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Ideas On New Infested Weapons


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With the introduction of the Sydon in the Grineer lab, the Shaku in the Tenno lab, and now the Staticor in the Energy lab (tbd) I think it is highly plausible that we may get an infested weapon in the lab sooner than we think. Hence also Saryn Prime trailer if you have not checked out the news channel recently. Here are some of my ideas on what could be implemented and feel free to share your own ideas in the comments below:

1. Bile: An infested Opticor with a similiar mechanic to the original charge type firing rate except it releases a massive stream of bile similar to the infested crawler. First dual proc weapon inflicting corrosive/toxic damage to balance between Corpus and Grineer units. Charge time effects stat duration whereas half charge would last 5 seconds and full charge lasts 10 seconds. Secondary fire mode is activated when shot on the ground; creating a toxic patch and slowing enemies that walk into the pool.

2. Swarm: An infested Penta that launches pods on the ground/target similiar to Saryns spore ability. However when the L button is clicked the pods burst releasing 5 to 10 Brood Mother Maggots that stun and damage the enemies within the area of effect. When combined with elements the Maggots receive the element damage type and Firestorm effects the distance they can crawl around if no enemies are present.

3. Scab: This infested Buzlok sniper rifle releases a series of spikes similiar to Phorids spike launcher attack. Zoom effects the number of spikes released from 2-4-6. However it only targets one enemy at a time but each spike that hits deals increased amounts of damage each time the slash proc activates; dealing 15-30-60-120 slash damage per second.

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you've got some pretty good ideas there. Penta, Buzlok and Opticor are all Large weapons, so a lot could be done with them visually, and they are all kind of underrated too. personally, I'd like to see stuff like this:


- an Infested bow that uses large, Bony spikes as arrows, with a big living Tendon, or some intestine-like tissue as the String! it could be our first proper Status bow, with long lasting Toxin damage, and a fairly quick draw.


- an Infested staff, maybe based on Amphis, with Technocyte Spiralling from the centre up each end, gripping it tightly. could deal Viral damage.


- an Infested Shotgun, not like the Phage with it's beams, but instead firing a mass of icky corrosive slugs that stick to targets and leech at them over time. the Impact of being hit would still be severe enough to stagger enemies, and increasing it's Damage makes the leeches drain enemies at a faster rate.


- Infested Throwing knives; instead of piercing the enemy with a Blade, these knives would have a small Technocyte creature on the blades' tip which has sharp, poisonous fangs. the creature's fangs burrow into an enemy when the knife hits them.

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I like your ideas.

The Swarm could cause performance problems if massive amounts of maggots could be at the same time in the tile. A max. numer of them per player and/or max. time should fix it i guess. Also it could be released less than 5 maggots (but with aumented damage), or instead of maggots the weapon could release mutualist moas spore clouds.

Edited by Urdillo
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I've said it lots of times before: An Infested TAR Launcher. Cover the battlefield in goo and slow the enemy down, CC away!

I've said it lots of times before: An Infested TAR Launcher. Cover the battlefield in goo and slow the enemy down, CC away!


you got my vote!

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Infested weapons are gross, we need a basin in that lab to wash our hands afterwards. 


What we need is a new 'Sentient' lab where we start researching their weapons. 

yes, and it's quite likely we'll be able to get those sometime soon enough, but the infested weapons aren't gross, their delightfully squishy!

also, does anyone else kinda feel like when we reload infested weapons we're getting them...  hot and bothered?  that's what's gross about them for me

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How about an infested bone/flesh fist melee?


Large and grotesque heavy fists, which can stretch (as the alt fire thing) much like ancients do. However it does not pull, but ragdoll in a straight line.

The weapon would deal only impact/viral, however the "alt fire" would deal guarantee procs, puncture/corrosive damage.

Edited by Noabettiet
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