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Posts posted by Feldgrep

  1. and make them go "oh jeez what just happened why are we all dead" the same way heavies and ancients do.

    nobody says that.


    Edit: But I do agree, the corpus should ahve heavies. it seems ioff balanced.

  2. I have a lot of suggestions, so ill split them up into sections. Not all of these should be in this section, but the majority should be, so I put the thread here.



    1. Adds a hotkey that when held down, brings out a mini menu that shows you any crafting items recently picked up (since menu was last opened in that level) and your mini objective.

    2. Adds a hotkey that pulls up the sentinels healths. Same format as regular Player health menu, just for sentinals.


    Game Additions:

    1. More fully automatic rifles.

    2. More secondaries.

    3. Raid Bosses. Just saw this on another thread, and thought id give my 2 cents on it. Depending on the difficulty, there are between 8 and 14 or so players in a team, in a warframe hosted server. the bosses spawn every 24 hours, this usually works in most videogames. The bosses drop weapon "skins" Things that change what you weapon looks like, while increasing stats. for example: +20% crit chance, +15% dmg, +30% fire dmg (random numbers) and it would change what a rifle would look like. Feel free to post pictures of what you think cool skins could be.

    4. Also, there could be "sets" for warframes. the "sets" would give a small amount of extra sheilds/health/armor or w/e, but would mostly be for apparel, and would ONLY be available by killing a boss. There could be a Helmet/Armer/Pants/Boots in a set or something like that.

    5. Melee exp bar. The thing that shows how close our melee weapon is to leveling.


    Game Changes:

    1. Plat needed for rush building decreases as the time remaining in the build time decreases.



    I forgot a few, so I will update this as I remember them, or if you guys give me good ones.


    What do you guys think? and yes, i know im not the first to think of most of these.

  3. +1 I agree, there are bugs and minor gameplay issues that IMO should be revisited, but for the most part, this is the best game I have ever played, and I have played a very large number of games. Graphics, community, the whole works. Kudos to them.

    Edit: and lol at first post currently having +10 and second post having -9. Take that haters. Crawl back to your caves. :D

  4. he is beatable, its just i dont want to be spending 4k credits on ammo boxes per fight, then not getting a bp. there is no other way for him to challenge us, besides him freaking teleporting. that would be fun tho. He needs to be able to be killed in less than 20 mins, and not kill people wth a few swings of his hammer. his ice wave thing takes out all my sheild and half my health.

  5. yeah. i did it again, it takes him 2 hammer swings, or 6 bullets to kill me. 600 sheild 520 health. and 5 ammo boxes to clear the whole level.3 rifle, 1 pistol, 1 omni. He really needs to be nerfed.


    Edit: Not a huge nerf, just a couple million off the HP, and not 75 dmg per shot and 450 per swing

  6. When you did it and you killed him, it didnt take 20 minutes to kill him and then once u did ur computer didnt spaz out when you looked at the corpse?

  7. I know this is a popular topic, but i just want to say, I just wasted 3 ammo boxes, and 30 minutes to kill Kril. when he died, I couldn't even see where the bp or mod was. WTF. Why is it that you dont wat us making frosts?

  8. Meanwhile i'm still getting a multitude of ammo boxes.

    Lucky. I'm actually spending the ungodly amount of 1k credits per ammo box for my braton.

    I use ammo boxes because I'm using a halfway decently modded braton on waves 1-20 on defense missions. I burn thru ammo quick. And enemies

  9. I have heard that eventually, when you hit lvl 30 on a warframe/item you will be able to reset it and change a mod polarity. I was thinking, since there are a large number of mods per weapon, why not also add mod slots? like after you have capped a weapon 5 or so times, it starts adding an extra mod slot along with alowing you to change a mod polarity.

  10. Just wondering, is there a reason that i get charged by a stalker, lost 480 sheilds, 209 health in one hit, with no bullets fired, and am not able to be revived?

    is this intentional? is he supposed to burn through about 650 or so sheild and health in a swords dash or w/e it is?

  11. Hmm. The idea itself seems fine on the paper. But your thinking is a bit too nice ^^

    You will most likely be spammed by dozens of random people who suggest any trade whatever

    But well. They said that it will most likely be between clan members/friends. So you could do that, with the clan/friend restriction :D

    yeah, i guess you would have to be restricted to friends and clan mates

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