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Posts posted by Feldgrep

  1. well it is in beta.... i think it came out early march, so its only been 2 months. Id say its a 12 out of 10 for how long its been out


    more monsters are coming, there is a storyline, its for MP and solo, i agree with the more players and bigger maps, but it might lag a bit, a city wouldnt match the "space ninja" genre.

  2. Maybe after a certain level, say 35+ get potatoe bps? and maybe it so that 20 and 25 have a larger chance of giving banshee bps, like around 45%, and 30 is a really rare mod, and 35 goes between reactor and catalyst bp. thoughts?

  3. hmmmmmmm what can I think of about this game that is good.....

    -Mod page

    -in a group now you can zoom out

    -rare to have bad connection to host

    -extremely rare to get disconnected

    -devs actually listen to our ideas


    just a few. I could go on for a long time. 
    Its good to see these kinds of threads poping up here and there. Its important for the devs to know we appreciate their hard work.

  4. 1 Mag 3 excalibur instantly hit 36000 dmg :3 even more with focus and im only to 95% sure its 12 javelin



    and with focus lvl5


    12x3x1300=46800 . . . now thats quiet a bit dmg or?

    *licks lips* Kril... payback time Mother $#%@$

  5. Its fine, the challenge ends on Monday and PDT its sunday -here- in yurop.

     it ends on Sunday. Read point two at top of forums. Or is it different where you are? Cause I thought it said Monday at first also. 

    If you look at the picture that the Lotus gives you in-game, you'll see that it's now a lot clearer, and I'm sure you'll be able to work out what it is ;-)

    frost prime!!!
  6. last 2 hours got us only 2% further so there is reason for doubt that we get a reward because at this rate we would need another 2 days to reach 100%

    Took us 5 min To get the first %. Then took us 2 hours to get 2% c'mon guys 29% more!

  7. I have read a lot of threads about it, and now I am 99% sure I know what it is. A Nyx prime. It's got the half circle of the head, and looks primeish

  8. I think he's right they should nerf nyx but there is also some other warframe who need a nerf.

    Ash's smoke screen should make ennemy invisible and ash should be lighted red for the grineer to see.

    Banshee sound quake should do no damage and banshee shouldn't been invincible i think the blue light is good enough she don't need to be invincible or do damage.

    Ember have 3 skills overpowered they should delete all of them and just let world on fire

    Excalibur need a total revamp Slash dash should do damage to excalibur equal to the damage did to each ennemy

    Frost snow globe is overpowered he should be slowed when he's in and take damage too, no more "impenetrable sphere of protection"

    Loki invisibility should have no effect and the damage taken by the decoy should go directly to loki's health

    Mag bullet atractor should only work on mag not on the ennemy

    Rhino iron skin will ignore shield and let rhino take all the damage to his life

    When saryn use Miasma she should die instantly and all ennemy should been healed for moult the same as loki.

    When trinity use link she take all the damage do to the grineer

    And when volt use his electric shield ennemy's bullets should have a damage buff and electric element

    I think that way all the warframe will be less "overpowered".

    So whenever you use a skill, it benefits the enemies right? Makes sense

    Edit: I don't know how much you had to drink, but it was to much.

  9. I was going to suggest changing her ult so when you use it, it's instant, or with a small windup, like frosts, then large plumes of lava just fly out of the ground and it does the 1000 damage all ultra should. Only prob would be coding and lag

  10. So weve established that the event reward is probably going to be a new boss and warframe. Then what do you guys think the picture will be of? the boss or warframe?

  11. yeah. Im pretty sure every one knows by now that its a new warframe, so yeah. if we can kill all the moas,  they are gunna add a boss to Europa and make a new warframe. very clever DE. I was wondering what you would do with Europa...

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