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how do tickets work



I have no clue as what to do with this.
what does it mean above this line?
do i include it with the reply?
why does it need my purchase history if im only refunding a frost skin purchase?
##- Please type your reply above this line -##

Hello jerrboy7,

This is an automated email, aiming to collect all the necessary information we might need to solve your issue.

In order to speed up your request, please make sure you have included the following information on your ticket, it will help us resolve it as soon as possible.

### If your purchase was made through Steam: ###

- A screenshot with any confirmation email and/or number of your purchase through the Steam Wallet.

- A screenshot of your purchase history in your Steam Wallet profile - you can go to https://store.steampowered.com/account/history/ to find it.

- Please follow the steps below to find your Steam ID and include it in your message:

* Open your Steam client, click in your username on the top right corner and click on 'View Profile'
* Next, right click your profile picture and choose the `Copy Page URL` option
* Please paste the URL in this ticket; with it, we will be able to see your Steam ID.

### If you used any other method of payment: ###

- How did you make your purchase (Credit Card, Mobile, Paypal, etc)?

- Please send us a screenshot with any Transaction ID number or any confirmation numbers you received when your payment was confirmed.

- If it was a mobile payment, please tell us the Phone Number you used to make the payment.

Please provide the information at your earliest convenience. This way we already have what you need to solve your issue when we get to your ticket.

Happy hunting, Tenno!

To add additional comments or the requested log files, please reply to this email or click the link below:

This email is a service from WARFRAME Support. Delivered by Zendesk.
Edited by jerrboy7
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2 answers to this question

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16 minutes ago, jerrboy7 said:

what does it mean above this line?

It means type your reply above the line of text that says:

16 minutes ago, jerrboy7 said:

##- Please type your reply above this line -##

There is space above that line for you to type your reply. They do that so they can easily tell what you're saying apart from what the automated message said.

16 minutes ago, jerrboy7 said:

do i include it with the reply?

Include what with the reply? The screenshots they ask for? If so, yes.

16 minutes ago, jerrboy7 said:

why does it need my purchase history if im only refunding a frost skin purchase?

To verify that your account bought the skin. So they can be sure that you paid, that it went through, and reimburse you for the proper amount.

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Typically you can sign in here to reply if you don't want to do it by e-mail:  https://digitalextremes.zendesk.com/hc/en-us

Basically if you hit reply or fwd in any e-mail software it will type above that line because they put the forwarded messages in reverse chronological order.  It seems the Fwd might be your best bet.

Actually Steam Wallet is the one that requires the game developer to get both the verification e-mail and a screen shot of the most recent few purchases in order to do refunds. Its a long story, but basically blame Call of Duty skins and players.  You can probably give them just the first page as Frost should be something recently purchased.  They don't need your entire account history.

Edited by mlane16
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