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Posts posted by (PSN)reddragonhrcro

  1. 2 hours ago, (PS4)robotwars7 said:

    players: "we want Empyrean, come on DE!"

    DE: "SoonTM  ... in the meantime, here's a fat Warframe, the kingpin system we promised for ages and a bunch of reworks that you'll either love or absolutely hate..

    Players: "you had us at Fat Warframe... TAKE MY MONEY!"

    in all seriousness, I think that they should look at the Lich System first, given how many complaints I've seen about that. Empyrean is gonna have some problems no matter what, but I'd rather they take the time to get it as right as they can.

    Exactly, the system is there, it just needs adjustments. Like: make larvlings only killable with parazon to obtain a lich as somebody suggested, reduce one of the RNG aspects as there's too much RNG, more murmur gain or other ways to obtain it like special missions, better reward drops, a weapon is nice(and ephemeras which are random) but if Kuva Liches are meant to be long time content(not rushed and killed within a single day as is) and the liches are meant to grow with us then rewards need to be better aswell, like add in Kuva resource and something else, idk.

    I know that some of this stuff may be demanding but the system will be updated over time and new stuff will come for as we know.

    Also as somebody pointed out, it's odd that the Liches are portrayed as immortals that come back from death with only the first time we kill them as a larvling being the case. Weren't we supposed to still kill them even with the wrong mod combo but them coming back because of the kuva? They talk as if we killed them time and time again when it's not the case. While the counter system is cool it doesn't exactly fit in the narrative very well, maybe move it around and make it a finisher move for the liches that they use on you when you are really low on health?


    Oh yeah another thing, since people mentioned that they would want to get rid of duplicate weapons then maybe they could implement a system where we can turn them in for something like standing or certain resources or what not(maybe Riven Sliver?). Place it in Iron Wake to get more use out of it.

  2. I disagree, as a vet I'm looking forward for the Kuva Lich system, but it surely does need adjustments. On melee I can't talk since I would have to experience it first-hand to have a say but considering it was nerfing meta stuff and buffing other stuff from what it seems I'm not bothered by it much since I never cared about the meta builds to enjoy the game.

    The update has it's problems but I do feel that people are overreacting with the whole "worst update ever" thing and all.

  3. While I wasn't able to experience the update I did observe it. Only will talk about the Kuva Liches, other content I would have to experience myself to form solid feedback on it.

    Before I start it needs to be noted that the Kuva Liches are meant to be content that's played for a long time rather than rushed as some are already doing.

    First thing is that there's too much RNG tied to this whole system so it surely would be of benefit to reduce it in some aspect of it. The Murmur feel like an extreme grind so they need to be adjusted in some way as they become stale and boring really fast so that a lot of people instead resort to trying to brute-force the combination.

    For us forming a relationship with the lich it is rather minimal as it is, we create them, only see communication popups in occupied nodes and eventually the fight itself where they die or defeat you. Stuff like them trying to invade our mission like an assassin randomly or even sending death squads like syndicates do would make it a bit more interesting. Maybe even specific missions as somebody said, like recovering stolen goods from their ship, or some form of investigation missions. Something that makes us interact more with the lich.

    And considering that it's meant to be something that's meant to be played for a while the rewards should be a bit better, while the kuva weapons are nice the problem is that once players have them all there will be little reason to play this even with different variations and stats for a lot of people. Maybe something like the kuva resource and other stuff would be a good reason to keep it interesting for players. Something that makes it a bit more worth the while.


    I understand that this is only the first form of this system and that it will be expanded with new weapons, lich variations, abilities and so on but it's in need of some adjustments.

    Was looking forward to this system since it's initial reveal as the kingpin system all that time ago.

  4. 42 minutes ago, Formous said:

    Why do I get the sense that recruiting a Lich is also with railjack's crew system in mind? Actually..that is a fun thought.  Seeing your Lichs repel boarders. 


    If DE took my suggestion on board and gave them voice lines aplenty, it will give our crew some personality.

    That would be pretty cool. We'll see.

    20 minutes ago, DoomFruit said:

    I'm recruiting them all anyway. 1: monster infighting is the best thing ever, 2: it's the Steel Meridian way.

    Saving up rep on most syndicates so that I can get syndicate members right away when Empyrean goes live.

  5. 5 hours ago, Melanholic7 said:

    dumbest argument ever. Developers are working exactly for finding the way to motivate players stay in game and play. Any developer. Thats why games have their rewards and etc. So, intermissions COULD easily give rewards for everyone and not only new players - but DE failed it a bit. Thats not OK, but its easy fixeable, even now. 

    PS and you would be the worst developer with this mindset 😛


    “-hey, developer, we, players, are unhappy with XXX. Balance this please, thats just unfair.”

    “no, dislike my game - leave it”.

    *players leave game* 

    Developer : “pikachu wut face” 


    Exactly however Nightwave in general has the opposite effect on a lot of people because of it's Battle-Pass format. People are playing it less and less exactly because it's trying to push them to play it. That's it's main flaw because it's a pace breaker, prior to NW you could play the game how you saw fit at your own pace, but now with NW that's not possible, making people burnout much faster and therefore playing the game less and less.

    They need to find a better solution to this.

  6. 15 minutes ago, trst said:

    You say "waste" as if the exclusives were the only rewards and that anyone who got them hasn't had access to them the entire time up until they're obtainable from this intermission.

    Which again is that exact same situation as every other reward this game has had.

    Also Nightwave isn't perfect but it sure is a Hek of a lot better than Alerts were.

    No I say waste because I consider the format of Nightwave that you have to spend couple of months to get a few useful rewards out of it wasteful because of how much time you have to waste on it.

    Knew right from the start that something like this would happen and I don't really care, if anything it gives me reason not to touch Nightwave.

    No it most certainly isn't perfect, Alerts weren't great either but that doesn't excuse one bad system for another. We need something better than both.

  7. 5 minutes ago, trst said:

    Oh wow something that wasn't actually exclusive and became easier to obtain over time?

    Aw man it's almost like we've seen this before with like iunno literally every single reward we've ever had.

    While that's true majority of them you didn't have to waste like couple of months to obtain them so sort of understand it.

    But then again Nightwave isn't a great system to begin with anyway.

  8. Have to say that I'm a bit surprised with Kuva Liches coming before it, but only a bit.

    Afterall this system has been in works for a long time, possibly back around PoE if not earlier.

    Either way it's a win-win situation for me since I've been looking forward to both.

    • Like 1
  9. It's good to know in what way Empyrean will be released, however the question remains when will the first part release. We are already in October and we know there's a mainline coming this month. Will it come with it or will it come with a mainline after it.

    Other than that it was nice to see more of the Kuva Lich, been looking forward to the kingpin system since it's first reveal way long ago.

  10. 1 hour ago, Kai_Zokai said:

    Since there will be npcs in the railjack, maybe this will follow if the system is good and players like it.

    Yeah I hope so, been waiting so long for NPCs to get added to the dojo, even set up shops and all. I really hope that we get access to lots of NPC models, from allies to enemies, even customization options(well color options for start but later on armor, syandanas and accessories if not possible right away) So that aside of existing NPCs we can make custom NPC characters.

  11. 31 minutes ago, (PS4)guzmantt1977 said:

    You farming for haha's? 


    The OP didn't talk about any specific cases.

    They didn't raise any actual points or give actual examples of the problems they claim cannot be taken as signs of burnout. 

    They just made a metacomplaint about not liking the responses some complaints get. 

    No but you seem to be considering your responses, what the hell are you talking about.

    I just gave an answer that relates to what the OP was saying and then you come in talking about something else that has little to do with my answer whatsoever.

  12. 2 hours ago, (PS4)guzmantt1977 said:

    Haven't you noticed people using what you just claimed to shut down any valid suggestions that taking a break may be beneficial, despite them not having any valid complaints that aren't directly pointing to symptoms of self inflicted burnout? 

    That stands but was talking about that specific case that OP brought up, just because it seems one way it doesn't exclude other possibilities.

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