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Posts posted by (PSN)excat_56

  1. I want to remove someone from my Warframe Friends list but keep them on my PSN list. Only these cannot be removed at the moment.... seeing I have some PSN friends that no longer play Warframe but other games...

    This would be really nice. Example (for those that didn't understand what he meant) - I have 90ish PSN friend, but only 2 dozen actively play, now another 3 dozen or so of them have played at some point in the past, 500+ days ago. It would be nice to not have to see the players that are probably never coming back to Warframe on our in game friend list.


  2. **Just to update...still no update. My support ticket shows no activity. Sigh...**



    **Edit: Biggest disappointment is all the sorties I can't do, and they are supposed to be releasing the holiday plat items soon. I don't really want to do anything with my account since I don't know how it works on their back end on seeing the history of my account. **

  3. Well- people started working again at DE so your ticket can be answered now. It's only a matter of time.


    Best of luck to you. If you get your stuff back i would appreciate an update on the situation though.

    I am also really interested about what happened to the people responsible.



    Thanks. I'll keep the thread updated when I hear something. It would be nice if they could track the ip number down and ban the account ip number all together.


    My clan mates keep saying they want all the stuff associated to that account liquidated to me for pain and suffering, lol.  


    Also, another update, did full virus,spyware,malware scan on my pc and phone, came up with nodda :/ 


    (Thinking out loud here)...The weird thing about it is I never got a "i forgot my password e-mail" or anything like that, so that person knew my password or know a way to bypass a password all together. I don't have guessable passwords either, all contain special characters, numbers, and letters..... 

  4. It is for this reason that I don't like having to use my PSN credentials to log into this site. They should change that somehow.



    Today is a good reason of why I don't like using my PSN id to have to log in....with PSN being down right now (sigh...again), I can't even log into the support side of Warframe to see if my ticket has been looked at. I understand the convenience of it though too. 


    More and more games are moving over to using your PSN sign in info too...

  5. Balls. Well, think of it as a fresh start! Move to PC! Build up again! Have more exciting adventures! Out of curiosity though, what were you left with?

    Unranked excal, Unranked twin viper, Unranked tipedo.

    Already have a pc account, too. Im too old these days to use a keyboard to game with, and I don't like to use an Xbox controller either, so I stick to consoles for anything more than a basic clicking game.

  6. It's funny, all the games I have for ps4, and this little 'ol free to play game is #1 on the list for me that I play. This has made me not want to play anything at all. Blah.

    Happy New Year everyone! Hope you continue to have, or had, a great celebration!

  7. Here's the gist, DE wants to make a new migration period happen from PC to Console, they maybe maybe maybe want it early or soon in 2016. Maybe


    Once you migrate to any consoles 


    You cannot turn back, please remember, you cannot turn back to PC, the account is permanently moved to consoles and you cannot use the same account on PC and there will never ever be a Console to PC movement.

    That's what I thought I had read before. Ok, I'm not crazy.

  8. I sure hope Support can fix this for you and make everything go back to normal. I can't imagine being hacked and losing everything. I wonder what kind of person would do that.

    It'd weird this was out of the blue, did anything unusual happen before this?

    Nothing that sticks out to me. Last night was a normal night hanging out with the clan guys, got off to head to bed for work today, and woke up and this had happened.

    If they can't get it back, I'll hand my clan ownership over and stop playing. All my event mods, maxed prime mods, maxed regular mods, etc., all gone. I have too much time and money into the game to restart. I'm at 60 days of play time in game. Not to mention everything I have that I just couldn't get anymore.

    They also sold all my prime parts, etc. Everything that was sellable this person sold.

  9. You need to do more than contact DE, you need to contact your bank.


    If you were hit with a virus / key stroke logger etc then you need to do a complete virus check, and ensure your online transactions werent also comprimised.  



    First thing I did this morning was open my bank account, lol. Then I had Sony check to make sure there were no purchases on the account during the time period I didn't have access to my account. That was first priority while I was talking to someone that knew the situation going on. I really didn't want to have to call back at a later date to dispute anything, probably would have been MUCH harder to do. 

  10. they will likely start working the 2nd or 3rd, 



    ((Also your warframe email should still be the same (you need to send a ticket to change it), so you wont need to ever check the support site ;) ))


    idk if it's the same for ps4 though



    Yeah, we (or I) don't get notified for some reason if they reply to a support ticket, so I have to constantly check. :\

  11. Contact Digital Extremes Support ASAP with a Support Ticket. And I mean AS SOON AS POSSIBLE. While the account logs are still fresh.


    Take screenshots of the e-mails detailing the unauthorized changes to your PSN account and send them in with the support ticket. With any luck, your Warframe account can be rolled back and the IP(s) of whoever accessed your account nuked from orbit (and any Warframe accounts your items or platinum were sent to nuked as well).



    That would be very nice, thanks Letter. I submitted already, Do you know if they are working today or the weekend, or are they all off until after New Years? It's no big deal either way, I just don't want to be checking the support thing every hour on the hour if I know they are out until next week, lol. 

  12. Platinum I understand, but built warframes and weapons? Wow there is a special kind of a**hole out there.



    Amen to that. 


    I can't even think of anyone I've pissed off recently either. I could understand if I went out of my way to be an a*hole to someone, but I go out of my way to help people, that's all I pretty much do these days in Warframe....

  13. Sorry bro, I can feel your sadness, All the work done for years to go in just 1 day ... I wish you best luck to get a valid help from De and yo punish that son of ....... btw how that was even possible? Do you told your info to someone?



    Nope, never given my sign in stuff to anyone. I'm the sole person with the password (my wife doesn't even know it ;) ) 

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