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U15 Complete Review


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Hello DE and forum goers. Over the past week or so I have devoted myself to reviewing the major aspects of U15 and its subsequent fixes and updates. I purposely waited a while to release an official review as to avoid being lumped in with the instant praisers and naysayers that accompany every major change. While I title this thread the 'complete' U15 review, I will admit, even in its length, it does not cover every minute change of U15. Such a response, I feel, would have been overly cumbersome and unnecessary. In this review I offer both feedback and suggestions, and I hope that it leads to constructive conversation about the progression of Warframe.


I leave my review here, in spoilers, because it is truly a review. This is not a simply wall of text rant, but a 5 page, essay format, formal review of the game. So open with caution and an open mind. 



                Before I begin this critique, let me first layout my basis and purpose for it. The point of this review is not to belittle DE's efforts or poke holes in their game design, on the contrary, my purpose is to provide feedback, which I hope DE will take into account during upcoming patches and updates. I am also aware that this review is a tad late, since U15 has been out for a little while now, but a fresh perspective after the hype has died down could potentially be more beneficial than the instant praisers and naysayers. As for the basis of this critique, these words come from a warframe veteran, active since the early days of the game and a supporter of both competitive co-op play, and solo play. For me, as for many other players I know, solo play is important; especially considering the quest system DE has implemented. The quest system is, so far, the closest this game has to a personal story arch and I, for one, take pride in earning the rewards of these quests by undertaking the missions on my own, as a traditional story campaign would require. While this game is anything from a traditional, single-player, console game, I think it is important to recognize players' desire to feel like they can accomplish meaningful milestones in a game without relying on a team of, probably, random people. While the scope of this critique is not to call for any sort of change in the difficulty scaling of  solo vs. party play, it will call into question the flow and progression of the newest features of the game, from a solo players stand point. Secondly, I will also give my feedback on the new Syndicate system. This too looks to be another way players can immerse themselves in the game. While it shows great potential, it also feels far from a polished and complete system. As with all new features and changes to this game, I am confident DE will review and alter the syndicate system multiple times; therefore, I hope my feedback and suggests provide a helpful, player perspective to the areas that need attention. And lastly, I will wrap up with feedback about various other additions and alterations that shipped with update 15. I will not be able to touch on them all, since so much was added and I've even yet been able to appreciate only some, but overall DE has my praise for U15, and my continued support and longing for what I hope will be many more updates, hotfixes, additions, changes, 2.0s, etc.  Warframe is one of my favorite games, as attested to by my 800+ hours of gameplay and high mastery rank; and the game continues to grow and impress. These last few updates have each introduced radical changes/additions to the game, and, in all, I feel they are heading in the right direction. It is the purpose of this article then to highlight the few flaws and oversights inherent to any major change, so that future passes and updates can truly tie together a complete and consistent game.


(for ease of reading I will add headlines and some bullet points to each paragraph for those who don't want to tackle this whole report)


This first section deals with the quests introduced by U15 and specifically the lack of guidance for the new, and completely foreign, archwing mode.

     + The archwing quest ends before a player can truly grasp the new feature.

     + There is no tutorial for the archwing granting players need direction, tips, and beginner mods for a completely new arsenal.

     + The archwing quest and Limbo quest are not, seemingly, designed to be tackled one after the other, but were presented at the same time with no indication or warning of the contrary; in fact, the Limbo quest requires archwing, but does not address the need for archwing training and extensive modding.

                Since the release of U15, which I was admitted late to, much of the hype has revolved around the new archwing missions, as the update's namesake would imply. The problem is, however, that the quest involved in obtaining such a crucial new component to the game ends before the player can truly figure out what he or she just earned. As stated above, I choose to play all quest based missions solo, as a testament to the personal growth of me as a Tenno; not one among thousands, since the Tenno are not an army, but as a singular agent, as a ninja/covert ops agent should be. Yet there is no in game indication as to the route one should follow once earning their first archwing. The archwing quest ends with a single mission in which you half utilize the new feature; and in which one, at least in my case, does not earn a single mod for the archwing or its weaponry. Therefore, upon completion of the archwing quest line, I was left with a mostly unranked new arsenal and no mods. Furthermore, since the Limbo questline was introduced alongside the archwing questline, I assumed, perhaps incorrectly, though not entirely unjustifiably, that it was the next logical progression to one's use of the archwing. Now interception missions, as was the first mission of the Limbo questline, have always been one of the more difficult missions to accomplish solo, though, with the correct strategy, it is certainly possibly. Yet I tried several different strategies, several times, with my unranked and unmodded new archwing, and was completely and utterly outmatched in this first mission. Since my veteran experience in this game means next to nothing when trying to use such a new feature in such a new way, I will only speak as I feel a new player would react. Jumping straight from, what is essentially, a tutorial; and I use that lightly; to a questline starting with a level 22-30 mission, is far too much of a jump. With an unmodded new arsenal and one, maybe, two archwing abilities, the enemies quickly overtake the player, without even mentioning the need to maintain control over the interception nodes. To me, as I feel many players new to the archwing experience would agree, these two questlines are do not sync up in any sort of fluid way. And perhaps they were not intended to, but nontheless, there was also no indication that they weren't. Once I realized that the first Limbo quest mission was a level 22-30 Mars mission, I figured I should try some of the earlier planet archwing missions to bolster my rank, mods, and understand of this new mechanic. So I flew my Liset over to Mercury and ran Caduceus a couple times. To my disappointment, though not surprise, I did not earn a single archwing mod, meaning the ranks I gained were, essentially, meaningless. And so I  flew over to Venus to try the next linearly logical archwing mission, which was, of course, more difficult, but still manageable with, essentially, a new arsenal. Yet again, not a single mod for either the archwing or any of its weapons. Now RNGesus has never looked down too kindly on me, but I feel there is something inherently wrong design-wise, when a player can play through a tutorial missions, and two other missions several times, and not find any ways of making their new arsenal any more effective. I do not scorn DE for this oversight, I merely wish to vocalize it. I would also like to offer an easy, and rather logical, solution to the problem: an archwing tutorial. Just as a new player is introduced to the basic elements of Warframe, with the new player tutorial introduced in U14, I believe the archwing questline should continue for a couple more missions longer to introduce players to the first one or two archwing abilities, trench flying, and some of the new enemies. And like the new player tutorial and early missions of the game, I feel it would be greatly beneficial to create and guarantee drops of 'damaged' archwing and archwing weapon mods. In fact, the first two archwing missions, on Mercury and Venus, could easily be adapted to serve as a tutorial by simply throwing in some checkpoint lotus tip and guaranteeing certain damaged mods drop either from specific enemies or as a guaranteed mission reward. I feel like this alone would not only alleviate the confusion and stress currently associated with this new game mode, but also help players feel a sense of gradual progression.


This section reviews the new Syndicate system, specifically, its current lack of character and diversity

     + Great basic system, but needs more character

     + Suggestions for how to add character and diversity of the Syndicate system

     + Feedback and suggestions on possible additions to Syndicate exclusive content and rewards, such a research, trading, and training areas. 


                The new Syndicate system introduced in update 15 is another potentially wondrous addition to warframe, should it be given the attention it deserves. As it is now, it feels like but a husk of what it could be. It has all the basics one would expect of a system in place to individualize the Tenno experience; factions (Syndicates) to pledge oneself to, a new cosmetic choice, and some rewards specific to each Syndicate. But it stops there, at the basics. Seeing as this is a brand new feature, one which was not even leaked until right up against release, it is perfected respectable that we be given a glimpse into the Syndicate system, which DE will expand on in the future. Or, at least, I hope that is the case. For right now, the Syndicate system is nothing more a few more user interfaces and a new number to keep track of. What the Syndicates lack, what they need, is a sense of identity. The single little blurb one gets upon first 'contacting' the Syndicate is barely more than a vague 'hello.' Seeing as I have no progressed passed neutral in any Syndicate, I cannot say if the dialogue gets any better; but I this juncture that would surprise me. Nonetheless, I feel no great compulsion to quicken my advance since the growth in either syndicate, so far, lends nothing to my identity as a Tenno. In fact, as it stands now, I would define Syndicate as, a number one uses to eventually trade for interesting mods; and I stress eventually. But that is, at the very least, one good thing the Syndicate system has brought the game; a long term, end game goal. Still a huge grind for a moderate reward, but something to keep veteran players playing aside from the occasional prime release. With all that established, allow me to present some of my own suggestions which I feel would better Syndicate system by providing a more personal attachment and sense of immersion for players. The first step I would take would be to create Syndicate Dojos. Image, if you would, docking your Liset to the Hall of the Arbiters. You would greeted in the docking bay by a member of the organization, which would only allow a Tenno through if they were wearing an appropriate sigil. You'd then pass into a grand reception hall, decorated with Syndicate flags and decor. Off this main hallway would be passages leading to different Syndicate run services, such a Syndicate based dueling rooms, research labs, training areas/obstacle courses, etc. all guarded by Syndicate members who, again, would only let Tenno of the appropriate rank pass. Not only would this add a face and home to the Syndicate system, but it would also provide an area for Syndicate members to gather, trade, and train. Should you follow the Grand Hall all the way down you would come to the Grand Council chamber of the Syndicate; where you could personally accept Syndicate quests and missions, instead of them randomly just popping up on the system map. Higher standing in each Syndicate could also open up more dialoged/lore options when speaking with the Syndicate's leader(s). Now I understand this would be a huge undertaking, as large clan dojo are already taxing when it comes to the number of players which can gather at one time. Therefore the main hall and council chambers could be individual instances, and the guardians of each Syndicate service could be activated to queue up for a spot in one of many hosted rooms. As for any Syndicate research tech, I for one would not be opposed to it being member exclusive, though many would call for anything one Syndicate offers to be tradable to other Syndicate members. But since prime blueprints and pieces are already tradable, as are Syndicate mods, that should not pose a large problem. In my mind, all of this, the Grand Hall, interactable Syndicate faction models, and more standing rewards would further immerse individual players and allow them to connect more to a specific Syndicate, all the while feeling a greater sense of accomplishment through the increasing prestige of gaining access to more and more Syndicate services, quests, lore, and rewards. 


This final section deals with smaller issues of U15 such as aesthetic concepts, UI improvements, and gameplay changes.

     + Limbo's theme change and frame design potentially puts the seriousness of the Warframe aesthetic in jeopardy. 

     + UI additions to U15 greatly improve UI functionality, but should be further implemented.

     + Directional melee has some flaws and inconsistencies that need to be address before it can be truly judged as a beneficial new mechanic or not.


                With these two specific topics aside, let me now speak on the remaining multitude of additions and changes introduced by U15. I will not address every little change in the update notes, since some don't require much feedback, and some I've yet to fully encounter, but there are a number of additions and changes that I feel warrant some extra words. First and foremost, I must address Limbo. I was originally going to devote a whole section of this review to the aesthetic choices DE went with for U15, however, my initial draft of that simply turned out to be a rant against Limbo. I will try to avoid that here. While I understand that once certain decisions are made as to the theme and look of a frame, they will not change. It is because of that, that I deeply regret Limbo's conversion from his initial Void Sorcerer theme to the, much more out of place, Void Magician theme. This change in design, while initially seeming subtle, changes the nature of how his void powers are perceived. A sorcerer could be said to wield the vast powers of the void in a way that conveys power, either mystical or simply far advanced technologically, while a magician is nothing more than a trickster and con-artist. This new theme, and his frame design; yes, specifically the top hat; drastically takes away from the seriousness of wielding the greatest and final technological achievement of the Orokin in his hands.  While I have always love the special event and holiday festivities of temporary silliness, for example the Pumpkin heads and fireworks, they were exactly that, temporary and festive. Limbo's rather meme-ish appearance however is something that will now be a permanent clash with the otherwise sleek, futuristic, and serious nature of the aesthetic feel of the game. While I know addressing this will not change anything, I do hope it causes some additional discussion when considering the future aesthetic details of game additions. On a more appreciative note, I would personally like to thank DE for the wonderful new UI additions that shipped with U15. The new worldstate tab at the top of the system map is a wondrously useful too. I do have one suggestion to add, though. That is, when displaying conflict missions, you should mention the rewards each side is offering. As it is, players are aware of conflict missions, but still have to navigate to them individually to see which one they want to participate in. Adding the rewards to this UI tab would further streamline mission acceptance. On a similar note, I also commend the addition of the search bar in the mods UI. This makes applying and fusing mods so much easier! I do, of course, have another suggestion on how to further implement this feature. That is, the search bar should also be used in the trading UI, in order to help players, such as myself, navigate to the exact mod or prime part they are trying to trade, instead of having to scroll though hundreds of mods. Adding a search function to the trading UI would greatly increase trading efficiency and make a lot of players happier and less stressed about the hassle of selling their goods. And lastly, directional melee is perhaps one of the more controversial additions to the game, and for good reason. I've heard compelling arguments that both support and scorn its impact on travel and parkour. While I've not come to a final consensus on that specific aspect of it, I would like to call attention to what I feel are its main problems. Foremost, it doesn't make much logical sense. Being able to sharply change one's trajectory in mid air just feels wrong. Then again, coptering and no fall damage don't make much logical sense either. On a more gameplay related note, however, they again don't make much sense. Consider the difference in trying to copter with a Fragor as opposed to the directional melee of a Fragor. Coptering with a heavy weapon practically drops one straight down, however utilizing the new directional melee feature, heavy weapon players can attain a similar boost simply from changing direction, sometimes even with a vertical boost! It seems, therefore, that directional melee is not affected by weapon weight, as coptering and attack speeds are.  In order for directional melee to make more gameplay sense, this needs to be addressed. But all in all, directional melee's greatest problem is that is simply feels cumbersome. It may just take time for players to adjust, but there threshold between directions seems a bit vague. There have been times that I've jumped straight down when trying to change direction, and times I've simply changed direction when, I thought, I had aimed downward. There is also the question of the effectiveness of directional attacks compared to the normal jump attacks. In all, this new feature will take some time to get used to, and I suppose it will take to time determine whether it fits the game, both logically and mechanically, or not.



                To wrap up this review, I would like to state that I have continued to play and experiment with aspects of U15 while writing this report; and these are some final comments. Firstly, I was finally able to collect some arch-mods via Irpo, Earth; yet I am still having difficultly solo-ing the first Limbo quest. The 15.2 changes to interception mode certainly is not helping, but I can't say I completely disagree with the decision. It makes logical sense that enemies control their own communication nodes at the start, and that the Tenno, as aggressors, have to take and hold them. Secondly, I have looked through the augment mod rewards for each Syndicate and, considering there are only a handful of unique augment mods at this time, I find little distinction between favored frames/weapons/playstyles of each Syndicate. With the addition of more augment mods, and a more personal/interactable face to Syndicates, I hope each develops a character of their own, each with preferences as to how Tenno under their banner comport themselves. I would also like to commend DE on their bold introduction of line-of-sight powers in 15.2. There has been much backlash on the forums since the update and I feel the negativity is unwarranted. LoS makes sense for some powers, though not for all; they will have to be determined and tested individually. On a more appreciative note, it could be said to actually benefit the game mechanically, as it introduces another, rather logical, layer of tactics to the battlefield. Some will argue that maps were not designed with LoS in mind, but then again, battlefields never are. This change could potentially bring warframe one step closer to the tactical combat system it should be.  All in all, I feel U15 is one more step in the right direction, yet still only one small step in a much longer journey. There is much still to be re-examined and rebalanced, many ideas placed on the back burners, and many newer features that require some polish; but for an ever-evolving game, this is what keeps the most devoted players playing. I hope this feedback stirs conversation not only amongst players in the forums but within DE itself and between DE staff and players. It is this level of player-developer involvement that truly sets DE apart. On a final note, I would like to thank DE personally for their, rather witty, participation in the Movember fundraising movement. Thank you, DE, and keep up all the great work!



For those of you who have made it through, I commend you and welcome your own feedback. I would also love to hear from a DE representative, or few, to learn how such a review is welcomed and if it was indeed as helpful as I intended it. 

Edited by inthephonebox
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I honestly think you should have waited to U15.5 or something before throwing this out. The forum is in sh*tstorm mode from u15.2 and the heat is almost too high for this to be able to shine without being buried under all our diarrhoea.

Edited by HyokaChan
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Just a quick note here, your review is literally a wall of text. You may wanna separate the paragraphs a bit more.


agree, maybe you could add one <spoiler> per page?


I will admit aading cut-down version where it highlight all the important part would be appreciated. This would not only please the one that don't feel like reading that much but may motivate to read all your page as well.

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Thank you for pointing out the formatting issue. It was written in a word document and formated with spaces for ease of reading, but I now see they were left out when I copied it over. I will edit back in those breaks now.



I honestly think you should have waited to U15.5 or something before throwing this out. The forum is in sh*tstorm mode from u15.2 and the heat is almost too high for this to be able to shine without being buried under all our diarrhoea.

I was still hesitant to release it at this point for this very reason, but I felt waiting until 15.5 would be too late. I wanted the topics to still be fresh in mind, and halfway to U16 felt little enough time to address the problems of the initial release, let alone anything further that warrants feedback from here to then.

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15.3 would likely bring with it just as much controversy, as every update usually does. In general it is difficult to get any well formulated feedback through the think cover to hype and doomsayers. 

To further address the progress of U15 as a whole, I may simply add onto this document at every, or every other, decimal update and repost to keep the feedback relevant and on topic. 

Edited by inthephonebox
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2 words.  bullet points


seriously, i look at that and scream AAAAAAAAAA I myself have written things like that, but please dont post a 5-page review of a game in wall o'text format. Im willing ot read a full page, maybe 2 like that, but 5? damn.....


re-edit your review to include a  TL;DR section make it becomposed of bullet points of the problems you see in that area, and the possible solutions to it. Then if people want to know more they can read the wall of text.


K? nice job.

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2 words.  bullet points


seriously, i look at that and scream AAAAAAAAAA I myself have written things like that, but please dont post a 5-page review of a game in wall o'text format. Im willing ot read a full page, maybe 2 like that, but 5? damn.....


re-edit your review to include a  TL;DR section make it becomposed of bullet points of the problems you see in that area, and the possible solutions to it. Then if people want to know more they can read the wall of text.


K? nice job.

More good formatting advice. It saddens me that the majority of people need even single paragraphs broken down into easily digestible bullet points, but I understand the desire to immediate information. I will attempt to edit in some key points under each header, however, I do not want to risk over simplifying any of my points.

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As I said, I read it all. but i can guarentee 80+% of the people looking at it runnign away screaming.


listen oversimplification is fine if you have the original somewhere. if you overcomplicate the first time its like pouring a truck full of ideas onto their head. they will miss 90% of them, not understand 8%, and will be confused on 1%. The final 1% will be the ideas taht actually get through. no offense.


also, nice synd dojo thing.xD dats my 1%

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