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Posts posted by LAWD

  1. 1 hour ago, AKKILLA said:

    Got inspired huh?

    I do agree with most of Your key points.

    SHURIKEN could scale off of Melee, wouldnt make sense to scale it off of secondary. His shurikens arent secondary anyway plus Ash is a melee frame. Lets pretend shuriken was an energy glaive so scaling off of melee makes sense and scales off Bladestorm as well. Simple slight QoL nothing Major.

    SMOKE SCREEN we all agree here, Smoke Cloud AoE for CC, keep the same duration and mechanics just add the cloud and CC for Finishers. The shuriken synergy you mentioned isnt a bad idea. just a bit weird. Not bad tho.

    Haha i do love how you put it down, sometimes visuals really dont mean much. Lets pretend its all WIP.

    And thank you, weird ones always stand out, this would make the ninja get more talks and all and be soon the poser boy, lol Lets say he's aiming for a promotion. An dthis is all just the first chapter The first impression

    We gotta bring back fun times, and by that i mean simple, useful, retro-active, ideas.


  2. So the actual ninja of space! Has nice utility, simple to use and one of the deadliest ultimates in game. Well that was back in U7. 12.5 major updates later...U18.5 and the same cannot be said. With so much development, he is left out and is just that ninja wannabe. I mean why not make him abilities smoked themed, would be much edgier and defined than the ninja of the game. Ash is too basic.

    Much like...........Saitama, one punch = press4towin. He is too strong. So much relations ey, but anyway.

    My opinions on his skills is that there isn't much synchronization among the skills, to perform successful combos as a ninja does, he doesn't feel so ninja. Shuriken is simple but doesn't scale well. Recently, 1st skills have become quite good with that slide punch, and its combo-multiplier, it would blend in so well to the Shuriken casting. Smokescreen is terrible. Only good for invisibility, i actually thought adding range to it would blind a whole room of grineer soldiers.I imagine it to be the best utility Ash should have, for CC play and stealth play. However, this may make it difficult to come up with a modification to this ability, with the people going on like "Ash is not a camper" So quick for CC and stealth. The escape/panic button, i get it! A cloud of smoke would be neat! And probably accompanied by a second activation with the Shuriken skill. Remember what i said about much synchronization among the skills. Well this would go against that, Lets say you aim at the smoke areas you covered with smoke, firing your shurikens with actually set them off to blow briefly after contact with the smoke and shuriken. Id call the combo Smokebombs. Teleport, looking at this skill, its quite fun to use to go to you allies and the giant ol' bombers. I like it, but the finisher seems pointless when you have Bladestorm, the one which needs dedication and thinking! Teleport finishers are just bladestorm x10. like a direct upgrade, dunno if it was intentional though. Bladestorm makes me feel weird, it like not been in control anymore, and suddenly everyone dies. Between that is a short cutscene of glitchy, camera shaking violence.  I do hope that they've come close to finalizing this skill rework, im really looking forward to it. However i also hope they rework his entire kit, from passives to actives.  Let the ninja kill!

  3. So Inaros ultimate kinda reminds me of something Steve said in a certain devstream, just before Wukong was released. (was actually the PAX 2016 show).

    Ash would have his new ultimate with ash in some state and launching out shadow copies, to said targets.

    So i came to a conclusion that Dessefication, which charges up, then releases scarabs to its targets, may the that concept Steve mentioned. Therefore, i concluded that Ash will prolly get same treatment with a different mechanic to it. Well whatever to keep it just as visually active.

    And you know, Nezha's firewalker, is Zolt + Augement.

  4. ...on a more interesting note, I'm kind of envisioning a "heavy whip," which could be interesting... I like the whip move set, with its wide arcs and multi-hits making it low-effort for ease of use - a slower, harder-hitting whip could be interesting.

    Finally we on to what I wanted discuss, and the other thing of it been usable intense 2 different modes would make it q new viable experience. This could be the slow-ranged hard hitting weapon. The stances, probably 2, one for the slow hard hitters and the othery for the quick, spin and agile. But I'd rather stick it in between, let people decide what stance suits them.

    Although with charge attacks back, idk how the activation of the whip would be now. Maybe they could figure something out with the trigger buttons and all.

  5. Whip swords? Yes.

    Zabimaru in Warframe? Nah G... they ain't ready for it.

    We in the future though lol

    But all copyright issues aside, I wanted this weapon to look Tenno design, you know. So traditional was the best way to it as it also serves lore to warframe, just like the nikana and dragon nikana. They are basically katana weapons

  6. Hold up a mix of EB and peacemaker? that makes me curious af

    damn, so is it only berserker removed from BS, would it still work with Fury? i mean having that slow animation is really really annoying.

    What of his other abilities, will they too get something done to them? Smokescreen is a lesser version of invisibility, and no smoke

  7. Hey so ive finally returned, took the longest break ever, and seen some of the most spectacular frames from ivara to nezha.

    But my question is, did Ash get that rework? or pbr'ed (he sorta looks better now)

    Well from what Steve said a long time ago, he was gonna receive some changes, and i just looked up the wiki, that Berserker affects BS, which is crazy! so what's next for him?

  8. All of our whips are practically whip swords anyway, they retract into one solid unit. They only extend when you swing them, so the only difference would be that a proper whip sword would need non-extended strikes in the combos

    Actually true, i never did realise that but nobody uses whips much in games, im guilty as charged.


    Oh my god, did anyone realise that Warframe has guns? America better sue Warframe, because guns belong to America!

    There are thousands of ways you can make and style a whip sword for Warframe, which have THOUSANDS of precedent examples in media. You have to be pretty damn specific to actually  be at risk of being sued. Using very basic concepts which were inspired by other sources are practically impossible to sue for (unless you are Apple)

    Well......idk what to say, i tried making it look different, by adding a sharp hook at the edge and making it seem like a scythe-blade as well

  9. There are plenty examples of whip-swords, but you outright copy possibly the most well known example...


    That one in your picture, no, that will never happen. Other styles, maybe.

    hahaha i fell too much into the design and felt as though it looked right. But we shouldn't only be basing this on the design but the mechanics

  10. Hey ever wondered what you could get when you mix a whip and a blade together? Well here ya go!





    Welcome puns! (Red Pineapple Head)

    So we've had these sevral ideas of traditional Japanese swords, in the form in the Nikana series, to some degree the Skana, Orthos blades, Ninkondi and even the Paris bow. They have this traditional look to them. So i thought back of an old anime, now cancelled just cause it failed in character development, and saw this famous blade and even researched it online. It's an actual thing so no copyright issues whatsoever. I could say the blade is actually a heavy blade much like the Galatine or Gram, but much more flexible and faster.





    The Blade will deal mainly Puncture damage and a bit of slash and impact.


    The Hilts on the right side are either customization or just the one DE would seem most comfortable with for a space-ninja game.


    The Mechanics behind this blade could be that holding B would unleash it to it's whip form and thus attack the enemy. But that would prove difficult and very limited when you try reach an enemy from afar. So having these combinations of short and longe range attacks in a new Stance would be really cool to utilise the stretching power as opposed to it using just it's regular form with lets say "Tempo Royale". It would function much like the Galatine with that stance, and only getting to use the stretch power when pressing down B to attack an enemy from far. The status chance of the blade is pretty high as the segments each have blades protruding that cause the puncture proc.


    The Stance name is still ponderous but how about Howling Snake/Baboon King (No puns intended). It would have new game-play style to it such that it would make one focus on using it at long range as opposed to coming up close. I don't have combo names or certain steps it would take for it to do certain skills, but here's what i got:

    Using the blade from lets say 5m (modded with range (yes for once that mod will be used)) and attack the enemy and possibly bring the enemy to you just like Ripline, staggered ofcourse, the hook at the end of the blade acts like a scythe to some degree. Aiming at a wall or terrain, and unleashing the blade forward with the stretch will cause it to ricochet off the surface and on the other terrains much like the Glaive bouncing off surfaces. The Segments will deal damage over time to enemies caught up in its path and proc puncture damage.

    Using the blade in a slide attack will cause it to release and stretch all around you as if you are unwinding it. It will move in circular motion with you.


    I could have more to say to the stance and combos but that'll be upto DE. The name of the blade could be debated, but im going for BaboonKing's blade. (not lorey enough)

    Hope ya'll love the design and support the idea. Enjoy!










  11. seems dope, it be cool if you teleport around in bladestorm, enemies get confused and try firing at you as you dissapear all over. As they shoot, they enable friendly-fire and thus take down their own allies. NOw those pesky bombards can be finished off by their own troops.

    But the friendly fire is only during that time you a finishing an enemy. The y get so confused as to who is the real Ash?

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