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Posts posted by Feldgrep

  1. So I was playing xini, wave 10, and I get mobbed by 3 ancient disrupters. I think, no big deal, and start meleeing. Then in one hit, that takes half a second to wind up, and hits 80% of the time, the disrupter sucked up 275 energy, 750 shield, and stunned me. Is it supposed to completely destroy all of your defenses? No abilities, immediate health loss, and you are stunned. Nt exactly legit. Like the rollers...

  2. If you need ciphers.... That's sad. If its lockdown, it's usually not hard to clear the room, then easily do the cipher. If its for a data thing, clear every1 first, then hack

    400 ciphers hacked, 0 failed, 1 cipher used, and because the gam e lagged and I misclicked

  3. I like it. That way players have to be "sure" of the weapon they want in order to make it better. And give some money to the well deserving devs in the meantime. Make it mastery 5 unlocks 31-60 maybe... Then 10+unlocks 61-90? And it gets harder and harder to level but the same mastery exp for leveling?

  4. What's the worst feeling in the world? Buying a gun, capping, supercharging it, then having it get nerfed.

    So me thoughts to meself, how to fix these nerfs? And this is what I came up with:

    At Lvl 30, with a good mod arrangement, almost any weapon can be considered OP if you know how to use it. And combined with the warframes, enemies rarely have a chance. So instead of trying to balance the weapons and warframes, leave them as they are, or in some cases, were, epic. Make the mobs harder. Make the ai more complex, give them ways to dodge, more group tactics. Make it a group acting together, not a bunch of grineer in a group fighting their own battle.

    What so you guys think?

    Better frames/weps and better enemies?

    Or nerfed frames/weps and weaker enemies?

  5. So I was playing a defense mission, and at wave 10, I realized the cryopod was no longer in its original place. So we lose, because we are defending a cryopod that we don't know where it is. WTH?

  6. Hello, everyone. My name is Calayne. I'm a recovering drug addict. It all started long ago, on my first boss solo mission. I was using... A Braton. Yes, I believe it was a Braton. The Braton which ruined my life. I kept running out of ammo, because my gun was not high ranking enough to be More Pimped Than Stuffed Potatoes. I... Ran out of ammo.


    Then, my friend gave me a suggestion: "Why don't you use some of those ammo boxes you got stored?"


    "Aren't those dangerous?"


    "No, man, those are totally rad. Use some, it'd step your game up by a mile!"


    "I don't know, man..."


    "Just do it, you sissy."


    And so I did. And... I loved it. Oh, I loved it. Day and night, day after day, night after night, I would use my Rifle Ammo Boxes. I burned through my supply in a week.


    It was not enough. More. MORE. MORE!!!


    Spent all my credits on it. Spent five or six per mission. And when I ran out of credits, I sold EVERYTHING. My blue prints. My Skana. I even sold my Antique Lato, the one I saved since I was a wee little Tenno baby, given to me by daddy Excalibur.


    It ruined my life. Now I'm going around, planet by planet, ship by ship, rummaging for spare credits through the lockers of the Grineer and Corpus who gave up fighting me when I first started having withdrawal symptoms mid-battle. Some of them still give me a box or two of left-over ammo boxes. They're really nice guys.


    Ammo box addiction is no joke, kids. Don't go there. Just say no.

  7. Guys we are ninjas and potatoes will affect you weight, nobody wants a fat ninja dont you ?

    Wait what? Wat is this in response to?

    Edit: oh in beginning. Never mind I see. But if we fat ninji, we sumo ninji! Ninji being plural for ninja

  8. I was wondering if we could have a box like we do for secondary and rifle that has the melee weapon and exp on it. From my vastly limited knowledge of coding, (although I'm probably wrong) I think it would be easy to add, and I personally would like to know what level my melee weapon is and how close to leveling it is.

  9. Yes, I am exaggerating, I just find it to be an incredibly dull objective. At least the reactors spin and make it seem a little less mundane, you might even have to aim to hit the last few rods.

    As it stands now the objective is basically to run to several different points on a level, which is done better in the data mass collection missions which involve both hacking and the requirement of carrying a case. 'Run to points A B C and D and spam your melee against this static prop' is just not an interesting objective.

    I prefer it when the machine is in a room full of baddies IMO. so yeah I see your point.

    Edit: 100th post! I know none of you care so that's why I put it :)

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