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Posts posted by NOSCOPE_xGET_GUDx_BLAZER

  1. well. here is my opinion


    Simaris - good, new mechanics, lore and stuff. im happy with this.


    Pvp 2.0 - complete fail, (prime weapons still available, rhino is still OP, map is too small, melee weapons, coptering, etc. COMPETITIVE PVP? never heard of it)


    Raid - so bad that it is even funny (and Raid reward looks like fat trolling from DE)


    Chroma - ok


    Synoid nerf - complete fail. when community asks you to nerf something - you don't need to turn it into a complete useless crap


    Credits nerf - this is just stupid.


    Radial Javalin nerf - excal was second to worst frame in the game (Ember), now they share the same pedestal or useless mastery fodder


    Stealth Exp nerf - time to work out new meta for Draco.


    Greneer Manic - interesting. but invulnerability is again just stupid. Want to make a hard enemy? make him move so fast that only TOP GUD NOSCOPERS can kill him. don't make him invulnerable to damage (especially not after so many complains about invulnerable bosses)

  2. I can say only that DE failed horribly this time.


    I liked to use credit boosters and fast run T3/T4 Captures to get desired amount of credits, because with boosters they had decent outcome.


    but now i will stop doing that, because outcome is pretty low now even with boosters. Instead i will just skip any activity that requires huge amount of credits (like leveling primed mods) and will switch to something else, and as a result i will stop buying boosters


    so basically in my case DE got directly opposite result to what they expected.

  3. obviously DE wants to make credit boosters mandatory



    some kind of 'treasure' ships


    they probably will be turbo crap. 20k credits and once a week at best.

  4. Hi.


    I hope that the guy who designed the Raid mechanics, and especially 8-pad standing, occasionally reads this forum.


    So I'm asking him to do next simple steps:


    1) launch video capturing tool like Fraps

    2) find 8 random people for the Raid

    3) try to complete it with 8 random people within reasonable amount of time (in less that 2 hours)

    4) upload this video to the youtube so we all could look at him and laugh





    Seriously DE... did you create all this with assumption that every player in Warframe has 7 adequate friends who play Warframe with him?


    I think you should redesign a bit that Raid of yours, but this time based on this:


    1) majority of random players don't know what to do

    2) majority of random players don't want to know what to do

    3) majority of random players never read text chat

    4) majority of random players ignore voice chat

    5) majority of random players don't have proper skill or assets, even if they know what to do




    And the last thing: Raid reward is a joke

  5. I have almost the same issue with Liset. But instead of FPS drop - it gives me plain freezes for 1-2 seconds every 5-10 minutes of wandering in Liset.


    Had it on windows 7 and now on 8.1


    this does not happen during missions or relays, but Liset freezes very often/

  6. If you mind control a mob, and he get out of it during timer between rounds on a mission - he will become aggressive again and can kill someone (because you cannot move during that timer) (actually i just got killed that way and had to use a revive because noone could get to me in time because of the timer between rounds is almost equal to bleeding time.),


    this can happen only on Interception missions, since on defense missions you cannot proceed until you kill that last mind controlled mob

  7. I am actually not sure if this is a bug or intended, but most of the time - Mind Controlled (by Nyx) mobs act passively... they just wandering in random directions, shooting noone, being absolutely useless. Even if they, like, in the middle of a large group of enemies - they can just walk away, like they have more important stuff to do than shooting enemies.


    Also this makes Mind Freak augment meaningless: whats the point of it, if mind controlled mobs do not engage anyone.

  8. AFK system

    it should be a vote-kick feature, without any timer. I don't really understand why there is no vote-kick feature yet in the game when one player can deliberately ruin game experience for his teammates in a variety of ways.



    Freeze ability is absolutely useless. well... the same goes for all other single-target abilities in the game.


    Capture the Cephalon

    It is fine as long as it just copies usual CTF mechanics.


    Sniper Rifles

    I like sniper rifles a lot. But they are hardly effective in this game:

    1) ammo problems

    2) no innate punch-through

    3) nullifiers (seriously DE wtf. will nullifier bubble ever be affected by actual damage ???? it should pop with one shot from a decent modded sniper rifle imo)

    4) there are literally no situations in the game where sniper rifle would be better than boltor prime or synoid gammacor, because all you do is fighting hordes of enemies in close quarters.

    5) default crosshair in the game is just plain terrible, i even made a post about that

  9. Syndicate operatives just ignore the swarms, constantly spreading them amongst players. Players can do nothing with it because operatives tend to be as close as possible to players, and because of that rolls or quick melee attacks become useless since you will get new swarm on you right after.


    This is especially bad when you are playing solo and clear vision is really vital.

  10. Mission loading took more time than usual


    and when i loaded i got this:



    i was in the wrong warframe (Excal) and i was literally walking in the space


    then i got killed and resurrected as correct warframe with my odonata

    but with totally broken camera and without any weapons:











  11. They said in the past that they didn't want to make this auction system because of price domination / price gouging on stupid things.



    I know that DE think that if they introduce marketplace - prices will go down and it will affect their revenue. But what really affects revenue is ruined player experience. Allowing players to trade and in the same time making it stupidly hard - is just.. i dont even know

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