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Petition To Give The Supra Infinite Ammo


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If you don't know what the supra is, I wouldn't blame you, it is a weapon that many rank and sell off, simply because it is highly unimpressive.


But look at the thing, it is the epitome of a bad*ss laser machinegun




The sleek casing, the triple barrels and those beefy cooling fins



Anyways, onto the actual thing you are here for. 

The Supra is a really nice weapon to shoot, unfortunately in all likelyhood if you use it you will spend more time reloading the thing than shooting it. Furthermore 20 ammo doesn't do much to refil the capacity, especially when you consider its base damage.


Therefore I propose the following:

- Increase mag capacity to 120

- Ammo regenerates at a rate of 30 per second while not firing (0.2 second delay)

- Fully depleting the magazine will perform a short overheating animation during which you cannot fire, though ammo still regens (lasts about 2 seconds)

- Reload speed mods shorten the overheat time

- Fire rate mods increase the rate of ammo regeneration (?)


Effectively holding down the left mouse button does exactly the same thing (with a small ammo buff), but good trigger discipline will let you burst fire the weapon infinitely.

This gives the Supra a solid niche as a weapon that trades off a bit of DPS for effectively unlimited ammo




So what do you guys think? Yay? Nay? Other?


If you don't have any feedback on the idea, an upvote and a "-Signed" would be awesome

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So what do you guys think? Yay? Nay? Other?


I say Yay!




I have a 6 forma Supra and the biggest problem I have with this quite awesome gun is the poor ammo efficiency and the awful reload and the small magazine capacity in relation to it. 


Your proposed change adress it so I like it a lot.

Edited by VikingoX
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No to the regen, sorry.

Personally, give it a massive clipsize (300+) and a larger ammo pool like the Glaxion.

Make it an LMG.

the problem with that is that you still only get 20 ammo per pickup, on any long run you are still going to run out.


The regen thing means that the Supra would reward good trigger discipline and would never have any ammo problems again.


I would like to see ammo drum and other such mods buffed though...

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They should just give the ammo inefficient weapons a buff to their ammo pickup so the Supra for example picks up 50 ammo without any mods while Glaxion picks up like 75 or something like that.

Having a weapon that is highly ammo inefficient is not a good way to balance a weapon but merely a boring and fun-ruining way.

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Im no Supra user (even that I love weapons like this) but doesn't the Supra deal good damage anyway beside the travelling time of the bullets?

It does decent DPS, though I've only been using it on Mirage recently so that might screw my perception a but.


It would be unlikely to make it into the top 20 weapons DPS wise, both for sustained and burst.

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For an already existing weapon I would say no to the regen but bigger clip, higher ammo capacity and probably a reload increase.


That said, a laser weapon with a recharging cell is something that may be interested for DE to experiment with in future. The issue there being that balancing it would be a pain. You couldn't make it high damage or it would be far too OP and nobody would use anything else which throws out endgame. Lower level content were unlikely to be running out of ammo too however and unless its mastery locked it becomes the new boltor prime for new players except it cant handle endgame, unlimited ammo weapon with reasonable enough damage for planets.


So I dunno, a recharging weapon would be interesting but it would be a nightmare to balance.

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I see your point Sixty5 but just worry that regen is a complicated solution.

How will it work, only regen the current clip?

Will it regen when on your back with 1 in the clip?

We know if it is added, others will want the mechanic for their favourite energy weapon.

Dont get me wrong, I love my 5 Forma Supra and would love to see it made viable.

I think whether it is regen or more base ammo, it will not be viable until it has a bit of a buff (IMO).

It is damn fun with Mirage though :)

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For an already existing weapon I would say no to the regen but bigger clip, higher ammo capacity and probably a reload increase.


That said, a laser weapon with a recharging cell is something that may be interested for DE to experiment with in future. The issue there being that balancing it would be a pain. You couldn't make it high damage or it would be far too OP and nobody would use anything else which throws out endgame. Lower level content were unlikely to be running out of ammo too however and unless its mastery locked it becomes the new boltor prime for new players except it cant handle endgame, unlimited ammo weapon with reasonable enough damage for planets.


So I dunno, a recharging weapon would be interesting but it would be a nightmare to balance.

I did consider that it would probably be better as a new weapon entirely, plat sales and all that.

However the balance factor isn't all that difficult. In fact the Supras current dps level is actually just about where you'd put a high tier recharging weapon


I see your point Sixty5 but just worry that regen is a complicated solution.

How will it work, only regen the current clip?

Will it regen when on your back with 1 in the clip?

We know if it is added, others will want the mechanic for their favourite energy weapon.

Dont get me wrong, I love my 5 Forma Supra and would love to see it made viable.

I think whether it is regen or more base ammo, it will not be viable until it has a bit of a buff (IMO).

It is damn fun with Mirage though :)


You'd only have the one clip, no ammo in reseve.

I'd like it to regen while it is on your back, after all it would be cooling down.


Infinite ammo would be a much better buff than straight damage imo.


and yes it is =D

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That would be an interesting mechanic and be unique enough for me to build that thing.

Ye its definitely something I would love to see on a weapon going forward.


My worry is though that it would be easier to make and balance from the ground up on a new weapon rather than try to balance an existing weapon, retain that weapon's style and put recharging ammo on it. That said, the gun is certainly sizable enough to explain its recharging capabilities, I just think this would be easier to add to a new gun than an existing one.


I did consider that it would probably be better as a new weapon entirely, plat sales and all that.

However the balance factor isn't all that difficult. In fact the Supras current dps level is actually just about where you'd put a high tier recharging weapon

Hmm perhaps it could work then, it is clan tech after all which means new players arent going to instantly have an unlimited ammo gun which throws any need for ammo consumption practice out the window.


There is still the issue of where it fits since with a lower DPS level theres a bunch of weapons that already are unlikely to run out of ammo at the relevant enemy level. That said, if the whole idea is that its a bit of a niche weapon that is irrelevant anyways. I for one would probably use the Supra for fun if it got the recharge. I do think a weapon purely based around it at some point would be nice too though. Might even be interesting to have a railgun of sorts with a slow fire rate to compensate.

Edited by Jag272
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Ye its definitely something I would love to see on a weapon going forward.


My worry is though that it would be easier to make and balance from the ground up on a new weapon rather than try to balance an existing weapon, retain that weapon's style and put recharging ammo on it. That said, the gun is certainly sizable enough to explain its recharging capabilities, I just think this would be easier to add to a new gun than an existing one.

I agree, but some older weapons still need some love, and the Supra needs it more than most.

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A single clip, but it recharges when not in constant use...


Well that would certainly make the Supra more unique though I would say for that single clip to be 300 rounds maximum. When that thing gets up to speed it consumes ammo very fast.


It would also add some diversity.


As for the Gorgon, I say just turns its entire ammo capacity into a single clip. No reloading at all.

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