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(Warframe Concept) Eidolon, The Nightmare Frame - Format And Skill Changes (07/02)


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Eidolon, the Nightmare Frame


This is Eidolon - the nightmarish enigma.

Manipulating his enemies from the shadows, Eidolon specializes in leaving his targets in the dark until it's too late.


Shadow surrounds Eidolon in darkness, continuously draining energy to render himself invisible and incorporeal to enemies. While Shadow is active Eidolon is restricted to his own Nightfall Talons, but stealth attacks are easier to perform and significantly more powerful. Assistance from natural shade nullifies the cost of Shadow.


Dark Touch causes Eidolon to strike the targeted enemy with a tendril of darkness, with several effects depending on the circumstances. Unaware enemies are put to sleep, becoming stationary and only alerted by noise. Alert enemies are instead drained of their strength, reducing their mobility and attack speed. If used while Shadow is active, the surrounding darkness turns Draining Strike into a dangerous offensive tool capable of piercing through enemies.


Sleepwalker turns Eidolon into a mass of pure darkness that possesses a nearby enemy, taking control. Eidolon controls this body as his own, using their weapons but losing the use of his other abilities. Enemies will be none the wiser, but will attack should they see one of their own being taken over. In addition, should the host body be slain Eidolon is ejected while taking significant damage.


Are you afraid of the dark, Tenno? Blackout unleashes an expanse of umbral energy from Eidolon's body, blotting out any and all light sources within the vicinity and temporarily blinding enemies. Enemy vision range is reduced while within the vicinity of Blackout, while Eidolon's mobility is increased.


Amplifying Eidolon's powers through the use of Mods will cause nightmares for your enemies. Duration will cause Dark Touch and Blackout to persist for longer, while Range will improve the effective radius of Dark Touch, Sleep Walker, and Blackout. Throwing in a Strength Mod will empower the offensive capabilities of both Shadow and Dark Touch.


Eidolon is an anomoly, Tenno- pray that your interests align, or you will never see him coming.




Stats, Abilities, and Augments



Theme: Darkness and Stealth

Roles: Stealthy Offense and DPS / Offensive CC


Health: 80 (lv30 240)
Power: 150 (lv30 225)
Armor: 50
Shield Capacity: 60 (lv30 180)
Sprint Speed: 1.2
Stamina: 100
Conclave: -
Aura Polarity: Naromon (-), ideal for increased utility and enemy disruption.

Polarities: Madurai (V) x1, Naromon (-) x1

Passives - Disciplined Darkness:

-   Eidolon performs maneuvers with greater speed and momentum while in shadows.

-   Eidolon's stealth attack animations are performed more quickly than other Warframes.


Shadow: Eidolon cloaks himself in shadows, rendering himself invisible and draining energy while in effect.

-   Shadow costs 20 Energy to activate and drains 2.5 Energy per second, affected by Power Efficiency.

-   Alert enemies will attack Eidolon's last known location if Shadow is used while in line of sight.

-   If the majority (70% or more) of Eidolon's body is in any sort of shade, Shadow's Energy drain is fully negated.

-   Energy Siphon does not effect Eidolon while Shadow is active, unless Eidolon is under enough shade to negate Shadow's energy cost.

-   While Shadow is active Eidolon is mostly incorporeal, capable of passing through enemies and certain obstacles unimpeded. While passing through enemies Eidolon deals 15/30/45/60 Magnetic damage with a guaranteed proc, while also momentarily staggering the enemy. Any enemy damaged in this manner will be momentarily alerted, but will not otherwise react. This damage is affected by Power Strength.

-   While Shadow is active, Eidolon can perform Stealth Attacks even if the enemy is alert. Eidolon is still required to position himself within range behind the targeted enemy, however. Enemies who witness such an attack will begin attacking the spot where the attack took place.

-   While Shadow is active, Eidolon gains a 3000% damage amplification to his Stealth Attacks, regardless of the equipped weapon.


-   While Shadow is active Eidolon cannot use primary or secondary weapons, and his melee weapons are replaced by built-in claws, called Nightfall Talons. Basic attacks deal 10/15/20/25 base damage, distributed evenly between Puncture, Slash, and Impact. The Nightfall Talons have a 1.5x crit multiplier, 10% crit chance, and 10% status chance.

-   Nightfall Talons are affected by Power Strength and the Melee Combo Counter.

-   Nightfall Talons are affected by equipped Melee mods. Damage amplification from mods is based on the base damage of the Nightfall Talons.

-   Nightfall Talons are not affected by Weapon Augment Mods, but are affected by Faction Damage Mods.

-   Nightfall Talons are not affected by Channeling Mods, and channeling is disabled while Shadow is active.

-   While attacking with the Nightfall Talons Eidolon will use the default combo for Claw Weapons. However, if Eidolon has a Claw weapon with a stance equipped, Eidolon will instead use the default combo of that equipped stance. Eidolon is not capable of performing any other melee combos during Shadow.


Dark Touch: Eidolon strikes out with a tendril composed of darkness, inflicting various effects based on the circumstances.

-   Dark Touch costs 30 Energy to use.

-   In its default state Dark Touch launches a needle-like tendril to sting a target enemy within 10/15/20/25 meters, dealing 25/50/75/100 base Puncture damage. If the enemy is unaware then they are forcefully rendered asleep. Sleeping enemies do not move or attack and have a visual range of 0. However, taking damage or hearing an alarming noise will immediately wake up the sleeping enemy.

-   If used on an alert enemy, Dark Touch will instead reduce the attack speed and movement speed of the struck enemy by 20/30/40/50% for 3/4/5/6 seconds.

-   If Dark Touch is used while Shadow is active, Dark Touch will become empowered. Dark Touch becomes a drilling tendril that runs through every enemy within 10/15/20/25 meters dealing 100/150/200/250 damage split evenly between Puncture and Slash. The initial target struck takes the full damage, and every subsequent enemy takes reduced damage down to a minimum of 30%.

-   Damage and slow are affected by Power Strength, while the length of the slow is affected by Power Duration.

-   Dark Touch can be used while walking, sprinting, sliding, jumping, wall running, and wall clinging.

-   Has a casting time and animation of 0.5 seconds, affected by the Natural Talent mod.


Sleepwalker: Eidolon transforms into a mass of pure shadows that then possesses the targeted enemy.

-   Sleepwalker costs 50 Energy to activate.

-   Upon activation Eidolon will turn into darkness and possess the target enemy within 10/12/14/16 meters. While possessing an enemy Eidolon takes on their stats, health type(s), and weapons. Eidolon loses access to the rest of his abilities while Sleepwalker is active, and cannot perform Stealth Attacks.

-   Enemies will not notice if one of their own is under the effect of Sleepwalker, and will not attack or otherwise display hostility unless provoked. Should an enemy have line of sight when another enemy is possessed by Sleepwalker than they will immediately display hostility and start attacking.

-   Sleepwalker does not work on Bosses, Assassins, or Death Squads. It also does not work on flying enemies.

-   Eidolon can activate Sleepwalker at will to cancel the effect, leaving the possessed enemy's body and reforming behind them. The enemy is momentarily dazed afterwards, leaving them open to finishers. If left alone the enemy will not become alert or hostile and will behave normally until they are alerted.

-   If the possessed enemy is killed while Eidolon is possessing them Eidolon will be immediately knocked down, taking 75% of the fatal damage directly to his health.

-   Targeting range is affected by Power Range.



Blackout: Eidolon releases an expanse of umbral energy, reducing enemy vision and empowering himself.

-   Blackout costs 100 Energy to activate.

-   Blackout creates an expanse of darkness with a 50/100/150/200 meter radius that blocks out any and all light sources within range for 15/25/35/45 seconds. Enemies within range of Blackout at the time of activation are blinded for 4/8/12/16 seconds, and afterwards have their vision radius reduced by 30/45/60/75% while within Blackout's area of effect.

-   The area of effect within Blackout is treated as shade for the effect of Shadow, negating Shadow's energy drain.

-   While within Blackout Eidolon gains a 30/40/50/60% boost to Movement Speed.

-   Has a cast time of 1 second, during which Eidolon is affected by damage and energy drain but not affected by CC.

-   Enemies blinded by Blackout become vulnerable to finishers, and the first melee attack against them applies stealth damage multipliers.

-   Once the initial blinding expires enemies will return to normal behavior, but have their vision radius reduced.

-   Enemies outside the range of Blackout will investigate its area of effect. Stepping into Blackout's area of effect will not blind investigating enemies, but they will immediately have their vision radius reduced and become alert.

-   Noise will behave as normal while in Blackout, and as such enemies will still fire at the source of any noises they hear.


Augment Mods (Purchased from Steel Meridian and Arbiters of Hexis)

Ghost Mark: Passing through an enemy with Shadow will cause them to release a pulse of magnetic energy from their bodies.


Ravenous Grasp: Dark Touch drags any struck enemies to Eidolon's current location.


Night Terrors: Activating Sleepwalker while targeting an enemy will cause Eidolon to jump to and possess the targeted enemy.


Nyctophobia: Enemies within range of Blackout on activation become panicked and suffer from a Confusion proc.


Big props to Archwizard, whose formatting style I stole plagiarized borrowed in order to clean up my own information and concept. Also to Selfonixia, whose suggestions gave me the idea for what would become Eidolon's latest second power, Dark Touch. Hope you guys like what you see, cause it took quite a bit of work!


Retired Versions

"Are you afraid of the dark?"


Specter Version 1.0

Specter is a Warframe of shadows and sabatoge, masterfully weaving confusion and paranoia amongst his enemies before striking for the kill and condemning his enemies to darkness. Fearsome and enigmatic, Specter obeys nothing but his own agenda.


First Ability: "Shadow"

Specter's entire body turns into a phantasmic mass of shadows, becoming stealthed. "Shadow" drains power per second so long as it remains active, and Specter cannot use any weapons for the duration of "Shadow". Specter's mass is rendered minimal, allowing him to pass through enemies and small obstacles unencumbered. Passing through an enemy deals a small amount of [Cold or Magnetic] damage, but also renders them briefly alert (though still unaware of Specter's location).


Second Ability: "Night Terrors"

Specter throws a special sticky bomb that will attach itself to both surfaces and enemies. Reactivating the ability causes the bomb to go off, releasing powerful screams that will stagger any enemies within range [+Impact Damage] on initial activiation. If the bomb is directly attached to an enemy, they are staggered and damaged for the bombs duration. The screams will alert and draw any enemies to the location of the bomb. Night Terror can be activated and reactivated while "Shadow" is active.


Third Ability: "Puppeteer"
Specter transforms his entire mass into shadow and temporarily possesses the targeted enemy. While "Puppeteer" is active Specter takes on the stats and arsenal of the possessed enemy, and becomes incapable of performing maneuvers. Enemies will not notice if an enemy of the same faction is possessed, but will be alerted and hostile if they have line of sight when "Puppeteer" is used. When "Puppeteer" expires or is deactivated Specter will exit the possessed enemy's body from the back and is capable of using a unique finisher on the target enemy. If the enemy is left alive once "Puppeteer" expires they will not be alerted nor aware of Specter's presence. If the possessed enemy is killed Specter takes damage from the fatal attack to his health and is knocked down. "Puppeteer" cannot be used while "Shadow" is active.


Fourth Ability: "Curse"

Specter condemns the targeted enemy with a curse, causing a roiling mass of darkness to attach to the target enemy's body for several seconds. After several seconds the mass explodes, dealing slash and impact damage to both the target and any surrounding enemies. If Specter and his allies shoot at the mass while it counts down a percentage of the resulting damage is added to that of Curse's explosion. "Curse" can be used while "Shadow" is active.


So, first incarnation of my own Frame concept, and I have plenty of variations and ideas in mind- like reformatting the theme and names to be more "Ghostly" rather than "Darkness", or "Night Terror" being a component of "Shadow" by becoming his primary weapon while "Shadow" is active- so please feel free to give the feedback.



Eidolon Version 1.1

Health: 80 (lv30 240)
Power: 150 (lv30 225)
Armor: 50
Shield Capacity: 60 (lv30 180)
Sprint Speed: 1.2
Stamina: 100
Conclave: -
Polarities: D x2
Aura Polarity: None


First Ability: "Shadow"

Eidolon's entire body turns into a phantasmic mass of shadows, becoming stealthed. "Shadow" drains 5 Energy per second so long as it remains active, and Specter cannot use any weapons for the duration of "Shadow". Eidolon's mass is rendered minimal, allowing him to pass through enemies and small obstacles unencumbered. Passing through an enemy deals 75/150/225/300 Magnetic damage, but also renders them briefly alert (though still unaware of Eidolon's location).


Second Ability: "Night Terrors"

Eidolon throws a special sticky bomb that will attach itself to both surfaces and enemies. Reactivating the ability causes the bomb to go off, releasing powerful screams that will stagger any enemies and inflict Impact Damage on initial activiation. If the bomb is directly attached to an enemy, they are staggered and damaged for the bombs full duration. The screams will alert and draw any enemies to the location of the bomb, and enemy aggro will be momentarily diverted. Night Terror can be activated and reactivated while "Shadow" is active.


Third Ability: "Puppeteer"
Eidolon transforms his entire mass into shadow and temporarily possesses the targeted enemy. While "Puppeteer" is active Eidolon takes on the stats and arsenal of the possessed enemy, and becomes incapable of performing maneuvers. Enemies will not notice if an enemy of the same faction is possessed, but will become alerted and hostile if they have line of sight when "Puppeteer" is used. When "Puppeteer" expires or is deactivated Eidolon will exit the possessed enemy's body; Eidolon is capable of performing a unique finisher on the formerly possessed enemy during this time. If the enemy is left alive once "Puppeteer" expires they will not be alerted nor aware of Eidolon's presence until they are made alert as normal. If the possessed enemy is killed Specter takes damage from the fatal attack to his health and is knocked down. "Puppeteer" cannot be used while "Shadow" is active.


Fourth Ability: "Curse"

Eidolon condemns the targeted enemy with a curse, causing a roiling mass of darkness to attach to the target enemy's body for several seconds. After several seconds the mass explodes, dealing slash and impact damage to both the target and any surrounding enemies. If Eidolon and his allies shoot at the mass while it counts down a percentage of the resulting damage is added to that of Curse's explosion. "Curse" can be activated while "Shadow" is active.

Updated thanks to the recent feedback with regards to name, while trying to give more detailed information, in an attempt to get more statistic feedback and suggestions.


Eidolon v2.0 2.1

Health: 80 (lv30 240)
Power: 150 (lv30 225)
Armor: 50
Shield Capacity: 60 (lv30 180)
Sprint Speed: 1.2
Stamina: 100
Conclave: -
Polarities: D x2
Aura Polarity: V


First Ability: "Shadow"

35 Power

Eidolon uses umbral energy to merge with the shadows, becoming stealthed and untargetable. "Shadow" may only be activated while Eidolon is standing in the presence of shade, and is unusable while Eidolon is bathed in light. While "Shadow" is active Eidolon cannot use any weapons, and any time Eidolon is within range of a light source "Shadow" drains 5 Energy per second (affected by Power Efficiency). In place of his weapons Eidolon activates his Nightfall Talons.  Eidolon's mass is rendered minimal, allowing him to pass through enemies and small obstacles unencumbered. Passing through an enemy deals 75/150/225/300 Magnetic damage (affected by Power Strength) with a 100% proc chance, but also renders them alert (though still unaware of Eidolon's location).


Affected by:

Power Strength

Power Efficiency

Power Range

Power Duration


*Unique Weapon: Nightfall Talons

Normally mounted on his forearms when not in use, these claw weapons are unique to Eidolon and are only usable while "Shadow" is active. Nightfall Talons deal 125/150/175/200 damage at a ratio of 30% Puncture/30% Slash/15% Impact/20% Magnetic, have a 15% status proc chance, and a 10% crit chance with a x2 crit multiplier. These weapons function similarly to Valkyr's Hysteria, being unaffected by any mods or equipment besides base damage multipliers (such as Steel Charge aura) and Power Strength.


Second Ability: "Lethargy"

35 Power

Eidolon launches a small dart of umbral energy at the target. If the target is unalert then they are rendered asleep upon impact for 3/4/5/6 seconds (affected by Power Duration). While asleep an enemy will not move nor be alerted or aware of any movement, but any alarming noise will wake them up. If they are alert, then the dart will instead reduce their attack and movement speed by 20/30/40/50% (affected by Power Strength, up to a cap of 85%) for 75% of the original duration.


Affected by:

Power Strength

Power Efficiency

Power Range

Power Duration


Third Ability: "Puppeteer"

75 Power
Transforming his entire mass into shadows, Eidolon posses a targeted enemy within 15/20/25/30 meters (affected by Power Range). While "Puppeteer" is active Eidolon takes on the stats and arsenal of the possessed enemy, and becomes incapable of using any other Powers. Enemies will not notice if an enemy of the same faction is possessed, but will become alerted and hostile if they have line of sight when "Puppeteer" is used. When "Puppeteer" expires or is deactivated Eidolon will emerge from behind the possessed enemy; Eidolon is capable of performing a unique finisher on the target enemy during this time. If the enemy is left alive once "Puppeteer" expires they will not be alerted nor aware of Eidolon's presence until they are made alert as normal. If the possessed enemy is killed Eidolon is dealt 15% of the total damage taken by the possessed enemy and knocked down. This damage will bypass Eidolon's shields. "Puppeteer" cannot be used while "Shadow" is active.


Affected by:

Power Strength

Power Efficiency

Power Range

Power Duration


Warframe Ability: "Blackout"

100 Power

Eidolon releases a powerful surge of umbral energy, blocking out any light source within a 100/150/200/250 meters. (affected by Power Range) for 10/15/20/25 seconds (affected by Power Duration). Any enemies within the area of "Blackout" have their vision range reduced by 30/40/50/60%. The area of "Blackout"s effect remains static and does not follow Eidolon after activation. Eidolon gains a 10/20/30/40% movement speed bonus while moving within the range of "Blackout".


Affected by:

Power Strength

Power Efficiency

Power Range

Power Duration


Been a long, long, long time since I worked on this, but... what can I say? I had a flash of inspiration following repeatedly thinking about this little concept of mine. Plus I actually had an idea for another Warframe concept, and it didn't feel right starting a new one without trying to improve and refine this one.

Edited by Synthoid
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Name of the gun? I don't follow. On the list of fan-made Warframes there's a another concept named "Spectre". I opted to take an altered spelling to respect the seniority.


EDIT: Also, thanks for the positive feedback.

Edited by Synthoid
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How dare you try and be polite and respectful.


Why not call it Shadow then? Somewhat Cliche but what can you do when you're trying to be polite.


1) Big fan of Sonic the Hedgeohg.

2) I don't like reusing names, since I'm already using "Shadow" for the name of his first power.

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1) Big fan of Sonic the Hedgeohg.

2) I don't like reusing names, since I'm already using "Shadow" for the name of his first power.

Hmmmm, what about Dusk then? Fits with the 'Afraid of the dark' bit.


Stops you from treading on any toes as well since there is also the 'specters' you deploy. 

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Name of the gun? I don't follow. On the list of fan-made Warframes there's a another concept named "Spectre". I opted to take an altered spelling to respect the seniority.


EDIT: Also, thanks for the positive feedback.


Call him "Eidolon", it's pretty much the same kind of mythical creature, but the word isn't as popularly used.

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I'm liking your idea for a Warframe out of most ideas I've seen recently. Sounds like a fun and playable frame and not some typical "Godmode" character. Good work!

Thank you, I'm quite pleased to hear that. I have to admit I'm a little on the fence about his fourth ability because it really lacks the "immediate AoE" of a lot of ultimate abilities, but I suppose having several means of stealth and CC mitigate that a fair bit.


I gotta admit, I came up with this idea because there doesn't really seem to be a Warframe designed for long-term and genuine stealth. I've been looking for a frame that makes Spy missions less heartpounding, but all the Warframes with stealth either have only short term or situational stealth. So being a guy who LOVES coming up with ideas, this was the result.

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10/10 would spook.


I've been wanting a frame like this for ages. 

How would you feel about an augment that lets you do spooky unique finishers while shadow is active?


Well I DO imagine him having some wicked looking claws on his forearms that would encapsulate his fingers for the unique finisher from Puppeteer (Pull out their heart/core and crush it as the body evaporates into shadow), so an augment such as that doesn't sound like a bad idea. My one concern is that it could be potentially overpowered, or take away from the choice regarding "Shadow" and when its active. That's why currently "Night Terror" is a separate ability rather than a feature of "Shadow". That and having them combined would probably make "Shadow" stupidly powerful.

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Make each finisher cost the same amount as puppeteer so it can't be spammed. Or maybe have each kill build a stack and when x stacks are reached end Shadow prematurely. Maybe both, I don't know. 


But I do know that I'm in love with your concept. Thanks for sharing it.

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Make each finisher cost the same amount as puppeteer so it can't be spammed. Or maybe have each kill build a stack and when x stacks are reached end Shadow prematurely. Maybe both, I don't know. 


But I do know that I'm in love with your concept. Thanks for sharing it.


I was thinking the finisher could cost Power (thus meaning if you spam it, you'll lose Shadow a lot faster) or outright deactivate Shadow on use. The former is appealing because it makes this fella unique, but the latter is appealing for balance. Something to work on as this develops, I suppose.


Either way, thank you for the positive feedback. I'm quite happy to see so many people have taken to the concept.

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What about thin walls like nonexploded glass or other areas?

Could this get past Vault shields or walls?

Hm.... I'm not sure. Maybe if it's only an obstacle, and not passing through a wall into a separate room?

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I've been working on a similar frame concept for a while now, still posting it at some point. Based on a Ghost instead of a Nightmare but has the same name, might have to change that


I know what you mean. I had to change his name from Specter to Eidolon because someone else already used "Spectre". It happens XD

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Eidolon Version 1.1

Health: 80 (lv30 TBD)

Power: 150 (lv30 TBD)

Armor: 50 (lv30 TBD)

Shield Capacity: 60 (lv30 TBD)

Sprint Speed: 1.2

Stamina: 100

Conclave: -

Polarities: D x2

Aura Polarity: None



Just to let you know, there are already set multipliers for all those TBD's, and also armor is a static stat. Shields and Health are both multiplied by 3 upon hitting level 30 I believe, and power has specific multipliers, although I don't think it's the same for each level. At level 30 with 150 base it's normally 225.

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