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Posts posted by Feldgrep

  1. Maybe You send someone a trade request, and you can send a message, like do you have any shotgun electric mods or w/e, and then they can accept/deny.

  2. If you would have used the search function, you might have seen the almost endless amount of trading threads.....

    I dont think we need even more of them. Nothing against you as person, but it becomes quiet annoying to see the same stuff over and over ^^

    oh ok that makes more sense. thought you meant something in game

  3. Let me guess. You havent tried the search function....

    oh so theres already a way i can give my friend my shotgun mods? please, tell me how.

  4. I was thinking that it would be beneficial to players if we could trade mods, weapons, and credits. The weapons would keep their levels, and any mods on them. Warframes would not be able to be traded.

  5. I like this idea. This way, I dont have to get another gun/warframe/sentinal so i can get above mastery level 3. i mean seriously. I capped a loki, latron, akboltos, and DHS and im barely into lvl 3. Unless they come out with  a new thing i heard people talking about where when you hit 30, you reset it to 0 and you change a mod polarity, i think this idea is the next best.

  6. Seriously guys, I want people's opinions. I think if we get this in the game the player base would skyrocket. This game needs some friendly pvp.

  7. yeah, i was gunna say something about how i was sure someone had made a thread about this already, but as i said, it was late, and i was tired. and it was a monday.

  8. All right, just gunna put this out there first.. If this is in the wrong Section, and eeds to be moved to levels, tell me and i will move it. ok, now to the good part.



    As many of you probably know, there are clans in this game. atm, i dont think they do anytihng, besides get you with a group of people who can help you with missions. If I am wrong, please tell me. I was thinking, after playing many other games with factions, guilds, groups, clans, etc etc... they all have one thing in common. a map where once a week, everone who signs up fights in a huge clan war.



    I have a few ideas.

    1. There is 1 large space ship or something, one map where there are no other missions, but every weekend, there is a tournament and all clans that sign up during the week for it participate. It would be a brackated tourny, so if teams A, B, C, D, E, F, G, and H join, A, and G would fight first for like 30 mins in one map, while C and D fight, etc etc. The loosers are out. the winners go on. say A, C, E, and G win. then A fights C, and E fights G. winners stay, loosers cry. again, a 30 min match. Finally, if A and G win all their matches, they fight each other. Winner wins that weeks clan war, and their clan gets a certain amount of clan points. (ill explain later)

    These fights could have many different formats. 1, CTF format, you kill each other, and try to capture flags at the same time, you get points per kill, and points per flag ever 5 seconds or so. There are "Mini-Mods" that give boosts like double points for kills, double dmg, insta health restore, etc etc... when one person runs over them, it disappears for every1, and that person's team gets it.


    The second way, is just by kills. Same as CTF format, just without flags.


    2. It is mission style. You complete missions, and you get points for stuff. a melee kill is x points. getting 3 kills with 1 shot is x points times 3 and so on and so on. Bracket style again, and winners move on.


    The matches should be like 30 mins, then 30 min break, and like 2 mmatches friday night, and 2 saturday.






    There are a few places. below are the brackets


    R 1:

    A vs B

    C vs D

    E vs F

    G vs H


    R 2:

    A vs C

    E vs G


    R 3:

    A vs G



    1st: 1

    2nd: G

    3rd: E, C

    4th, B, D, F, H


    and 1st gets x points and so on and so forth


    Its really late were I am so I might be forgetting something.

    Please do not leave any post saying this sucks. if you think it sucks, tell me why or tell me how to make it better.


    I did try to not make it a big wall of text, so sorry if it is.




  9. And since we are in a beta, your "get 2 chars to 30 and done" idea is simply wrong. More content is coming. Clan bases new bosses etc

    And you will get slots as you play in the future....

    clan bases... mmmmm sounds yummy

  10. I dont know if this is just in eris, but i am soloing on an online mode, and i dont know if it was because the infested dogs have such high dmg, or what, but they would take away 1/3rd of my sheild in 1 hit, and its at 415 or so. they supposed to be stronger than bosses?

  11. When you are in a game, and you open a locker/kill an enemy/bust open a storage thing, and it drops credits and you pick them up, what happens to them? I dont get them in the mission overview thing, so whats the point? or am i missing something?

  12. I have found a bug that affects all normal mobs, but not bossess, ancients, or commanders. They simply cannot beat me. they need to be in mobs of like 30 in order to beat me. (not trying to sound arrogant, just cant think of how else to put it.) Is there a reason i can 3 hit them?

  13. I usually will be standing in extraction, and using ST to teleport my allies to extraction since im usually faster then they are, since i can alsy teleport with a decoy

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