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Posts posted by (PSN)JiggaJazz

  1. They said they would remove the range and even though we do not have update 17.4.2 we have had the nerf to volt since ps4's last major update so they REALLY wanted to remove it entirely for the time being.

    I spoke to Steve a while back and he told me they purposely turned off punch through in order to prevent infinite dmg. Well now punch through will actually work through the shield but you get no dmg buffs so they REALLY need to fix this.

    I'm guessing Volt's Electric Shield was originally programmed for infinite dmg with punch through on purpose as back then DE didn't care how much dmg was dealt to enemies since they only scaled so high anyway. Now they can't seem to find a way to get rid of this.

    Not to mention electric Jesus still happens with overload and that's annoying as hell

  2. It was fixed in 17.4.2. So expect a fix soon™.

    Are you on drugs? Were way past that update. You're on ps4 also which makes it even more hard to believe.

    The only dmg buff electric shield gives is the electric bonus ONLY when shooting an object. So it is only working against nullifier bubbles ATM basically.

    Ninja nerf was happened, also the Loki invisible damage multiplicator was nerfed too & moved to the acarne trickery stealth melee damge multiplicator.

    It's definitely a bug.

  3. In high level missions there are only two real points where a player is vulnerable (we're going with excessive stuff of course); when CC is down / DR wears off, or when they lose control of their character due to enemy CC. While Handspring is a common choice, there comes a point where its ability to allow one to stand more swiftly is invalidated by the raw damage pumped out by foes, meaning the damage incurred by the knockdown would be nearly or totally fatal in and of itself. Natural Talent however means that control loss (incurred by the casting animation) is reduced, as is the "window of time" where foes can break through if CC or your DR is down, effectively alloting players with more overall survivability during extreme scenarios.

    Outside of those excessive levels and more within "normal" play Natural Talent still provides a hard and unconditional benefit to a player. While many do use Handspring, it only matters when a player fails to evade a knockdown, otherwise providing no usability nor benefit. Rush is of course a solid choice as well, however a majority of players aren't apt enough to properly run and gun to make use of this mod in a fight, only allowing it to assist them in fleeing or rushing. The two standard Parkour mods like Mobilize and Patagium are interesting choices as well, but again most players don't make apt use of these abilities during combat enough to warrant their choice for the Exilus slot. Lastly the elemental Parkour mods being too much of a cost drain and investment for most players to even bother considering.

    As is always the case with games like this, once something is known to be "meta" it'll become what folks assume is the "only choice" and thus lead to over-use. Natural Talent is a low cost mod (9) which also provides a hard benefit strictly to frame ability casting which isn't conditional. It's a mod which absolutely allows one to preform better in combat in what is an entirely direct manner, something to which the other Exilus mods cannot attest to as of now. Their usability in combat is indirect at best, if present at all.

    Of course just like I noted in that pose before, I'm not sitting here trying to say I'm right or any nonsense like that. All this is, is my take on the matter at hand. If we had more of a variety among choices of potent Exilus mods I really wouldn't see an issue. But as it stands the pool is too small to allow a strong outlier like Natural Talent to be included.


    As far as what frames I'd slot NT on were it an Exilus mod? Again do note this is a personal listing and nothing more, not a single thing below is trying to be passed off as some fact;

    • Limbo - I already slot NT in one of my Limbo builds as is. With this change I could justify always slotting it and in turn open up another mod slot.
    • Loki - His base Sprint Speed is enough, and shortening the window one has to be visible can be of use. Additionally Decoy isn't a one-handed cast so speeding it up is great, and Radial Disarm is ground-locked, so shortening it down too is a great boon to the frame.
    • Mesa - Her 1 should honestly become a one-handed cast but NT would suffice. Additonally it reduces the vulnerability felt between casts of her 2 and 3, a hard increase to her survivability. A no-brainer winning choice on her for me.
    • Hydroid - I won't pretend I use the frame often, but making his 1 more readily stackable and shortening the lengthy cast on his 4 is solid, better than the other Exilus choices for sure.
    • Banshee - Being able to more swiftly fire upon foes downed by her 1 along with incurring less downtime when casting 2 and 3 would be a boon to the frame, moreso than the other Exilus choices.
    • Nekros - I don't even need to explain this one.
    • Trinity - Her 1, 2, and 3 are all "ground-locked" in terms of casting limitations, as well as being medium in speed. Cutting that speed down increases her general capabilities in a worthwhile manner, number one choice for me if it were Exilus.
    • Ember - I straight up never use Ember, but I don't see a real positive to the other Exilus mods for her. Shortening the downtime after a quick 2 would always be welcome.
    • Volt - Overload, the end.
    • Nova - Lessening the self-lowered mobility incurred by casting her 4, especially when doing a dive into a crowd, would be a hard gain for her. NT used without question.
    • Mirage - Prism's casting speed is abysmal, additionally none of her other three casts are one-handed. So reducing the downtime she's got when using abilities and the window between casts is a great benefit, moreso than the other choices for the Exilus slot.
    • Atlas - His 4 and 3 both feel rigid, making them snappier is a great gain. Beyond that he barely needs Handspring which eliminates the other main choice that most use.
    • Equinox - Making both variants of her 4, who have semi-long casting times, shorter is a straight gain. Getting that AoE field out sooner means you can get the stun faster on Maim which is always good.
    • Rhino - I... hate Rhino and never use him. However making his 2, 3, and 4 faster is by no means a bad thing.

    Wouldn't use it on Ash because I disdain Ash more than any other frame in existence. He doesn't deserve the best choice :p Warm coat for him, for all days.

    But that's just me of course, again by no means does any of this mean I'm in any way correct. This is purely my own stance on the Exilus slot issue. As a final note though; If Natural Talent weren't such a "winning choice" then why is it the only mod folks regularly ask be turned into an Exilus mod? Clearly the frequency of the suggestion and its backers speaks to it being a wanted choice for a fair few players. Food for thought if nothing else.

    Such a good post. I agree that knock down recovery at higher levels can seem pointless at times but I still believe it has its uses as I'm sure you can agree.

    Most of my frames use a maxed element jump mod as the utility is phenomenal and bullet jumping is amazing. But for some frames like volt, I use rush as it tremendously buffs his speed ability.

    Handspring is something I usually never use because a lot of my frames use constitution and even if they didn't I still use the element jump.

    I wanted to comment that while many believe enemy sense to be pointless due to animal instinct, animal instinct has sub par range and even so you can simply stack both for a great radar.

    The best exilus mods IMO right now are

    Element jumps



    Enemy Sense

    Honestly though the best of them all is without a doubt the element jumps and really I'm talking about electric and ice.

    Handspring seems overrated to me but I think it's only because most players don't play the kind of end game content that I enjoy playing to where knockdown recovery isn't as important.

    Some frames will require certain exilus mods in order to give you more synergy with your abilities (rush for Volt's speed or enemy sense for novas AMD)

    Really interesting topic here and I agree that nat tal cannot be an exilus mod as it would ruin what makes exilus mods exactly what DE wants them to be, which is lack of meta

  4. Meh while avenger is good it requires use of a bulky frame and even then it can be rather inconsistent. Avenger usually increases burst dps by about 6k while active and rage increases burst dps by about 2k.

    I've found rage to be active a lot for me but that's because I use automatic weapons and always aim for the head.

    I suppose you could make rage increase dmg on everything but even if they didn't rage is still amazing and acts like an 11th rank on serration when I'm using it.

  5. Isn't it obvious? When syndicates first came out hexis gave you t4s, steel gave t4d and I forget what suda gave but the fact that left wing gave you t4s and t4d was amazing for higher leveled players that weren't as concerned in obtaining the credit loving right wing that gave t4c and t4ext

  6. Wrong. You deal less damage. Going with a basic build (Serration, Split Chamber, Point Strike, Vital Sense, Charged Chamber, 3x 90% elemental [2x for VP due to depleted reload])

    The values are as following...


    Damage per trigger pull (non crit): 5868.29

    Damage per trigger pull (crit): 25820.49

    Average damage per trigger pull: 13727.61

    Burst DPS: 20591.42

    Sustained DPS: 8762.31 (not accounting for quicker manual reload, so in practice it's higher than this)

    Vectis Prime

    Damage per trigger pull (non crit): 5427.73

    Damage per trigger pull (crit): 23882.01

    Average damage per trigger pull: 12697.01

    Burst DPS: 19045.52

    Sustained DPS: 9961.04 (not accounting for quicker manual reload, so in practice it's higher than this)

    As you can see, it only beats regular Vectis in sustained DPS due to the reload buff from Depleted Reload. It loses a decent chunk of damage from abandoning a 3rd 90% elemental to fit Depleted Reload. That damage gap is even higher if one has Primed Chamber, but even without it it's still worse. Not to mention you'll have 1 elemental less meaning that you can't work with enemy resistances as effectively as with the regular Vectis.

    Ah I apologize, math does not lie - I must have miscalculated a while back when I attempted the calculations. If that's the case they should just buff Vectic Prime further, I'm sure they gave it 2 ammo per magazine in order to make players less inclined to feel they needed primed/charged Chamber.

    Again, my bad on that

  7. If we wanted give this passive to nova everyone would say lol no, why? Because nova is good.

    Why not make ember good to where she doesn't require such a powerful passive?

    If you did give her that passive, people still would rarely use her and it would do nothing for her abilities.

  8. Why don't you give us some suggestions then? It's true that as a passive it's pretty strong, but what of it? These are just ideas with numbers to go with them. These mechanics are pretty interesting and I would like for ember to have a way of taking a bit more damage, it is also a very interactive passive.

    I'm not an ember player but I shouldn't have to give you explanations as to why when its clear that a frame should just be good rather than require some dumb passive that makes you question all other passives in the game.

  9. Things DE likes to pretend aside, Volt is a terrible starter. He needs extensive mod work to reach any real potential. He doesn't even have any business being a starting frame. Ash or Oberon would be much better choices. Even Nyx.

    Once you get some considerable duration/efficiency on him, then he can do good work. He can cast a Speed that lasts long enough to benefit a team, he can use multiple shields to defend an objective/person, and his Shock Trooper augment is the easiest to land on allies (yes, even moving ones). His 4, like Mag's, could use some work.

    You can start as Volt, but he's no starter frame.

    Meta-wise volt requires decent duration (electric shield has AMAZING base duration) and a crit based weapon to actually do work.

    Due to electric shields elec dmg bonus and 2x crit multiplier volt is meant to use abusive crit weapons to literally shoot and kill all that stand in his way. He can't use abilities to make enemies dumb, blind, frozen, etc. So he requires super powerful guns.

    To put it into perspective though my syn gam while shooting in the head through electric shield deals over 100k burst and my Soma Prime deals about 50k burst. These numbers are honestly insane and if nova is in your party they get even crazier, but that's all he has. He used insane dmg to kill and the utility that his abilities has helps a lot and gives him some uses over simply using nova yourself.

    Volt needs more utility on speed, overload needs to feel like an ultimate and that's about it. But at the moment you either have a maxed volt with duration and crit based weapons or your volt is just garbage. He needs his other abilities to be more worth it.

  10. Lol I can't believe people are saying volt is weak to grinner. Yes the electric bonus from elec shield is -50% on alloy armor but you really think that makes volt not good against grineer?

    Volt is better against grineer than he is corpus. Corpus have so many ways to avoid electric shield while grineer have many straight on shooters that will sit there and attack electric shield as if they're hoping to somehow break it.

    Just because electric shield has a dmg bonus against corpus does not mean he's good against corpus only. Lol so many tenno are so lost..

  11. Giving them a shield and then having that damage them just sounds way more annoying than simply damaging them.

    Plus, it's already useful for more than damage. It's an instant restore to ally shields.

    inb4 someone starts comparing it to blessing like a fool

    Maybe as an augment, but not as basic functionality.

    Math brother.

    As long as the amount of shield isn't a lot to the point where the dmg is worth it, it can be really good.

    What you're saying makes no sense, because I'm giving open interpretation to the amount of shield given/dmg dealt.

    What if (theoretically) Mag gave 1 shield to all enemies and dealt 5000 dmg once broken. That would be really good.

    Obviously 1 shield given is a joke but giving enemies 200-300 shield is fine if the dmg scales well. As long as you deal more dmg in the right amount of time, it is worth it.

  12. You can always use that one mod that decreases ammo capacity and decreases reload time and even if you used that and had only 7 slots left you'd STILL deal more damage with Prime over regular vectis.

    I have no issues with this and in fact I think they made vectis Prime perfect. they made it 2 bullets per Mag whilst still being able to use a mod to drop it down to 1 if you have primed Chamber and charged Chamber.

    DE couldn't make another vectis that solely relied on primed/charged Chamber so they made vectis Prime viable with or without it. The only reason you're mad is because you have both the rare primed and charged chambers respectively. Can I blame you? No. But please don't rant about it because it seems like you never took the time to see just how great DE made vectis Prime so that you could actually use it with or without primed/charged Chamber.

  13. What if when Mag used shield Polarize against an enemy without shield it would give them a certain amount of shield and once completely depleted it would deal a certain amount of damage?

    Obviously the dmg dealt would have to scale pretty well to actually be worth giving enemies shields but if it did scale well it would be really worth it!

    Power str would affect the amount of shield given/amount of dmg dealt with the more power str decreasing shields given while increasing dmg.

    I've thought about this because I can't see any other way to make shield Polarize useful against other factions. Now I'm sure we'll see some people say "but Mag should only be for corpus" but I tell you, what other frame is designed for only ONE faction while also being good in void as well. That's only 2/4 factions!

    I know there are a lot of mag lovers and if my favorite frame was only good against half the enemies in Warframe I probably just wouldn't play.

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