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Posts posted by (PSN)shadowraith_666

  1. 9 hours ago, Xylia said:

    I don't have any junk mail or anything set up. I'm using Thunderbird and I always manually sorted through mail and I've been checking every 30 seconds ever since, and nothing.


    Fact is, I don't even HAVE a junk mail folder or anything like that.

    thunderbird by default does not show the junk/spam folders, try going direct to your mail providers web page.

  2. how about a system where if you bought an item from the market you can reclaim it at anytime, if you decide to delete it from the inventory as you can in neverwinter and startrek online, however a caveat would be to remove the sell value so that the system does not get abused for credits.


    in addition to above add a protection mechanic that prevents accidental deletion of items.

  3. honestly the current child-parent room system is a mess, there is no way to preview the layout (in-game) of a dojo before construction.


    perhaps a design mode could be implemented using the same cephelographic system as used on the relays, this way we could add, adjust and decorate the dojo without changing the real one and the total costs shown on the side of the screen, once your happy with the desired layout it could be saved as a 2d template image so that you can refer to it later during the building/adjusting of the real dojo.


    or even just a design table in the dojo that uses a system similar to this, only it would be in-game.


  4. 25 minutes ago, Sean said:

    What about just swapping out the pigment system and letting people use their color packs? (same goes for pets)

    That'd be nice to have.

    i'd go with that, even if it's just the default (the full one, not the free version) colour pack which has way more colours than the tiny selection we currently have for the dojo.

  5. 13 hours ago, (PS4)H3art_Th13f said:

    why does that matter, I used that as an analogy for how it'd fire since like a railgun it's projectile needs to be "primed" and similarly I figured that was what the members of the dera were for which was to make it powerful.

    A railgun is a device that uses electromagnetic force to launch high velocity projectiles, The Dera is a repeater that fires super-heated plasma


    the Dera is not a railgun.

  6. i'd like to see current tilesets updated, there are currently quite a number of doors in various levels on both grineer and corpus tilesets that have never been used, also an added mechanic to the tile-gen that unlocks or removes doors that blocks entry to adjoining areas or perhaps allow us to have a console to unlock it.

  7. a market system similar to star trek online would be better, it very simple to use, no need to interact with other players and you don't need to use an external website to use it, just put your item up along with your price and wait and see if it sells, simple and effective.

    warframe's trade chat system is an archaic mess and no none should have to use and external website as an alternative.

  8. 18 hours ago, Ethorin said:

    Finally, I really REALLY don't know how you are going to get more than two frames in your first WEEK. your second frame will probably be Rhino from Venus, but after that is Mercury and you can't get a frame there, you can't get another frame until Mars. And Lecht Kril had damn well better force you into the forums/chat/community/wiki if Jackal didn't.

    your forgetting an important point, even though you can get rhino at mars you cannot build it until you gain access to the void and saturn because of control modules and plastids,  some of the other early frames such as oberon require cells

    a new player can also cannot build reactors, catalysts,forma due to cells (saturn) or control module requirements (void) also any weapon or equipment that requires plastids or nano spores.


    jupiter (neural sensors), saturn (plastids, nano spores and orokin cells),void (control modules) and derelict (you can get neurodes in earth but they drop better in derelict) are the biggest resource gates for most of the games equipment.

  9. yes it does need to go, along with the chain teleporting (yes you can have multiple commanders in a single map area), perhaps DE should take a note from ESO where if you are knocked down you gain a 10sec immunity from further knockdowns, DE could implement a similar mechanic with grineer commander teleports, if nothing else just get rid of the stun mechanic.


    Also now that PoE assassination targets have it as well being able to spot a commander is more difficult since they tend to either stay well behind the rest of the squad in a similar fashion to Drakh masters, spawn in areas that you could easily run past and not even notice or from fissures, or in the case of PoE not even use the commander's appearance.

  10. 47 minutes ago, Ahcruna said:

    Pre- the release of the orbiter there used to be a weapons display behind the arsenal section.
    it's obvious why this was omitted but darn it would look nice if they ever brought that idea back
    especially with all the tweakes they have done to the game engine since then.

    can't remember which devstream it was shown in.

    There was a hole here, now it's gone. I guess...  (╯°Д°)︵ ┻━┻

    you mean this one?



  11. 10 hours ago, ACULonSeer said:

    Level 40-50. Hydron Sedna is where I did the majority of testing. Sedna is at the very end of the star chart, I am only at Uranus currently, and yet I was wrecking everything. I find this argument invalid unless we're discussing sorties

    you do realise that Saryn (unless you buy her from the market) is obtained from Sedna?, specifically Kela De Thaym.  Why should those who earn the parts be slapped in the face with a nerf just because it spoils your "challenge"?

  12. they are even worse when there are multiple commanders, chain teleporting is.not.fun, especially when it's followed up with harpoons from multiple directions... oh there is even tusk commanders in the form of assassination targets that look nothing like the regular ones, my last assassination target in PoE was a heavy gunner that had the commander's teleport ability

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