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Posts posted by Feldgrep

  1. Some of your updates are good while other one's suck.


    Please reconsider the updates or you might start losing players of this amazing game that has so much potential.


    You can start with the shotgun falloff damage.

    So to sum it up, things are either good, or bad. Gee thanks Einstein. Guess its time for colleges to start panicking.

  2. I think these game modes go against the 'PvE' focus of WarFrame. 

    What's wrong with looting and killing anyway? Especially when exp and loot are shared amongst the team?


    I think game modes do need more variety however and some of them just need to be reworked or thrown out. The Grineer drilling machine sabotage missions are bad. Who wants to sit their hitting a static, non-threatening object for 5 minutes until it explodes? Who then wants to do that 4 times on one level? 

    Replace the drilling machines with killer robots.

    the drill machines are fine. it doesnt take 5 minutes. Even if you are exaggerating, it takes me an average of 10 seconds per machine.

  3. So... random insults for no good reason in a discussion thread. Ok, thanks for showing that your opinion is not worth reading.

    so... random insults for no good reason in a discussion thread. This sounds familiar...
  4. I know i just posted thuis, but my friend.... turned it into a troll thread. so im reposting it, and making this the one for real replys. so here. hate away!

    So i was with my friend, Mr. Chainsaw and we were thinking of ways to do PVP. Heres what we came up with:


    There are two teams, they are clan teams, so one group of 4 from one clan and one group of 4 from another. each are given like 75 grineer/corpus/infected. Each team's monsters are a different color.


    Team 1:

    Clan A

    Grineer color: Blue

    All colors for all weapons and frames on that team are blue.


    Team 2:

    Clan B

    Grineer color: Red

    All colors for all weapons and frames on that team are red.


    You start out on seperate sides of the map. Each side has a cryo pod. You cannot hurt/get hurt by the grineer/corpus/infected on your team. All abilities do not work on warframes, but function as usual on enemy monsters. First team to destroy the others cryopod wins. Another way to win is to kill all the other teams monsters, and then kill all the tenno on the other team until they all forfeit or have no more revives.


    I know the Devs said they are not going to add this soon, but this might be cool to have WHEN they add PvP. What do you guys think?

  5. So DOTA/LoL with Warframes?


    Hahahaha, no.



    i want to downvote you into oblivion but sadly only one will carry my hate



    I quite honestly don't see the point of playing as an enemy in this game, even in a setup such as this.  What benefit would it bring?  Why would it be fun?




    So what is your guys's better suggestion? and @rhoenix you arent playins as an enemy, your playing with them. because 16 space ninjas going ape @%#$ on each other might lag a bit, it can only be 8. 4 on each team. so you add the ai for morefun.

  6. So i was with my friend, Mr. Chainsaw and we were thinking of ways to do PVP. Heres what we came up with:


    There are two teams, they are clan teams, so one group of 4 from one clan and one group of 4 from another. each are given like 75 grineer/corpus/infected. Each team's monsters are a different color.


    Team 1:

    Clan A

    Grineer color: Blue

    All colors for all weapons and frames on that team are blue.


    Team 2:

    Clan B

    Grineer color: Red

    All colors for all weapons and frames on that team are red.


    You start out on seperate sides of the map. Each side has a cryo pod. You cannot hurt/get hurt by the grineer/corpus/infected on your team. All abilities do not work on warframes, but function as usual on enemy monsters. First team to destroy the others cryopod wins. Another way to win is to kill all the other teams monsters, and then kill all the tenno on the other team until they all forfeit or have no more revives.


    I know the Devs said they are not going to add this soon, but this might be cool to have WHEN they add PvP. What do you guys think?

  7. When I try to join a multiplayer game, it freezes on the play now button. everything else is fine, i just cant do anything with the planetsorl  levels, and I cant unselect online mode. Eventually it says session unavailable

  8. so how again did you get over 100% accuracy? didnt think there was anything above perfect that was attainable w/o hacks.....


    Edit: especially when everyone else in your team got nothing. Although i do see it was on mercury

  9. I got my frost Saran and NYC all on less than 10 runs each :/

    Edit: leavin it all cause Autocorrect rules. Saryn, Nyx, and frost.

  10. So me and my friend are farming for new warframes, me for a mag, and him for an ash. We have the helmet b and chassis bp, but neither of us can get the systems. I soloed the boss at least 20 times (not trying to brag, hes easy. run in, a few ults, whack him w/ hammer. easy with 800+ sheild) and got a total of 3 helm bs and 1 chassis bps. thats it. he got 4 helm bps and 4 chassis bps. And he's been doing it for a few days now.. Why is it that now we can no longer get system bps? anyone else have this problem? is it just these frames or overall?

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