20140515160015 20000 | 32?cb=20140515152124 500 | 32?cb=20140515152123 10000 | 32?cb=20140515152214 8000 | 32?cb=20140515152127 5 | 72 hours

LeaderBadgeGhostHolo x1   LeaderBadgeShadowHolo x3  LeaderBadgeStormHolo x10  LeaderBadgeMountainHolo x30  LeaderBadgeMoonHolo x100

Requires Taktikar Research


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Satna is an extremely cheap and easy to use machine pistol, designed to be used by the Grineer Voluntary Troops. As you may imagine the Voluntary Troops aren't exactly what the word "Voluntary" would imply. They are war prisoner meatshields, simply put. Each Satna is equipped with a specialised Governor unit, making it impossible to fire it at a Grineer. The "after-market" versions of this gun come with that limitation removed though, as one might imagine. Ironically, a weapon first made for Grineer slaves, has become frequently used against the Grineer, as many rebels have picked up these guns from the bodies of the Voluntary Troops.


Innate: Slap-Dash Machining: This weapon gains increased fire rate and recoil as it is fired.

Design notes:

This one quite literally the British Sten machine pistol.


Mastery: 8

Slot: Secondary

Type: Pistol

Trigger: Auto

Ammo: Pistol

Noise: Alarming

Fire rate: 9.1667 rounds per sec

Accuracy: 21

Magazine size: 32 rounds per mag

Max ammo: 320 rounds

Reload time: 0.6 s

Piercing: 10%

Total Damage: 23.0

18?cb=20150811174304 Impact: 10.9

18?cb=20150810075255 Puncture: 1.1

18?cb=20150811174234 Slash: 11.0

Crit chance: 5%

Crit multiplier: 1.5

Status chance: 20%

Damage falloff: Full damage up to 60 m, Min damage at 80 m,  max reduction 60%

Polarities: N/A

Obtainable fully built from Volunteer Troops


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AH! That Nyth gun certainly piques my interest. Finally begins to integrate the open-resources with the rest of the game, similar mindset to my latest piece.


Me? Loremaster? Bah, just a story scriber, but, happy to help uplift you!



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9 hours ago, (XB1)Fluffywolf36 said:

...You should try to apply this to a rocket launcher. That'd be some fun stuff!

Huh, why did I not think about that?

8 hours ago, Unus said:

A revamped collection of characters eh?

AH! That Nyth gun certainly piques my interest. Finally begins to integrate the open-resources with the rest of the game, similar mindset to my latest piece.


Me? Loremaster? Bah, just a story scriber, but, happy to help uplift you!

Yeah, all those resources not having any reason to be there outside of forcing some sort of progression in open worlds is meh.

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3 hours ago, HugintheCrow said:

Yeah, all those resources not having any reason to be there outside of forcing some sort of progression in open worlds is meh.

It feels like back when Daemonheim was released in Runescape, and suddenly we just had ALL THESE RESOURCES  - like, say, Zephyrium or whatever - that just got added in, and these mechanics, and new enemies, and new everything. Which sounds good, but there was this minor problem that virtually none of it interacted with the main game at all. I mean, some of it did - there were these resource rooms you could access for farming. I don't remember much about it, but since these rooms just spawned herbs that you normally had to use literal farming in herb patches to get, there were "weird" effects on the economy. I don't remember much about it.

Dungeoneering was fun and all but there was just this weird sense of disconnect, y'know? I'd sped a lot of time doing it because I enjoyed the mysterious atmosphere and finding another new race, but it was so weird how separate it felt. It just felt like there was a whole other game just growing off the original game, like that time in The Dark Half where the doctors are operating on the main character and they find an eye, a nostril, and some teeth that could have been a person inside his brain, pressing up against his skull.  

(that got away from me 😛 )

And, well, a lot of the Landscape mechanics feel like that. It's not like I could add stuff like fishing, mining, or conservation into your average tileset-based mission - it just wouldn't be a good idea - but there's so few ways they affect the rest of the game. For example, I have absurd amounts of Crimzian. I don't know how much, not off the top of my head, but there are only two blueprints requiring Star Crimzian, and simple logic states that I have way too much for them.  I do like that Orb Vallis connects back to Amp Assembly, but again... there's just so many ways it all doesn't connect.

This is why - when I get to it, anyway - I'm going to make Ganymede fit back into a bunch of existing systems, including its own zaw parts and kitgun parts. Thaaaaaaat, and I don't want to unleash another modular weapons system on the world. We've seen how broken Kitguns and Zaws can be and how stuff like That Tombfinger Build (you know the one) have been able to outclass non-modular equipment, and I'm just not in a mood to do that to primaries.

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On 2019-04-10 at 9:00 PM, HugintheCrow said:

Yeah... I'm modifying it.

Previously on:

On 2019-04-13 at 3:18 AM, HugintheCrow said:

Wolf of Saturn Six plot rewrite

And now:



Ordis: This transmission's quality is the worst garbage... not optimal I'm afraid, let me try and translate it... hmm, this is in Grineer?!... Uhhh, badly spoken Grineer too...




Tenno?... Hope this work... Krossk's komm-keys, hope they work...

We fought before, you good warrior, better than some Grineer. You honorable, yes.

I honorable too... Want future for my pack. Not Grineer future... Free future! Yes! Free like Tenno...

But I too weak... Infested poison make me weak, make me ANGRY! Make me dead... No future if I dead.

You, Tenno, I hear you cure Alad V. Tenno can cure Infested, Tenno can cure me?

I honor you, but cure me... for my pack!

I took prison, it my base. Meet me, cure me, Tenno... I honor you!



The Choice:


Side with the Wolf:


Cure the Wolf:


Travel to the newly unlocked Saturn Six Max-Pen node, where the Wolf awaits you.

The Wolf thanks you (at least that's what it sounds like) as the Infested poison is removed from his body by Helminth.

The Wolf's Pack then flies away with their Prison-rebuilt-into-spaceship, but not before promising to return the favour...


Side with Nora Night:


Kill the Wolf:


Travel to the newly unlocked Saturn Six Max-Pen node, where the Wolf awaits you.

The Wolf attempts to keep you busy, while the rest of the Pack evacuates the base.

Mid-fight, the Infested poison finaly takes it's toll, and the Wolf submits to it's call.

Now monstrous, he will not stop until utterly destroyed.

When the beast is finally slain, Nora Night calls, and she is very pleased with what transpired.


Side with Shaula Ruk:


Capture the Wolf:

Travel to the newly unlocked Saturn Six Max-Pen node, where the Wolf awaits you.

The Wolf attempts to keep you busy, while the rest of the Pack evacuates the base.

Mid-fight, the Infested poison finaly takes it's toll, and the Wolf submits to it's call.

Now monstrous, he will not stop until utterly destroyed.

When the beast is finally slain, a small squad of Grineer suddenly teleport onto the deck and quickly sample the body.

"Good enough for Shaula" says one of them, before disappearing.

A new transmission appears: "Grineer reward loyalty, check your inbox."



The Consequences:

The Wolf:


The Wolf lives and becomes the Leader of the Pack.

The Wolf Pack starts at the first level of reputation.

An UberKlok Gift Cache is given by Vikto Krupp at the Wolves' Lair.

Nora Night:


The Wolf dies and Kaln Volff becomes the Leader of the Pack.

The Wolf Pack starts at zero reputation.

A Nightwave's Gift is given by Nora Night.

Shaula Ruk:


The Wolf dies and Kaln Volff becomes the Leader of the Pack.

The Wolf Pack starts at negative reputation.

A Kronos Raider Gift Cache is given by Raff Krossk, on behalf of Shaula Ruk. 



Don't know what any of those things above mean? Stay tuned for the Orokin Dig-Site: Kronos...



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Edited by HugintheCrow
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