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Index Of "little Things". Small Suggestions Done By The Community.


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More Stealth for the Lone Wolfs and Solo Players.


1. I'd like to see Stealth Bonus Damage for Ranged Weapons, specifically the bows.

As long as enemies are unaware of your presence, you should do extra damage.


I'm not talking about an unmodded Paris Stealth-Shooting Level 28 Bombards, but once you get to higher levels, stealth becomes increasingly difficult to maintain with ranged weapons, since even critical headshots often don't kill. Something like the Skyrim system comes to mind, 6x damage multiplier for stealth melee attacks, 3x for stealth Bow Attacks...


2. I'd like to have enemies NOT immediately be aware of your presence/position if you take more than one silent shot to kill an enemy.


To explain, if I use the Kunai, and take down an enemy with two knifes, even if he didn't shoot his weapon or really make any sound, everyone in the room/vicinity will know I'm there, and know where. I don't like that.

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More Stealth for the Lone Wolfs and Solo Players.


1. I'd like to see Stealth Bonus Damage for Ranged Weapons, specifically the bows.

As long as enemies are unaware of your presence, you should do extra damage.


I'm not talking about an unmodded Paris Stealth-Shooting Level 28 Bombards, but once you get to higher levels, stealth becomes increasingly difficult to maintain with ranged weapons, since even critical headshots often don't kill. Something like the Skyrim system comes to mind, 6x damage multiplier for stealth melee attacks, 3x for stealth Bow Attacks...


2. I'd like to have enemies NOT immediately be aware of your presence/position if you take more than one silent shot to kill an enemy.


To explain, if I use the Kunai, and take down an enemy with two knifes, even if he didn't shoot his weapon or really make any sound, everyone in the room/vicinity will know I'm there, and know where. I don't like that.

And I'd like to add to this, as far as stealth goes, make it a bit more realistic and less scripted. Sure, since an alarm is hit, enemies will be alerted. But they can't know exactly where I am five minutes later. And also, sure, I alert an enemy. Five rooms later, enemies are still onto me somehow.

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Enemies that jam/detonate rockets|grenades after launching (limits ogris/penta spam).
Sentinel anti-missile mod that detonates large projectiles (Grenades, Jackal, Hyena, Phorid, Napalm, Bombards) at range.
Some mods should still be entirely random and marked in red. (People who claim this is unfair probably never studied probability).
Infested runners are pathetic. Need updating, faster explosion time and a chance to proc slashing or electrical damage on explosion.
Infested generally need an AI update, with a flying unit, or a wall running unit to make the single line swarm a bit less linear.
If the game is about balance, then we need data. Who is winning the war? A display of territorial control % on the main screen and each system would be nice.
Farming a single faction for a weapon (Detron) is balance-breaking and could be solved by putting the parts on [All] hunters.
A change to how forma polarized slots work - Any slot polarized by forma can be changed to any polarity from the arsenal. Save polarity and loadout in profiles.

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Just a thought on the waypoints:

Recently they increased the expiry time of waypoints which is great for marking thing far away from other players but I just wanted to suggest that the devs provide a method for deleting a waypoint. A simple solution would be to hold in the waypoint button to disengage a waypoint (would be friendly for controllers too if it was implemented).


There was also a suggestion for the “stealth kill on heavy units” where the melee attack from behind could be chained and extended if a second and third prompt was pressed at the correct time interval. That way, heavy units could be taken down quietly and with an increase in difficulty.


Lastly, I started an unnoticed thread a while back regarding consumable gear. The response was generally positive so I wanted to suggest it again:

Many have requested more feasible consumable gear such as grenades, traps, turrets and various balancing boosts; that is to say boosts that have negative side effects after their use such as a 'shield overload' that damages nearby enemies at the expense of draining your shield.


Used it, don't use it, great thread anyway.

Thanks Renan Ruivo.

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Void on the map:

I guess it would look like a black hole or dark nebula, it could orbit the edge of the system or be fixed in a corner it maters not.


Clicking on the void will take you to the void like it would for any of the planets, from here you will be able to pick a void mission. 


I'm not clear how exactly they will be laid out but you will be able to pick the type of missions and tier.


As for Orakin Derelict ships, these could spawn in the void region and drift out into normal space also. Seen as ships visible on the star chart.



Once a mission has been clicked:


You do not have a key you will join a lobby of someone who is using their key.



No lobbies are found and you have the right key for that mission & tier you are given the option to host.


If none of the above is applicable, wait i guess.


Other players will be able to join you freely based on whether you are set to current options:



Invite only



This means you won't have to use the recruitment chat room to jump into the void, bliss.

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I have a few ideas I'm not sure if they were already requested so I'm just going to go ahead and say them.


when I'm adjusting the colors on my equipment I often get confused about which color is where and what color I already have on when I'm choosing the new color.

so why not make it to where the current color is highlighted in the color select and when you highlight one of the options the parts that the color are on the equipment flash so you know what you're coloring.

this is more a convenience thing but when I'm changing my frame each frame I have uses completely different loadouts for what I have them for so could we get a few custom loadout slots so we can easily switch to a different play style or color scheme.

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Please, please, PLEASE Add "Remove this mod from all other configurations" option for the Mod Upgrade screen when receiving "This mod would exceed the capacity of X" message.


Because I am sick and tired of switching to the conflicting weapon, going to the config, taking out the mod, switching back to the weapon I am upgrading, getting another prompt for a different weapon, switching to that weapon, removing the mod, switching back, trying to upgrade and getting same message for yet another weapon... Until I have gone trough ALL my weapons/frames and pulled the mod out. Which is quite a chore when you are a "collector" and have almost everything in your arsenal. After which I have to go back and put another mod that doesn't exceed their capacity into every single one of them.


Or give us "auto-resolve" option that will put an equal or lower-ranked mod into its place if one is available?

Edited by SoanoS
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Add a new set of shiny-reflecting-silver and bronze colors(like a prime golden, but silver and bronze, shiny too) with a grey and brown non-shiny colors, 150 pl for set, many many buyers...all will want it

Edited by Aquartos
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Make less some indicators in game on the main screen(little life support capsules green indicators on the screen overlays the aiming, enemies, all objects). We can see them on the map, why it duplicates on the screen with a giant size and non transparent)

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I see a lot of situations, when someone enters the game and staying afk, mostly at the invasion missions, he will got all rewards, because teammates will do all job, so my suggest:

-after afk more than 2 min player will got a prevention, if it will be twice, he will be banned for online games for 20 min...three times during a day? 40 min online ban(can play solo only).think about it,nobody like afk players. Do your deals, then go play

of course, tenno secretary will talk about insufficient qualification for cooperation

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Alright this will likely be a string of one liners but my guess is this is what the topic is requesting. I've only been in the game for about a week so if these suggestions have been requested before or turned down my applogies getting caught up with this forum isn't a realist objective. Besides I would rather be playing what I consider one of the best scifi fps games out there yet.


First off I'm at the main screen of the solar system right now and I have a couple requests. Since my Tenno is sitting there looking over his domain it would be nice to see a little more information on this screen.


- Health and progress of harvesters

At a glance this will save some time between logging in and getting into a game.  Instead of having to mouse over my harvesters I can quickly see everything I need to know about all my harvesters at once and move on. 


- Friends!

Right now I have to click my friends list (which thanks to teamspeak I forget to do 90% of the time) to see if anyone is online in my clan or on my friends list. Even something as simple as a number beside the icon or a condensed list of active players in a corner so I can quickly see whos here and get in a game. To be honest I would rather see these three icons moved to the top bar so you could put a little number on them like the foundry).


- Sort my Mods!

An option to view duplicates would save me time that should be spent in game. 


- Extra blue prints

It would be nice to be able to sell the blue prints right from the foundry. I find some times I have a few too many and it would save some confusion if I could quickly sell them from that screen instead of going back to inventory find them sell them then back to foundry to find what I wanted to craft.


- Clan Key

Going into the Dojo seems like it takes 2 extra steps that aren't needed. This solar system is a center piece already so place the dojo on that screen and save me a whole extra menu.


- Alerts

It would make my deciding what to do when I log in a lot easier if the alerts included any rare items right on the main text. This could probably be done with a simple set of icons for mods, cosmetics, resources etc right next to the time remains or after the lock. This again would let me glance at the alerts and very quickly asses what is important. 


- Mastery Rank

Place the timer on the bar with my user name, boosts, credits and platinum. This will save me from clicking the bar every few hours (or minutes as I get close to the 24 hours). Also if the mastery is still on the 24-hour cool down when I do click on that button if it could skip the part asking me if I am ready to rank up my mastery and just go straight to my profile. 


More to come...


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Not sure if this has been mentioned before, but seeing as you can equip each warframe/weapon/sentinel with an A,B and C loadout for Corpus/Infected/Grineer, the Devs should make another hot button on the player start screen. What I mean by this is where you (for PS4 anyways) press triangle to have your dropdown for solo, invite only, online etc, there should be another hot button for "set all items to loadout A, B or C". This would help out a lot if you are switching from an alert mission for one type of enemy, and then going back to a specific planet with another kind of enemy, or switching from one planet to another.

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taken from this post https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/165349-more-info-when-getting-invitation/#entry1939072


more info in the small window that appears when someone invites you. I want to know in what I'm getting in to.



"James Bond invited you to play" below that

"Jupiter - Themisto" 


"Level 12-14"


or just the planet/void key that the lobby is

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I have some if u have time....

1.- Animation for lotus (ur watching her talking to u) so why not?

2.- Ash need a coupple of new mods, more power and speed

3.- Make one new event every 10 days called planet siege or something similar when the players have to fight for (pvp).

4.- A new alert called alliance, and tenno have to fight alone versus grinner and corpus

5.- improve the armory with the "Trash" or delete item if u cant sell it... we dont have delete or trash or broke or discard item.

6.- Warframe is "ninjas play free" can u add Katanas/ dual katanas, Nunchaku/ dual nunchaku, sai/dual sai, fighting fan to melee weapons?

7.- in primary weapons we have bows, can u add crossbows?

8.- Sneak missions

9.- can u add the Bakuhatsugama (short-handled kusarigama with a container of explosives, poison, or blinding powder ) ?


10.- Caltrops.

11.- New realistic ninja animation for Ash

i have more ideas on my mind sry for the inconvenience i just want to help cya later and thanks for read =)

Edited by VonWagner
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A couple more things are coming to mind that as I am playing more often I think could be simple changes but would add to the UI. 


- Alerts

On all screens out of game. In game they pop up in chat which is great but lets say I'm fusing mods or trying to craft something and an alert comes in just to see what it is I have to head back to the main screen to view it. For the most part that left hand side of the screen is open place them there when ever they pop up. 


- Foundry 

A quick view option to see what was completed in your foundry with the most recent on the top. I have a few things that stay completed in the foundry until I need them and it would be nice to see a short list of recently completed items to see if I need to claim them or not. 




Also in the foundry it would be really nice to have the fusion cores in a simple side menu that could stack. This way if you want to fuse a mod with say a few uncommon 5 cores you could do it without loading the core tab or scrolling up for days...

Edited by thestalkingwolf
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Profile Icons. Rather than Waframe faces. why not include the mastery rank icons?


An indicator to the cell who the stalker/harvester's target is and a unique icon on the map for the target.


A Health, Shield, Energy UI closer to the center. Like a semi transparent bar.





Edit: added more suggestions

Edited by Corebenik
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Heres a few ideas that would help me and probably many other players.

1) When you select the setting "Show Player List" and turn it on, its either on for that match or that login period. And with characters like Trinity or Oberon need this in order to tell when to start healing your team. It gets annoying when it keeps shutting itself off.

2) DRAGON KEYS! Weve all entered that one difficult match that we thought we could handle but failed in the first two minutes because we left on the Bleeding Dragon Key or something similar. Id like to see it stay in your invintory until you take it out, and once you take it out id like to see it stay in the Aresenal once I need to bring it out again.

3) Shadows of the Dead being solid? Id imagine players would be able to phase through the ai brought up by Nekros's ultimate. It has gotten me killed several times when im running to extraction on a survival mission. Life support has run out and im down to 5 health. I use Nekros's ultimate to help slow down the hoard of infested chasing me, yet all my ai I rose up felt like they had to enclose me in the center of them resulting in me getting smacked by an Aincent. The ai Nekros raises doesnt have to be made phaseable, as long as the ai actively tries to move out of the way of ANY player on the team. I think this small fix would help several avoidable deaths NOT happen.

Anyways, just my 2 cents. I hope others can agree with me on some of these.

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