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Party Health Tabs - On/off, New Layout, Etc.


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[size=3]Already asked for in Pressing Z To View Party's Health[/size]

Main problem is, we cannot move when holding Z key. And even when you allow us doing so, the layout for these information isn't that good (but could be usable).


1) Allow us to move when showing us party health tabs

2) Allow ON/OFF behavior, rather than hold key

3) (really optionable) Change the layout of party health tabs (see below)

This is what we have


And this is, what we could possibly have (it's just a simple concept made in few minutes, needs a bit of polish)



v2 - As you can see, this would require moving the information about found resources somewhere else - and that's intentional, because we have the right side, where picked up mods appears for this info. Or personally, I would put it in some kind of "chat windows", so I can see the history of what I picked up.


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Ooooh... YES PLEASE!!! Lol, although its common for any other mmorpg to have that option (in this case mmofps). Its kinda weird for the devs to develop the hp bar that make us stop moving from checking it.

An OFF/ON option for the squad hp is much appreciated.

Edited by ShikimoriAki
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I don't like the fact I have to look outside of battle to know about my health/shields/energy

Maybe a glow around ourself for the shields (that would help MAG to know if she has to wast a polarized shield on an ally) and some dots sround the center of screen (maybe around the player or glued to it ?) that would represent the 25/50/75/100/125/etc. energy you have. Often do I hit the "skill" button and it do nothing but someties it's because I didn't aimed well and sometimes because I don't have enough energy. I should know in a glance why I failed (bad aim or lacking energy) and if I must take cover because my shields are low. Often I know I must take cover because I'm hitted in red, which means my health is hitted. I want to cover before my shields runs out. but in the heat of the game you don't have time to look in the upper right corner.

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I don't like the fact I have to look outside of battle to know about my health/shields/energy

Maybe a glow around ourself for the shields (that would help MAG to know if she has to wast a polarized shield on an ally) and some dots sround the center of screen (maybe around the player or glued to it ?) that would represent the 25/50/75/100/125/etc. energy you have. Often do I hit the "skill" button and it do nothing but someties it's because I didn't aimed well and sometimes because I don't have enough energy. I should know in a glance why I failed (bad aim or lacking energy) and if I must take cover because my shields are low. Often I know I must take cover because I'm hitted in red, which means my health is hitted. I want to cover before my shields runs out. but in the heat of the game you don't have time to look in the upper right corner.

Yes, the HUD should be better, it's far from perfect - I would also like different one, but for example, shields around warframes would just look ugly :/

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It could be "power lines" on the warframe and their glow decrease while your shields decrease. I mean that there should be a visual way to know roughly if you need to take cover.

If optionable, I have no problem with this - wouldn't used it though in though.

Would prefer the modification of crosshair or having the shield/health numbers/bar somewhere closer to the frame - top right corner is really bad idea :/

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I really like this. Especially how the bars actually have numbers on them! The empty health/shield bars should have edges or a background shadowing, so that you can see more accurately how much that is of the maximum amount. Z should be used to toggle the display on and off, instead of paralyzing mid-step while holding it like now. Good job man, I support this thread 100%. +1

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Looking at the details now and... Have you made tiny birght bars at even 100:s of life/energy? If so (or not) DEs don't miss out on that! VERY NICE!

A "shadowed" displayed bar of Max life/energy is a good idea +1

Also if a warframe would have its shields wiped and start running low on life (percentage or fixed value i.e. 25) the bar could start flashing to alert teammembers.

Edited by Lactamid
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As a support player, I was just about to post a topic about this. I play Trinity pretty much full time, and I NEVER know a good time to use my abilities...90% of the time, I end up using them when my party is at full hp/energy and waste my own energy. If someone knows of some type of addon or mod that can currently fix this for me right now, that would be much appreciated. (Hopefuly they incorporate it into the game soon).

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As a trinity player, I'd appreciate a proper health display as well (even though I'm more of a tanky melee trinity, its still nice to toss a well-timed blessing).

Bonus suggestion: Include bars for your Sentinel to this display, would help keeping it alive if we knew when it was in trouble and needed cover.

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In addition to a persistent health bar option, I'd love for easier targeting on allies for things like Mag's shield restore and whatnot. Right now, finding the right target, placing cursor on them, and making sure some other teammate doesn't run in front of them right as you're using it is a pain, especially in the heat of battle. I think it would be much more useful if I could select the skill with a hotkey, and then push another hotkey to automatically use it on an ally (or at least some alternative way of targeting an ally for those type of skills). That's probably asking for too much, but at the very least, having a better way to see health/shield bars would be great.

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Maybe a good compromise would be the option to click once to ready the skill. Then the first applicable target the cursor passes over is visibly selected as the target. Even just changing the color of the target's name would be perfect. Left click to activate, right click to cancel. It wouldn't get in the way of other functions and those players who want finer control could have it.

I'm also 100% behind the health/shield/energy UI changes. We need instant visual feedback like that to make good, fast decisions. It'd also be amazing if we could drag UI elements around. Sentinel status would be nice, but I can live without it if it means getting any of these other helpful changes.

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The UI also needs a better placement of the ability icons they are behind the health/power number on the player portrait if you have more than two abilities active.

would also be nice to have a tool tip on the abilties.

another thing that needs work is the menus in the mods and the market. it shouldnt show the items you already own twice under the menus its easy to click the duplicate of the one you already own and buy it by accident. it would be nice if the items you already own didnt show up in the listing like when you compare the weapons etc.

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I think we can all agree, there is a need and demand by players for better HUD, but let's stay ontopic here.

I started this thread to show it doesn't need much modyfing to get a better health tabs (with numbers, because the relative ones, in game, where players have different ammount of health aren't useful) and to unify other similar threads related to showing team health problem, we currently have in the game. It was told many times before but being forced to stop to see our fellow tennos health is hardly a suitable solution for this game and especially for Trinity players.

Also I wanted to stress the importance of having a choice, because you can clearly see, in other topics, there are people, who wants almost no information on screen and consider haing health tabs for other players redundant. There is, in my opinion, a need to satisfy both groups. I would probably made the tabs show on default, allowing the players to turn them off in menu or by hotkey.

There is also a bit of psychology here - seeing health of other players, their shield and name constantly on the sceen makes you care more about them, making the whole coop experience more satysfying - suddenly, they are not some green dots on minimap and occasional blue models on the screen.


HUD related) Would probably start a new thread soon with a concept of complete HUD overhaul.

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