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  1. Ce n'est pas bien compliqué de mourir avec Inaros, qui se fait proprement one shot passé un certain niveau d'ennemis, même en cumulant une santé (10k+) et armure (3k+) très élevée 🤷‍♂️. Sans une mécanique de " damage gating " ( shield, garde ), il ne sera destiné qu'au menu fretin hélas :(
  2. True, but shields = energy too, when you are swarmed by 40+ ennemies and Haven link them, it's almost 2k shield/s drained (with my stats). Everyone got new nice shields with 50% raw resistance to all damages, and a very close amount before the update ... And nerf elemental ward for .... nothing ? It was ok to reduce the amount and not keep the +100% shield, (testing after update, i reach 13.5K shields) but why 30%?? 50% seem logical to keep the same final value before update ...
  3. Congratulation, it's worse than before the 18th. Thanks to nerf my Hildryn, really. 30% on elec. elemental ward is too weak, and i have around ~380/420 STR
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