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Posts posted by Nuko_Miko

  1. Right now it will take 4-5 days for your ticket to be replied to because the support team is being SWARMED with tickets and they are already busy as hell with U8 comming this friday... I'm sorry but you have to be patient about it. Why not craft a new frame and play it a little until your problem is fixed?

  2. Here is the thing: This game is in open beta for a reason; it is so that we can report bugs and the Devs can fix them...

    Here is how you solve the "i" loop: look at the exclamation mark and notice the white little arrow on its side. The arrow will tell you if the "i" is above you or below you. This loop usually happens when you need to climb up an air vent or jump down to a lower level floor.

  3. In addition to that, I had mobs spawn inside a solid rock in a grineer extermination yesterday.



    And an invisible grineer seeker that kept me running around the same room for 15 minutes before I decided to spam teslas everywhere and one of the teslas killed him...

  4. *smartass comment*: Are you sure you didn't search the whole map?

    Sorry couldn't resist!

    Anyways, I kinda faced a similar issue where the minimap exclamation mark led us to extraction when there was still 1 enemy that couldn't be found...

    And that wallrun crap xD

  5. okey... thx i understand now ....i play with the same warframe and weapons lvl 30 ... that why i don't progress.

    ty for your answer

    You are welcome :D

    Feel free to ask any other questions that might occur to you and you can always check the wikia (http://warframe.wikia.com/) for anything you might want to know.

  6. Not trying to sound wrong, but anyone got a "second" for anything I stated? (page 3 of this thread)  I feel unloved... *sad panda*


    Also, confirmed the Vortex will NOT work if it tags an enemy before anything. Throw it out in the open, let it "bounce" off the floor, and it pops like a bouncing betty from hell. Tag a teammate with it, goodbye energy (I think it's 100 at start??)... 

    Hey there, Sorry I didn't answer your post sooner but I was sleeping xD

    Yes. Vortex and Bastille will not be activated if it touches a moving object before it touches the ground. Ospreys, enemies, allies, stalker,... etc count as moving objects (and I tested it on those)

  7. I'm sure they've got some way to force an alert to start. If we'd seen even one alert with Vauban parts then many of these complaints probably wouldn't be happening.


    But the RNG gods are fickle so back to leaving warframe minimized while I play other games.

    They can inject alerts btw. They do that after every livestream. But I prefer if they wont inject a Vauban alert because if that happens then people will start asking for more injected alerts and then complain cuz they don't have the X item or the Y weapon...

  8. Progression rank increases when you level up warframes and weapons.

    For example: if you have a rank 10 mag and it leveled up to rank 11, you will get 200 mastery points.

    Another example: if your braton levels up from 15 to 16 you get 100 mastery points.

    Lets say that getting to rank 5 requires 6000 more Mastery Points. That means that you need to level 1 warframe from unranked to rank 30 so that you have enough mastery points to rank up. It also means that you need to level up 2 weapons from unranked to rank 30 if you don't have a frame to level up.

  9. I think some1 said that 2 BPs will be as common as Artifact Alerts and one will be as rare as potatoes. But tbh how many Artifact alerts have we seen since the update? 3?

    Knowing that we have well over 12 Artifacts, and 2 Vauban BPs in the Artifact rarity pool. That makes a total of 14 items there.

    That means that when an Artifact-rarity-level alert pops up there is a 1/6 chance that it has a Vauban BP. which is kinda sad.

    I say that they should be even more common that Artifacts :(

  10. Another for the list; if a Tesla lands on a grineer shield it will not affect anyone, their position relative to the grenade is irrelevant, also the grenade will remain inert in the world long after it would normally expire where ever the shield grineer was killed.

    Alright I'll test that and add it, thanks :D



    The bug with vortex not activating, will happen when you are playing solo too, while some additional problems may be caused by a laggy host, this is not the cause of that particular bug. Further, bounce is intended to stick to any surface, including walls and doors, you have that listed as a bug, when its actually part of the skills description

    well many people said the same thing but imo it is a bug. Because sometimes you will throw it on a horizontal flat surface and it will not bounce you up (probably due to an invisible mesh or something). Other than that, if you throw it at an ally it will mostly just send them flying horizontally which is really annoying if a Vauban throws one at you when you are at extraction and the timer is almost up (I accidently did that to a friend and he got thrown out of the extraction and didn't get the bonus or the credits). One more drawback is when I throw a bounce at a toxic ancient expecting to send it flying away from the cryopod and it actually pushes it towards the cryopod instead.

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