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Everything posted by ---Merchant---

  1. That is very good tl;dr version of this thread i award you 1 upboat point. When i make such long post it is rarely actually read by anyone and i always wonder if it is better to skip to the main thing or add the context sauce. Especially the replies are often lost and then i gotta say the same thing 20 times. 👍
  2. This is good point, even if we assume that there would be some minor abuse, is mayor abuse of all playerbase preffered over minor advantage this could give to players in some fringe case?(which would be pretty easy to track and fix anyway) Advantages far outweight any disadvantage here, it is more than fair transaction. And it is not something that is useful for 1 day or 1 patch but to the total end of warframe. And like you mention, it is not some untested idea. In all other games that i play, they do save the progress properly and often, in path of exile whole server has to crash to get few seconds of rollback. And that is the worst i can name from games that are not warframe when it comes to progression loss. And even that is not because of lack of trying/saving feature, but complete"servers are on fire and exploding" issue that sometimes happen first day of league launch. It also does not happen even 0.01% as often as it does in warframe.
  3. I'm sure there is some minor way to abuse such system. But you still need to reach the checkpoint or time(in case it would be timed instead of checkpoint) So if that is all you've needed to get that affinity, fair enough and keep it. It is not like we got hard time standing afk in elite onslaught leveling our stuff in 3minutes atm. Overall there just is not any pinnacle content for it to become real issue. Even archon hunt which is as close to pinnacle content as we can get currently, gives the important reward only after you finish the objective which is killing archon. And therefore does not need any checkpoint system in it. For durivi it is the clamps, that again u get only after final boss kill which is win of the whole thing. So if the checkpoint is the win, why would not the person get the reward on leaving? Even most of endless mission you mention already do not have fail-state. Survival? Can not lose after first 5min which can be done with 0 kills by just not being afk and clicking the survival machines. you can hide warframe and spam operator button+invisibility/slinging even vs 9999lvl enemy to stay alive and extract. Extraction? Can not lose, you can spawn 200of them and let them instantly die to win even if you are worst player on the planet. pick void balls? Can not lose(in circuit) Realistically speaking there is single end-game endless game mode that can be lost, which is fissure defense. And if it is such pressing issue you can make it in to the only exception for the checkpoint saving system. And even then the reason to run defense missions for long time are not special rewards you get after 3 hours, because those do not exist. And checkpoint system would not help you reach 3 hours anyway. For things like disrubtion you simply save on first sucesfull round. Some sort of daily mission where u need 8 save after 8 or never, as the progress lost is tiny compared to the hours people lose in endless version. I do accept that some degree of abuse is imaginable, but if truly could be noticable problem in some new game mode for example, it would be quite easy to remove it from this system by disabling the checkpoint/timer flag specifically for it. I meant it as feature to save people from losing hours or days of progress, for things that are short it is simply not needed(capture missions, daily steel path quests etc)
  4. And I'm 100% sure it did not work for me, because i checked my inventory to make sure after every time it has happened. I also lost hundreds of intrinsics, which is easy to notice by having 0 avaible in next game to spend. Like i said, it could be fixed right now, it was real issue tho.
  5. Even with "universal checkpoint" you do not have to show the loot, so that is not issue for such system. Circuit is not difficult at the moment(i play it exclusively in steel path) and 5 from 6 game modes that it has can not be lost, so what kind of abuse exactly could happen there? If you manage to fail the defense mission u still lose progress that came untill previous check point. And if you are afraid that something specific will be farmed this way, simply remove it from the items that do get saved this way.
  6. It is completely fine to claim that this specific thing is fixed NOW. But lets not jump in to "y-you do not understand" when you can check that it was real issue in the official resource.
  7. I have patience of saint when it comes to bugs, I also loved this update for its ideas and looks but there were and are hundreds of game ending bugs in the durivi, and ofcourse with neither of them you get to keep any progress be it circuit progress, intrinsic progress, items or resources. Latest one was extractors(excavation quest steel path circuit) not spawning after i decided to stay solo for longer than my 3 team mates, from which one of them was host(so another migration related issue) I had octavia with great mods so i could solo few more hours without much problem and extractor mission has no fail state, u can just keep spawning them forever to win so sure as hell I could not realistically lose without bugs. Now I'm sure these bugs were expected in general terms, and even if they were not(which is impossibly unlikely) then we still factually know that they exist, existed and will exist in the future, they are here for over 10 years now, they do not come as huge surprise and they will be there in future patches again. Now, maybe we do not have and can not have 1 magical bugfix that will fix every bug in the game, but that is not the only option to combat such situations. If we simply save player's progress every 10/30/60/120 minutes all is good. Alternatively introduce checkpoint system for endless missions that saves progress untill that point. Do not want to save resources and mods for whatever reason? Save circuit progress, intrinsics and school experience. There is just not a situation where rolling player's progress back by many hours should be accepted as the "norm" outside of some pre-alpha prototype paid test at quality assurance team. Especially not in game that is defined by its grind. I lost days of progress in durivi and I'm sure many others did too because these bugs were not rare, uncommon or just frequent, they would simply always happen to everyone that tried to play, which any sort of testing would reveal. This issue became much more blatant with durivi(circuit, durivi experience) because these are endless modes, which encourage to play for hours and hours, you even become stronger and more efficient as the hours go up because you eventually have all the mod-cards. It is much harder to stomach that you reach game-ending bug after few hours than after 1 minute of for example capture mission. This solution seems so obvious to me, that there gotta be some deep phylosophy behind not implementing it, because saving people's progress every 60minutes surely does not make servers explode, considering capture missions that save player's progress every 1 minute do not make them explode either( around 1 minute is how long it takes to win capture mission and extract) Developers are working hard on patches, but they are trying to patch the bleeding of dead man. First make sure that the man lives(save progress) then patch the bleeding. This will not have benefit just now, but 5 maybe 10 years from now(assuming the game goes on) and should be something implemented 10 years ago. And even saving just some part of the progress is better than saving none of it. So if there is some complex issue with saving the mods, resources etc... that is fine, still not a reason to not save other kinds of progress. Even if you dislike the timed saves, why can we can not leave game(accept defeat/leave) and keep stuff we got untill previous checkpoint? In circuit that would mean every round after defense mission(as defense mission is the only one that can be failed in legitimate play) So lets say you get 100rocks, decide to go for more, get 300rocks, game bugs out u leave, u keep 100rocks. This was actually how the Durivi was intended to work proof below, so there should be no debate about it going against DE game design. https://imgur.com/ZN4OPWd Screenshot to prove that I'm not just imagining things and this sort of checkpoint system was already intended to be for one kind of endless game mode. Which is good start. 👍 I would also like to clarify that progress save should not be just for people that click "leave game" but also for people that for example crash, or the game terminates early. Because many kinds of host migration or other issues simply just kill the game instance altogether. If you farm cryotics for 3 hours 30minutes, there is host migration and you get "The game is no longer avaible" you should get your stuff untill at least 3. hour mark. I believe that people can live with something like losing 20% of progress per endless mission, but losing 100% does not feel great.
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