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So What Weapon Would You Go Back Too.


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If DE Does a good job with this armor rework, And re balanced everything to be viable everywhere. 

Meaning you don't need to use an Acrid or a flux rifle to take out high leveled enemies. 


- Twin Vipers 


; p 

Edited by pdxdubin
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I will stick with my Lanka. It does more base damage than the Vandaltron, Snipetron, and Vulkar. The Lanka is the best sniper in the game, and it has one of the highest damage outputs of primaries in the game. Its damage is not affected by armor, but its base damage is still one of the highest in the game for a primary. Lanka!!!!!!

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You are a terrible person. 


(To clarify, the previous statement was a joke.  No offense was intended.)


I'd have to say the Strun.  I've always loved shotguns.  I tend to use my Vandaltron as a shotgun as well, but it's just not the same. 

Edited by Ganpot
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I'd have to say the Strun.  I've always loved shotguns.  I tend to use my Vandaltron as a shotgun as well, but it's just not the same. 

I'd have to agree on that.


Not sniper shotguns like the Hek either, a good ol fashion in your face obliterate your entire skull into another universe shotty, like Strun! 

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Vasto or Gremlins. though, Gremlins are already my sidearms of choice, vertical harmonica guns.... <3


Vipers would also be a contender if it's audio wasn't so wet noodle. 



primaries, i already use Dera a lot, but i'd just use it more. Boltor and Paris(prime when the audio doesn't sound to horrible) also have a special place in my heart, but they coincidentally are already very powerful! haha. Lanka is also still very viable, i'm pretty sure, but with charge speed, it's a very tactile weapon.


i don't think melee is really unviable really, but... Gram Master Race.

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If DE Does a good job with this armor rework, And re balanced everything to be viable everywhere. 

Meaning you don't need to use an Acrid or a flux rifle to take out high leveled enemies. 


- Twin Vipers 


; p 

Incorrect my friend. DE is changing armor so that if you really like a weapon that is lower tier, you can mod it up and make is viable at higher levels; however, that weapon will still be outperformed by high tier weapons. Understand? A guy could use a Vulkar on pluto and the Vulkar could still do considerable damage, but a Flux Rifle would still outperform it.

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Incorrect my friend. DE is changing armor so that if you really like a weapon that is lower tier, you can mod it up and make is viable at higher levels; however, that weapon will still be outperformed by high tier weapons. Understand? A guy could use a Vulkar on pluto and the Vulkar could still do considerable damage, but a Flux Rifle would still outperform it.


I don't really think anyone knows what there doing, They know armor scaling is an issue, so Hopefully it will make most of the weapons a little more viable in late game content.

However Weapons like the acrid and lanka will always out perform because they require mastery rank.


But you know hopefully they add in a feature that lets you put the same amount of time and resources into a low teir weapon to make it stronger.


It would open up a lot more build opportunities 


But if armor scaling is reduced like I think it will, I will be using twin vipers all day ery day ;p 

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Twin Vipers.


There's something about unloading two magazines full of lead to someone's face in less than a second that makes me feel so happy and contented about life.




Except It makes me unhappy when it actually takes an entire magazine to kill something when you can one shot them with despair.


// Unhappy 

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Incorrect my friend. DE is changing armor so that if you really like a weapon that is lower tier, you can mod it up and make is viable at higher levels; however, that weapon will still be outperformed by high tier weapons. Understand? A guy could use a Vulkar on pluto and the Vulkar could still do considerable damage, but a Flux Rifle would still outperform it.


That's a pretty stupid strategy, in my opinion (DE's tier strategy, not using a Vulkar on Pluto).  If they make straight-up better weapons, then no one is going to bother using forma and potatoes to get the lower tier weapons on par with top tier weapons.  We'll have the exact same situation we have now: 80% or more of the playerbase using the same half-dozen weapons.  That fosters boredom, and it means no one is going to spend real money on the lower tier weapons.  In turn, that means DE won't be making as much money. 


And god forbid DE start heavily using the treadmill MMO strategy of constantly releasing better upgrades to existing weapons.  The forums would riot.  People don't want to be told which weapons and warframes to use; they want real choices. 

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