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Posts posted by Bloop

  1. Well, my main for quite a long time has been Excalibur, with a Radial Blind build and the so beautiful Sheev, I simply enjoy it.


    Apart from him, I have been enjoying a lot my Frost Prime, specially now that I have finally finished his build, mixing defense and a bit of Crowd Control (Ice Wave Impedance (Stats: Range: 181%, Str: 178%, Eff: 125% Dur: 99% /No Steel fiber nor survival mods). After playing it for a couple of weeks, I can assure a Slow Nova is not needed at all, nor a Trinity (as I combine the decent efficiency with Energy Overflow).

  2. -Helps low MR clanmates unlock planets and quests- I still wonder why does it matter so much... I mean, come on, does the fact that a low MR player has a Broken War kill you in a mission? Cannot they just be able to obtain a decent melee in the beginning? Did it hurt you at all? I am being serious, it is just a weapon, strong, but still a weapon. The funniest part is that some people complain about it in a cooperative mode, which, with all the respect, sounds ridicule.

    Thefe is a term for that mentality and I bet you have already guessed it. Have a nice day.

  3. 5 hours ago, Etan-gK said:


    you and everybody else


    but my question is: why would you want it? a low tier weapon that deals only radiation damage and has low crit and status chance, it's just mastery fodder, no matter how many you glue together

    Because some people enjoy to use what they like regardless they are "low tier" weapons?

  4. In my eyes the Dual Cleavers (Prisma ofc) outclass the Dual Kamas Prime, as they can be built for status or crits, they have also their Justice effect, thus end up performing like beasts in higher levels.

    I mean, 25% crit chance and 25% status, with a 3.0x multiplier... Like you could completely forget about crit chance and multiplier with blood rush and body count and add dual stat elementals for a solid 55-70% status chance.

  5. My favourite warframe is Volt Prime, his durability along with his powers fit perfectly if I want to play with guns. Though I wish his abilities synergized better.

    My second is Nova, gotta love the CC along with those nukes from AD and her worm hole.

    Honorable mention to Oberon because his abilities simply provide everything, small CC, healing, damage.

  6. First, the elements are not the same, Blast is Ice + Fire so there you have a combination, electricity is just one element.

    When it comes to the procs (I assume that is what you want to compare) I would say both are equally good, though Blast is more of AoE and electric is more focused on less enemies, just stunning them.

    I prefer electricity over blast in terms of procs for this, it lets me aim for headshots or any other part without worrying to miss, while the knockdown from blast is kind of disturbing imo.

  7. There already is an option to disable it...

    Check the picture of the Detron while aiming please, that is what I meant. Giving an option to see your warframe while aiming, much as with the Grinlok (at least it would feel like that but with the features of snipers).

    And once again this would be a separate option (having a yes, a no and this alternative).

    And I know I could run with the Grinlok, the Latron, etc. But that is not the point.

    I am loving snipers, yet being unable to see my warframe makes me not feel comfortable, thus I end up being way slower when aiming just due to this (consider it ridiculous) fact.

  8. Because I cannot use Bladed rounds without issue in any crit build, right?

    Soma: Damage mods, crit mods, Bladed Rounds and two elementals.

    Rakta Cernos: Damage mods, crit mods, Bladed Rounds and two elementals.

    I could list them all but I would get tired, furthermore if it does not fit your playstyle then it is your problem.

    And just to finish, if mandatory mods got removed, you would have one extra slot, and guess what, BAM, you can place it in your builds.

    A small note, bows have innate punch through as it has been stated, and I am guessing you aim right to the body, I do not know about you but I can kill more than 4 enemies with the same arrow if they come in a straight line.

    You should chill before posting, you seem sort of salty...

  9. Stop right there.

    Why Reflex Coil of all mods?

    Yur Elemental Damage overall is weak as well.

    The build should be

    Jagged Edge + Fever Strike + Shocking Touch + Lifestrike + Spoiled Strike + Pressure Point + (Fury / Berserker) + Focus Energy

    With an unranked Life Strike and those two efficiency mods: 2 energy per hit, cheap as hell (I use them in my Jaw Sword).
  10. I apologize if this is not the correct section for it.

    So, by enabling this option, you get rid of any kind of ''decoration'' for your sniper scope, yet you can see in some cases your warframe (cloaking, activating abilities, etc.): http://prntscr.com/9ym7p3


    So, my suggestion is: Could there be an option so when you disable this scope you can select between two options? Like, the first option could be being able to see your warframe when aiming, as with any other gun: http://i.imgur.com/jPTnNt7.jpg


    And the other option could be, by disabling the scope, you would only see the dot, as it is meant to be right now, besides those small animation glitches.


    Thoughts on this?

  11. Besides the mechanic being interesting, I would not mind seeing it changed, for some users it can be annoying indeed, and maybe an option for an alternative fire that shoots both bullets at the same time would give the weapon more diversity.

    As for your question, the best way is to press reload after a shot while holding the fire button, but you will spend 1.5 seconds in the proccess.

  12. Sorry but I stopped reading after I saw you do not bother trying to recruit for a sortie in the recruiting channel.

    If you find "noobs" it is your problem for the statement above.

    If you find "noobs" you simply deal with it for doing public, after all, it was your choice to take that way.

    So, instead of killing braincells with that attitude, go and look for a squad and dont cry nor point your fingers at others (in this case newbies) because of your own bullS#&$. Remember, we have all started the same way, we all were "noobs", so do not come here like "wow Im so beast so pruh MLG amg u so nub" etc etc etc.

    Have a nice day, sweetie.

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