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Remove Stamina Entirely.


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There is no reason to have a stamina meter on a fast paced ninja game. Not to mention warframes are like organic robots. They get tired after running after a few seconds?


Stamina should just be completely removed. All stamina mods should be replaced with a random mod of the same quality.


Completely pointless mechanic that slows down the game.

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The stamina nerf totally took the fun factor away from me, especially since I play Loki. It was awesome to be able to run around like a crazy cybernetic acrobat parkouring all over the place, stealthing, being able to gymnastically get to a downed teammate really fast. Now its just....not fun. Forget the comments about the realism factor. This game isn't about realism. Removing stamina alltogether would be perfect. It was fine before, but the idea of removing it is an even better idea. They just totally killed the coolest aspect of this game.

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Agree with op. If DE want's us to slow down during gameplay, make accuracy go down while sprinting. Unlimited sprint will allow us to pass by empty rooms faster and keep the general pace of the game as fast.

Accuracy is already down when sprinting. Obviously it is easier to hit something when you're standing still.

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There is no reason to have a stamina meter on a fast paced ninja game. Not to mention warframes are like organic robots. They get tired after running after a few seconds?


Stamina should just be completely removed. All stamina mods should be replaced with a random mod of the same quality.


Completely pointless mechanic that slows down the game.


Yet another thread complaining about stamina.


And the same reason comes up yet again: "I can't handle challenges in a video game so I want the developers to take away everything that limits what I can do so I can be a badass god that can waste an entire room full of enemies without even thinking about it."


Stamina is one of my favorite mechanics in this game. Why? Becuase it forces people to think about what they are doing. If you want mindless hack-and-slash with no thought for strategy, go play Baulders Gate: Dark Alliance 2 and turn invulnerability on. Me? I'm going to stay here and enjoy the challenges that come with the new stamina system.

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I sort of agree with this.

I hate the new system for stamina, but if they can find a better system, I'd prefer that.

I like the idea because:

-It will allow for much more free formed gameplay in a space ninja shooter.

-Most people will stop sliding everywhere, hopefully. I know they do it for the boost in speed, but I personally get sick of tapping ctrl and siding all over the damn place. It should be very unconventional.

-I dislike how a Space Ninja runs out of stamina faster than any other person running at the equivalent speed.

-It will make some missions a little less tedious.

-The new stamina system means you can no longer ninja slash everything constantly.

I dislike it because:

-Speedrunners will abuse this along with rush mods to completely ruin any atmosphere.

-Aside from in defence and survival missions, you'll never need to kill anything ever again.

-Hard enemies can be infinitely kited, making certain boss battles much easier.

Overall, I'm for this topic.

For now,

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Yet another thread complaining about stamina.


And the same reason comes up yet again: "I can't handle challenges in a video game so I want the developers to take away everything that limits what I can do so I can be a badass god that can waste an entire room full of enemies without even thinking about it."


Stamina is one of my favorite mechanics in this game. Why? Becuase it forces people to think about what they are doing. If you want mindless hack-and-slash with no thought for strategy, go play Baulders Gate: Dark Alliance 2 and turn invulnerability on. Me? I'm going to stay here and enjoy the challenges that come with the new stamina system.

Please tell me what is challenging about walking again? I kind of do that already like, every day. There is nothing challenging about cover play. Challenging is figuring out how you're going to rush down a corridor to slice a dude in half while bullets are flying past you. Challenging is gunning down a corridor as you dive for your downed alley. Challenging is actually challenging yourself to think and react in the timespan of a second. 

Sitting behind cover while you and the enemy exchange pew pews is not challenging. It is tedious. It totally ruins the flow of the game. 

You are wrong. 

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Yet another thread complaining about stamina.


And the same reason comes up yet again: "I can't handle challenges in a video game so I want the developers to take away everything that limits what I can do so I can be a badass god that can waste an entire room full of enemies without even thinking about it."


Stamina is one of my favorite mechanics in this game. Why? Becuase it forces people to think about what they are doing. If you want mindless hack-and-slash with no thought for strategy, go play Baulders Gate: Dark Alliance 2 and turn invulnerability on. Me? I'm going to stay here and enjoy the challenges that come with the new stamina system.


The stamina change doesn't make the game more challenging in any way, it just makes it stop-and-go and tedious.  Movement is one of the things that made Warframe unique and fun, but they've destroyed the flow of the game just for the sake of justifying a few mods.

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Please tell me what is challenging about walking again? I kind of do that already like, every day. There is nothing challenging about cover play. Challenging is figuring out how you're going to rush down a corridor to slice a dude in half while bullets are flying past you. Challenging is gunning down a corridor as you dive for your downed alley. Challenging is actually challenging yourself to think and react in the timespan of a second. 

Sitting behind cover while you and the enemy exchange pew pews is not challenging. It is tedious. It totally ruins the flow of the game. 

You are wrong. 

"You are wrong"


Such a brilliant argument.


As it stands, no, stamina does not do much for the challenge of the game. However, when they finally get it right, it will still allow you to do all the S#&$ you love doing, but force you to actually have to be smart about how you use stamina instead of just blowing through everything in a couple seconds. And if you are having to "exchange pewpews" from behind cover due to this stamina change...lol well lets just say I hope you are only playing in offline mode.

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Stamina was supposed to provide a tactical decision to players; it never has, take it back to the drawing board and make sure it isn't wrecking the fun in the mean-time. Which it is. Slow people are still slow, fast people are going to both be faster and choose to go faster regardless of what you do to the game systems. All this does is restrict mod choices for players who see warframe as a fast paced shooter and not a lumbering mass effect clone.

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Yet another thread complaining about stamina.


And the same reason comes up yet again: "I can't handle challenges in a video game so I want the developers to take away everything that limits what I can do so I can be a badass god that can waste an entire room full of enemies without even thinking about it."


Stamina is one of my favorite mechanics in this game. Why? Becuase it forces people to think about what they are doing. If you want mindless hack-and-slash with no thought for strategy, go play Baulders Gate: Dark Alliance 2 and turn invulnerability on. Me? I'm going to stay here and enjoy the challenges that come with the new stamina system.

Enjoyed reading all the good sense.


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I think the recent stamina change was a little to much, however completely removing stamina is not the way to go.

Having an infinitely sprinting Rhino just doesn't seem right. Sure, they'd still have different speeds, but it wouldn't really be a change for the better. Why would we even have walking? Why not just a perma-sprint where we can just shoot while sprinting? There are just too many cons to completely remove stamina.


Does it need a rework? Yes.

Its still beta, changes can be made. Be patient, tenno.  

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"You are wrong"


Such a brilliant argument.


As it stands, no, stamina does not do much for the challenge of the game. However, when they finally get it right, it will still allow you to do all the S#&$ you love doing, but force you to actually have to be smart about how you use stamina instead of just blowing through everything in a couple seconds. And if you are having to "exchange pewpews" from behind cover due to this stamina change...lol well lets just say I hope you are only playing in offline mode.

if "you are wrong" was my whole argument, then yes, it might just be brilliant. 

I don't know what game you are playing, but with maxed out mods I still feel horribly slow and ineffective. maybe you can write a guide about how to properly walk down a corridor since you're the master strategist and all. 

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I don't think that it should be removed, but it should be changed again. The game has greatly slowed down in pace, but still needs some kind of limit to sprinting. I mean, nobody can sprint forever.

People can sprint longer than in Warframe before the nerf even happened:

"When authorities went out in force to find the bandit, they found a series of camps and fallback positions laid out with military precision. At a hideout near an old cabin once used by the Manson Family, they found the bandit himself, who immediately took off into the desert. One particularly fit ranger gave chase -- he could, and did, sprint full-bore for over a quarter of a mile.
Unfortunately, the Ballarat Bandit sprinted at full speed for a mile and a half."


Read more: http://www.cracked.com/article_20551_5-badass-real-fugitives-who-put-action-movies-to-shame.html#ixzz2etvFUhx5

Edited by Atlas_Smirked
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"You are wrong"


Such a brilliant argument.


As it stands, no, stamina does not do much for the challenge of the game. However, when they finally get it right, it will still allow you to do all the S#&$ you love doing, but force you to actually have to be smart about how you use stamina instead of just blowing through everything in a couple seconds. And if you are having to "exchange pewpews" from behind cover due to this stamina change...lol well lets just say I hope you are only playing in offline mode.


What this stamina change did was further push the game into generic third person shooter territory. If I wanted junk like that, I'd play Gears of War, or the newer Splinter Cells (where a 57 year old regular man moves faster than the "space ninjas" in this game now). The stamina change killed the pacing of this game. If I played it like a mindless cover shooter (which is what it is forcing me to do now) there is literally ZERO challenge. The enemies barely touch me because I had to stick to the bland Chest-High-Wall tactic.


I wanted a game that allowed you to mix in some interesting style along with the regular shooting, but these stamina changes have forced you back into the old, tired-as-heck cover shooting. I DID NOT join this game to play another cover shooter.

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if "you are wrong" was my whole argument, then yes, it might just be brilliant. 

I don't know what game you are playing, but with maxed out mods I still feel horribly slow and ineffective. maybe you can write a guide about how to properly walk down a corridor since you're the master strategist and all. 

lol you walk down the corridor slow enough you actually know you're walking down a corridor.


And I'm playing a free to play game still in open beta to help the devs make the game better.


If you can't handle experimentation with mechanics as the updates come along, then you aren't cut out to be a beta tester. sorry.

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What this stamina change did was further push the game into generic third person shooter territory. If I wanted junk like that, I'd play Gears of War, or the newer Splinter Cells (where a 57 year old regular man moves faster than the "space ninjas" in this game now). The stamina change killed the pacing of this game. If I played it like a mindless cover shooter (which is what it is forcing me to do now) there is literally ZERO challenge. The enemies barely touch me because I had to stick to the bland Chest-High-Wall tactic.


I wanted a game that allowed you to mix in some interesting style along with the regular shooting, but these stamina changes have forced you back into the old, tired-as-heck cover shooting. I DID NOT join this game to play another cover shooter.

You're right. you didn't join this game to play a cover shooter. you joined to be a beta tester.


Stop complaining about experimentation with mechanics and realize that this kind of stuff will happen throughout the entire beta until launch.


The game isn't here right now for you to enjoy, it's here for you to find bugs/glitches/issues and help the devs deal with them.

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