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  1. Im guessing not everyone is capable of hosting these events :) Same as not everyone is a clan leader same as not everyone has the energy. Its not your daily transaction, so to use that as an example to close this argument is silly at the very least. It has nothing to do with it.
  2. An answer that contradicted their rules, Im glad you agree to live in a society where people live off of privileges and laws get laid upon a case by case basis... Sorry that your brain accepts this kind of behavior, you must've had it real rough. I trust my own community, but i dont trust their background system that automatically flags, its a robot and i certaintly dont trust the manual investigation after because they dont have context Are you all this naive Seriously? Are you all like 20, just left your teenage year about to do something for the first time without your mom being a fallnet? This is the reality, go do your research. If it wasn't D.E would've stepped forward without any form of shame Im baffled with the amount of trust you all seem to place into what is for you Unknown, based on ZERO research. Go read up, come back, well have a chat. Theres are and were plenty of bans going around for questionable things such as for instance: OPINIONS. If you advocate you want more rainbows in the game nothing will happen. I suggest you all try to ask in a singular sentence if we can have one single less rainbow in the game through lets say discord. Go see for yourself what happens, Its just an example with a different topic but the same logic applies. Its case by case and emotionally oriented. -- a moderator from d.e's team must be present for this challenge and you may not inform them beforehand, it must be a natural interaction and action -- Come back and tell me you trust these people blindfoldedly to not ban you or your officers from a cheap platinum buying country paying out 3-5k plat to accounts Seemingly for no reason (Unless i go through the trouble of recording everything and making a full support ticket every time, to which i will get a response or read about 1-2 weeks after, if the system bans us during this time... Well you can do math cant you?) Or even better you accumulate it in a country where its '' expensive '' and then distribute it Tell me what that system sees and what it does, just brain it.
  3. Long story short, im done argueing on these forums, look at these hippies above doing their absolute best to fin d the most far fetched singular exceptions on a simple rule thats gonna get your account ruined. They call those fanboys, my dear watson. Go trade 3-5k platinum from a weekly basis with your IP being in Jordan, or Azerbaizjan or some country where you pay Nothing for that in comparison to Britain for example./ See what happens to your account, ill challenge them to come back here and properly tell me to shutup if they manage to recover their accounts Untill then this discussion is just a yapping fest, These people dont even make the rules theyre just Guessing and wasting my, and their own time.
  4. Yeah youre brining up such far fetched ideas try tradin 3-5k plat on a weekly basis and see what happens, im done talking. We Know nobody cares if you trade someoen a transient fusion, thats not what this discussion is about, its not for the brokies.
  5. The only thing i can judge from is what happened to me before, you get muted and silenced for opinions on their discord. Their rules say 1 but their support claim 2 there's stories out there that people get banned for weird reasons, i cant verify those since they are just stories. And its not about D.E anymore, they just happen to have made this game, for me its about all the people i know from the game and the relationships that have flourished from it, the discord that plays together now but ultimately met on warframe and return to here. I don't know D.E, i highly doubt we'd be attending the same parties anytime soon. And i'm not willing to be in an uncertain position the entire time, all the while you're theoretically doing them a favor by keeping a allbeit small on the scale of things portion of the playerbase happy, content and busy during the times that it needs. Sure you might say that my vision could be wrong, but i dont want to find out if that's the case if you catch my drift here. --So therefore i ask D.E kindly to be a bit more precise, or just come forward with a statement that if you can prove X and X you are safe.--
  6. This is the concern though, i have people from countries where the platinum is cheap, and they hold tons of it. Most of them actually farmed it through playing the game smart. I dont know where the risk lies and that creates uncertainty. You advocate for communicating everything with D.E but during the active months i'm not certain if a new event every week with hundreds to thousands of platinum being distributed amongst people would ''raise their suspicion'' And if it does, i can send evidence on evidence that it was an event and all they have to say was 'Well, i'm sorry we discouraged you from doing that' I don't like walking on thin ice, i really don't. Especially not if im doing stuff to make others happy, i have no gain in this other than attempting to keep a community alive during the well known lulls of warframe. Therefore i ask more specified rules. Sadly this is how it goes 95% of the time, i dont have a giant 'following' or whatever to back me up if something like that happens, only the clan that is affiliated with the activity/events.. So that doesn't hold up either. Im trying to raise these concerns before its too late, because id rather prevent that solve. D,E doesn't seem to be willing to put out an official statement on it, but i would still be happy if they eventually did.
  7. Can we pull up the statistics on Necramechs bought with platinum VS Necramechs farmed out. I think you find your answer in there.
  8. --First things first: I've gotten my answer from D.E and it was contradictory, so i moved that to another thread where i also talk about their vague announcement of macro's / 3 rd party program use, which is argumentatively just as badly worded as this rule.-- If they Highly discourage something in their rules, and i then make a ticket and one of their employees does the exact opposite of disencourage it. Thats what i mean. If D.E with their reputation of removing you from the community if you rub the left politics the wrong way 'highly discourages' something its a pretty damn clear language. (For me personally i've gotten removed from the community for asking when we will appeal to the majority instead of the minorial group of toxic loud people) Why do i have to trust in the unknown? Isn't that the exact thing humans fear? And the unknown would be the state of my account after every event if i dont report it. So why work with 2000000 exceptions, if you can just announce that this is allowed. Man i wouldn't even mind if they specified platinum numbers, or a certain frequency in which it may occur. You're pulling up an example of internet prostitution, and im almost certain were talking about a legal case here, however i do understand your concern with these one in a hundred thousand scenario's.. they should be the exception.. Not the entire rulebook. Those people should waste customers services time, Not everyone that wants to host an event. The good dont have to suffer under the bad, if leadership is correct. you also pose me this question. ''what do you expect them to do? Do you expect them to treat all cases and situations the same, or to use their discretion to deal with the situation on their own terms? Its usually going to be the latter. ,, Neither of these are applicable at the moment because anyone that doesnt go through lengths of getting an answer out of DE itself will be kept in the gray area of 'Maybe you do Maybe you dont' And thats what my argument is about, nowhere does it mention you can announce your event and its fine. You get discouraged and spat in the face if you take the rulebook literal. The communication goes two ways now, you get encouraged on one side, and discouraged in the rules... Its a full on contridiction. And that, in my opinion.. Isn't too much asked to be clarified since were talking about big accounts that host these events. Its not like we just started playing. --- i just got off steam and i hear sounds like these, which doesn't really give me the feeling i want, but does support my cause in that i will and cannot trust a company to make emotional decisions and treat things Case-By-Case. You need black and white rules, humans are too incompetent to judge something on face value every time, regardless of who it is. It took them longer than a week to figure out my question to them 'Can i host an event', i know how that went, it doesnt take them that long to reach my support ticket, it took them that long to get a straight answer from their own company. And they should just touch on that, theres many more things.. but this is a good first. Aaron 9 minutes ago I guess depends on why you got perma-banned but i wouldn't get hopes high. If they hardware-ID ban theres way around that (but i think you need to reinstall OS and or do something in the BIOS but im not sure, never did that but i know you can do that theres some tutorials on youtube etc) From what i have read here in the Community Discussions it seems that they are unfortunately very ban happy
  9. This is Posted on february second, I've gotten the reply from digital extremes after that. My case stands, since i hadn't mentioned the actual response or macros and such since well... Today! :) And in that reply the contradiction came forth what this thread is about, so stop trying to be a moderator and just a nuisance to anyone that you dont agree with on the internet and just let it happen. I even seem to read that you kinda agree, so im really not sure what tree you're barking up to here. Im not here to accept' Yeah they do that because there are so many billions of scenarios, its better that we keep it gray, they cant go past every scenario' You can summarize everything in 4 sentences or less what you can and cannot do, and quite frankly i dont see the logic in not doing that. If this game didnt have the community incentives and people doing all these things, the game would have a lot less animo and that is exactly why they should be clear in their rules. Right now were talking giving people privileges, one cant the other cant. You have to have a Clan or whatever to validate you are doing this. Nowhere is it mentioned, they tell you to turn around and Not do it infact. Doesnt matter if youre 5 players with 10 plat going around a 100 man clan giving away 10.000 - 5000 and 2500 plat Or some big youtuber that gives away 5k plat. Nothing is clarified, the rules state NONE of it is okay. But apparantly ALL OF IT is OKAY How do you agree with this rulebook? Its like saying, Yeah you can't steal... But if you steal its okay as long as you record it and then go to the police officer and say that you did it. If i went and did our second event and didn't contact WF i can guarantee you 100% that 3 people would've gotten flagged and or banned for supposed 'RWT' or Shady transactions. Guaranteed. Either locking us out of our accounts till we finally get a response from the support, or permanently losing our accounts, some of which are 10+ years and ongoing. What you are proposing is that Customer Service has to go deal with EVERY event that exists, all while they cant even get a proper response within 5 working days. Keep notes of it, whitelist the names For EVERY SINGULAR EVENT (otherwise you can host 1 event and become RWTer) And then check if it actually happened that way? What is your logic, explain it. Seriously! Its not nice, Its not profitable, Its nothing. This is poop. And if anything is created its an oppertunity for workarounds and loopholes. --Also You've been told why that hasn't been clarified by another member in another thread... Members dont make the rules last time i checked, do they now? So i'm glad interpretations were shared, but since it comes from the company i'd like to have their take on it. Not suggestions from other members. And yes, my response to you is lippy because you come in here trying to shut down a valid argument with nothing, its not even your jurisdiction.
  10. the reply that i completely debunked if you scroll down? I literally just got the reply from D.E so i'm not entirely sure what you are on about. And that reply opens a contradiction in their rules. Thats why im here, Remove the unclearness. they state one thing, but it is clearly enforced the other way around. And i haven't been told anything about what you quote... I think its safe to say that maybe you should read before you talk. Also, another thing.. Were talking thousands of platinum in contest prices, my clan doesn't consist of brokies.. were all endgame and not catering to new players at all, we dont want them, they dont want to be here.. were not playing the same content for weeks if not months. Theres other clans for that. Now do you really think that me making a support ticket every time i want to turn my ass for my clan is going to motivate me to supply entertainment in My community on Their game? No. And many agreed with me, and many have quit. Its not too much asked to give clarification on a touchy subject, especially if the gray area could mean termination of your account. and we all know that its very hard to prove your case after you've been convicted.
  11. As we all know warframe fashion contests are a thing, often hosted by the community or clans aswel. In their rules they state: Q: Can I create contests with giveaway prizes that are awarded via Trading? Please do not do this. While your intent may be innocent, if your contest will rely on the Warframe Trading or Gifting systems to send items or Platinum to players directly we must HIGHLY discourage this. This is not the intent of these systems and there is little to differentiate this sort of contest from possible fraudulent or illegitimate transactions between parties. Contests from the Warframe Community team (Dev Streams, Prime Time, etc), Fansites, and partners will use the code redemption system and are the only sanctioned method of conducting a contest with players. Digital Extremes does not offer support for unsanctioned giveaways or contests. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________ Yet we all know these contests happen, so i figured i might contact them to get an answer on what could happen if i did host one, the reply i got was as follows: Hey there, And thank you for your patience. You can occasionally have small events for your Clan - in those case please provide us through a ticket the following information: Date of the event, and when the prizes were distributed Who gave the prizes (please list the players if there were several of them) Names of the players receiving the prizes List of the prizes being given away Thanks for your cooperation! I'd like to say im properly confused and you should probably streamline your rules. Same goes for the '3rd party and macroing' post made by [DE]Juice on the 1st of february. It creates such a big grey zone with DE saying 'its on your own risk' But not clarifying what actually gets flagged. Other companies are more transparant about this, take Jagex for example. Yes you can use the 3rd party clients. Yes you can use autohotkeys to bind a 1-to-1 macro. No you cannot make scripts It's not that hard to draw a line which shouldn't be crossed. But having us run in a sandpit full of mines praying we dont accidentally run over one is just ludicrous. -- and to add, Its not feasable to make a ticket with a response time of a week+ if you want to host a spontaneous event. I hosted an event and took the risk, people were waiting so long to be able to claim their rewards due to the vagueness mentioned above. We all quit after, well come back with the new patch.. hopefully it will be a little less politically annoying for the other side of the playerbase we've not been catering too for a long while now (miss you steve) Were disappointed, and its your turn now. P.S I'm not going to pretend im happy with the current state of affairs so yeah, i might sound a little frustrated, deal with it. I assume im talking with adults.
  12. Q: Can I create contests with giveaway prizes that are awarded via Trading? Please do not do this. While your intent may be innocent, if your contest will rely on the Warframe Trading or Gifting systems to send items or Platinum to players directly we must HIGHLY discourage this. This is not the intent of these systems and there is little to differentiate this sort of contest from possible fraudulent or illegitimate transactions between parties. Contests from the Warframe Community team (Dev Streams, Prime Time, etc), Fansites, and partners will use the code redemption system and are the only sanctioned method of conducting a contest with players. Digital Extremes does not offer support for unsanctioned giveaways or contests. There you go. 100% contradictory to what they actually enforce. I hope you understand my frustrations now ^-^
  13. The only correct answer was: Hey there, And thank you for your patience. You can occasionally have small events for your Clan - in those case please provide us through a ticket the following information: Date of the event, and when the prizes were distributed Who gave the prizes (please list the players if there were several of them) Names of the players receiving the prizes List of the prizes being given away Thanks for your cooperation! Regards, Warframe Support. Any other answer clearly proves my point that warframe does not know what the flip they are doing communicating towards their playerbase. If you read the rules you will conclude you are in the wrong for these actions. You have to get in touch with DE to organise these events to Exlude the chances of you getting banned and not being flagged as RMT Nowhere does it mention that. This is just one problem. The next problem is the use of macros and 3rd party programs, Honestly [DE]Juice, the message you posted at the 1st of february just creates more confusion. '' Do so at your own risk '' Implies '' We make emotional choices and aren't consequent '' bring out a list of accepted 3rd party programs, thats the only way. Gray areas shouldn't exist in a RULE BOOK Its a RULE not a PRIVILEGE
  14. What a belligerent and dumb message Theyre selling a service, they want customers. Customers have questions, they provide answers I suggest you leave my area permanently with your 'you should leave the internet' quotes. Companies wont just outright throw away customers that are lippy, they bring in money :) You clearly dont understand how that works. Just because you own something that provides a public service doesn't mean you should contract a god-complex and flex your self induced superiority because you're having a bad day, or dont see eye to eye with someone, and if you are an advocate of that i have all the reasons to think you're the problem.
  15. Hi, i've been trying to get an answer out of digital extremes now for quite a long time, their support desk just doesnt respond to my ticket, very much on purpose because other tickets get a WAY faster response time. I'm trying to figure out what their statement is on a clan hosting a fashionframe event and then handing out rewards. The rules are very vague about it if you lay it next to what is actually happening. What is the rule, because in black and white Nobody is allowed to ever give Anyone Anything, or risk being banned for RWT. That is if you take it literal. They also state that fashionframe contests will be hosted by them, and the rewards will be some goofy code for stuff you probably dont want. In reality: I see tons of people hosting them, reddit, forums, etc etc. They all traded their rewards So can someone, for the love of whatever you find holy. just make a RULE that isnt a vague suggestion that could lead to you having fun and waking up to a banned account the next morning. Can you? Because quite frankly, i dont trust a company that will cancel/remove/suspend/silence you for your opinions. The chance that you get banned because mr mod inpection had a bad day is way too high, and quite frankly... Not worth the headache in advance.
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