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Posts posted by LAWD

  1. I like it. That's if I am looking at the right one, a 4th ability that is a buff for the other abilities. It's just like the way current bladestorm is direct upgrade of teleport w/ that augment, but now for the other abilities, totally makes sense!

  2. So remember when Uranus was updated way back in u16? (Not sure) and how the hype was overwhelmingly good.

    The second thought that should come to your mind is why its not in the normal mission types for use.

    It'd make archwing famous as the actual movement in space is supposed to be a bit more complex. J mean current archwing would need a few tweakings to make it usable in that chase mission.

    However the real work comes from the level design itself. Most levels would need to be redone almost entirely from either using a separate pathway from the beginning to end or, to use it I stantly whenever you need/want to kill things faster. Archwing would definitely become the tenno vehicle it represents.

    My simple example to use for the level design is to add new building paths that hover already existing maps, like sky platforms or them fancy dojo decorations. You know to make it even more challenging by level alone.

    Most missions do need that, to be somehow always unpredictable, but that would take a while to be done.

  3. 1 hour ago, BlackCoMerc said:

    Thanks for this. Appreciate your taking the time to assess not only the ability, but it's actual intent.

    Especially the fact you realised that teleport could just be the manual bladestorm, you know I suggested a similar idea but you know the poison of the forums is if you ain't with them , wcrew them

  4. Concept wise it makes sense! Other stance suggestions all go for a full augmentation of his other skills, as if he fights like a vikinng. Ash is the ghost aaw you said it, so by having the energy cost at 25 will make people think twice rather than activate and go all bersek. 

    Pretty wise!

  5. 8 hours ago, Nazrethim said:

    We have enough EB types? Let me make the super super long list with a detail you may have missed:

    Excalibur (melee frame)

    Valkyr (melee frame)

    Wukong (melee frame)

    And that's it.  Ash IS a melee frame, and the FIRST warframe to ever have his own unique weapons, it's just a natural step and the one easier to implement and balance both for PvE and PvP without changing the core mechanics while also adding synergy to his other abilities to avoid the "press4toWin".

    Yeah I get your point, but there could be other concepts, besides that one, that would be fresh! If you see my point, its just too easy to take that natural step and not fully dive into game mechanics and invent something new.

    However on the common suggestion, it has so much unbalancing and to some degree makes the other skills useless as without the activation

  6. Too often I dee this idea from time to time, sorta thinking there's like a community who have one goal, which is to keep on spreading this idea. I mean there are enough EB type wargrames, we wanna see something new and ecstatic! 

    Just make the 4 a shadow-clone technique. But unlike mirage's , doesn't mirror your attacks, these clones seek out targets and finish them, cause he's the finisher master.

  7. Not bad, love the quiver idea, Chroma could really use that, the fact that the color thing was a passive didn't make sense.

    Although the dragon's nest augment seems a bit OP. Why not an augment that for every kill the sentry does, gains back energy to prolong its use. Although that's just from me. 

    And I mean abilities should have their downfalls so for him not having to pose as he does when using spectral scream would be also kinda overwhelming. With the dodge-roll mechanic its good enough, all it needs is more movement speed.

  8. 5 hours ago, TheKnottyGentalman said:

    Welcome to the party tenno!

    It's pretty funny how you miss the smallest things that make the biggest impact sometimes. I do that frequently and sometimes I feel so silly afterwords.

    haha i get what you mean, i didnt feel fleshed out lol, thank you!


    On 3/19/2016 at 4:30 PM, Dawn11715 said:

    As far as iI've seen it most intruductions come pretty late, so dont worry about that.

    Wrote mine as my 1000th post^^

    Anyway, welcome to the forums ;)

    must be really common, graci!

  9. First off if you ain't really an Ash fan, i'd recommend you not to read but as of late i feeel like all suggested reworks are the same, like where's the diversity? I mean it's cool to support the one idea you want implemented to the game, as the final draft, but so far it's like all OP and unbalanced. NO real strategising would even come to gameplay with those suggestions. I'm clearly hating at this point, but same also goes for the other suggestions i've read over.  My priority is that troll ofc.

    So straight to the point;

     This will be the last time i talk of Ash as well, time to look at other things existing in the space of Waaarframe!


    12 minutes ago, BeeOverlord said:

    Because many of the toggle mods would just be constantly recasted over and over to keep them active.

    Vauban doesn't need this lol, It'd be plain overpowered.

    I'd personally like tentacle swarm toggle.

    some cases its applicable! but Ash? noo

  11. 11 minutes ago, AKKILLA said:

    You  just lost my interest when saying remove Teleport.

    When DE even change an abilities original name I am disappointed and I lose interest in the Frame or ability itself unless it fits and is a complete upgrade to the Frame, like removal of Super Jump for Exalted Blade which Im sure with Your creativity You will lead Ash Fans to Victor

    Yeah right lets be honest here, if You had a great idea you would surely offer it here and im sure You cant come up with something Ash players want anyway

    lol i should prolly just quote myself; 


    23 minutes ago, AKKILLA said:

     Now that we have all abilities done, imagine a game with these revamped ideas. Thank you ! Plus his theme should be smoke! These are just my opinions and suggestions btw!

    See there? My personal suggestions, no need to be negative about it, how would you expect me to understand your suggestions if i had the same attitude? Inspire eachother man..

  12. On 3/6/2016 at 9:37 PM, (PS4)GR13V4NC3 said:

    I think my thread has a good deal of reasoning. It's a lot to read, but it is definitely in there.


    On 3/7/2016 at 5:27 AM, AKKILLA said:

    Heres Reasoning!

    I looked for a New Ninja game to get into and saw a Trailer of Ash


    His trailer is Fantastic,when You actually get Your hands on him You say, hold up! He feels off, and his Bladestorm fools You in the Trailer it looks Fabulous, in game is another thing. I can say I like seeing allies Bladestorm, I love the concept of Bladestorm but DE just slacked off on Ash a bit just a few tweaks along with the Bladestorm Master rework i will post soon. I need Support tho. Its all about the Bladestorm Stance Ultimate because that way it makes players use abilities more like shuriken and smoke screen to mark enemies and teleport in and kill in rapid succession. this will be a Stance like Ultimate because its toggled drain mechanic and will have combos and can utilize abilities like shuriken smoke screen and teleport and channel while in Bladestorm.

    This promotes his whole kit, Bladestorm is just a Super Ninjutsu mode You go into and can use your same kit but stronger because


    You get the picture, vote for Bladestorm stance Ultimate :)

    That trailer is kinda deceiving, lol so with all these common suggestions for his proposed rework, what do we see in ash in the future? more mechanics, more interactivity, more animations...Whatever it could be i just wanted to share my thoughts on what he is now and what he would be.

    However the fact that activating his ultimate to achieve full control over all his abilities is abit unrealistic imo, #press4togetthebestofAsh #nahbruh

    Have him use smokescreen just like them youtube videos, but in the warframe world. Sensible? Just the way Quiver is, using different arrow types for different situations. The go-to ability should be smokescreen, and a bit more of the other abilities, just like the synergy i mentioned above in the opening of this discussion. I support all reasonable reworks, just hoping I'd see more diversity.

    If I were to give opinions on what i would do with his abilities, For passive, i would let Ash have longer wall latches and wall jumping. OR have him gain immunity from procs, as this would go with the thing where ninjas have anti-poison in their arsenal somewhere. As for Shuriken, i noticed it falls off quickly, so increase the number of shurikens fired, and that'll do! An alternative  to replace the ability could be a utility belt but thats too much work. 



    Smokescreen should now be throwable ability,(Much like Vauban's abilities) aim then activate. Have it combine with the shuriken, to make the smokebomb thing i mentioned earlier. When inside smokescreen, firing shurikens inside will let them explode after contact with enemy, if no enemy-after 3 seconds. If outside the smokescreen, firing shurikens to the aimed smokescreen would set them off entirely. Finally let there be smoke that has its size affected by range and obscure enemy vision as well as highlight enemies (optional), i will explain more on this on the ultimate.To remove invisibility from this is crucial (IMo id remove it). However, I'd let the player create limited smokescreens to allow a number of enemies to be trapped, much like Frost's globe, but not for defensive purposes, just distracive. This ability should have a special reticle to it, as below;


    ANPVS4_M72A1_Reticle_01.jpg I hope ya'll can understand this, however the plus symbol is where to fire towards, the the vertical lines running down are coned so as to know the distance it's fired at and all. ( idk how to explain)

     Teleport seems a little useless when you have Bladestorm doing it better. For that reason, it could be swapped out for an alternative to manouvering or a whole new skill. Alternatively It could become smokedash, which is a a toggle ability, making ash faster and temporarily immune to damage or decreases incoming damage. He basically get this smokey like appearance. Although this ability would restrict primary and secondary weapons from use. Just to be fair, weapons cant turn into smoke, melee is somewhat an exception, this where we could make BS a stance. Transferring the use of the hidden blades into this ability. It could blend in well if you want to take this ability from defensive to invulnerable and offensive. (Which just  gives more reason to make the ultimate even more scary). This would make this ability the stance form for the hidden blades, but without the clones.

    Another alternative could be an explosive vertical launch. Lets call it Superjump 2.0. Ash would leap upwards, in an explosive manner and leave a flashbang below. Momentarily after been launched, Ash would be in a space-time manipulation, whereby he slows down for the player to escape or attack (Upto you). 2nd activation after been launched would super-dash Ash to aimed location (Free-aim), yet again leaving a flashbang behind him. We could say that its like Bakougo from Boku no Hero. But imagine it with like a smoke form. This would give Ash the verticality to move around like an actual ninja, propelling himself about the battlefield. Now that Smokescreen can be used in air, this could create somewhat a synergy between the abilities.





    092d377bfd1c5f1be59bf682ac4f0526567a391b(Read from left to right)

    Now onto Bladestorm, the ultimate. The whole clones thing has to stay! As it should be all about the clones. Ash would summon 2 clones (capable of doing full damage as Ash) who would be sent out into a frenzy doing finisher-kills to targets. Now, the smokescreen hightlights the enemy targets for you, you could just straight off activate this skill to kill all enemies inside all smokescreens. Creates synergy between these 2 abilities now. This ability is all about the clones, charging up this ability, would summon the 2 clones beside you deflecting most of incoming damage (defensive capability) and would stay as long as you have energy. activating with one press would summon clones for attack. I'd rename the ability to Shadow Frenzy, but Bladestorm could still work. 


    Tobirama_creating_Shadow_Clones.pngProbable stance Ash would take to summon /troll

     Now that we have all abilities done, imagine a game with these revamped ideas. Thank you ! Plus his theme should be smoke! These are just my opinions and suggestions btw!

  13. I like your idea, not too bad, but osmehow still unbalanced, no downsides?  cmon where's the fun in breaking the rules.

    Although having full control when you activate his ultimate versus actually having thta control implemented to the mechanics behind each ability as its own.

    You wanna feel like that guy in Tekken, Raven or soemthing, well there ya go! As for his ultimate i'd suggest he just turns bijuu mode and tail beast bomb everything, wouldnt make a difference from the current. Ash is a ninja, he should be awesome!

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