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This has been an issue for a pretty long time now, so it may have been brought up before.


"Jump collision"


You may have noticed that jump won't trigger properly if you're sloping down. Especially if you're sliding down and trying to perform a somersault.


It wasn't such a big issue back in the days when we only had Corpus ships and the very first Grineer bases where all the floors were pretty much completely horizontal. But with the introduction of Orokin Derelic, Desert, Earth tileset, Ice planet, the new Infested zones, this issue has been hindering mobility on those tilesets.


Now, the reason why the jump fails is most likely because when you're moving/sliding down the hill, you're slightly hopping, those losing collision with the surface and negating the possibility to jump:






Few possible solutions:


1. Allow jump to trigger a few milliseconds after the collision as well.

Meaning, if you left the surface, for instance, 100 milliseconds ago, the jump will still trigger


2. Create a new ghost collision object around the frame for mobility purpose. This object is slightly bigger than the frame, off course.

Edited by KingTaro
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Personally, I think that the two ways to rectify this would be to make jumps come out faster (or fewer start up frames is how I'd think of it) and to give a small "grace area" of distance between you and the floor that would allow you to jump. By "grace area" I mean that there should be a small distance that the player would be allowed to be in the off of the floor or in the air (maybe up to .5m or maybe maybe maybe as high as 1m) instead of requiring you to be firmly planted on the floor to jump.


Explanation (if it requires one):

Having the jump come out sooner (i.e. fewer start up frames) would mean that the player would press the jump button and quickly realize whether or not the jump was successful. Letting the jump be activated slightly off of the floor (0.5m) would let you still be able to jump in situations where you're bouncing slightly off of the floor. Having the distance be small would prevent it from being essentially a double jump though (that's what parkour is for).


Basically, it'd give more immediate feedback as to whether or not your jump registered and it would let you jump in more situations where you are essentially airborne.


I think jumping as it stands is currently pretty clumsy in the game due to how slow it feels and how inconsistent it is (due to the OP's aforementioned grievances).

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The 2nd solution I mentioned (ghost collision object around the frame) is meant to allow the jump to trigger when the frame is slightly off the ground.



Parcour 2.0 seems to be one of DE's plans for 2015. Really looking forward to the jump polishing.

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The 2nd solution I mentioned (ghost collision object around the frame) is meant to allow the jump to trigger when the frame is slightly off the ground.

Parcour 2.0 seems to be one of DE's plans for 2015. Really looking forward to the jump polishing.


Ah, you're right. Not sure how I missed that. 


I wonder if they're planning on changing the system or just tightening up problem areas and adding on top of the current system. In any case, I'm looking forward to improvement of any kind as well.

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