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The Future Of Warframe, Dropships, And Nightmare Mode!


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What if through a special mission that unlocks when you reach a certain mastery rank you get a new drop ship... Here let me pitch it to you...


You reach mastery rank (Enter rank number here) Then a mission is unlocked from the lotus to go to a certain location in the void and get a unique void key artifact. So you go to the mission get the artifact. Then with this special void key your Tenno can summon a Customizable Orokin Drop ship originally designed by the Orokin to use for the Tenno like a Prime Dropship. What is special is that...


1. it uses Void portal tech as it pops a void portal open goes in and pops out somewhere else completely bypassing defenses.


2. new animation when coming into missions as a dropship will pop out of a wormhole from the void and drop you off then open a new one and fly into it.


3. You must get this dropship in order to play Nightmare mode that way those that want to farm more due to low mastery rank and a need for more gear won't be penalized for beating all missions to that planet. (The reason behind needing the special dropship is because your using it to get behind enemy lines deep in the core of enemy territory where it is too dangerous for the average tenno to enter. Therefore Nightmare Mode) *Note this would make Nightmare mode optional.


4. The new Dropship takes over for the old one meaning you never see it again unless the host doesn't have the new dropship.


5. When escaping missions your drop ship will appear once it pulls away from the ship, or shows up to pick you up on your mission. Then will fly into a void wormhole disappearing.


Now in the future I had these other ideas but felt it would be too over the top.


Idea 1: The dropship could have weapons and be used in a Halo Reach dog fight fashion, or Old Republic scripted rail path shooting.


Idea 2: During in game combat, and only in open roof levels such as the corpus base, or Grineer settlement you can use the Orokin Key to summon the drop ship in and have it transform into a small Orokin mech that can be controlled for a small period of time with a giant prime version of the Supra to mow down enemies (Or special equipment depending on warframe like a sword for Excalibur, or freeze ray for Frost)


Idea 3: Due to the fact its a summon able Dropship you can use it mid game to ditch the level with a certain amount of items you collected, but can only be used in open roof levels, must be outside, and must have at least completed the objective. Compared to just beating the level and taking everything with you. So you get options take few items with you and ditch it midway, or get to the end and take everything with you. Options...

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Megaman feelings... just no.

1. How do you get megaman feeling?

2. Popping in and out of the void with ships is what the Corpus do... if they can do it, then surely the Orokin left behind some kind of vehicle that can accomplish this.

3. Orokin had the Tenno fight a war. I am sure their dropships were made for combat not just drop offs.

Edited by Arlayn
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All of my 'No thank yous.'

Most players would rather nightmare stay optional, or out of reach so that new players don't have to suffer from this when trying to farm, or anyone... Most people would prefer this or even outright avoid it so they never have to play nightmare mode again till its perfected.

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Not sure how I feel about it transforming, but the rest is great.

Hence why I said the ideas were far out there... It would be more of a back up emergency deal though... for OP enemies or open roof defense mode with the footing for it lol... Still great for players who want to leave with the gear they picked up and don't want to lose it after beating the objective.


(however wouldn't work in defense mode. It would be pretty lame to beat a wave in defense and jump ship ditching your friends to fight the last wave on wave 25 when they need you most.)

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The mech thing is a bit to far,everything else I would just love too. Actually anything that adds a little more depth and changes the current monotonous gameplay is welcome in my book.

except players using mini mechs in combat lol... Well yes I would love all the other ideas to be honest... give players more thorough options to do things different across the board in the game. New interactions that are earned through gameplay.

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1. How do you get megaman feeling?

2. Popping in and out of the void with ships is what the Corpus do... if they can do it, then surely the Orokin left behind some kind of vehicle that can accomplish this.

3. Orokin had the Tenno fight a war. I am sure their dropships were made for combat not just drop offs.


1. Old megaman games use to have Mechs on open areas, hence why my feelings of megaman towards the idea, dont get me wrong, I loved Megaman, but Mechs here isnt a Warframe feeling for me.


2. Id like new animations, yes, but the whole idea around it doesnt make me confy.


3. We need more lore before we assume anything.


And to finish off, Nightmare sould be optional, but not by getting a Orokin ship omg, and yes a freakin option where you choose to, or not to go into nightmare mode.

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1. Old megaman games use to have Mechs on open areas, hence why my feelings of megaman towards the idea, dont get me wrong, I loved Megaman, but Mechs here isnt a Warframe feeling for me.


2. Id like new animations, yes, but the whole idea around it doesnt make me confy.


3. We need more lore before we assume anything.


And to finish off, Nightmare sould be optional, but not by getting a Orokin ship omg, and yes a freakin option where you choose to, or not to go into nightmare mode.

1. That's Megaman X not Megaman...

2. how does it not make you comfy? Why is it the Corpus can use Orokin tech to the point of Void hopping, and Tenno have to rely on a silly railway, and basic dropships Lotus likely built from junk she found...

3. We don't need lore its concept ideas... we can throw stuff out there all we want... besides it could build into something...


4. Nightmare mode needs a massive upgrade as a whole... it needs to feel like nightmare mode at the same time it should be something new players earn... Instead of letting them leap into a red screen with a skull... die... then complain omg its too hard only to be explained THEY PLAYED NIGHTMARE MODE!!!

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"In the BattleTech universe a DropShip is defined as any spaceship massing between 200 and 100,000 tons that is itself incapable of faster-than-light (FTL) travel. They essentially conduct all other aspects of space travel, including transit between planets and Jump Points and planetary landings (hence their name). For FTL interstellar movement, they dock with JumpShips by means of a Docking collar."





Replace all mentions of 'FTL' and 'jump' with 'Void' and you've got a great idea.






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