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Posts posted by Nuko_Miko

  1. In the livestream, Steve said that they WANT things to be hard to get. They said that they screwed up with the easiness of the Dojo for extra-large clans and they specified that they don't want to spend 6 weeks creating content that is consumed in a weekend (which is practically what happened with the Dojo building, as large clans actually started researching basic weapons hours after the update, while my clan which has 10 members is still struggling to build the first reactor)

  2. Usually traps hide a treasure room. So if you trigger a trap you probably have a short period of time (like 5-10 seconds) to get into a secret room or step on another plate or solve a puzzle.

  3. I would agree with parts of the original post, and disagree with others.

    I'm totally fine with other people getting a shot for Frost Prime BP, but I don't really like involving RNG in everything...

    Since this is a PvE game so far, there are VERY limited ways for you to estimate the value of your achievements in the game. Personally I like to go to bed thinking that I achieved something an x percentage of people aren't capable of. It makes me feel special. Human nature is build to like being praised and feeling special. I consider that the joy of the game. 

    This far the game has been going fine along that road. But what I wouldn't like to see is stuff that I worked hard for being handed out for people for free... I'm thankful that this is not present in Warframe yet, and I hope it never will. But what made me leave the last game I played (and I played that game for three years) is that something I worked real hard for four months to get is suddenly placed in the cash shop and 12 year-old kids with rich parents instantly get it and start the bragging process...

  4. Large clans will grow tired of the dojo in 2-3 weeks... They would've built everything and got all the research weapons while small clans will need to farm for 9 months before they can start their first research.

  5. Alright since everyone will be asking about U8, lets do a little change :D

    Could we get something like CreditsToMaterials? I'm sure the Corpus would be happy to collect mats for usifwe pay then well :)

    Back to U8:

    Since everyone are starting to get big stacks of Latron Prime Stock and Reaper Handle, and since there is no use for the excess extra amount, how about some way to disassemble them into materials (ALLOYS!)?

  6. Easy solution to that: Kick out all leechers.

    I'd rather see the amount of resources fixed to the clan size and I want a limit to be put on max amount of members.

  7. I agree but IMO, apparently the Forma is used as a universal material transformer to universally make the Dojo. What I would prefer to see is a build time reduction to building a hallway that is smaller than the Cross Hallway. That on top of my suggestion for Forma cost reduction.


    IE: Elbow takes half the time while T section takes three-quarters the time.

    I get your points about the forma. I'd still accept to have forma cost on dojo rooms (how are DE gonna make money out of the dojo otherwise?) but I think EVERYTHING should stack to clan size. I also think that clan sizes should be limited, not open.

  8. I think you have a lot of valid points, but the dev's want to focus on co-op and having a big group having fun instead of loners grinding for themselves.

    Wish it was a big group having fun... it is just a "group" pooling resources to get something they want and then move on. in 10-15 days all those 4k+ ppl clans will be left out with less that half the amount of people they were at pre-U8

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