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Posts posted by Bloop

  1. 2 minutes ago, 844448 said:

    Well, how many "veterans" that ask for endgame? Because we got terra corpus nerfed from people crying and you know? They're high MR or "veterans"  so KIREEK is kinda right here, since I see no problem with terra corpus before the nerf

    I didn't see it either, but it was certainly not just newbies with high mastery ranks, also low MR ones. I could also go on and on and point out the constant nightwave challenge nerfs (no, 1 hour wasn't a hard challenge, it was just time consuming).

    They nerfed the terra corpus, as well as many other things, to make them newbie friendly, to give them a soft bed they can lay on, instead of incentivize them to get even better.

    • Like 1
  2. 2 minutes ago, Xepthrichros said:

    DE: oh got it. we will be sure to nerf things before even releasing them. and create expiry dates so you have to farm it repeatedly

    At that point, they might as well not release anything.

  3. 23 minutes ago, KIREEK said:

    MR16, you can kinda see where my time is used.

    Your time is used not progressing, basically. But I don't see why this part of your point is remotely relevant, you do you with your time.

    You're also talking of supposed "veterans", who are actually just people that powerleveled the entire game in the span of three to four months, when that's just a newbie with a big number.

    25 minutes ago, KIREEK said:

    how many times have i seen veterans asking for builds or questioning if a riven mod is good or bad

    And you're confirming it here.

    25 minutes ago, KIREEK said:

    Endgame?, some of you are completely crazy. Captain vor assassination would be more suitable for some of you.

    What's wrong with wanting some content that actually incentivizes you to keep going? Not everyone is a kuva (or rather, gambling) addict to create content out of nowhere, like some players manage to do so they can burn their free time. Anything wrong with wanting raids, dungeon-like content, scaling rewards so endurance runners are pleased in the meantime? Better rewards? Something that says "hey, here you have, you spent time playing this mode and we're giving you this special item".

    Echoes of the umbra was mentioned yesterday, kinda as a way to push this idea, but the fact is: It's going to fail. I appreciate their attempt, but a 24 hour mechanic that works off a flawed AI and needs to be farmed and crafted? People will get tired of it very soon.

    In either case, your whole post didn't really say anything valuable, it was just bashing supposed "veterans", which in reality you've just labelled people that rushed content and didn't learn how to actually play, I teach mechanics, I know lots of those.

    You want to stay in your mastery rank 16? Go ahead, don't progress, don't try all the weapons, that's on you, but certainly don't come here saying "hurr durr high MR are veterans and they are bad", for (even if hypocrite of me for saying this) I could say you're just like them as you have less than 20 tridolons done, which is fine, you see no incentive in doing them (and that's exactly the problem).

    • Like 4
  4. 1 minute ago, AkyFenrir said:

    The idea of this system is to provide a reward to get you back in missions. Right now you get everything and you don't get back there.
    It's a try for infinite rewards. Making it permanent would negate their intention here.

    If the only "worthwhile" reward that mission may have is Umbra AI (or flawed AI,  as I like to call it), I'll definitely pick using Celestial Twin and keep going.

    A lot of players do not even need this umbra effect, it's just a mechanic done for funsies, but there will be no incentive to it after using it several times. It's like farming argon, except in this case you farm the echoes to enjoy them for a couple of times, then you stop doing this. Argon at least has a purpose.

    • Like 1
  5. 2 minutes ago, (PS4)GEN-Son_17 said:

    To you, it's "been there done that". To new player's, it's exactly what you felt when you fell in love with the game. That's what OP is simply saying. Nothing wrong with that.

    Then it turns out OP isn't saying anything relevant.

    When you need to resort to telling your veterans to "stop playing the game", you're just avoiding the problem, not trying to actively fix it. unknown.png

    A game is not just about getting new players in, it's about bringing them, and keeping your current. At the end of the day, new players may get tired after a week, cause not everyone enjoys looters, but your veterans would stay, unless you give them nothing relevant to do.

    As posts above have mentioned, there are ways to keep both sides of the playerbase engaged, but nothing seems to be done about it.


    And proved what? That I can bring a new friend into the game and teach them how to play and farm efficiently so they don't waste their time? Is that what I proved?

    • Like 12
  6. I want to see their drop rates to begin with. I can't find a reason to have it be time limited, especially when you need to farm its materials as if it was argon.

    Also, Roar wouldn't really do much for you as operator, as only a handful of abilities affect operator damage, and they do it passively.

    I'm all up for the second option, have it be a limited amount, but permanent. Time limited umbra ai would only lead to one thing: People will eventually get tired of it and see no point, when they could either bring Umbra or even Wukong if they wanted an active specter.

    • Like 5
  7. 15 minutes ago, (PS4)InkCN said:

    Phase 1: Turn the "rpg/shooter" into something unique

    This point isn't exactly relevant to argue anything, especially given the topic title. We all liked it, we all LIKE it.

    16 minutes ago, (PS4)InkCN said:

    Phase 2: Bring purpose to the "looter"

    Everything you do or collect will turn out useful in your progression sooner or later. Nothing is actually useless in the game.

    Tell that to the ammo drums, Sure Shots, and so on, useless mods that haven't been buffed after years, which even new players begin to understand how useless they actually are mechanically.

    Or the millions of resources that have no use, especially when you own a clan and all research is done, because there is not much content that helps keep clans alive either.

    18 minutes ago, (PS4)InkCN said:

    Phase 3: Draw attention away from the grind to break the "repetitive" loop

    Trying this only gets you so far, and yet, I'm still trying to see what your point exactly is.


    18 minutes ago, (PS4)InkCN said:

    Phase 4: The veteran dilemma

    You call it hating as if we hated the game. I'm sorry to burst your bubble, we don't. We don't hate the game, being critic with a game doesn't by any means imply there's hate, some of us just don't like how things are being handled, and that's pretty much it.


    20 minutes ago, (PS4)InkCN said:

    Phase 5: The solution

    This gives nothing new either, that's the first thing a lot of people resort to.

    Frankly, the points given here are just assumptions with a very obvious answer, and then you finish it with a "nobody is in the wrong", which is not realistic.

    Check the game activity from "big" updates, then check the three months afterwards, you'll see what's going on, it's certainly not just us, it's certainly not hating the game, it's the fact that people don't stick around for long enough because you can breeze through content like it's nothing.

    And no, it doesn't take countless of hours every day to do this. Most nightwave acts can be done in less than 2 hours. Leveling a warframe, with your buddy: 3 minutes easily. Leveling and formaing a weapon? Less than 30 minutes. Then what's left? Nothing, no incentive to play at all until we get new content (that sadly, we'll breeze through in less than a month), and content, as you said, is taking longer and longer times, which is making even content creators either take a break or straight up leave.

    A game should avoid living off activity spikes.

    • Like 9
  8. Well, the way I see this is as follows:

    • Do I think his kit could've been made better? Absolutely, I'd argue his 1 and 3 could be put together, that on itself is a huge bonus and enables for yet another ability. Maybe make him spawn mouths from the ground that will heal nearby allies in a very short radius, or a longer radius but a target cap (although Rhino Stomp exists).
    • Is his kit offensive, damaging stereotype wise? I don't think so, not at all. His kit really reminds you of basically Kirby in warframe combined with a Rathuum roller, which I think is great but LOOKS lackluster, I'm not complaining either way, it's creative and something new.
    • Eating isn't exactly a stereotype of fat people, it's a fact. Those that cannot avoid getting fatter are actually a minority in the group, most CAN and SHOULD avoid reaching overweight or obesity. I think you're taking this too personally, and it's just a videogame character and people being people, because you cannot avoid someone making jokes, especially on the internet. Remember: Offense is taken, not given.
    14 minutes ago, Circle_of_Psi said:

    Am I the only person who has noticed that the effects of his 1st looks like "I don't feel good Mr.Stark"

    There's a dwarf Thanos with an infinity gauntlet inside his belly.

    8 minutes ago, TaurusDeRoma said:

    His signature melee weapon better have a decent bonus when he uses it.

    I'd honestly love to see either a blast radius increase, or a throw mechanic that would consume enemies on kill, making the melee stronger.

  9. After reading the entire post, while I may not agree with every single point, I do agree on something for sure, as many will here.

    1 minute ago, Andrax17 said:

    Honestly, this redtext felt so hostile towards the players who have problem with how unrewarding Dog Days is and how much you have to grind it for the rewards.

    It was hostile enough that it felt insulting. It doesn't take exploiting something to question whether there's content or not. If there was content, there'd be no need for this event, I'm pretty sure of this.

  10. Enemies have a hard time searching when there's no aggro that attracts them, invis does exactly that.

    It seems empty, and the truth is the mobs are "confused" all over the mission, that's why it looks empty.

    In the end, you could even call invisibility an exploit at this point, cause that's how broken some mechanics are at the moment.

  11. 3 minutes ago, Aerinx said:

    I just did a fast check on simul, the buff does not even show up normally when you change to operator, it dissapears from the buff bar, so yeah... exploit.

    I've just told you that I had someone test if the damage was affected. I cannot tell if you're trolling at this point or are too focused on calling everything a exploit.

    That someone was @rngd444, which I thank for the test. Furthermore there was also @--Q--DrJaska, who confirmed no damage increases either.

  12. 8 minutes ago, Aerinx said:

    Why would I do that? Who are you for me to go out of my way and do so? Go to the video and look for yourself, you can see the buff on the screen.

    Argon scope shows up with Artemis bow, does it apply? No.

    Edit: I've just had a wiki moderator test whether it works or not, since I do not discard that you might be right. Turns out it does not work, as expected.

    • Like 1
  13. 1 minute ago, Aerinx said:

    Check the wiki, I know what damage they do, but they are supposed to not be affected by any mod or damage buff... precisely because they do %health damage, meaning infinite scaling... except they are by weapon swap, looks like a bug that's being exploited to me... there are more things going on, but I'd rather not say at this point of time because I am not that familiar with those, but looking at the wiki I see at least one more flaring thing going on. I really doubt vigorous swap is meant to work with anything other than primary and secondary weapons, let alone anything in operator. Hell, it does not even work with melee weapons.

    Don't tell me to check the wiki, I know what the wiki says already.

    I'm asking you to provide evidence about it, not tell me about a wiki.

  14. 1 hour ago, Aerinx said:

    lol, they still used exploits, I saw the video, lockdown mines are supposed to not be affected by any damage increases and they were

    Can you back up that claim or did you simply not realize that lockdown deals % based damage? Cause it's very easy to accuse but not as easy to provide evidence.

  15. 1 minute ago, (PS4)Taishin_Ishu said:

    BINGO!  Why don't people get this?  

    See, when I was a kid...if I picked up a game I didn't like, I just stopped playing it and played other stuff till I found something I DID like.

    I didn't demand the devs change the game to accommodate my tastes...I found the games that already did that.  These "players" have it all backwards!

    They are talking about exclusives but I don't see them requesting things like Tethra's Doom brought back. Not to mention they have WEEKS to reach max rank, and you don't need all the weekly challenges to reach it.

    My only concern about this system is the downtime we are getting until season 2, it's actually a horrible approach for anyone that would want alt helmets, auras, etc.

    • Like 1
  16. They are making the tasks easier and not as "pressuring", yet people still complain.

    It's like you people don't like playing Warframe, why are you here then? We get something to do, a weekly path on things to do during droughts and now that's stressful? Don't be such a joke, please, this is not remotely close to a job and you have plenty of time to do it (or not do it).

    You can play normally and still get the majority of the challenges done. I've ranked up 8 tiers after reaching rank 30 from JUST FARMING KUVA SIPHONS.

  17. Kraken is the only weapon you need in this game, this phallic-shaped warmachine will kill anything, no matter the level, no matter the conditions, forma it 100 times to unlock its true power, afterwards you'll be unstoppable.

  18. MY VIEW
    As things stand, Nyx's current tweaks, in my opinion of course, are just like Vauban's: While she was given something, it just does not feel enough, to the point where I question myself if these tweaks are actually worth investing into, because overall they feel mediocre. Personally I have not changed my build for her at all, it's still the same exact build as it was before tweaks (classic max range, some duration, efficiency and assimilate), and I'll list the reasoning why:

    • Mind Control: The addition was definitely nice, it does not rely on strength so that is a positive if you build her for her "classic" setup.
    • Psychic Bolts: Here's when things get a little disappointing in my opinion. While the debuff is absolutely nice, it is capped to only 6 Bolts, unaffected by strength and you cannot recast the ability without having to charge it. Charge mechanics for themselves are really slow for a game like warframe, and the ability's cap really makes you wonder.

    Why would I bother with this ability? It's capped and I could use things like Corrosive Projection instead. What's the point of capping a debuffer that is not exactly strong, it's just resistances removal!

    • Chaos: While I am not sure if this change was intended, it's nice that now Chaos stuns enemies on recast, really adds a small, nice layer of hard CC for a brief moment, after which the soft CC of Chaos begins. No complaints for this ability, as usual.
    • Absorb: It's a nice tanking ability, that's for sure, but it has two major issues. Firstly, at relevant levels where you would mostly rely on this as your survivability (alongside parkour, of course), enemies chew through your energy pool because of their scaled damage, and because for some reason it's still set so it drains per damage absorbed. There's also the fact that the damage buff lasts for too little at base and on top of it, is additive damage instead of being multiplicative, which for the damage amounts it requires to be somewhat "relevant", is overall really bad for her kit.


    • Mind Control: The ability should remain as is, but I would tweak it with one simple addition.
      • Our mind controlled unit absorbs all the damage it receives and takes it all when the ability runs out or is deactivated, based on this I have a suggestion to make the ability overall better, even give Nyx some form of actual damage: Make the unit explode in a 15 meter radius if the damage it absorbed is high enough to kill it upon deactivation, releasing all that damage in aoe if such a thing happened.
    • Psychic Bolts: Remove the target cap, at least for the ability itself. While I can understand a cap for this ability if one uses its augment, which is somewhat strong if spammed, this ability innately has no point in needing a cap. There's nothing powerful in removing enemy armor, we do that on a daily basis by stacking auras or using high proc rate, corrosive weapons, it just makes the ability pointless as a debuffer, which is ironic.
    • Chaos: I do not think there's much room for improvement on this ability, it's great as is. I have a small suggestion however: Make enemies affected by Chaos take double the damage.
    • Absorb: Remove the drain per damage, or at least make the damage buff be multiplicative and last for at least 16 seconds. I also have this small idea which could make things interesting: Enemies affected by absorb's knockdown radius will be mind controlled for a quarter of the Mind Control duration (with a total cap of 5 enemies) and will have the same interaction was the regular enemy. In order to detonate these enemies, charge 1 or wait for the duration to run out.
  19. I have a question, why are you modding it for "true" damage? Why no elements?

    True damage ignores resistances, but Tombfinger does not even have slash damage to proc this.

    By the way, that image is broken.

  20. 45 minutes ago, (XB1)GearsMatrix301 said:

    Max strength, 12 charges. Not enough.


    I can guarantee you are not using max strength. My build runs 267%, not even max and it's already at this point:


    46 minutes ago, (XB1)GearsMatrix301 said:

    What is this claim that Reave can one shot things? Level ones maybe but that’s it.

     Just watched a video, that’s not one shotting. That’s charging through enemies multiple times in one go in the simulacrum, which is very flimsy evidence.

    Instead of bringing points out of pure ignorance, you should actually do your research. Going back to the picture I just posted, those drains are the total for an enthralled enemy, meaning they will get one shot if you cast reave on any enthralled enemy (free casts since you should be using enthrall on asleep mobs).


    47 minutes ago, (XB1)GearsMatrix301 said:

    Even if those damage pillars deal good damage, you’re relying on AI to position itself where you want it to go with out any way of commanding them. Actually you know what. I’d gladly take just the damage pillars over everything else Enthrall provides.

    I agree with this point, I'd prefer to see those pillars dealing actual damage, or have a more relevant form of CC than they currently deal.


    All I can say from the post I have just quoted is that I cannot tell if you're posting for the sake of it, as you seem to be full of ignorance on how the warframe works. But I guess that's more or less the path a lot of people love to take, calling something terrible without even testing it.

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