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Small reworks on abilites, which ones?


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I would like to know which abilities you think should get a small rework, enough to make them at least usable or reliable, for starters I think Nova's Null Star needs to be always on "shield mode" maybe by activating it again then it releases all particles towards the closest enemy within its range or something, then Neutron Star could be the alternative by turning the shield into an explosion, this way the armor provided by the ability wouldn't go to waste just because you decided to keep some ability range for your other abilities.

Opinions and suggestions?

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Radial Javalin, no questions. If not a rework, then make the damage scale at least. Other then that, I keep talking about it being turned into a toggle. So here is idea MK-3 with a full insturctions manual: Keep the current version of Radial Javalin with some stat tweeks; add a charged version which will ready more blades to throw (charge animation is Excalibur remaining in the knealing position and standing up as usual at the end) and allow the ability to be toggled on from both versions, leaving 1/2/2/3 (based on ability level) enemies in range to be targeted by aditional blades. When toggled, Radial Javalin won't drain energy per second, but per amount of blades summoned; the blades will continue to hit their target untill it is dead, with a 1s delay between each strike; every strike will have one blade more then the last, capping out at 5. Same for charged version without the exra specifics of toggled.



  1. Radial Javalin - single tap
  2. Radial Javalin into Javalin Assault - double tap * ($)
  3. Radial Javalin into Javalin Charge - single tap into hold & release to fire ** (#) (%)
  4. Radial Javalin into Javalin Charge into Javalin Assault - single tap into hold & release into single tap *** (#) (%) [$]
  5. Javalin Assault dissable - single tap while Javalin Assault is active ^^
  6. Radial Javalin Assault - JA dissable into single tap ^
  7. Radial Javalin Assault Charge - JA dissable into hold & release to fire ^ ** (#) (%)
  8. Radial Javalin/Javalin Assault/Javalin Charge Dash - RJ/JA/JC into Slash Dash ^^
  9. Radial Javalin/Javalin Assault/Javalin Charge Blind - RJ/JA/JC into Radial Blind ^ 

Symbol's meaning
* - toggled attack
** - charged attack
*** - all of the above
# - guranteed ragdoll
$ - high status chance
% - high critical chance
^ - reduced energy cost
^^ - no energy cost
( ) - symbol only applies during second phase
[ ] - symbol only applies during third phase

Augments: Javalin Chaos - Javalin Assault will choose a new target after every hit (blade number will no longer increase) and delay is decreased to 0.5s. Javalin Charge will now summon blades around Excalibur (like the good old days before update 15.0) and give 20 flat armour for each blade (capped at 200, more blades can be summoned past the armour cap).

Inspiring Javalin - All versions of Radial Javalin will now buff Excalibur and nearby allies: Radial Javalin gives Damage; Javalin Assault gives Attack Speed; Javalin Charge gives 100 flat armour for as long as it's being charged + 50 flat armour to everyone in range when released; Full combo (number 4) gives Multishot and Melee Range. Buff Duration is affected by Duration mods.

PS: If I didn't mention certain mods in the Augment section, they don't do anything.
PS2: Number 5 has no entry cost because it's simply a turn off button for JA. Number 6 and 7 are there for when you would like to chain the ability; imagine Rhino and Atlas's first, with the combo meater and stuff.
PS3: Number 8 and 9 are there to add synergy, and reward with lower energy cost because of how expensive Radial Javalin can get with these changes.
PS4: No, I am not coming up with a number 10. No, the ''^^'' for number 8 is not a mistake.
PS5: Yes, I just realised that this doesn't excatly look like a small rework on paper, but really it kind of is.


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Excalibur, Radial Javelin. 


The ability is useless for content you can't steamroll anyway. The Javelins being limited in number, hardly scaling, having no synergy with the rest of his kit and requiring LoS makes it useless for nuking. The stun means nothing when, on the same frame, you have Radial Blind/Howl with the same cast time, unrestricted movement, better CC and damage buffs.


Things that need to be added REGARDLESS of options suggested below: 

Radial Javelin needs to count as melee, accept stealth damage bonus, add to and register the combo counter multiplier. The fact that it doesn't alone makes the ability almost worthless compared to just Slash Dash.


It needs to apply team buffs as well for those in range, or enemy debuffs:

1.) Adding base melee lifesteal, channel efficiency and block effectiveness up to the max value of 85% or armor/damage reductions buffs would be nice.

2.) Take Furious Javelin's current ability to buff melee damage radial and put it into base Radial Javelin, then give Furious Javelin the ability to apply damage absorbing skin to allies that changes depending on your combo counter. If your combo counter is 0, it slowly decays 1.66% per second (taking 1 minute to fully dissipate). If your combo counter is 5(1.5x), it does not decay. If your combo counter is 45(2.5x), it gain 25% per second, and that value increases for every level above. 

3.) Applying finisher buffs/armor reduction to enemies as well as guaranteed, long puncture procs could also be very nice.

4.) Just allow it to read mods put on Exalted Blade, and apply them to itself. This would also require a bit of a buff to the status chance. 


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Small reworks? Here are what I think would be nice:

  • Chroma's 1 should scale from weapon mods.
  • Volt's speed penalty while carrying a shield should be gone.
  • Nekros' 1 should automatically add a target to the top of SotD enemy pool even if you wouldn't kill it
  • Oberon's energy drain for it's 3 should become lower with each target. For example 33% less per target: 1st target drains 3/sec, 2nd — 2/sec, 3rd — 1.33/sec, 4th — 0.89/sec, etc.
  • Wukong needs more reach on it's 4. Though I'm hopeful DE may address this with Melee 3.0
  • Titania's 1 should always make enemies float very slowly — honest physics is absolutely unnecessary here.
Edited by AlienOvermind
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