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[Boss Concept] New Infested Boss: The Decrepit And The Infested Stalker: The Afflict


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Grineer and Corpuses have received their fair share of revamps and redone bosses, but we can all agree that the diversity of the Infested is considerably lacking. I decided to try yet again to suggest two new boss ideas: one for a new Infected Invasion (or the new Infected Ship incoming) and one Infected enemy that behaves like Stalker, Harvester, and G3 but with a twist.


We appreciate that you have lend us a hand i dealing with these Infested pandemic within our trading posts, but there has been a recent disturbing report. It appears new infested creature has been seen controlling some of the Ancient organisms to coordinate more sophisticated attacks. Records show that this "Decrepit" has been seen consuming my crew and even its Ancient comrades to sustain its own life force. The collateral damage this thing has caused is more threatening than the horde of Infested itself. Tenno, for the right price we are willing to pay you to take it out of our misery for good.

--Seargent Nef Anyo


The Decrepit


The Decrepit is a more larger and dominant leader of the Ancients. Despite not having any legs, it can crawl and slither at a speed faster than its Ancient comrades. What sets this boss apart from any Infested is its ability to stretch his arms and grab an enemy or ally in which he takes his time to absorb their life force to recover its health.

Stats: 6500 Infested Sinew (for body), 4000 Infested Sinew (each arm)



Tail Spike: The Decrepit raises its tail to the sky shooting its venomous spikes on it. This attack has a far range similar to Excalibur's Radial Javelin, but does Puncture and Toxin damage upon impact with high status chance. Does at average 200 Puncture and 200 Toxin Damage.

Corrosive Exhale: The Decrepit exhales out a corrosive gas that extends at best 5 meter radius. Does 5 ticks of 100 Corrosive Damage with 100% status chance.

Chilled Spit: Spits out a bubble of cryogenic liquid that bursts out and creates a wide radius puddle that slows down enemies. Does 200 Cold Damage upon impact.

Tail Pinch: A close range attack that raises his tail and crashes down on the enemy dealing 350 Puncture and 350 Toxin Damage. This attack always causes status chance.

Arm Absorber: Must have an arm to use this skill and must have lost at least 3/4 of its current HP. Once the Decrepit uses this, his body is invulnerable to any attack. He extends his arm and grabs either an Ancient or a Tenno. While it has grabbed a ally or enemy, its arm will be available to be damaged. You have 20 seconds to destroy the Decrepit's arm before it automatically kills its capture and heals its health approximately 30% its maxed Infested Sinew. If you succeed, his grabbing arm will get destroyed. Destroying an arm guarantees a huge drop of ammo.

[if Arm Absorber attaches to a Tenno, the Tenno will be in a incapacitation state with the Decrepit's arm grabbing the Tenno's leg. Because the Tenno is incapacitated, it can only use its secondary to shoot of the arm. Once the arm is destroyed, the Tenno is instantly recovers full health and is up again. This does not count as a technical down.]

Arm Recovery: Once it misses an arm, there will be at least 60 seconds before he can regrow a new arm. One this ability is activated, he cannot be harmed until the skill animation is finished. Upon recovering its arm, the stress of recreating a new arm causes it to deal 5% its maxed Infested Sinew as damage to itself.

Strategy: You fight this boss with at most 4 Ancients. An Ancient respawns after one other Ancient has died 20 seconds later. Dealing with the Ancients first before the boss is an advisable strategy as The Decrepit will try to recover its Health by using either the Tenno or an Ancients as its "food."


The Stalker Infested: The Afflict

The idea of this boss came from when I fought Lephantis. I thought that perhaps there could be a Stalker-like boss that sprung up form the ground attacking and hunting one specific Tenno for revenge of an Infested Invasion Mission. I could not get an art for this one, but just imagine it please.

Lore:Curses! Curse those mindless Infested beings!! I will not allow them to drag my men down to whatever hole you came out of to add to your disgusting collection of my brethren! My extraction crew discovered tremors under the ground. One by one, they were grabbed and drawn to whatever damnation these things came from. Tenno, deal with this new monstrosity, or I will deal with you personally!!!

-- Tyl Regor

Appearance: The Afflict is noting more than a tentacle that can burst from the ground and try to grab a wandering Tenno.

Stats: 5000 Infested Sinew, appears in Infested Invasion Missions

Abilities and Strategies: While in a mission, Lotus will inform you that she is picking up seismic tremors nearby your group's location. The Afflict will then pop up fro the ground or wall and will quickly use the Arm Absorb skill on any nearby Tenno. If it is unable to grab any Tenno within 5 seconds, it will go back to the ground and try to pop up and try again until it dies. Unlike the Arm Absorb skill from The Derepit, killing the grabbed Tenno gains it a smaller amount of HP (around 15% its maxed HP), but it will kill the 15 seconds upon successfully grabbing the Tenno. Getting grabbed from the Afflict from the ceiling leaves your warframe dangling upside down, and the grabbed Tenno still can only use his/her secondary to break free.

Added Abilities:

Pop-up Blast:As soon as the Afflict pops up from the surface, it sends a Blast shockwave with a small radius to stun any nearby prey.

Retreat: If the Afflict is unable to grab a Tenno for a certain duration after using Pup-up Blast, it will retreat to the surface in which it will wait to try and attack again within a time interval of 10-20 seconds. If the Afflict manages to grab a Tenno, but receives a certain amount of damage, it will let go of the grabbed Tenno and retreat to the surface to try again within a time interval of 10-20 seconds.

If you are defeated by the Afflict, its game over. Also, your grabbed frame receives a Contaminated debuff. A Contaminated warframe receives a random debuff of Slash, Impact, Cold, Electric, Heat, Toxic, Corrosive, Gas, Magnetic, or Viral status every 5 seconds during any mission. Your frame will also have patches of glowing bright green cracks around the body. The Lotus will send in a Decontamination Vaccine to remove this status, but crafting it will require that you have to wait at best 1 hour or so for it to be complete.

Defeating the Afflict will grant you rare mods, Orokin Derelict Keys, and perhaps a new rare Infested based weapon.

Inbox from receiving the Afflict's Marker:

--Intercepted Grineer Urgent Message to Tyl Regor:

Lord Regor, I'm here to report that the Infested expedition team you have sent have all mysteriously vanished. Our recon team has reported that our brothers have been pulled by something that traveled in the walls, ceiling and floors of the compounds. Captain Vor requests that we would ask the Tenno to investigate whatever it is that is causing this. It would...kill two birds with one stone.

Quotes for Afflict Before Spawn:
Lotus: Tenno, I am picking up strange seismic activity heading your way. Be aware of your surroundings.

Being attacked by the Afflict:

Lotus: Tenno, what is going on? Tenno? Tenno what is situation? Report!

Lotus: I'm starting to pick up something that is traveling within the floor, the ceiling, and the walls

Lotus: Something is moving in your surroundings. Tenno, please tell me what is your status?

Defeating the Afflict:

Lotus: Whatever it was that you encountered, its gone for now.
Losing to the Afflict:

Lotus: Tenno, where are you? You're warframe's reading are going haywire. Tenno? Tenno!

Inbox from loosing to the Afflict:

Greetings Tenno;

Your warframe's mainframe seems to have been under Contamination. My father, Frohd Bek had mentioned some crewmen afflicted with a similar strain of this anomaly. It must've been the Infected's Afflict. Not much is known about it in the Corpus's archives but boy it is said to be pretty pretty big rodent, if you know what I mean.

Anyways, Corpus Maintenance Bays managed to formulate a vaccine for this malware, but alas making the vaccine will take some time. I'll be sending in the required ingredients as a blueprint for you to make it yourself. I would help, but my daddy is hot on my trail.

Best of luck to you, and come by me if you want something. I still have more good deals to offer after all.


Comments? Make Suggestions? Also please check out my two other ideas if you can: Rift the Portal Waframe and the Reworked Tyl Regor.

Edited by FoxFX
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I thought that the Ancients looked like Walruses before but now...


Corrosive Exhale: The Derelict exhales out a corrosive gas that extends at best 5 meter radius. Does 5 ticks of 100 Corrosive Damage with 100% status chance.

also typo

Edited by Sasoka
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Update: Added 2 more skills to the Stalker Infested Boss: Afflict and more quotes when fighting the boss.


I do plan on doing a sketch on how the Afflict will look like and how the Tenno would look like when attacked by the Arm Absorb skill.

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Lotus: Tenno, where are you? You're warframe's reading are going haywire. Snake? SNAAAA-I mean TENNOOOOO!


Lotus has been playing too much MGS.


Nah-but-rly, I like this idea a lot, especially the whole out-of-the-ground mechanic of the Afflict, but I feel like it could use one more attack, just to make it a little more evil. Maybe make it sometimes pop out of the ceiling and lob gas grenades at everyone? Also all hail to the Darbro.

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Lotus: Tenno, where are you? You're warframe's reading are going haywire. Snake? SNAAAA-I mean TENNOOOOO!


Lotus has been playing too much MGS.


Nah-but-rly, I like this idea a lot, especially the whole out-of-the-ground mechanic of the Afflict, but I feel like it could use one more attack, just to make it a little more evil. Maybe make it sometimes pop out of the ceiling and lob gas grenades at everyone? Also all hail to the Darbro.


lol @ the MGS reference.


Well the idea of this Afflict is for it to be just more like a tentacle that hunts down the Tenno within the area. I find that for most mmorpgs, the most challenging bosses are ones that have some sure-kill ability and some way of making it a bit tricky to kill them.


This is why I added this Arm Absorber ability that forces the Tenno to a pseudo-downed state where the grabbed Tenno can only use their secondary weapon to shoot off the tentacle that is grabbing them.


However, I may end up adding in one more skill to the Afflict, but after I find a suitable art design for it.


and yeah...hail Darvo! XD

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Love the Decrepit boss concept. It has that feeling of a boss battle which many of the bosses right now are missing.

The Afflict has a nice Dead Space feel to it. I quite like it.


However, I'm not sure if it should appear on Invasion or not. To me it seems like the afflict would be something fitting in a ship that's completely taken over by the Infested and transform/mangled into something else, like the concept art shown in a recent Devstream, which are for the return of the Infested in the system itself.


That way it would make more sense for those tentacles to appear; it's as if the ship itself has been covered to the point that it's now alive, and defending its own (and itself) this way.

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Love the Decrepit boss concept. It has that feeling of a boss battle which many of the bosses right now are missing.

The Afflict has a nice Dead Space feel to it. I quite like it.


However, I'm not sure if it should appear on Invasion or not. To me it seems like the afflict would be something fitting in a ship that's completely taken over by the Infested and transform/mangled into something else, like the concept art shown in a recent Devstream, which are for the return of the Infested in the system itself.


That way it would make more sense for those tentacles to appear; it's as if the ship itself has been covered to the point that it's now alive, and defending its own (and itself) this way.


I kinda assume that all Infested Invasion maps always had that the area surrounded with the infested mold all over. I guess I'll have to look more into it.


Thank you for the comment on the Decrepit. Got the idea of that boss from fighting the Jackal since its the only single boss that has multiple parts to it. So I kinda thought to myself why not make an Infested Boss that has that same concept to it but with some twists (rejuvenating limbs..XD).

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