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Posts posted by (PSN)shadowraith_666

  1. have you done all the research, obtained every syndicate/prisma/vandal/mara/wraith and zaw weapons, obtained all assassin weapons detron/brak/dread/disapair/hate, obtained every mod including prime, dual stat, conclave and corrupted mods, completed all MR tests?

    plus there is always more content getting added to the game every 2-3 months including the next prime

  2. so you want DE to give players the AT ogris (used by bombards) and the Pyrotechnic ogris? (used by naplms), these are not mods they are different versions of the ogris weapon.


    i don't think DE has ever done mods that completely change a weapons functionality, that's where the different weapon versions comes into play.

  3. On 18/11/2017 at 1:58 PM, LuinCeltchar said:

    Except they're nothing like a Bombard. They spray Napalm that sits on the ground for too long and if you touch it you get a heat proc with way too high DoT and you will die if you didn't play a frame with invincibility. Do consoles even have Tusk Napalms yet? I don't recall seeing them before Plague Star, and it sounds like you just read the wiki on them and haven't actually encountered them.

    we got them with the PoE update before the plague star event

  4. 8 hours ago, (PS4)Karasamune said:

    Can you at least make it so we can play with PC and PS4? Also, it would be nice if I didn' have to earn everything again when switching consoles/PC. Our account earnings should be joined between platforms

    Sony will not allow pc/steam traffic through psn, also pc and ps4/Xbox One have different game versions.

  5. First off, don't bother with razorback it's meant for more advanced players, that event is always repeated throughout the year, instead you should focus on the following

    1. open up the starchart and do the junction objectives
    2. level up weapons to get your MR up, once you unlock jupiter and saturn you can start building new warframes (unless you want to buy them instead from the market with plat)
    3. do the mastery tests to increase MR rank (when the level bar is flashing)
    4. work your way through the codex quests (some are unlocked via junctions)
    5. farm low level planets (earth, mercury, mars, venus) for resources, mods and credits


    secondly, to unlock the archwing quest you need to unlock the mars junction (earth side)

  6. On 19/11/2017 at 3:02 AM, (Xbox One)Overwatch2221 said:

    About half-ish of the weapons in warframe require dojo research but if you're a solo player because you don't have xbox live or some other reason, you've got half of all weapons and a few warframes locked. I really want a solo mode so that i actually got a use for my resources. I'm also thinking that if this does become a feature, also allow contributions to research and rooms.

    you can do all the research completely solo in a ghost clan, of the times when i didn't have ps plus i was still able to fully access the dojo and do research.  might be a different system for XBL though since f2p games on psn don't have a playstation plus requirement to play solo except for multiplayer portions (group PvE/PvP).

  7. +1 for this, the constant interruptions in fishing, mining or creature farming due to infested attacks is annoying beyond belief i've seen them emerge from the pods running towards my position from miles away even if i'm on the other side of a river, it's as if the pod itself is telling them where i am without any LoS, infested also alert nearby grineer especially the mortar turrets.


    unlike the pods that can be destroyed there are areas where the infested spawn in areas that cannot be shutdown, plus the pods just seem to drop from nowhere

  8. DE has spent a lot of time putting in the foundation features of PoE, I'm pretty certain they will expand on it once the bugs have been ironed out and add more equipment, boosters and shines to buy with standing maybe with the addition of other open areas (corpus, infested, sentient or even syndicate controlled) on other planets.

    The new zaw melee weapons will come in handy when the MR cap is raised again, plus it gives more customization to your playstyles and as mentioned they are currently the strongest melee type weapons in the game, DE may take the opportunity to add zaw primary and secondary weapons but only time will tell.

    farming the standing now will make it easier to get newer stuff as they are added in the future.

  9. 2 hours ago, Xzorn said:


    Oh man. Don't even get me started on how bad the gameplay of Fissures is.

    Nullifiers dropping on your head and lvl 300 enemies going immune then fully healing. Enemies breaking CC when they're Corrupted or completely ignoring an execute attack cuz they go immune to damage. Just a cluster of bad game play that was supposed to replace the Void. Ugh...  I won't even do a Corpus endless Fissure.

    It's funny how much they've screwed up Corpus Defense with both Fissure adds, Ambulas and Bursa showing up every other wave. It's ridiculous and makes the missions take x4 longer than other Defense missions. Of course that's only if you brought a way to deal with Armor scaling cuz yea, Corpus do armor now I guess.

    i'd take void endless over fissure endless if it still had the key mechanic, at least void enemies don't suddenly change right in front of you, whereas in fissures its a sudden faction shift with an added instant heal and a 3sec immunity phase for good measures that includes bursas

  10. 2 hours ago, Nitro747 said:



    These points are something that I wanted people to notice with this thread as well. That's why I said in the title that Corpus needs more love from the devs. You see a variety in Grineer tactics as the game escalates, you see how diverse their ranks are, even the infested as well. That doesn't happen with Corpus. What we get instead is being thrown a swarm of tiny, hard to hit annoying robots coupled with giant bubbles that makes your survivability near zero. As a Technological themed faction with loads of money you wouldnt be expecting such cheap tactics. Why not big awesome robots instead of chicken robots (moas) and little toy helicopters that throw an annoying ball that deals insane DOT? When I get killed by a heavy gunner I just think its fair enough because it was a giant woman with cybernetic augments who just shot me in the face with a load of bullets. I hear the gunshots, I hear them bouncing off my shields. Meanwhile on Corpus I'm just running arround and then I die. Turned out I touched a glowing orb that was on the floor of another room and it clipped through it. It's cheesy, boring gameplay. Some clan mates just told me to "hide in a corner and shoot them". Like if warframe wasn't a game based on mobility.

    It also happened yesterday, I was using Iron Skin Rhino, a bunch of nulifiers appeared on the floor above me and their bubble simply clipped through the ceiling and made me instantly lose all my buffs. Also, its horrible for melee based frames to deal with them since their bubbles are intangible and you'll always accidently touch it while trying to pop it with melee. Why not make the bubble tangible at least?

    It almost kills the fun when I consider using a frame that will basically only work against the Grineer and Infested, but not against Corpus and not so much against the Corrupted. Valkyr is one of them. What's the point of using a frame that simply can't be equally good against all factions? It just feels broken and unfinished. Yes, I know and understand that there is a frame that deals better with different factions and missions, but if you think about it, what happens in reality is that most of the frames are perfectly viable until you put Corpus in equation. Only a handful of frames deal against Corpus properly. God forbid you using Saryn, Octavia, Valkyr, Nyx etc. against them, for instance. Even when you are doing good, 5 nulifiers will appear clipping through everything removing all of your powers and making you resort to a very dumb and boring tactics of "shoot the shielded guy". Also, lets remember the fact that warframe is a horde game. After 10 minutes into any endless mission, there will be just so many enemies coming from ALL SIDES that you can't simply draw a frontline and determine where enemies will come from. There will always be that sneaky nulifier coming from behind and touching your pinky toe to instantly make you lose all your powers. It doesn't feel challenging at all. It just feels cheesy, uninspired.

    The simple fact that roughly 1/3 of the game is based on a poorly done and ballanced faction with only one tactic, limited map creativity and even more limited unit roster is really such a let down. I avoid a lot any Corpus mission and checking the database numbers a huge chunk of the playerbase do the same, including the ones who were here saying that Corpus is an easy faction, that we are crying for no reason.

    I'll finish this Quoting Xzorn: "A proper enemy unit is developed to fill out the role of a faction. Not directly counter player tactics. Nullifiers are the most meta unit I've ever seen."



    you forgot eximus nullifiers as well especially shock and arctic.

    Corrupted nullifiers can be problematic since they often spawn with bombards and ancients, often directly on top of you in fissure missions.

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