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Fun's Over De, Remove Broken Lights Already.


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The logic behind these make no sense, they only attack Tenno (For broken lights to have targeting, the Grineer must have some sort of Orokin Technology that enables lights to only attack Tenno)


I was playing invasion today: I went to Saturn, sides with corpus for 35,000C, and finished it up. Not once when I was siding with the corpus did broken lights ever spawn, nor zap me. I could see where the broken lights WOULD be, but they had no HP bar and no electrical FX.


But, when going to a different invasion and SIDING WITH GRINEER, there were broken lights everywhere. And as I pointed above, never zapped one Corpus or Grineer.


This is seriously starting to &!$$ me off, and they need to be removed already. They make no sense and why they should even be in the game. I'm tired of reading posts like these here and on the fourms, and out of all of them no one seems to like them.


The jokes over, DE. Get rid of them already





Edited by Z3ROWOLFHD
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I have never heard them. I am in vent pretty much all the time though. I am only annoyed that they don't zap the Grineer... Seems like they are intended to be a malfunction of sorts. The kind that wouldn't care who stepped in range. They are really annoying when I'm not on Rhino 100% of the time and ALWAYS have bleed status on

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Not all broken lights should zapp. -> Broken lights that don't zapp, and zapping lights that do zapp should make the area lose lighting and thus make them darker once they popped, to give the whole thing some impactful feeling.


Lights should also occasionally zapp Grineer...just because it would be hilarious to see them getting &!$$ed off at their own broken tech

Change those 3 things and it's instantly going to be okay.

Edited by Shehriazad
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I love getting shocked. Finding all the lights and getting to them before my team does is like a mini-game to me. :D

I get so jealous when I see other people get the  zap.... -_-

They nerfed the damage and they no longer stab your eyes with the white-screen-knife, they're fine there's no need to remove them!

Edited by .Qas.Queen.
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Doesn't seem all that bad. You can usually hear the broken lights from a safe distance away.


But some broken lights appear on the top of the other side of doors so you can't shoot them.

Pfft, you can't hear them? When your running quick invasion missions listening to music on a loud volume emptying an entire clip into a couple of Grineer you don't have time to try to listen for sounds that a broken light makes. I didn't even knew they made sounds. Plus, its hurting new players. Mercury is a Grineer planet as far as I know, and I went to test to see if there were broken lights on Mercury, sure enough, there were. People with 80 shield and 100 HP will get 2-Shot when running Terminus and up.

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Worst ambient lighting decor ever. Maybe if there was a reason to be broke... like a invasion and fire and explosions everywhere.

Its a light show for normal games and a nightmare in nightmares.


Would have it been better to be redial blind than a lightning attack? Oh wait, they were spazzing people out before. nevermind.

Edited by Firetempest
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I just think that it is ridiculous that DE would intentionally add a griefing mechanism to the game for new players.  Spawn, zap, dead.  Not to mention that the entire implementation is screwed up goes without saying.  Hell at least Corpus turrets are visible and can't shoot through closed doorways.  

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The whole point of adding them was to stop people from rushing.
When you're in a war, you dont just run through a battle zone with out a care in the world, you go from cover to cover scanning the area for threats.
you're complaining because you're using Loki, and just rushing to the end of the map, without caring about anything.
That's your own personal fault.
I find it fun, it finally adds some sort of need to actually scan the area now (scan as in look, not actually codex scan, though it does help)

TL:DR Stop complaining, they're fine. you're just noob

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i heard grineers stopd using guns and replace them with lamps

Yup.  I believe the next weapon the Grineer will be wielding is a combination ranged/melee weapon.  They are calling it a "Flashlight" and it pre-dates the Orokin era to 20th century Earth.  It can seemingly arc lightning from it's one end when not being used to see in the dark.  It is also of the very sturdy "Mag-Lite" variety so it can be used as a very effective baton.

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the lights are stupid

just yet another cheap shot from DE

'we need something new to hit players'

'i know, how about electrical zaps that only target players?'

'how to implement...hmm, they could be mines'

'no no, then they'd know it was just another cheap shot, and we would have to make those able to target enemies of the grineer, like infested and corpus, too much work'

'ok, how about broken lights? we don't understand electricity and how it works, so they don't either, we could get away with that'

'good idea, lets go with that'


don't try to make excuses for the lights, don't try and make excuses for DE. they're big boys and girls, they can defend themselves and you won't get any brownie points anyway.

it was a bad idea, with even worse implementation. it doesn't follow any of the known laws for electricity. it doesn't follow any sort of logic that the grineer would leave something so dangerous broken, much less that they'd use that high of voltage in just LIGHTS. to arc 1 inch (2.5cm) the voltage required is approximately 75,000


that's right, 75,000 volts. and how far does the arc on those lights reach? much less why would grineer even be using lights that require that kind of voltage when even incandescents in this era 120v and light just fine. not to mention car headlights...12v

Edited by DeadX65
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Most of the lights can't be seen or destroyed before they zap you. At the beginning of a mission on Saturn just now I spotted a light in front of me, destroyed it, then ran a few steps and a GROUP of lights went off, taking away 580 shields and about 50 health. A short distance ahead I spotted some lights along a corridor. I could not destroy them from my position because there was a column in the way, so I walked ahead, all the while being shot at by corpus (I had a shotgun equipped so it's not like I could shoot from afar), on the opposite side of the broken lights and... they zapped me anyway. Not the corpus, but me. No, I didn't die, but they are VERY ennoying and punish the player for no reason at all. They do not add anything good to the game, but made me think of quitting a few times already. I probably won't - yet - because there are a few more frames I want to try, but still, if DE continues in this direction it doesn't bode well for the game.

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Edontsu and I were farming Ruk for Orokin cells last night. As soon as we loaded, Lights zapped us, triggered the explosive barrels behind us, and blew him up. He was bleeding out before we even got control of our characters.


As hilarious as it was, I just imagine it happening to a new player and turning them off to the game immediately. Especially since the Grineer Ships are the first maps new players encounter. 

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This is the last time I'm going to say this. 


This part had me lmao. 



More funny is hour ago in a public match, we finish Ruk and heading to extract, guy ahead (MR10) rushing through everything like there's no tomorrow gets killed, 1 shot by the lights, lmao  BUT WAIT best part is that the player behind him kept going, then I kept going, looked back, shot at his corpus then kept going then the 4th did the same.


He was like; "Really?" "Thanks guys." Lmfao, idk why all 3 of us random people didn't revive him but ish was so funny, I'm usually always a first to revive someone but damn, I think if you get oneshotted by lights you deserve to die, lmao

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The broken lights do 0 damage guys. They've changed them about 20 times already, because people keep whining about them. They're supposed to be a hazard that you're supposed to try and avoid. However, [DE] Hasn't exactly polished their design.


They need to be CRAZY obvious. Right now they're about as hard to spot as easter eggs. Easter Eggs of PAIN


They must have an easy avoidance route. If you see sparks flying, you'd know not to stick your tongue in it.


And I'll probably get yelled at for this, but...

Fix these two issues, and the lights will need to be buffed back up to their original state. The Blinding white flash that nearly knocks you on your arse was annoying, yet, but that's because it was terribly unpredictable as hell. At least you don't yell "Foul" when a Corpus Laser door slaps you down.

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       I was farming Ruk for cells and I decided to go volt to move faster, you know, more speed=more cells. That was my biggest mistake, I run through for atleast 30 seconds until my anus is completely ripped apart by Broken Lights. Just one or two was enough to completely devastate my shields. You might not even need to go through lights to remove your shields, just run through a disruption door once. Was there any warning of these broken lights? No, I was going too fast and I paid the price. Obviously what we need to do is slow down. Take a rhino with No rush, no rhino charge, and no Vanguard. Now all we need to do is implement a "crawl" function. Don't forget to remove those zorens :)

Edited by Towermice
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Some are in terrible spots but I have managed to shoot a few.  But I shouldn't have to worry about the Grineer's inability to find electricians.


If anything...50 shield damage max.



Or just get rid of them.


Or put a max of 1 in each room with only a 25% chance of being there.

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I don't want to believe they put these lights in the game to stop rushers. I was playing solo with a level 10 strun and a Saryn, I was certainly in no condition to rush. Yet the game punished me even more than if I had played with rushers, because in that case at least someone else would have set off the traps xD


If DE wants to stop rushers, they have to rework the core of the game, balance the damage our weapons can do and have an appropriate number of enemy levels so that every player can have a good challenge, instead of introducing weird and out of place "solutions" like these.

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Most of the lights can't be seen or destroyed before they zap you. At the beginning of a mission on Saturn just now I spotted a light in front of me, destroyed it, then ran a few steps and a GROUP of lights went off, taking away 580 shields and about 50 health. A short distance ahead I spotted some lights along a corridor. I could not destroy them from my position because there was a column in the way, so I walked ahead, all the while being shot at by corpus (I had a shotgun equipped so it's not like I could shoot from afar), on the opposite side of the broken lights and... they zapped me anyway. Not the corpus, but me. No, I didn't die, but they are VERY ennoying and punish the player for no reason at all. They do not add anything good to the game, but made me think of quitting a few times already. I probably won't - yet - because there are a few more frames I want to try, but still, if DE continues in this direction it doesn't bode well for the game.

580 shields and 50 health.  Yet people say this adds to the experience?  This is on Saturn as well which is a low level planet.  Yeah DE keep those lights going as I am sure they will win over thousands of new players!  NOT!

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