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Phase 1: Melee Weapon Concept Submissions


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Here's my entry.


Name: Dhull

Faction: Infested

Grip: 2 Handed sword (like Galatine)

Element: Toxic


Desc: This 2 handed sword was ripped out of an infested creatures spine and crafted into the shape of a sword,

the 2 bones pointing out at the front are razor sharp while the rest is more dull.

                                     (The length of the sword would be slightly shorter than Galatine)



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I'm not a  artist! 


Faction- Tenno


Salvation- Duel Impact Long swords! 


Grip Type- Any other duel long swords in the game. 


The salvation Blades represent Light and Dark and Each one has special On Hit Effects


Light- Blind (mini Radial Blind but can only effect the target) 

Darkness- Fear  (a  few second period when effected enemy would tremble)  




(if chosen Feel free to do whatever you want, as stated efore im not a  artist) 

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Faction: Tenno
Weapon Type: Blade
Name: Umbra (Latin for 'Shadow')
'It is said that only a few Tenno were ever deemed worthy to wield this blade, let alone two. A blade strapped to a warframe's forearm, allowing quick strikes that can slice through any foe when used correctly'
The Umbra is basically the blade part of a sword bound to the forearm of a warframe with flexible alloys keeping it in place. The blade itself is attached to a sort of 'base' on the underside, the side touching the warframe, where it can be extended to serve as both a slashing and stabbing weapon.
I'm not very good at paint, but I hope to get my idea across. 





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Faction: Tenno

Brief Description: a pair of bladed fans, each made up of multiple daggers. attack speed close to the ether daggers , preferably slash damage. On charge attack the Tenno winds up and cant separate the fans to launch the daggers in a cluster throw type attack ( homing rockets /cluster rockets minus the explosion) . 

Original Artwork:As for the design I have a rough sketch ill post at some point but I really don't feel like doing it right now, and to be honest I love the art style DE has, it was great in Darksector and carried over nicely to Warframe ( unique mix of organic and mechanical).



No point in posting stat values for either , the DE team can handle that and I'm sure they don't want stats anyway . 


Thanks :)

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Name: Anguish


Weapon type: Long sword


Description: The blade is said to whisper death. An elegant and deadly weapon, it is empowered by fear. Forged by the most durable materials in the system, it is treated as a weapon used to hunt the greatest of prey. And there is no greater prey then a Tenno.


Sketch/Artwork: http://phobo-phobic.deviantart.com/art/Warframe-Melee-Contest-420484693?ga_submit_new=10%253A1387335133&ga_type=edit&ga_changes=1&ga_recent=1


Sorry if bad quality.









(<.<)  What Stalker? (>.>)


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Name: Brigantine

Weapon Type: One hand sword.


Faction: Tenno

Brief Description: The sword is a one handed blade. It's of course based off of a pirate cutlass! I labeled which parts are what on the paper. Energy etc. I chose the name Brigantine because the Tennoman (Dutchman) wouldn't sound so "cool." I was trying to come up with names based off of black beards ship and black beard's real name. Thatch, Teach, Theach, The Queen Anne's Revenge. Nothing came up. So, I decided to go down the simple road.

Original Artwork: http://i.imgur.com/oho7Vdl.jpg


P.S. This might sound like a stupid excuse, but I am colorblind, this is why I did not color it. Peace!

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The Angler

Faction: Tenno

Weapon Type: Spear/Axe

Grip: Polearm

Description: (I designed it alongside a water themed Warframe, named Pelaginn) The Angler is a tri-point spear for puncturing heavily armoured targets, with its serrated prongs it wreaks havoc on the enemy flesh once puncturing. When dealing with many foes or those less armoured Angler's side blades can be used to slash through the flesh of many enemies easily.


Design Features: Energy coloured Tassels. 


I noticed a lack in Puncture melee weapons.



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Name-Misery (Scythe welded like Orthos or Hate whatever could be used best , Also the black handle is supposed to be on the side of the handle , not straight up , I wanted the charge attack to spin the weapon)

Description-Used to punish the souls of Tenno



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Telekinetic/drone melee weapons (aka hands-free weapons)


More of an abstract concept than a weapon design.


Melee weapons which do not need to be held and are directed either by automatic means or mind-controlled(?).


Below are 3 main variants.



Variant #1: Secondary weapon fragments linked to a main weapon.


The main melee weapon is wielded and used normally. When executing combat moves, the secondary weapons will automatically complement the main weapon.


e.g. Slash with a sword-type main weapon, and the secondary blades will perform slashes as well in the same general direction, potentially hitting the same target or other targets close by.


When performing block, the secondary weapons may automatically perform additional blocks or counters.





Variant #2: hands-free Weapons which are extensions of the body.


The weapon will be in the form of additional body parts, which can be arms, legs, wings, tails.

The combat style will primarily be hand-to-hand, but the actual attacks will be performed by the levitating weapon body-parts rather than the actual warframe.


e.g. A pair of giant floating claws and a tail ending with another claw. In combat, the warframe will perform "air" attacks such as clawing actions, and the actual attacks will be performed by the giant claws.





Variant #3: Totally mind-controlled Weapons.


These weapons are totally mind-controlled, meaning that the warframe does not have to move physically, and thus do not need to perform actual melee combat moves, unlike the pervious 2 variants. (may suit the style of caster-type frames).


e.g. A giant crescent moon-blade (got this idea from a hongkong movie. The concept art below is inspired by same source) that orbits around the warframe. When performing attacks, it will slash out at targets while orbitting without the warframe having to move (allow the frame to still hold the guns?). On a charged attack, the moon-blade can be launched like the glaive (but shorter range but with wider attack path, and does not bounce. More like an extended "orbitting" with the warframe as the center.)


EDIT: could be interesting if animation for combat be made something entirely different from combat.. e.g. the animation for the warframe could be dancing, playing an instrument or conducting (as in orchestra) while the weapon part does the actual attacks.


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Faction: Tenno

Polearm Weapon Type
Spear version of the sword "Gram".
The weapon is thrown during a charge attack. It returns to the user using the glove that comes with it. The glove has the ability of warping the spear back to the user's hand. 


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Faction - Tenno


Weapon type - Faeblades


Description - 

dual wielded Faeblades held like the dual blades of azzinoth from illidan. the leashes would be physx interacted liek the syandana's of warframes.

i didn't come to coloring it since my busy schedule.




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Just spent the last several hours working on my design. Had a lot of fun doing it :D. I originally had 4 ideas, Javelin, a Whip-chain thing, something I don't know how to describe, and, finally, a shield.

Enter: Aspis (tentative)

Faction: Tenno
Type: Shield/Unique

*insert lore here* Basically, it could be used for shield bashing, and perhaps improved blocking (idk how it would be improved.) I'm thinking each animation would switch damage types between impact and slashing, depending on if it hits with the blades or not. Although that could be hard to do, so it could just be impact normal attacks, slashing charge attacks or something. I also entertained the idea of perhaps gaining a defensive boost while being attacked from behind while the weapon isn't out, which I feel would be kinda cool, but might make it overpowered.


For those that can't see the picture for whatever reason, this is for you http://imgur.com/LTfhwKv

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I was looking some old trailers of the game Prototype. The big blade, maybe we could have something like that. not integrated in the warframe tho. But it would be a nice weapon.


Faction Tenno ofcourse

New animation, not sure if better one handed, two handed or dual weilded. Just something Ninja for sure... :)


This might give creative fans a new idea to work on :)



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Faction: Infested

Description: A living weapon that gobbles up the poor thing caught within its jaws. Long sword grip. Stabbing motions. Jaws snap shut on end of motion. Weapon expands to accommodate larger opponents, much like a python would. May or may not be accompanied by stat buffs.


Artist's impression:


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Name: Harrp Prime

Faction: Orokin

Grip: Heavy Axe (Scindo)

Damage Type: Mainly Slash


Charged Attack: Warframe slams the ball at the bottom sending a quake that knocks down nearby enemies dealing high damage.

Brief Description: A harp and a heavy axe merged into one. The air that flows through the harp as the Warframe swings  it is picked up by the balls in the harp, causing the string to move. This causes a hypnotic melody to play that for a very short period of time, attracts nearby enemies towards the sound.






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Name: Matarua

Faction: Tenno

Grip type: Longsword

This weapon is a double bladed sword.  The animations would probably be A kind of cross between those of the Orthos and a longsword, they should use both blades of the sword.  Stealth attack on bipeds (Grineer, corpus crewmen, ect.) the Tenno spins the sword striking the enemy twice in the back, I don’t know what it would be on quadrupeds like chargers.  Downed attack would probably be the same as a longsword.  For the charge attack, the Tenno should spin the blade, similar to that of Hate.  


Also, I can't get the stupid embed feature to work, so please just click the link.



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*The concept of the weapon is not of my own, its alredy a weapon in another game, but for copyright issues (or whatever bad thing that can happen), the art concept (if this thing wins) can be changed, here i just want to post the concept of the weapon.


Faction: Tenno (can change if needed).


Name: Ostarion (can change if needed).


Description: A unique sword that can be used to slash as well as to hit hard thanks to his edge (can change if needed).


Grip type: Two handed sword, like the galatine or the gram.






*Again, i just want to post the concept of the weapon because i would love to see a sword like this in game, specialy for the unique way that the finisher can look.


If someone that actually knows how to make art concepts likes this idea, please, feel free to make one, i think that the new "wraith king" will like that.


Sorry for my inglish if it was bad, noy my first language.


	Edited  by Nelsonz80

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