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Posts posted by LAWD

  1. Gonna have to stop you RIGHT there. You're running into a LASER GRID, in a door way, on a space ship in which security cameras activate them and you're going to "hope nothing bad happens?" Dude, wow. Just seriously read that over again.


    Onto the grids themselves, however, which direction you are sent flying is dependent on your speed at the time you cross its hitbox. If you approach it slowly, you are knocked away from it. If you're rushing through it, you're tripped forward. If that's really the main complaint, then all that needs be is an animation adjustment. But considering there is already an animation specifically for losing balance and falling forward... it seems like a pointless addition and changes absolutely nothing about the mechanics.


    That said, if you are; rolling, spin attacking, bullet jumping, air gliding while casting most warframe abilities, blocking, or otherwise doing anything other than simply moving/sprinting through the laser doors, nothing happens to your momentum or your stability. It's an obstacle that's easily overcome by reflexes.

    .I did state, "Imagine this, your running...FIRST TIME" so im assuming this from new player experience. And yes, it is on the animation adjustment,  i mean having been tripped doesnt make sense when there is a grid of lasers from top to bottom. its awkward. And even as your reflexes kick in and you slide right through it, as if meantto dodge like in the movies, still doesn't make sense, animation wise, not mechanic wise.




    Um, have you ever looked at the bottom right corner of your screen? Once you enter melee mode by holding weapon swap (or using a keybind specifically to do so), it displays your weapon name and the equipped stance. Every time you rank up that weapon, it displays the weapon's name, its new rank and what stance you are equipped with.


    yeah i know, but my point is stances are not stances. You can just be standing normally, next thing you do is some drunken movement like a slithering snake and dancing on your toes. The transition from norm to craze is weird, but in this case minor.


    Okay so here's the real meat. I was actually discussing this same problem with melee just yesterday with someone. To me, the major problem is that melee feels like nothing more than grinding good-looking animations up against enemies, wherein the weapon is hot steel and all enemies are made of paper mache and butter. There does not feel like any form of actual mechanics behind melee in this game at all, and there never has. It falls into exactly what you described; the fact melee is attributed to a single button.


    If I may go a bit off topic here, sorta; Bayonetta. This game quintessentially uses only two buttons to accomplish its breadth of combos, and uses light-taps and long holds to get everything done with those two buttons. There is a jump button and a "use a piss-weak auto homing gun" button as well, but those play into actual combat mechanics about as much as the wrapper on a double cheese burger matters. (i'm hungry af right now)


    As just my own suggestion and where I'm coming from here; actively using certain attacks on enemies from certain combos basically is impossible. One of the primary reasons people love Crimson Dervish so much is that its major damage bolstering ability occurs on its initial strikes. In point of fact; people like being able to control what they do. Having to wildly swing at the air and delay your combo in a suitable manner to make sure the lunge attack from a Nikana, for example, actually hits what you want—or do you forgo using the dash slash at all and thereby waste your time pointlessly swinging at nothing just to try to get a certain part of the combo to hit an enemy...


    It's cumbersome to say the least. By the very name "stance," I would like to see players given the option to actually enter STANCES, and activate key attacks from the stance mod at their whim. Going with the Soul Cal suggestion, swinging once and then continuing to hold an attack key would be a pretty viable way to enter them ala: Nightmare. Sure you're swinging at the air still, but it's only once and you know exactly what you're getting yourself into.

    finally /sigh

    I imagine a ninja-space theme to have the edge with melee modes, adding diversity and probably simple stuff, like the one-two combo press of buttons. What bugs me most, if you can't tell by now, is that it's all in that one button! why? idk really. Barely do i see people brag about melee skill, as the only skill you can say about yourself is modding the weapon right. That's it. That's skill. Another issue is that the multiplier drops in like 0.1 seconds, almost immediately after killing an enemy. Never had such a feeling afterwards. The melee system doesn't feel rewarding enough because of this, you don't feel the strikes getting any stronger the more you attack, thats why, as you say certain stances have initial strikes been stronger/strongest, players prefer certain weapons. So in the long run, weapon utility is still limited (considering how they updated parkour to have weapon of choice and not manoeuvrability). Just want more button pressing honestly.

    And that's exactly what i meant, or was trying to explain by entering the STANCE. 

  2. Hey there, well i guess i should explain the topic more; you ever notice how you start playing and somethings are just off or unexpected or incomplete? i wonder if you know what i mean.... Imagine this, running through a laser barrier door for the first time, you know those corpus ones with the green horizantal bars of lasers, from top-to-bottom. You know it's dangerous so you take out the camera since the red alerts you towards it, but what if you're in a hurry? you run through hoping nothing too bad happens. Awkwardly, you trip through the lasers...and fall flat to your face.

    It almost makes no sense tripping over a plane of lasers arranged in such a manner. No offense, but that needs some animation works or somesorta negative effect.

    Another thing is the melee and stance, the stances, you can't really tell whether you've added the stance mod in without a stance animation, right? just like in tekken or streetfighter, more accurately soul calibur, the way they just stand is a stance.

    Now melee doesn't feel melee enough. What i mean is that one button when you equip your melee weapon is no enough. I mean sure the right-clicks/left trigger (dependent on what you use to play) add to the combos, but still goes back to using that one button. With the return of the charge attacks, i have yet to know how they'll implement it since Holding E/B in combo already does something, it could have a separate button like X on the controller, which is barely used while melee is equipped, Besides it could add some flow to gameplay, like light and heavy/charge attacks.

    These are the things i wanted to eagerly mention; questions for discussion;


    How do you think they should make the tripping over laser doors work?

    Will the stances interrupt with the idle/noble animations already with the warframes?

    When you equip your melee weapon, do you need more buttons to press for combos? Will it make it easier/harder to land combos?

    Should you be able to stealth/finisher kill from above the enemy while they're unaware of your presence?

    What other things can be included to the suggestions above?







  3. 31221012.effect.gif


    I Love this lil Gif xD


    The 17 strikes is what Ash does if theres only one enemy for Ash to Strike, thats why i sugguested it but maybe less since Ash may do formidable damage if Modded right No?


    Just throwing out ideas help a Ninjuh out here xD Aye we need some Moderators to come read this why they duckin Ash for? lol

    Lol its a pretty sick GIF xD

    lol i can undertsand, just throwing a lil criticism to see how it would work out or thought through it.

    I hope hte developers have rad this as well and figured a way to resolve the issues around his skillset. FOrmidable yet underwhelmed

  4. Yeah certain skills of different frames would benefit in team positioning as well as saving the day when the emulated frame is down or otherwise unable to handle their role at certain moments. Like when the Ancient drags frost away from the pod while the shield goes down.

    It would also help extend range on support abilities on maps like pluto interception.

    I definiately dig this idea alot, has a pretty nice concept to it, you get same disadvantages as the original caster and your own, which makes it ultimate worthy, but will it pick the current skill been used and how would it know whether a warframe is using that ability or not? certain skills go used without anyone even knowing such as Vex armor, Pacify & Provoke, among others. not to mention some skillls happen to fast to be recorded and emulated.

    The emulation can go so far but still suffer, maybe copying the passives but not many warframes have that even.

    This would take great time to work on.

  5. Thats exactly what I wanted to say about Bad Camera angles.


    I figure it being difficult for them to code and design it maybe?

    Especially in tight mall Hallways or little rooms right?


    I had one concept that some guy said its Stupid but tbh its more for Visual effects but I kinda thought it might also fix Obstacle interferences that dont allow you view of the attacks.


    Bladestorms animation Flickers like (Stalker/G3/Zanuka/SyndicateAssassins) Marks on the Targets Ash/Clones are Currently attacking.


    I think it kinda emphasizes on the view of the enemies being attacked and gives the effect of Ash Marking enemies for Death.

    The enemies not under attack can Choke till allies or Ash/Clones assassinate them.


    Another issue is Bosses only recieving only One attack which is pathetic.


    Ash should be able to strike them 17 times as sugguested from Wiki info if theres no enemies withing range



    Something with slash effects and fast strikes similar to this.


    Picture Pressing E everytime You want to Strike.


    Ash could recieve an enemy Tally Mark to count How many enemies You have marked in range and an Enemy Death Counter to keep track of How many You have Killed.


    You know a little HuD on the screen somewhere this will show the current enemies Life and how much damage you done each strike.


    The Last strike would look good if enemies slice in half and emphasize Gore and Finisher/Slash Archtype to Ashs style

    Tight rooms are so....gah!

    BUt wouldnt that visual fx of the flickering lights confuse players most of the time, you think stalker is coming but its just some Ash player doing his ultimate. And i got a question, what happens if i dont press E, will it like skip the enemy or will my clone come handle it itself?

    the pressing melee to attack in bladestorm is good but i dont think it's that good as on paper, I agree there should be interaction but in another direction


    Lol for the boss having him attacked 17 times, woul dbe worse than killing him in 30 seconds

  6. I think it (emulation) could be as good for support in the right hands and help make frames like limbo a little better in groups as it could rift others from a distance while the Limbo defends in cataclysm for example

    well i dont want this to turn to a limbo discussion on how to buff him for team support, but it sure would help make his utility more applicable. BUt in what part of emulation? copying his skill?

  7. I Said The same $hit! xD


    He looks crazy asf but real talk His Ultimate isnt a good Bladestorm Concept?


    I had a Great Idea for it too idk why I dint add it too the OP


    Make Bladestorms Cutscene Interactive.


    Listen Close. xD You know how Mesas somewhat of a Cutscene in Peacemaker right? Well in order to Bladestorm You must press Melee to Strike xD


    These Mods should Benefit Bladestorms Damage and Attack Speed xD


    Atk speed is affected towards Bladestorm


    ^^^ArcaneStrike aswell maybe?


    Damage to Bladestorm can be effected by these mod


    There are more mods that are Melee damage, slash and finisher damage let me know but i listed a few that I sugguest affect Bladestorms performance in both Damage types (Finisher/Slash), and Attack speed along with Arcane Strike to affect it and Natural Talent also affects its speed currently.

    I have used it on Bladestorm since I first started playing Warframe i realized it speeds the animations.


    I dnt want to add More Insanely Crazy Damage just enough to scale on Eximus, Bombards, and Heavies.

    The animation should be soo much elaborated attacks the slash dash  Omnislash is fine with Teleport and smoke clouds choking enemies.


    Maybe the animations should look like Ash/Clones are doing Constant Teleport Spin Attacks that way its not exactly a Slash Dash

    After all Spin attacks Heavily Focus on Slash damage and the Spin attack damage may affect the Slash proc damage no?

    I like how the interactive feel should be put, but with the way he teleports around so much, you're gonna have to be fast when you mush that button. Lets consider they fix and tweak the "cutscene" and no longer is a cutscene when you can interact, imagine the camera paning out and moving along with you where you teleport, without it been too sudden, just subtle and simple, follows you around to the next target and then you hit the melee button. This is gonna be pretty neat.

    Lol but berserker on the Bladestorm? that's gonna be hectic af, furthermore i agree it should be a thing fo the mods to transition into the skill much like exalted blade.

    It be simpler if the clones went into the frenzy mode and do what they do currently, and you enter some frenzy mode as well, and use only uour hidden blades, run up to your enemies and attackt them. much ike Hysteria, but i dont know about the skill changing abit too much there.



    That doesn't invalidate any similar threads with the same objective. This isn't the type of topic that would get a megathread and the ideas contained within often vary drastically from one another.

    Kestrel is right, sorry if it may seem offensive to your creativity, but just many things ould be thought of and may seem similar but infact are totally different when detailed.

  9. Frame concept wise:


    Not saying this as a "should be" but a few months ago I had an idea of a Frame called "APEX", but got too busy working to flesh it out and present it.


    His overall theme would be consumption/emulation/ and damage distribution.


    It could:

    - target another tenno and emulate whatever ability they choose by a second key press, if the tenno is using this ability as well the enregy cost is larger and the output is less for balance sake.

    - Absorb attack damage and redirect it as an energy beam

    - Target an enemy and take it's form, removing threat of alert during it's duration as long as stealth kills are used


    Not sure if anyone would like it or of your visual skills but I'm pretty good graphically and would like to illustrate the concept out sooner or later

    wow emulation, that pretty cool but you're right about the balancing issues, if it could use it at base and respective rank that'd be okay.

    This honestly is really awesome, especially the stealthy shapeshifting thing, that's a nice take on the usual invisibility. I imagine you Apex to not be a support type of frame but solely care about himself.

    It's hard to say this shouldn't be

  10. Seems like the lore is agreed on at one level ( was typing during previous posts )


    This could work if it was in the completion process during the "Purge of the Overlords" and featured experimental technology that had never been proven publicly leaving no one to convert and "commercialize" it upon discovery.


    If in the future a generic model is desired ->

    This could become a whole plot line in which someone like Regor or Hek secretly makes a deal with Perrin Sequence to research the unknown technology and bring a generic version to market but upon public discovery is marked a traitor for dealing with the corpus. The outcome of an event could determine if the generic model becomes a grineer inspired variant or a Tenno Lab variant version.

    I have difficulty understanding the last couple of sentences but for sure seems interesting having more Corpus involved than Grineer.


    I like that. It would add an interesting change to the typical dynamic of: Frame gets released, then gets primed years later. Though, I'd prefer that this frame not have its own Prime Access and all that jazz, just because there are so many older frames we still have to go through before we start getting the really interesting newer frames primed (Oberon, Valkyr, Zephyr, etc.)


    This one shouldn't have parts either, it should be the resulting reward of a really difficult veteran quest or something of that nature when the Sentient finally arrives.

    Definiately, especially since DE is working to have wepaons have their own Mastery rank requirment, it rightly timed. the last warframes that are "hard to get" dont have that veteran feel to it.

    And as you just stated, having it rewarded on a difficult veteran quest would be pretty decent, and will have major throwback looking into how much of the lor eis involved, possibly from older quests.

    Actually, I made something similar a few months ago, but it somewhat "failed" cuz someone there started talking about the exsiting lore, and stuff, but that was cuz I just wrote it was built "purly from Orokin tech". I think u pretty much fixed it by saying it have some "lost Orokin tech" in it. I think I called him...Aurum I think? if u want, u can check it out. 

    Lol lemme check it out, then we could further dive into it

  11. It'd have to be some sort of secret weapon against the Sentient if we're going down that path for the lore. Something that the Lotus would have kept guarded in the event the Sentient ever rose again.

    Or the fear that this warframe could reveal secrets of her past life as a doubleagent, through transmissions, almost like the building of the chroma warframe, but now thats outta the way, she could now use it to help us fight off the Sentient coming for us soon, as they arise.

  12. This could work if DE gave it a lore were it says they try'ed to remake it from the prime one but failed.

    That this prime warframe ether

    1.Was built with special built orokin tech that was lost for ever when the Empire fell, making it impossible to make non prime version. or

    2. The Tennos power was something special something  a regular frame couldn't handle. Only a prime frame could control it, so they gave up on trying to make a regular on

    Hmmm glad you seeing into it, lorewise, well with the idea i have below;


    Lol not what i meant by Original, original in that it's not engineered on and made vanilla. sorry bout that, with that i say that with ive concluded that The tenno, even with their best technology couldn't reverse-engineer it and recreate it. Lotus may have kept it a secret from us as she feared it knew the truth behind her (Natah quest) and thus never mentioned its existence to you. Why it was never discovered or engineered on.

    your idea is what i had in mind, where by the tech the Tenno had, (tennology?) was too obselete compared to the nature of this warfrme

  13. Wasn't Excalibur the first?


    Also you misread what I posted. The vanilla frames are all Tenno reverse engineered versions of Orokin Prime Frames.

    Lol not what i meant by Original, original in that it's not engineered on and made vanilla. sorry bout that, with that i say that with ive concluded that The tenno, even with their best technology couldn't reverse-engineer it and recreate it. Lotus may have kept it a secret from us as she feared it knew the truth behind her (Natah quest) and thus never mentioned its existence to you. Why it was never discovered or engineered on.

  14. My thoughts exactly, if I'm being honest. 


    There's no reason that the Tenno found out about some ancient Prime only frame, that they wouldn't be able to engineer it into a vanilla frame unless the nature of it's power simply required original orokin manufacturing that couldn't be reverse engineered. Though, when you think about it, all current vanilla frames pretty much prove that such technology can be reverse engineered so I can't imagine what type of power would require that. Something incredibly overpowered, if I had to guess.

    It's not that they reverse-engineered the vanilla version to primed version, it that they found one untouched from the orokin era, somehow still intact and functional. The ORIGINAL warframe.

  15. I had this idea, where by this new warframe idea, was only primed and had no regular version like the rest.

    Which would mean he/she could only be acquired by special void missions, and is unique. He may have better benefits since he will not have another counterpart/version.

    I'm designing the concept  just want to say i called it!

    The skillset is coming along

    Discussions could be on;

    Any ideas on what skills he/she should have, or more interestingly what should they revolve around? (support, offense, tank etc)

    Should he/she be male or female?

    What benefits could he have over other prime warframes?

    Should he have a lore?


    So i drew rough skketches of what i what him/her to look like below; (update 10/9/15)


    Profile view
    Front view
    Head designs
  16. Your concept in my eyes is actually awesome, I agree like some people here, damage is all good but this game has so many damn enemies in one room you have to just hit 4. It tends to become boring and monotomous, having this rework, probably even with your concept , would be so delightful.

    Ash deserves it, he was so highly anticipated for Prime Access, so wy not for the rework, people should know that he is fully capable. What i feel Ash is missing is not only synergy but a theme. Ninja is a theme, but in the warframe universe? it almost makes no sense

    Just some ninja in a suit.

    Having an actual theme, would make DE realise his potential


    Plus i had to point out, below:

    In my opinion his bladestormdamage is truly high enough, but i agree, its boring.
    My idea for this would be to turn bladestorm from onecast ability to a recastability while performing. Meaning that you no longer have to aim exactly on a target, instead ash strikes all enemies in a cone afront from him, after that combo ash shrouds again and turns into pure smoke until you aim again and recast it, bladestorm will have then a duration, the faster u aim the more u can kill (maybe also the faster u aim the shorter will be the animation). Should be bit like excaliburs slash dash....but faster and better working.....also it would be cool if ash can execute two targets at the same time when they stand close to eachother.

    This is acyually pretty decent!

    And Great work on the Concepts you made, and all the references, Thumbs up from me!

  17. Well on what i think Ash is missing from other warframes is a theme, Sure he a ninja but what makes him a ninja. In the warframe universe it almost wouldn't make sense, just some ninja dude in a suit. He doesn't have true "powers" from the void if i should put it that way.

    My opinion and suggestion on him would be that he should be a smoke typa character, similar to the one from MK series, and have his powers work around that theme. It also has some logistic sense once implemented to the rework of his powers.

    Alright since his theme is smoke;


    SHURIKEN (i basically got nothing here except more shurikens)


    SMOKE-SCREEN - basically the talk of having the smoke spread out more and choke people is really good, just as quoted below, should come from his hand, probably like a flamethrower, but much faster. (dont wanna waste time while fully crowded)

     OR him running around invisible after activation, and spraying the desired area with smoke, this could be botha toggle and drain fro the smoke, and probably duration for the invisibility. My ideas are still pretty rough.


    Smoke screen: An actual smoke screen would be awesome. However I think having it come from his arm would be better then having an generic smoke grenade. That way you could spread a large smoke cloud without having to stand still.

    TELEPORT - the free aim thing has no limitations whats so ever, so i say, only teleport beyond 10 m, Imagine activating teleport while running round and teleport right into some wall or endless falling pit? i see bugs.

    My opinion is with the smoke theme, he transforms into smoke and could just swosh acroosss the map like vapor. I imagine it been like he transfroms into smoke form, similar to the clones in the next power idea i got, and phases through anything, gaining speed, much like Volt's "speed" . In addition he can still teleport by bullet jumping and aiming to desired location. This will have change to game mechanics.

    *Note, he doesn't go invisible* but probably untouchable since he'll phase through S#&$.

    Now this ability will be a duration based, since it needs hella lot of limitations. Probably some toggle to quickly get in and out of the Smoke mode.



    BLADESTORM - truly needs more control and interaction on it, i saw somewhre in the forums, someody posted about having the clones appear from the shadows and run up to the enemies and put them in a lock. This is actually pretty neat, especially with the smoke theme, the shadows could look smoky instead of just been holograms. But it should feel more ultimate, i say the clones execute them.

    How this should work in my opinion- Aim at a target/targets (if grouped) and activate it just like now, and the clones will appear and run up to them.

    It's like a mix of Equinox's sleep ability but the enemies still are able to fight for freedom and this effect is still affected by strenght and steel charge mods. The higher the strength, the stronger the lock/execution.


    With this smoke theme, he will should be quick enought to cast abilities, cause ya know, wind and smoke thing..

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