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Posts posted by LAWD

  1. Hey there, we all love Equinox, i love her just cause she is complex and rewarding to use. She cmes with the 2 aspects, day and night, and ofcourse day is what i use most. The night however seems not to scale to well onto higher level enemies. What I'm really talking bout is her 3rd ability, pacify, which reduces incoming damage from enemies within the aura. It already scales with damage resistence by DISTANCE, but a Lancer;/Bombard can just knock you right down from the edge of the aura. Well my opinions on what should happen to make that skill more viable. In a roo with eneies over level 35, pacify won't last so long, so i say it should also scale well with enemy level. The 50% may be too little or too much depending on how you mod, but personally it's not enough for me.

    Another thing about her Night aspect is her to be more tanky than the day, so she can atleast match up to the day aspect, i see so many guys hating on the night and comparing it to the Day aspect. It would make sense for her to have abit of armor boost in the night form.

  2. So i dont have any screenshots first off, since i don't think of ever capturing them, but whenever i join Draco, public game, with ASH prime or loki prime so far, i fall out the map and just continue falling into darkness out of the map. I can still use my powers and all but im alwyas falling out of the map so i cant do anything.

  3. Oh boy.


    Must I explain again?

    Exalted Blade style casting as spoken about in Devstream 60 was stated by Geoff and even Rebecca made this comment and it will work for Ash if made to compliment Ashs abilities and Play style, Read My spoiler it will totally relieve any doubts you have.


    Btw Hysteria was always similar to EB except without a Drain and Toggle. In Hysteria you can cast abilities like Ripline Paralysis and War Cry.

    Think of Bladestorm as a Toggle Drain that allows you the Freedom to attack how you want and Cast all your abilities while in Bladestorm and cancel Bladestorm as well.


    I only used what the Devs spoke about in the Stream and adapted it too Ash in the form of what they suggested.


    As Geoff said "If you use your Imagination" I used My imagination and created EXALTED BLADE STORM xD

    They said clearly Hysteria and Peacemaker will get this sort of Casting style as well watch the stream

    i ghink you got it allwrong, they were talking bout slash dash imrpvement wherebyhou cast has somesort of mechnic that allows next cast to be lesser energy costly. not exalted blade or hysteria

  4. Thats not up to Me anymore. I have conveyed My ideas and I can only Hope DE makes the right choice.

    The only ability that really needed a rework Badly is Bladestorm but I doo agree his entire kit could use a QoL.


    Shuriken could scale with melee mods (Bladestorm too)

    Smoke Screen should stay up and choke enemies who enter (Same duration)

    Teleport could have a free-aim short range smoke/dash teleport function

    Bladestorm could synergize all in 1 like Exalted Blade.


    Im sure everyone who has read my thread that knows how Koga feels about Ash knows my ideas by heart now.


    Now we can only pray DE make Ash shine and represent use Real Ash Players

    lol we gotit by nowman, point dragonblack is mqking is that his ogher tewaeks could b amed as well. not all inclusve in BS, hving tgem gt full potential from exalted mode mades is seem like its for unskilled guys. Ninja game is all about utility and hard &#! work...thatz why he doesnt evn poses CC countermeasures....but prolly he willsoon

    exalted blade idea is not original and wont make sense onash

  5. cool idea, but you should consider how many times you actually hack in the void? almost never, barely does anyone hack, only in beginning of survival missions..so unless they do something abou that-increasing gametypes and all, i doubt they can implement this

  6. When you go somewhere else with different seasons, your timeline will reverse and start again from the last opposite season in the new location. Your birthday becomes completely unmemorable and you lose all preconceived notions of meteors and lawnmowers. It's called the "I don't know what the F*** I'm talking about, help what is a lawnmower" effect. It's the only way to explain proceedings in the lives of those who move hemispheres. Good night.

    so basically an endless cycle of tryna stay intact without forgetting where you belong and knowing what special days actually meqn to you. Imagine if we had 2 suns, each shinning on the hemispheres, so itd be day all over the earth, and thus time wouldnt even move anymore, since the day doesnt change...


    where I live it is summer 9.5-10 months a year, it is really cold only for like 1 month or so, 2 at most... and at night only, at noon it is never bearable even, let alone cold....

    weather is not *cool*

    ahahq i get you loud and ear, seems relatable...i cqn guess  where youre coming


    Time is not reliant on weather and seasons.

    Nothing date-wise changes.

    lets throwin factors that would sy otherwise, what if, there were 2 suns and at an appropriate distance from eqchother so that earth wouldnt scorch, one facing the western hemisphere, theone facing the eastern....qnd it was liie that since the genesis of time, considering if it is stisll the genesis since there is no night timewith 2 suns...would that mean that time hasnt movedd? and if so, us humans by now wouldve adqpted to such situations behqviour wise, and would that qlso mean seasons wouldnt exist just cause  of 2 stars? this make you wonder whether that pixar movie was accurate enough....point is, do memories carry the soecial dates as opposed to the actual day? 

  7. heya, did you know that Africa has summer in December? weird right so you may ask yourself what did we just experience. By we i mean Africans. It was winter, weirdly it wasnt cold nor snow, closest thing to that was a hailstorm that took down a few trees.

    So winter is over but does that mean we already celebrated Christmas? if that were the case itd mean that seasons carry their special days with them regardless of the actual month. 

    example, youre  born in January 2nd...thts like autumn (not sure if its that or spring) . Does that mean Autumn/Spring carries your birth and not the month? what makes it more memorable, the weather or the time?

    what happens when i come to Africa where seasons are reversed ,as opposed to USA or UK? will my birthday go from january to september?


  8. thats totally fine, but the problem is that the animation often fucks up as u can see here: http://s827.photobuc...ibmine.jpg.html

    (that pics are a comparison, sometimes it looks great, sometimes not) Also with the changes to finisher-speed BS have become pretty fast which also totally fucks up the cinematic effect.

    fixing this animations would be great, but it wouldnt fix ashs other problems, btw the drain is only a suggestion, if u have a look on my thread u have a similiar duration based alternative to my buddys suggestion: https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/525900-the-aspect-of-smoke-full-ash-rework-suggestion/#entry5890696

    totally agree, and the other thing about Bladestorm is that you cant tell whether you activated it right at first. This happened to me first time i ayed Ash, i had no idea how to activate and when i did, hthe camera just pans all over so suddenly, after few more instances thats when i notice clones. There should be so.esort of initiql animation to know wht youre about to do, this is most appropriate fof new players.

  9. I feel like im the ONLY Ash player that actually likes the cutscene cinematic nature of Bladestorm.

    IMO its unlike other abilities and it looks awesome. Its a sniper nuke. I don't get why people want to turn him into another Excal/Valpeople just taking words right outta DE, since warframe should have "similarities" they thought that exalted blade should be everywhere. i personally love bladestorm as it it, just needs some interaction, animation reworks...camera angles and yeah

  10. So here's my repost, since i did 11 panels before, i merged them all and redid my strip, thanks to the fellow tenno for pointing this out and advising me;




    Once again, throwback to when Darvo did the Stalker wrong, and we had to help him. Goodluck to all in the contest!

  11. Yeah, feel free to do so, but remember that if you can add several actions in a single panel & avoid unnecessary views, it's the best way to go!


    Example : instead of 1) a guy walks on the sidewalk 2) someone opens a window & has a bucket in his/her hands 3) the guy with the bucket throws water

     you do 1) then immediately do the second one with someone opening a window throwing water. :) (and the third one is the scene where the bystander is wet & grumpy)

    i got it, lemme revisit the sketches and do some work quick..dont have much time left

  12. You can already combine panel 1 & 2, 3 & 4. Also the first & second one of your first page. :)

    i could...but i still feel as though theyll surpass 5 panel... i could improvise and combine several panelsand omit a few

    or just use my other idea....alhough i feel this is superior to that

  13. I aint too late so here my 2 panel comic;


    PAGE 1


    PAGE 2


    This a little throwback to that time Darvo sold stalker items, and he needed out help. Goodluck to everyone else.


    Edit: Reposted, this old post idunno how to delete

  14. Considering Saryn, Ember and Banshee exists, it is not gonna be a big deal if the death effects were a lil bit more gorey anyway. I mean Saryn rots the skin off people, Ember barbacues and napalms, and Banshee is pressurising people with sound. 

    well im just talking bout how ragoll can be alternated witth other animations, those 3 dont have any problems, they arelovelyy

  15. yes, but I like gore to a limit, what u suggest will force me to turn it off in order not to throw up everytime I get a kill...

    Viral can be something like the enemy throwing up and decomposing (if u want a reference, check a movie called "Doomsday")

    Blast should scatter their body tbh, not cause them to disintegrate like it does now, i mean, if someone IRL got a blast at him (grenade or anything), u see hands and legs flying all over the place, not what we see in WF.....

    hmm shotguns also do gore according to their base, Sobek is impact based, so it just pushes back, Hek is puncture, it makes holes (which look awkward btw) and Tigris, Kohm, Drakgoon and a lot others, are slash based, so they tear targets apart (which feels damn good)

    lol i suppose you aint a big fan aint a big fan of gore, is tgatvmovie from 90s?

    basically alot needs revision, the disintegration could go hqnd in hqnd with lasers. Blast qt times just tosses them away. an outlook like that is greqt

  16. I actually made this part of Bladestorm guys.


    My original ideas was to make Bladestorm Interactive for the Player i just didnt mention here since one person said it will be too much like Exalted Blade but DE did say that most frames will share similar concepts Retroactively soo why not Bladestorm/Hysteria/Exalted Blade all be Drain abilities?


    Heres the idea I have.


    Casting Bladestorm Ash has a set of combos and abilities similar to Excal but in his own skill set complimenting his kit.


    Ash goes invisibile while in Bladestorm while not attacking. While Ash attacks his Clones appear and He reappears, every attack Ash becomes Invincible each strike being Finisher/Slash as before and every attack Ash disperses smoke clouds to enemies in a cone radius to enemies near the ones you attacked. This cloud will stun them and leave them open to Ash for the next set of strikes for Bladestorm making Bladestorm full up to Ash players to decide your next move.


    Ash has several innate abilities in Bladestorm mode like Shuriken Ash/Clones throw 2 shurikens each making this 6 shurikens total, the clones shurikens may stun enemies for finishers and kill weaker enemies like Ospreys/Drones/rollers etc.


    Teleport is free casted and Free aim as sugguested by DragonBlack/(PS4)GR13V4NC3 (SmokeDash/TeleportDash) basically a Free-aimed short ranged Teleport that drops a small cloud where Ash lands. This will contribute to the loss of Bladestorms insane teleport mobility to give Ash a chance to lock in on enemies I also consider shurikens that hit enemies can be free-casted teleport to and Ash will appear at that nearest or random enemy allowing more Strikes. Each strike will be press (E) like Hysteria and Exalted Blade but Ash/Clones will have a different simpler animation like Zeds Ulti from League with its own twist.

    (Yes like a Slash Dash 1.0 make the animation like a spin attack instead?)


    Note: These enemies Marked by the clouds are open to Allies allowing them to Share the Bladestorm benefits (I mean why not?)

    Casting smoke screen in Bladestorm only becomes a tool to choke enemies for finishers instead of becoming invisibility it is a tool to open the next set of strikes.


    Like Hysteria and Exalted Blade this Bladestorm mode only allows Ash to use his Hidden Blades.


    This should give ash more options and the same synergy i offered in the OP, free teleports for mobility shuriken for distant enemies and to open and close the gaps smoke screens to mark more enemies etc.

    Since this idea changes ashs mechanic for Bladestorm Ash will no longer klll only 18 enemies he will have a chance to kill more enemies and Bosses and enemies like Manics caan be attacked by Bladestorm and struck more then once as long as you have enough energy.


    Tell me what you guys think of this?

    Sorry i improvised this all at the moment and didnt take any notes just creatively mad all this up and used alot of other peoples concepts and fused it all in one. I have to thank all of you for the support and good ideas and motivation if it wasnt fo you my ideas wouldnt exist.


    Your ideas are all well appreciated lets wrap this up and make a Great Bladestorm and move on to the next warframes that really need reworks/QoLs aswell.



    tbh its not a bad idea but it wouldnt even feel likevash anymore, just a better melee frame than excalibur and valkyr combined. i like how you suggested it in this post, hqving him go into some mode like excal, just to use the hidden blades will be too much for him. Hidden blades are used for stealth and finishers, an unexpected killing, if he shows them to evryone in that mod, they wouldnt even be hidden anymore. 

    i is a good idea, but not for Ash.


    Not at all there shouldnt be any arguement about this.


    Geoff clearly stated that he will implement these similar concepts to older Frames retroactively.

    Slash Dash is uniquely Excals and Atas has it, as wellas Stone Gaze/breath is Chromas spectral scream soo if Warframes share similar ideas it would be bad seeing Loki has a Clone and Saryn has a Clone aswell that she sheds. Atlas has 2 clone Golems he summons soo will this New Bladestorm destroy Ash/Atlas?


    If each warframe shares similarities its not bad aslong as they have a difference in its mechanic and functionality making it unique.

    At the end of the day DE will stil implement and make ideas this is there game lets embrace these ideas positively and suggest concepts to make it slightly unique.


    Wukongs Flying Nimbus is a slow invisibility movement mechanic.

    Smoke Dash is just a Blink teleport with a smoke effect which is Faster and shorter range.

    Dragons idea is great but if he changes it slightly to being a faster Dash and not a smoke mobility this will make it different from Wukongs.

    in retrospect the Smoke Dashs point where Ash lands creates a smoke cloud burst around ash that has a small AoE stunning whoever opening them to Ash for Finisher kills.



    My concept is to make Ash a Finisher/Slash/Stealth Frame and maybe changing smoke screen to a duration based ability would work better as "Crackbeard" said.

    Casting Smoke screen turns Ash invisibile, Ash attacks and he becomes visible and disperses these clouds opening more finishers this will synergize and open more posibilities to trickery and seperate him totally from Loki.


    I hope you guys can picture and understand since im not the greatest grammatically xD


    Any ideas are welcome Thank You

    im thinking of it too much like wukong's, but as long as he has his own mechnics then it can work, just as you said.

    i think i got it, just as invisibility wears off, he disperses smoke?

  17. push back =/= pin to the wall, u have that confused, by push back I meant [ur;=http://imgur.com/LX65mtG] this

    Puncture doesn`t do pushbacks, it causes holes on enemies, u can test with boltace or fang (prime)

    Boltor and Cernos share something that causes the pinning effect, non-hitscan projectiles, even Twin Gremlins, which fire bullets and aren`t biased to any element, have that effect on them because their bullets take time to reach target (have projectile speed)

    I think the element should determine the gore type, I don`t see a kittag or any hammer tearing mobs in half, and i don`t see a piercing weapon (puncture) tearing mobs in half

    also, u need to consider FPS issues when designing such things, the gore u suggested would be awesome, but people who have trash PCs (me included) will suffer from that, I like the current gore levels, it just needs to be on all weapons that are biased to an element, and have the respective gore to that element, weapons that are not biased (sybaris, Gremlins, seer, etc) should not have anything special on kill, unless modded to a physical damage type, then have its gore applied..



    The last bit makes me wanna throw up, you seriously need to chill out xD

    oh damn, oky confused that part majorly, and you're probably right but there is  a gore setting in game(or should be) that can let you turn it off or down. Maybe...maybe they could invest on it to what degree of gore you want, but thats  tedious work loads. maybe have some elementl types have different effects, thus adding variety. ice freezes just as it does, but viral...i have nothing for that but you get my picture by now.

    just as they did the shotgun buff, with the enemies dismembering, they could add to that bht for different weapons.


    They recently fixed the effect where Slash caused multiple arms and legs to fall out of the body :C


    Made me so Q.Q


    I hope we get this puncture effect and MOAR GORE 

    haha they did? would have to check hotfix lists, MOAR GORE


  18. DE should hire the guys from Killing floor and use Nvidia flex, because dat gore though. owo 

    not familiar with the game but looks horrific, and hell yeah those guys know a thing about gore

    nvidia flex, well theres rumours they doing something with nvidia,eversince nvidia physx dissapeared :(


    Gore yes.

    Vore, dear god no.

    Certain weapons can occasionally take chunks out of people when it kills them leaving holes, I really want weapons that always do this though, rather than occasionally.


    it woul be relly entertaining seeing an enemy take the damgge like tony montna then they just fall aftrr been pounded by bullets. same instnce for melee weapons prbably, doing the chennel thing will make them evaporate into energy or something, that could be worked onto these primaries and have that sort of effect only in a smaller area. Placeholder probably

  19. First of all, i came up with this idea before wukong was teased, and second: invisibilty gone? i dunno what ure talking about, i still suggested a invisbility mechanic, but gave it another look ("smoke camouflage")


    And dont get me wrong, but ur idea let me imagine that ash runs stealthed around an farting smoke clouds.....sorry ^^ im sick

    lol i know you ar the one who came up with it, but seeing how fhey put it on wukong first just makes it feel like it hould be unique to him. i think ibmistook on second part, sorry bout that :p

    hahah basically thats what i mean, thats explains it much better than i. Although, i doubt it would work well, looks good on paper but qctual context is meh...

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