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Posts posted by (PSN)JiggaJazz

  1. Serratiion

    Heavy Cal


    Split Chamber

    Fanged Fusilade

    3 dual stat mods (all except fire)

    Use corrosive and ice

    Fusilade is important because braton Prime has extremely high hidden dps that you won't find on a dps chart due to the slash procs. Fusilade helps to buff the dmg ticks of the slash procs which is incredibly important

  2. Trinity getting some attention from her Prime finally coming out? Better nerf Trinity.

    I don't want her nerfed, a nerf is to say she's made worse/weaker. Blessing should have less dmg reduction with longer duration, hell you could even make blessing the way it used to be if you made dmg reduction 75% as it would be much more practical to cast while still failing at a point to enemy scaling.

  3. Except that your not forced to do that... I've been a trinity main since I've began playing, and I've NEVER ran that build ever.

    As I stated in my op I've diverted from that build for the most part but for a while I did use it and I just don't believe you should be forced to use a self-explosive set for max potential. Duration should be increased while also making it more practical.

  4. That's pretty much asking for a new damage formula to be put in for the sake of a single element.

    The current armor-bypass mechanics (Puncture ignoring 50% of Ferrite and 15% of Alloy armor, Radiation ignoring 75% of Alloy armor, Finisher ignoring 100% of Ferrite and Alloy armor, etc) are fine.

    Changing the formula of such elementals from "All damage ignores a portion of armor" to "A portion of damage ignores all armor" will be a drastic damage boost in actual gameplay, meaning that it'll screw over what little build variety we currently have. Even more so if such a change only applied to certain elementals rather than all of them.

    Bite your tongue, these elements do NOT ignore armor! They increase your dmg by a certain percentage, these are 2 very, very different things..

  5. Appreciate the feed back guys

    @gur - I agree, maybe give a passive to Trinity that prevents slash proc, toxic proc and all side effect dmg (or whatever excuse to prevent self dmg)

    If you gave trin a passive that prevented slash and toxic procs as well as self dmg I think that'd be really fair. Trin could avoid the 2 most threatening procs while also being unable to abuse blessing.

    However this change would/should only be done if blessing was reworked.

  6. I think that Blessing is OK actually, maybe 99% is too much but you can die if you find 1 enemy and it hits you when you are doing that combo, and I think it is too possible, it's a fair trade-off IMO, I don't use that combo tbh, I like to use my melee so a Glaive is not an option to me :/

    Maybe a limit of 95% will not be that bad if they puts better duration (12-15 seconds?) but personally I love trinity in her actual state and I'm not really interested in any change.

    Trust me I love Trinity right now too so I'm not too sure how she should be changed, but I find being forced to use Glaive and blow yourself up for max and consistent potential is dumb.

    When I use Trinity I indeed use the Glaive build and I've just decided since Prime version came out to use a more casual build that doesn't require blessing all the time because the gameplay is SO STALE with max blessing trin and I find it odd that I must use my Warframe this way.

    ATM Glaive trin is almost like an exploit, as DE did not intend for us to blow ourselves up for such efficiency when casting blessing but guess what? Were tenno and we abuse in order to achieve the highest power possible and right now trin is super op herp derp if using Glaive build, still super op if using EV build, so basically always herp derp op but you have to try super hard with blessing build to utilize what your build is meant to do.

  7. Sooo you're saying this ability is bad because hysteria..

    Tell that to the valkyr mains that enjoy being able to take hits while gunning against lv 60-80 enemies because as much as some don't like to admit it we rate frame's viability based on super high content.

    Not all player using valkyr want to be stuck in hysteria all game, versatility is a thing and switching between gunning and an amazing melee that valkyr has IS FUN! 3000 ARMOR and gunning is fun, why make valkyr even more of a one trick pony? Man this post from op gets me mad, how do you want to centralize valkyr even further towards hysteria?

    "Oh no thus ability only gives me even more armor and lets me help hysteria slightly with melee speed if I need to (synergy) - this ability is bad"

    Please stop posting, how is such an ability "bad"?

  8. This is NOT a nerf Trinity thread. I am very curious to what people think of Trinity.

    At times she can be game breaking due to infinite energy and 99% dmg reduction all game if using Glaive Prime.

    I'm not going to make this long so I'll sum up my opinions and I want to state that these are my opinions and if I had the choice on my own I wouldn't even implement these ideas, I'm very curious to see what EVERYONE thinks.

    Blessing is the biggest controversial ability at the moment in my opinion. Blessing can give your entire team immortality if you use the Glaive Prime build. However this forces you to use Glaive and you're stuck recasting blessing every 30 seconds AT BEST and that's if you forgo fleeting expertise (most do anyway) and mostly importantly have the Arcane Aura Trinity Helmet on top of rank 10 Narrow-Minded and Primed Continuity.

    I think blessing should be changed in someway, to where max dmg reduction is lowered and duration is increased. At this point players that use Trinity for endless use max duration and blow themselves up all mission for the teams sake and while Trinity is the support Warframe she shouldn't have to reach max potential in terms of support by doing this.

    Well of life needs to be taken out entirely because blessing is too good (kinda op right now but should be changed a little) yet should be better to a degree where you actually don't need another healing ability. Well of life is just a waste with all the healing utility in the game.

    EV and Link are great and perfectly fine.

    Please tell me what you all think about Trinity. NOT what you think about the opinion I've given you, but what you truly think about Trinity and her ability to break the laws of the game.

  9. If you're serious..

    What's wrong about it? Frost is the ice Warframe after all, should the epitome of all that is ice not be able to completely freeze targets?

    I'm not sure if you haven't played in a while but Warframe has evolved to where all frames are becoming amazing rather than nerfing all frames.

    Mag rework is coming and after that volt and saryn reworks are coming

    Stop hating/wanting nerfs and instead demand for all Warframes to be amazing.

  10. It depends on the frame/if I'm using synoid or rakta/if another aura can benefit more

    I'm mastery rank 18 and for most of my time playing I was very, very stuck to siphon and had to have it on all my frames but now I enjoy the scavengers at times, CP, enemy radar,etc.

    The biggest issue is armor scaling and the need for CP, I'm honestly surprised this is a thread about siphon when its completely viable and not op and mostly helps when you're leveling frames and not as much when you're using a maxed load out.

  11. Not sure why people want to take one of the best CC frames and make her bulky. A Caster frame should be squishy, I do think 15 armor is outdated for most frames but it fits banshee quite well.

  12. Overload needs a desperate rework and here is my idea

    Make Overload togglable, and keep the Overload animation the same - As long as Overload is active the pulses will emit from Volt and is affected by range. Overload will be similar to Zephyr's Turbulence but rather than deflecting bullets it will prevent mostly melee units from coming into range.

    The cost, range, etc, can all remain the same, maybe reduce the range slightly to balance the ability.

    This would give Overload incredibly synergy with both Speed and Shocking Speed/Speed.

    "Well wouldn't Shocking Speed become obsolete?" You ask? Well the pulses of Overload will have an increased time in between each other, so that the pulses do not all happen at once in order to help truly stun all within the initial radius but whilst moving it will not be op as the pulses will be slow and you won't be able to immediately stun something that comes into close perimeter of you unless the pulse just so happens to emit.

    Time in-between pulses is arguable so I figure I won't bother posting my idea of the time because what truly matters is the concept.

    So basically..

    - Make Overload togglable

    - Overload is similar to Zephyr's Turbulence in which the entire area of affect is surrounded by Volt

    - Increase time between Overload pulses

    Possibly reduce range for balance

  13. yep and its one of the only guns that i have to bring a compliment weapon with me to deal with some enemies at the level of content i want to play at

    Same I love weapons that are amazing yet have some sort of drawback that requires a niche secondary.

    Sancti Tigris does not disappoint me, one of my favorite primaries thanks to that deadly sound it makes while firing.

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